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    List of Articles Mohiedin Ahrari Roudi

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    1 - Reconstruction of subsurface layers of sediments in the estuaries Parak and Shoor by using ground-penetrating radar
    Geotechnical Geology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2016
    The study area on the North West Coast of Oman Sea in Shoor and Parak estuaries is located within Near the Chabahar. Preparation outcrops GPR to produce and record all events take place at shallow depths below surface. The GPR and seismic profiles are in order to prepar More
    The study area on the North West Coast of Oman Sea in Shoor and Parak estuaries is located within Near the Chabahar. Preparation outcrops GPR to produce and record all events take place at shallow depths below surface. The GPR and seismic profiles are in order to prepare and investigate the effects of subsurface. Identification of shallow subsurface structures and thickness of the different is due to the contrast in electrical properties such as electrical conductivity. This is important objective of the study research that is done by GPR methods. In this study, the GPR profiles were taken with instrument of GPR-Mala Geoscience-3 Step charger. In order to calibration the seismic data with characteristics facies obtained by using handy coring instrument (Euger) was prepared involves two cores to lengths of 4.35 and 5 m. The data from these two methods are compared and was obtained the necessary conclusion. The study showed that the cores are composed of two sedimentary facies. The first facies set (Muddy facies) with brown color that the sedimentary environment is supratidal and the second facies set (Sandy facies) with gray color that specificities are related to depositional environment intertidal. Profiles of the Shoor estuary show up four different facies that they are consistent with the core sedimentary facies in the environment are supratidal that thickness of Subsurface layers increases from northeast toward the South West. Profile of the Parak estuary show up two different facies that they are consistent with the core sedimentary facies in the environment are supratidal that thickness of Subsurface layers does not changed from northeast toward the South West. Since, the profile GPR Numbers the 73 and 74 was nearer to the sea and influence the saltwater sea on GPR data. Thus, in Parak estuary and the effect of sea water on depth Penetration is more and detection of subsurface structures is weaker that has leading to the identification two layers of subsurface. In Shoor estuary (The profile GPR Numbers the71 and72), high distance from the sea and the effect of sea water on depth Penetration is less and detection of subsurface structures is stronger that has leading to the identification four layers of subsurface. On the other hand comparison of sediment cores and GPR profiles with curve changes in global sea levels show that during two-Interval time ( respectively 2100 to 2800 & 4900 to 5800 years ago) sedimentation rates was higher than average (0.1 mm per year). Finally, using GPR profile and cores, sea level changes in coastal environments can be revealed. These changes indicate that the two sedimentary cycles includes of a rise and fall sea level locally in the North West estuaries of Oman Sea in connection with the tectonic situation in the region. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Evaluation of stability and Marine Hazards Coastal zoning in southern province of Sistan and Baluchistan using GIS
    Geotechnical Geology , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2016
    The study area in the South East of Iran in geological zone Makran. The geographical location of the study area in orbit 25 degrees 13 minutes north latitude and 60 degrees to 25 degrees and 25 minutes and 35 minutes to the meridian of 60 degrees and 55 minutes east is More
    The study area in the South East of Iran in geological zone Makran. The geographical location of the study area in orbit 25 degrees 13 minutes north latitude and 60 degrees to 25 degrees and 25 minutes and 35 minutes to the meridian of 60 degrees and 55 minutes east is located.This area covers part of the northern coast of Oman Sea. In addition to marine risks, different risks of coastal Makransubduction zone, especially during faults, sea water and its harmful effects on coasts and ports affected are southern province and Sometimes destroys all obstacles on your own. In this study, using hydrological studies, tectonics, using satellite images and aerial photographs using GIS, mapping areas of high risk, low risk and safe to reduce marine and coastal hazards has been identified. One application for this research review Lifeline residential areas for relief is taken when necessary. For example, invasion routes tsunami, mud flows, floods, landslides and loss evelopment in the region, degradation of coastal, safe and risky areas on land and in the South East coast's topography is predicted. Accordingly, in the regions Lipar, Chabahar and tees, the destruction is high. Great sea beach resort area, park Taj Mahal (downhill), a beautiful city, town Golshahr spring and wave power, you must first gentle uphill and then downhill through the turns,With increasing wave height, the flood areas and all vital artery will be cut and damages multiplier.In the regions Ramin and brace with a positive slope (uphill), damages and injuriesless (low risk) will be. Free industrial and trade zone in Chabahar is one of the safe areas (Such as emergency rooms, hospitals, blood transfusion services, airports, fire departments) should all be transmitted vital artery to Safe areas. It is necessary, lines of communication and highways, to avoid traffic and appropriate relief work to be constructed in the event of coastal hazards. