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    List of Articles Ramin Taherkhani

  • Article

    1 - On the Adgectival Relationship between Tati and English Languages
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , Issue 5 , Year , Spring 2018
    In order to determine the adjectival relationship between Tati and English languages,a number of samples and sentences have been compared and contrasted. The results haveshown that in Tati, like English language, simple adjectives appear before nouns. Adjectivesending i More
    In order to determine the adjectival relationship between Tati and English languages,a number of samples and sentences have been compared and contrasted. The results haveshown that in Tati, like English language, simple adjectives appear before nouns. Adjectivesending in vowels /α , 􀝋̈, i, u / , show a change in their phonetic forms in Tati , however, theystill appear before nouns. Comparative adjectives are constructed in Tati by adding themorphemes / t æ r / at the end of the simple adjectives. But in English language, foradjectives with one syllable, we add the suffix "er" at the end of the simple adjectives and"than" for comparison. Having more than two syllables, adjectives take the word " more"before and "than" after them for comparison in English language. Superlatives in Tati areconstructed by adding the morphemes / ein / at the end of simple adjectives. Superlativesare also constructed in Tati by adding the term / h æ m i/ before comparative adjectives. Onthe other hand, in English language superlatives are constructed by adding Article " the " atthe beginning of one-syllable adjectives and suffix "est" at the end of them. More over,adjectives with more than one syllable take 'the most '' at the beginning of them . In the caseof superlatives in English language, we observe some irregularities such as good (simpleadjective), better (comparative) and the best (superlatives) . The findings in this studyreveal that unlike English language, superlatives never come before nouns in Tati. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    2 - Measuring Listening Strategies through Diary and Questionnaire
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , Issue 4 , Year , Winter 2017
    In order to determine the relationship between diary and questionnaire on measuring listeningstrategies, 25 students were selected. All the subjects who were the researchers’ ownstudents, study English as a second language. They wrote diaries about their use of li More
    In order to determine the relationship between diary and questionnaire on measuring listeningstrategies, 25 students were selected. All the subjects who were the researchers’ ownstudents, study English as a second language. They wrote diaries about their use of listening.Strategies within 8 weeks. They also took the listening strategy questionnaire at the end of theterm. The students’ questionnaires and 8-week diaries revealed a week relationship betweenquestionnaires and diaries in the following order of importance: (a) cognitive strategy,(b)meta cognitive strategy,(c)task and person knowledge, (d)strategy and person knowledge, (e)meta cognitive strategy,(g) strategy knowledge,(h) person knowledge. A meta cognitivestrategy revealed no relationship between diaries and questionnaires. In this study there was aweek relationship between diary and questionnaire on measuring listening strategies(r=0/28,p<0/1). Manuscript profile