فهرست مقالات Ebrahim Heidari

  • مقاله

    1 - Ultra- Relativistic Solitons with Opposing Behaviors in Photon Gas Plasma
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , شماره 1 , سال 4 , بهار 2019
    We have studied the formation of relativistic solitary waves due to nonlinear
    interaction of strong electromagnetic wave with the plasma wave. Here, our plasma is
    relativistic both in temperature and in streaming speed. A set of equations consisting of
    sc چکیده کامل
    We have studied the formation of relativistic solitary waves due to nonlinear
    interaction of strong electromagnetic wave with the plasma wave. Here, our plasma is
    relativistic both in temperature and in streaming speed. A set of equations consisting of
    scalar and vector potentials together with a third order equation for the enthalpy in
    photon gas plasma is obtained analytically. Solutions with single-humped for the scalar
    potential and single and double-humped for the vector potential profiles are illustrated
    numerically. It is shown that the drifting velocity of moving solitons and plasma fluid
    velocity both play an important role in the formation of the solutions. The results show
    that the amplitude of the potentials increases for higher values of the plasma
    temperatures for the region that the flow velocity of the plasma is larger than the solitary
    wave velocity. For the region with larger amount of the soliton's velocity, the results
    show opposite behavior. It is also found that in the region where the plasma fluid
    velocity exceeds the soliton drifting velocity, all the solutions are excited at higher
    temperatures relative to the other area. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Inverse Braking Radiation and Resonance Absorption in Corona Plasmas of Inertial Confinement Fusion
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , شماره 1 , سال 5 , بهار 2020
    Abstract: In this paper, combining the Maxwell equations with the electron balance
    equation, we obtain the inverse braking radiation absorption coefficient in a laser fusion
    corona plasma. For a fixed plasma temperature, variations of the absorption coefficien چکیده کامل
    Abstract: In this paper, combining the Maxwell equations with the electron balance
    equation, we obtain the inverse braking radiation absorption coefficient in a laser fusion
    corona plasma. For a fixed plasma temperature, variations of the absorption coefficient
    versus the penetration depth into the plasma are illustrated numerically for different
    values of laser wavelength. It is shown that, by increasing the skin depth of the laser
    into the plasma, the absorption coefficient increases and tends to asymptotic value one.
    The effect of plasma temperature on the absorption coefficient has also been
    investigated. In addition, the fraction of absorbed energy for resonance absorption is
    studied analytically and illustrated numerically. Moreover, the fractional absorption for
    different laser wavelengths as well as different values of incident angle is illustrated. It
    can be seen that, the maximum value of the absorption coefficient is independent of the
    laser wavelength and is about 0.6 for all the wavelengths. پرونده مقاله