فهرست مقالات Iraj Maghfouri Moghaddam

  • مقاله

    1 - Geochemistry and diagenetic evidence of middle-late Permian deposits, Northern Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 5 , سال 14 , پاییز 2022
    This study provides a evaluation of the initial carbonate mineralogy, and diagenetic condition of the Ruteh Formation, a middle-late Permian carbonate sequence, in the Emarat section in Central Alborz, northern Iran. 200 samples were examined for petrographical contents چکیده کامل
    This study provides a evaluation of the initial carbonate mineralogy, and diagenetic condition of the Ruteh Formation, a middle-late Permian carbonate sequence, in the Emarat section in Central Alborz, northern Iran. 200 samples were examined for petrographical contents and thirty-four samples were collected for geochemical analysis. The high Sr and Na contents, Sr/Na>1, and the presence of dolomites and dissolution fractures are indicative aragonite early mineralogy. The diagenetic process in the Ruteh Fm. are an indication of the marine, meteoric and burial diagenetic environments. The original carbonate texture in the Ruteh Fm. are Severely affected by diagenetic process. The data obtained from the values of the Major (Ca and Mg), minor (Sr, Na, Fe, and Mn), oxygen and carbone isotopes show the initial aragonite composition of the Ruteh Fm. deposited in a subtropical shallow water. An open diagenetic system was indicated by changes in the values of Sr / Ca and δ18O vs. Mn. The shallow burial diagenetic temperature of the Ruteh carbonate was approximate 28.6°C with the maximum diagenetic temperature of 53.4°C. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Diversity of the Early-Miocene (Burdigalian) Ostracoda from Northeastern Semnan, Central Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 4 , سال 14 , تابستان 2022
    Seven genera and seventeen species of marine Ostracoda are reported for the first time from the Attari section (Qom Formation), northeast of the Semnan, Central Iran. In this section, the Qom Formation outcrops with 280 m thickness lies on the Eocene volcanic and under چکیده کامل
    Seven genera and seventeen species of marine Ostracoda are reported for the first time from the Attari section (Qom Formation), northeast of the Semnan, Central Iran. In this section, the Qom Formation outcrops with 280 m thickness lies on the Eocene volcanic and under the Upper Red formation. According to the distribution of index foraminifera, there is conspicuous similarity between larger bentic foraminifera assemblages of the Qom Formation foraminifera and those of the Zagros basin, such as Borelis melo curdica the age of Qom Formation in the Attari section is Early Miocene (Burdigalian). The Miocene and even Oligocene Ostracoda fauna, relatively similar to the Attari section, have been reported from the Mediterranean area and the Proto- Indo- Pacific Ocean. The presence of one species with Paratethian origin in the Qom Formation is strong evidence that during the Burdigalian stage, the sea way between Central Iran and Paratethys basin still existed. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - First report of the SardinellaSardinites (Heckel, 1850) in the Kond formation in the Saran area, Central Alborz in Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 5 , سال 15 , پاییز 2023
    Investigating the fossil-bearing horizons of the Kond Formation in the Saran area resulted in the identification of Sardinellasardinites (Heckel 1850) belonging to the family of Clupeidae Bonaparte (1831) for the first time the east of Tehran province. Furthermore, bios چکیده کامل
    Investigating the fossil-bearing horizons of the Kond Formation in the Saran area resulted in the identification of Sardinellasardinites (Heckel 1850) belonging to the family of Clupeidae Bonaparte (1831) for the first time the east of Tehran province. Furthermore, biostratigraphic analyses based on the presence of benthic and planktonic foraminifera in this area demonstrate that the sedimentary sequence including strata of conglomerate, tuff, shale, gypsum, limestone, and marl with a thickness of 376 m in the Saran area belongs to the Priabonian, which is discontinuously located on Middle Eocene green tuffaceousshales. In the present study, 18 species belonging to 9 genera from the benthic foraminifera were identified. In the late Middle Eocene, the performance of the orogenic Pyrenean phase led to the rising of the sedimentary strata and subsequent retreat of the sea and then the sea re-advanced during the Priabonian stage. The presence of a conglomerate at the base of the formation reveals the next activity of the tectonic phase. In this study, the rock unit of the Lower Red Formation belonging to the Oligo-Miocene is located on the deposits of the Kond Formation. پرونده مقاله