فهرست مقالات Samad Nejad Ebrahimi

  • مقاله

    1 - Review and Analysis of Iran's scent-bottles in Different Historical Periods
    Journal of Archaeology and Archaeometry , شماره 8 , سال 2 , زمستان 2024
    The art of glassmaking in Iran, with a glorious historical background, visual richness and unparalleled beauty reached its peak of prosperity in different historical periods. Safavid and the Qajar era are among the brilliant periods of Iranian art, which in many fields, چکیده کامل
    The art of glassmaking in Iran, with a glorious historical background, visual richness and unparalleled beauty reached its peak of prosperity in different historical periods. Safavid and the Qajar era are among the brilliant periods of Iranian art, which in many fields, was the continuation of the Timurid golden age. These works include the most outstanding examples of court objects, they include the most mundane objects and household utensils produced in workshops, which in each of these two groups, depending on the social class of their patrons and creators, have unique features. One of the unique glassmaking in that era was the production of scent-bottle. The root of the word "perfume" is derived from the Latin word "perfume" and means "passing smell". Scent-Bottles were containers that kept all kinds of perfumes (oily liquid, perfumes, and even pharmaceuticals) in it. Iran is one of the most important centers for the production of glass perfume bottles; however, no research has been done in this field. In this research, while taking a brief look at the historical background of glass production and its manufacturing technique, the form and motifs of Iran's glass perfume bottles have been examined and their manufacturing technique, shape, size and decorative motifs have been studied. The research method is historical-analytical and the purpose is to examine the differences and similarities of perfume bottles in different historical periods, and finally the results proved that there are fundamental differences between perfume bottles through different historical periods in Iran. پرونده مقاله