تبیین مؤلفههای امر نمایشی در نسبت با فرهنگ و معماری (مبتنی بر آراء اندیشمندان انتقادی و غیر انتقادی)*
محورهای موضوعی : معماری
سمیه نورائی
هیرو فرکیش
احمد میرزا کوچک خوشنویس
محمد تاجی
حسین مرادی نسب
1 - گروه معماری، واحد سمنان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ، سمنان، ایران
2 - گروه معماری، واحد مشهد، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ، مشهد، ایران
3 - پژوهشگاه میراث فرهنگی وگردشگری، ایران
4 - گروه معدن، واحد شاهرود، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، شاهرود ، ایران
5 - گروه معماری، واحد سمنان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ، سمنان، ایران
کلید واژه: امر فرهنگی, انتقادی, معماری, غیر انتقادی, امر نمایشی,
چکیده مقاله :
تغییرات ناهمگون در عرصه معماری امروز ایران، بیشتر از آنکه ناشی از ذائقهای زیباشناختی و یا ضرورتی مبتنی بر اقتضائات مهندسی باشد، متغیری وابسته به عناصر فرهنگی و جامعهشناختی است. از عوامل تأثیرگذارِ فرهنگی اجتماعی بر کالبد معماری، متغیر امر نمایشی است. ازاینروی فهم نسبت امر نمایشی با معماری، بخشی از فهم نسبت مطالعات فرهنگی با معماری است. هدف این تحقیق شناسایی مؤلفههای متغیر امر نمایشی، در نسبت با فرهنگ و معماری است. روش تحقیق تحلیلی تفسیری بوده، بدینصورت که ابتدا مفاهیم مرتبط با امر نمایشی مبتنی بر دو قطب انتقادی و غیر انتقادی استخراجشده و نهایتاً مدل مفهومی مربوطه بحث و بررسیشده است. یافتههای تحقیق نشان میدهد امر نمایشی مرتبط با فرهنگ نمایشی امروز، در اثر وادادگی متأثر از رشد تعمیقی رسانه مبتنی بر قدرت و بازار سرمایه داری، وجهی از تمایز را بر جامعه تحمیل میکند که در نسبت با سنتها و عرف های فرهنگی و دینی جامعه ما در تعارض است.
Today’s chaotic and disturbed changes in the field of architecture in Iran have more dependent variables on cultural elements and sociology, rather than from aesthetics or necessity-based requirements of architectural engineering. In this paper, the relation between the form of the house and architecture with the elements of sociological and cultural is examined. One of the factors that affect the cultural-social aspects of the architecture is the "presentational" variable that is facing a lack of cultural considerations in our country. For the first time, the presentational variable entitled as "Dramatic Cultural" in 1959 AD was the use of the concept of the show as a metaphor of cultural demonstrations in societies. This issue in architecture, as part of material culture, defines architecture in relation to another, which reflects a wide range of meanings that are dependent on its supporting philosophy of thought. However, it covers that part of the architectural necessities that are not actually generated by the user themselves, but in response to the other, the user either requires or has to respond to the architecture. Therefore, understanding the relation of the presentational variable with architecture is part of the understanding of the relation of culture and architecture. Nowadays, the dramatic architecture in society as a public affair is a barrier to policy-making with a cultural challenge in the field of architecture. From the point of view of culturalism, presentational variable has associated with cultural while culture affected from time and field, can be derived from each of the cultural layers or areas; ideological culture (Culture of specialist forces, books and articles), custom culture (Common culture), elite culture (Imported culture) or foreign culture (Religion and Nationality). The purpose of this research is to identify the various components of the presentational variable in relation to culture and architecture. The research method in this study is an analytical-interpretative one. At first, the concepts of the Presentational variable are extracted from the texts and views of the relevant scholars (influenced by the views of the thinkers of the critical and uncritical pole), and then the components of the Presentational variable are presented in the form of a conceptual model, and finally, in a comparative view, it has been discussed and concluded. The results of the research show that the presentational variable is related to today’s cultural view, due to the "loyalty" affected by "the deepening growth of the media". On the one hand, as a reality based on power, wealth, media, and modern technologies, imposes a distinction on society. On the other hand, this issue contrasts with the traditions and customs of our society, such as simple life. The evidence available in the architecture of today's Iranian society, shows that the presentational variable in architecture follows popular culture more than any other culture. Of course, proving this claim can be a question for future research. In conclusion, it is certain that architecture derived from customary culture was inadequate in terms of value, and in today's Iranian society, art and architecture should be supported by elite and ideal cultures.
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