The Relationship of Intelligence Beliefs, Self-Regulation, and Metacognition with School Refusal Behavior in Secondary High School Girl Students
محورهای موضوعی :Ali Khaneh Keshi 1 , Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Behbahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Behbahn, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Group, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Metacognition, Academic self-regulation, Intelligence beliefs, Refusal behavior,
چکیده مقاله :
This study aimed to determine the relationship of intelligence beliefs, academic self-regulation, and metacognition with school refusal behavior in female secondary high school students in Amol. This study was a descriptive one with correlational design. The statistical population consisted of all the female secondary high school students of which 214 students were selected using multistage random cluster sampling method from second and third grade of secondary school and were asked to fill in the questionnaires of intelligence beliefs (Babaei), self-regulation (Buffard), metacognition (Trier & Rich) and school refusal behavior (Kearney). In order to analyze the collected data, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used. The results of the study showed that there is a negative significant relationship between self-regulation, metacognition, and school refusal behavior. The findings of multiple regression analyses also showed that among the predictor variables, only self-regulation with the highest amount of Beta (0.17) was the best predictor of school refusal behavior.
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