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Tourism potential and assessment of its environmental impact on the northern coasts of the Oman Sea, Iran
    Geotechnical Geology , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2018
    Today, tourism activities are as one of the most dynamic activities in the world. The number of foreign and domestic tourists and theirs income that is constantly increasing in the world. Tourism activities have different types that among them we can mention to the coas More
    Today, tourism activities are as one of the most dynamic activities in the world. The number of foreign and domestic tourists and theirs income that is constantly increasing in the world. Tourism activities have different types that among them we can mention to the coastal tourism. The concept of coastal tourism, the full range of tourism consists of recreational activities that occur in coastal areas of the oceanic water. In the southern coasts of Iran, various natural factors have come together to create structures and phenomena, natural and historical attractions which in turn display of beautiful natural attractions. Despite such potential positive impacts of tourism on the coast, not only negative but also have undesired effects but also originate from a lack of planning and management of coastal areas of the country. Summary, the results of the studies such as soil erosion, destruction of natural resources, destruction of coastal landscapes, waste accumulation and uncontrolled increase in construction, water and soil pollution, stagnation of agriculture and animal husbandry, death of plant and animal organisms, noise pollution, land use change and so on show that types of environmental pollution in the region, the main negative impacts on tourism. In this research, it has been tried to present ways of reducing harmful environmental effects and expressing the tourism characteristics of the studied area and the consequences of tourism. Manuscript profile

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    4 - بررسی زیست محیطی -رسوب شناسی مناطق ساحلی دریای مکران ایران (جنوب استان سیستان و بلوچستان)
    Geotechnical Geology , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2011
    در این پژوهش، مناطق ساحلی جنوب استان سیستان و بلوچستان مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. این مناطق در تجارت بین المللی، مدیریت سواحل و صنایع دریایی نقش قابل توجهی را دارند. شناخت زمین های مناسب جهت توسعه و ساخت سازه های دریایی مانند اسکله های سوخت گیری، صیادی، تجاری و بنادر ساحل More
    در این پژوهش، مناطق ساحلی جنوب استان سیستان و بلوچستان مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. این مناطق در تجارت بین المللی، مدیریت سواحل و صنایع دریایی نقش قابل توجهی را دارند. شناخت زمین های مناسب جهت توسعه و ساخت سازه های دریایی مانند اسکله های سوخت گیری، صیادی، تجاری و بنادر ساحلی و دور از آلودگی های زیست محیطی، بسیار حائز اهمیت است. در این پژوهش، روش تحقیق براساس مطالعات اسنادی و کتابخانه ای، صحرایی و عملیات پیمایشی، نمونه برداری از رسوبات ساحلی اعم از سطحی و عمقی بوده است. پس از تهیه مقاطع نازک، رسوبات منطقه بررسی و تیپ های مختلف رسوبی آن شناسایی شدند. با تلفیق اطلاعات به دست آمده، سواحل دارای پتانسیل ساخت و توسعه اسکله، بنادر ، محل های مناسب جهت سوخت گیری و محل های نامناسب، شناسایی شدند. در این تحقیق مشخص شد که عواملی مانند تغییرات سطح آب دریا ، فرایندهای تکتونیکی ، فرایندهای اقلیمی، فرایندهای هیدرولیکی بهویژه عمل جریان های جزر و مدی و نیز دخالت های انسانی و فعالیت های عمرانی در اسکله ها و مناطق ساحلی جنوب استان سیستان و بلوچستان، مهم ترین فرایندهای تخریبی و سازنده سواحل می باشند. همچنین مشخص شد سواحل پسرونده در خلیج های چابهار و پزم، شاخص یک ساحل پسرونده در زمان پیشروی دریا می باشند. سواحل دریای عمان پس از تحمل بالا آمدگی مداوم ناشی از نئوتکتونیک و زون فرورانش که در حال حاضر نیز ادامه دارد، در معرض دو گروه عوامل محیطی خشکی و دریایی قرار گرفته اند. البته عوامل زمین شناختی به عنوان عوامل اصلی محسوب می گردند. واحدهای سنگی، تحت تأثیر فرایندهای دگرسانی مانند انحلال، تجزیه و دگرسانی اجزاء سازنده، دچار فرسایش شدید شده و سواحل را در برابر هجوم، ضربه امواج و بارگذاری های موضعی بسیار آسیب پذیر نموده اند. در برخی نقاط مانند شرق رمین تا غرب پسابندر، این عوامل به تنهایی ریزش و جدایش توده های سنگی ساحلی و نهایتاً عقب نشینی آنها را موجب می شوند. در برخی نقاط ساحلی دیگر مانند دیواره های دریایی حد فاصل خلیج های پزم و چابهار و نیز گواتر، عوامل هیدرودینامیکی مانند اثر امواج و عوامل اقلیمی مانند بادهای مونسون و فرسایش بادی، به عنوان عوامل مکمل عوامل اصلی در فرسایش و عقب نشینی سواحل سنگی نقش داشته اند. Manuscript profile