Land Use Planning for Urban River Margins Based on the Green City Approach (Case study: Abshooran River of Kermanshah)
محورهای موضوعی : Space Ontology International JournalMohamadreza Farahnaki 1 , Naser Barakpur 2
1 - Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.
کلید واژه: land use, Kermanshah, Planning, Green city, Urban river,
چکیده مقاله :
Physical development without proper planning has limited ecological capacity and the ability of natural ecosystems. Urban river structure as one of the most important ecological infrastructures in the city provides a variety of ecosystem services, including landscaping, climate change, etc. which is strongly dependent on the structure and functional status of the river. This study was conducted to examine the effects of land use on the vitality and life of urban rivers, and evaluate and analyze various factors involved in this issue. In this study, the study area was the area around the Abshooran River in Kermanshah. The data was extracted using important and effective indicators and was analyzed using SPSS and the geographical information system GIS and the role of urban management in this area were examined. In order to do the final and general analysis, the problem tree/solution tree analysis method has also been used. The results of the research indicated that both in terms of standard per capita and in terms of distribution of applications, radius performance and access, there are various deficiencies and issues and the existing uses have many incompatibilities with each other and the river's natural environment. As a result, it can be said that the area of studies differs considerably from the current situation with the indicators of the green city approach. Virtually the principles and concepts of applications relations with nature, especially in the green city approach, are not considered. Finally, in order to achieve the research objectives, in accordance with the principles studied, it is proposed to use land in the area and consider the surrounding as a green area.
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