فهرست مقالات معصومه یعقوبی سنقرچی

  • مقاله

    1 - خودشناسی؛ رهاورد تجربه سکنی‌گزینی در کلاس طراحی معماری
    هویت شهر , شماره 1 , سال 11 , بهار 1396
    طبق آموزه‌های دین مبین اسلام، بالاترین وظیفه انسان شناخت خویشتن است. درسایه چنین شناختی انسان قادر است به شناخت پروردگار خویش نیز نائل آید. با این نگاه، والاترین هنر، هنری است که انسان را در راه شناخت خویش یاری رساند. آموزش و خلق اثر معماری به عنوان یک هنر می‌بایست در ر چکیده کامل
    طبق آموزه‌های دین مبین اسلام، بالاترین وظیفه انسان شناخت خویشتن است. درسایه چنین شناختی انسان قادر است به شناخت پروردگار خویش نیز نائل آید. با این نگاه، والاترین هنر، هنری است که انسان را در راه شناخت خویش یاری رساند. آموزش و خلق اثر معماری به عنوان یک هنر می‌بایست در راستای این هدف باشد. با این وجود خلاء راهکارهایی مبتنی بر این هدف در آموزش و طراحی معماری کاملا احساس می‌شود. در این مقاله برای یافتن راهکار طراحی، ابتدا، به روش استدلال استقرائی و با تحلیل یافته‌های حوزه‌های مختلف علوم، به ارائه‌ راهکار طراحی معماری پرداخته شد. در مرحله دوم به تجربه عملی راهکار نظری اقدام گردید. تجربة عملی و تحلیل پدیدارشناسانة آن، در بردارندۀ نتایج ارزشمندی است که مؤید بخش نظری تحقیق است. نتایج نشان دهندة این حقیقت هستند که شناخت خویشتن یک جریان ناخودآگاه است و با ساختن سکنی گزینانه رابطه‌ای مستقیم دارد. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Developing Semantic Model of Privacy in Architecture based on Logical Reasoning Method
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 2 , سال 13 , بهار 2023
    To s‌tudy human social behavior concerning the environment, the concepts of privacy, personal space, and territory have been s‌tudied by interdisciplinary experts. Examining how behavior is formed in the environment is very important in improving the environment's desig چکیده کامل
    To s‌tudy human social behavior concerning the environment, the concepts of privacy, personal space, and territory have been s‌tudied by interdisciplinary experts. Examining how behavior is formed in the environment is very important in improving the environment's design with the culture of uses. Since experts in the field of architecture and urban planning need to provide real and objective solutions, they often do not have the opportunity to conduct practical research on the concepts of privacy. Identifying the formation of privacy of users can be desirable in the design of new housing. By linking the main concept and how they are in the architectural elements of different cultures, a cultural pattern appropriate to each region can be achieved. The main purpose of this s‌tudy is to link the main concept with the cultural and architectural perspectives. This logical reasoning s‌tudy used content analysis in two fields privacy and culture. For this purpose, definitions related to the privacy of collection and the method of open coding of its categories have been extracted. Then the privacy layers are extracted using social sciences and environmental psychology s‌tudies by summarizing qualitative content analysis. The semantic model of Rapoport's cultural meaning and privacy are combined in the research, and the main matrix of how the cultural layers of privacy are formed is drawn. Based on this matrix, the layers of social behavior can be categorized from the initial qualitative-perceptual level to quantitative-behavioral. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Endogenous Development; an Alternative for De-escalation of Identity Crisis among Iranian Women and Their Houses
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 2 , سال 4 , بهار 2014
    Nowadays, huge tendency to fashion and consumerism could be assumed as the origin of identitycrisis among women and in their houses. This phenomenon is like a veil between man and the fact of his human being.Given that the physical properties of man-made environments (h چکیده کامل
    Nowadays, huge tendency to fashion and consumerism could be assumed as the origin of identitycrisis among women and in their houses. This phenomenon is like a veil between man and the fact of his human being.Given that the physical properties of man-made environments (house) are influenced by human properties and, in return,have an important role in giving identity to their audience, identification of different dimensions of these propertiescan be useful in the creation of physical environment with the goal of overwhelming such a crisis. In this study, theroots and effects of the tendency toward fashion and consumerism were explored. It is believed that modernism andmaterialism are the main causes for the current crisis. At the second stage, to understand the nature of relationshipbetween humans and their environments, theories from semiotics, phenomenology, and semantics were studied. Afterreviewing many sources, it was found out that self awareness is the only way to promote women and their houses’identities. Finally, using a logical reasoning method, among all reviewed approaches, Endogenous Development Modelwas confirmed as the best approach to getting out of the kind of crisis explained above. According to the findings, thisapproach can pave the ground for inhabitants’ growth in addition to creating valuable places with their unique identity. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - The Role of Physical-Behavioral Patterns Based on Conventional Wisdom in the Identity of Residential Complexes (Case Study: Urmia Elahieh Complex)
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 12 , پاییز 2024
    Conventional wisdom, as an interdisciplinary concept, plays a significant role in shaping daily behavior and the long-term use of spaces, particularly in residential complexes. Despite its importance, there has been limited research in architecture that has addressed an چکیده کامل
    Conventional wisdom, as an interdisciplinary concept, plays a significant role in shaping daily behavior and the long-term use of spaces, particularly in residential complexes. Despite its importance, there has been limited research in architecture that has addressed and explored the relationship between conventional wisdom and architecture, as well as its impact on the use and formation of spaces. The main problem addressed in this paper is the need to understand the relation between conventional wisdom and architecture, and how conventional wisdom affects the use and formation of spaces within residential complexes. The research method employed in this paper is both quantitative and qualitative, with data being analyzed using interpretative-analytical techniques. Data collection was carried out through observations and interviews. Through a review of the literature, the research model was proposed by parameters of rationality, collective cognition, and reality with four minor dimensions including social, cultural, functional, and physical. The results of the study indicate a significant relationship between architecture and conventional wisdom in residential complexes, particularly in the social and physical dimensions. The findings highlight the importance of public spaces as micro-components of the social dimension, and emphasizing the need for compliance with proportions, legibility of form, and visual diversity as part of the physical dimensions. Conclusions emphasizes the importance of considering conventional wisdom in architectural design in residential complexes. Also, among the others, social and physical dimension by legible public places and visual diversity has main role of relation between conventional wisdom and architecture. These conclusions can be utilized by designers and researchers working in residential complexes to better understand the impact of conventional wisdom on architectural design and the use of public spaces within these complexes. پرونده مقاله