فهرست مقالات Yang Yong

  • مقاله

    1 - Effects of Intercropping and Rotation on Forage Yield and Quality of Oat and Common Vetch in Jilin Province, China
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , شماره 1 , سال 12 , زمستان 2017
    Abstract The effects of intercropping row ratio and rotation on forage yield and quality of oat and common vetch were studied to understand the possibility intercrop advantages. Oat and common vetch were intercropped twice a year for three years in the field of Baich چکیده کامل
    Abstract The effects of intercropping row ratio and rotation on forage yield and quality of oat and common vetch were studied to understand the possibility intercrop advantages. Oat and common vetch were intercropped twice a year for three years in the field of Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Science in Jilin Province, China. The oat to common vetch intercropping rates expressed as the ratio of the numbers of rows were 0:1, 1:3, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 1:0. The intercropping advantage became significant over the years. In 2009 and 2010, intercrop sown at the row rate of 1:1, showed 97% and 23% of forage yield increase mono-cropped common vetch; and 42% and 54% increase compare to mono-cropped oat, respectively. Nitrogen yield of the intercrop was 24% and 20% lower than mono-cropped common vetch in 2009 and 2010, but it was 79% and 93% higher than mono-cropped oat, respectively. Compared with mono-crop, intercropping presented positive effects on oat growth and dry matter accumulation, but negative effects on common vetch growth. Intercropping advantages exist when this positive effects surpluses the negative effects. Compared with continuous cropping, rotation has positive effects on oat. The effects of rotation on common vetch depended on soil nitrogen content. Higher soil N led to positive effects, while rotation on low soil N may inhibit common vetch growth. Intercropping oat with common vetch at row ratio of 1:1 under relatively low soil N content and rotation can produce the highest forage and N yield. Keywords: Intercropping, Rotation, Oat, Common Vetch. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Evaluation of the Benefits of Oat-Soybean and Oat-Groundnut Intercropping in Jilin Province, China
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , شماره 2 , سال 12 , بهار 2017
    Evaluation of the Benefits of Oat-Soybean and Oat-Groundnut Intercropping in Jilin Province, China Yong, Yang1* and Mohammad hesam Shahrajabian2 1- Hami melon research center, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2- Assistant ProfessorSenior Researcher- Facul چکیده کامل
    Evaluation of the Benefits of Oat-Soybean and Oat-Groundnut Intercropping in Jilin Province, China Yong, Yang1* and Mohammad hesam Shahrajabian2 1- Hami melon research center, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2- Assistant ProfessorSenior Researcher- Faculty of Agriculture- Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran * Corresponding author email: yangyongsj@gmail.com Received: 7 April 20177 Accepted: 24 June 2017 Abstract Mixing species in cropping systems may lead to a range of benefits that are expressed on various space and time scales from a short-term increase in crop yield to long-term increase in sustainable production of foods. In order to determine the benefits of two intercropping systems, oat-soybean and oat-groundnut, an experiment was conducted in research station of Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2011, Jilin province, China. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. Treatments comprised different mono cropping and intercropping patterns, TO: sole cropping of oat, TOS-O: oat in the intercropping of oat and soybean, TOG-O: oat in the intercropping of oat and groundnut, TS: sole cropping of soybean, TOS-S: soybean in intercropping of oat and soybean, TG: sole cropping of groundnut, TOG-G: groundnut in the intercropping of oat and groundnut. No nitrogen fertilizer was used in this research. The highest seed yield was obtained for mono-cropping of soybean, followed by mono-cropping of groundnut and oat. Oat seed yields in intercropping of oat and groundnut, and intercropping of oat and soybean were 1208.00 kg/ha, and 832.3 kg/ha, respectively. The highest grain yield was obtained when soybean was grown together with oat, where the higher yield of intercrop is due to the better usage of nutrient, water and light. Land equivalent ratio (LER) in all intercropping patterns were higher than 1. LER in intercropping of soybean and oat, and intercropping of groundnut and oat were 1.41, and 1.30, respectively. With these LER values, 29.07% and 23.07% of land were respectively saved in intercropping of soybean and oat, and intercropping of groundnut and oat, respectively, which could be used for other agricultural purposes. In both intercropping of soybean and oat, and intercropping of groundnut and oat, completion index (CI) were less than 1, which means that both these two intercropping patterns have positive effects. Keywords: Oat, Soybean, Groundnut, Intercropping. پرونده مقاله