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    List of Articles Hamid Majedi

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    1 - Evaluation the Role of Factors Affecting the Feasibility of Urban Development Plans through Structural Equation Model (A Case Study in Shiraz City)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2019
    The main purpose of this paper is to explain the factors affecting the change of service land uses in the city of Shiraz and identify its reasons. For this purpose, the second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique has been used as one of the structural equation m More
    The main purpose of this paper is to explain the factors affecting the change of service land uses in the city of Shiraz and identify its reasons. For this purpose, the second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique has been used as one of the structural equation modeling techniques to determine the severity of the effect of the four factors on land use change, through which a contributing framework for the effects of the four factors (physical, activity, economic, accessibility) on land use change is obtained. Finally, the extent and direction of the factors affecting the realization of service land uses in the city of Shiraz are explained using the structural equation model (SEM). In order to achieve these goals, 50 variables affecting 600 plots in Shiraz city are extracted through field method. The variables are investigated and analyzed using GIS maps, Amos and SPSS software, and a series of bi-variable correlations in a table called correlation matrix or covariance, the most notably of which are confirmatory factor analysis and SEM. The results of the research show that, in total, the selected four factors have a significant effect on the land use change. It is such that the standardized weights of regression for "the effect of the access factor on land use change", "the effect of the economic factor on land use change", "the effect of the activity factor on land use change", and "the effect of the physical factor on land use change" are 0.91, 0.78, 0.65, and 0.56, respectively. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Participatory Design; A New Approach to Regenerate the Public Space
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2014
    The following study aims to present an innovative approach for Design. Participatory Design is the model of direct involvement of different social groups in the design from functional tools to environments, social institutions and businesses. Diverse collection of pract More
    The following study aims to present an innovative approach for Design. Participatory Design is the model of direct involvement of different social groups in the design from functional tools to environments, social institutions and businesses. Diverse collection of practices has been developed to support this direct involvement by Participatory Design. People are invited to participate during different phases of an innovative and creative process; from initial exploration to problem definition and defining the problem and creating ideas for solutions. During development, they help evaluate proposed solutions. Participatory Design answers questions about users and their tasks and goals, then help users to make decisions. Participatory Design is characterized as a maturing area of research and as an evolving practice among designer. Architecture as a professional design are social constructs and the way for humans to consider the physical world in which they exist, and as social constructs, both reflect and shape the culture in which they arise. The authors go through the definitions of Participatory Design in order to achieve a new approache in design. various values which are inherent in the social fabrics are illustrated by emphasizing on cultural identity and activity. To illustrate the concept of this approach, landscape design of bazaar in mahallat as a case study is considered.This research will attempt to identify and analyze the local participation, and goes some way to providing practical solutions to tackle the local problems, utilizing an effective application of the principles of sustainable development on both environmental and architectural aspects. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Investigating Urban Expansion and Its Drivers in Ardebil
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2017
    The expansion and growth of cities is a remarkable phenomenon in urban planning literature,so that unpredictable developments have become more evident in recent decades, especially in cities that haveundergone changes in their physical structure following the promotion More
    The expansion and growth of cities is a remarkable phenomenon in urban planning literature,so that unpredictable developments have become more evident in recent decades, especially in cities that haveundergone changes in their physical structure following the promotion of their political role. The present paper seeksto identify the factors driving growth in the developed areas of Ardebil city and extract basic factors and variablesby investigating development of Ardebil. In this study, 27 variables have been tested in 920 expansion blocks duringthe years 1996 to 2011 using GIS and factor analysis. Four main groups including congestion factor, external factor,access factor and facilities are identified as driving forces of growth. The final combination of four factors in the ArcGIS environment show that the north, east and south east blocks of Ardebil had a higher score than the other blocks;in other words, these factors have the most effect on the growth of these areas. In addition, the Southwest blocks withthe lowest score of between 0 and 2 have had the least impact from among the factors mentioned. Manuscript profile

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    4 - Using Urban Smart Growth Approaches in Planning Terms of Tehran Metropolis Green Belt
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2015
    Fast and unplanned city growth, has effects such as isolation of village societies, threatening urbancores and centers and small and weak societies, destruction of open spaces and open and natural regions. Smart growthoffers a sustainable way for urban developing with a More
    Fast and unplanned city growth, has effects such as isolation of village societies, threatening urbancores and centers and small and weak societies, destruction of open spaces and open and natural regions. Smart growthoffers a sustainable way for urban developing with appropriate use of available sources, increase of urban services,developing neighborhoods with different uses, making public transportation available and integrated designing inhuman scale. Green belts idea,at first was based on controlling the growth between cities, preventing from mergingcities and separating specifications and details of city and village from each other. Although according to the fact that,there was not an agreement regarding the possible outcomes of green belts and controlling cities growth process amongcity experts, some with conservative ideas, believed that green belts are stopping barriers and negative factors in naturalgrowth process of cities and some others, thought that it is element of separating urban and non-urban habitats.In first approved comprehensive plan of Tehran (2006), suburban ranges were recognized as protected range for futurecity developing. This definition has no more places according to the problems of Tehran. In this article based onthe natural and environmental potentials of Tehran protected areas (Green belt) and many threats for its exposure toresidential construction, there are offered strategies and protecting rules with smart growth approach and green beltdefinition. Manuscript profile

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    5 - Criteria and Indicators of Presence Quality Improvement in Urban Spaces (Case Study: Historical Texture of Kashan city)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2015
    Urban space has been formed in historical texture of cities under the influence of meaning and shape on the onehand and qualities related to human behaviors on the other hand. Among these points, neighborhood centers as themost important areas of social life in urban op More
    Urban space has been formed in historical texture of cities under the influence of meaning and shape on the onehand and qualities related to human behaviors on the other hand. Among these points, neighborhood centers as themost important areas of social life in urban open space play a critical role in attracting people and improving qualityand vitality of environment. This study presents the related literature in an analytical approach and expresses therelationship between neighborhood centers and human presence by structure analysis; it focuses on rules governingpresence quality and formed behaviors in this places. In this survey, human and his presence in neighborhood centersare evaluated and urban spaces concept is formed by composing space location characteristics and human behavior.At least, it is sated that people`spresence in urban space of neighborhood centers expresses their thoughts and culturalinteractions whose form shows its function and meaning. Therefore, humans would appear in urban space in a way thatneighborhood centers quality depends on activity kind and their user's behavioral patterns. Manuscript profile

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    6 - Selecting the Appropriate Approach to Reorganize the Deteriorated Textures
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2014
    The term ‘deteriorated texture’ gives all experts as well as ordinary people almost the sameimpression. Despite common points in images, the differences put Iran cities in different categories based ondeteriorated textures. This classification not only has n More
    The term ‘deteriorated texture’ gives all experts as well as ordinary people almost the sameimpression. Despite common points in images, the differences put Iran cities in different categories based ondeteriorated textures. This classification not only has negative effect on the audience from mental point of view butcauses various problems for the experts in determining interference method. For example, the textures having differentdeterioration causes yet from body point of view have led to the same deterioration placed under the same category.This itself leads to new problems and results in the deterioration process. So, this study has based its performance ondeterioration indicators through investigating different definitions of deterioration and putting aside formal definitionsof deteriorated textures. Then, having reviewed interference perspectives, we put the final frame on deteriorationindicators. We have analyzed several interference projects in deteriorated textures in order to come up with a theoreticalframework and arrive at basic criteria. Of course, it should be mentioned that we have tried to select projects whichhave common condition with Iran so that the resulted criteria can be applied in deteriorated texture in Iran. Manuscript profile

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    7 - Institutionalism in Strategic Structural Plans (A Grounded Theory Approach)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2016
    Nowadays, planning is no longer considered merely a scientific and technical career nor agovernment responsibity. It rather functions as a bridge connecting the planners to institutional changes. In otherwords, the planning theory does not develop in a social, economic More
    Nowadays, planning is no longer considered merely a scientific and technical career nor agovernment responsibity. It rather functions as a bridge connecting the planners to institutional changes. In otherwords, the planning theory does not develop in a social, economic and political vacuum, but is formulated byindividuals in social situations with the aim of clarifying the enviroment recommending appropriate procedures andprocesses. The purpose of this research was to identify the explanatory and normative capability of the StrategicStructural Plans theory in the context of institutionalism so as to enhance the capacity of its application in practice. Forthis purpose, the grounded theory was adopted as a research strategy within the framework of qualitative methodology.The data collection instruments involved desk study, interviews with experts, managers and specialists, collaborativeobservations on the environment. The research environment included macro and micro levels. At the macro level, thefocus was on comprehensible conditions and components of Iranian spatial planning system, while the micro levelserved to examine on the local scale the urban planning and management through sample mining in Mashhad, Iran.As a result of this analysis, a total of 159 concepts, 44 categories and 9 major categories and 6 topics were recognized.Among the categories identified, institutionalism in the theory of Strategic Structural Plans was selected because of thefrequent appearance in the data and its relation to other categories as axial category, where the paradigm model wasoutlined emphasizing on the causal and context condition, intervention, strategies and consequences. Manuscript profile