فهرست مقالات brahim karamian

  • مقاله

    1 - Recent Advancement in monolithic refractories via application of Nanotechnology “A review Paper”
    Journal of Nanoanalysis , شماره 1 , سال 6 , زمستان 2019
    In recent years, the use of nanotechnology (nano-particles, nanomaterial, nano-additives and nanostructuredmaterials) has attracted attention of scholars, engineers and scientists in all scientificfields such as chemistry, medicine, material, agriculture, electronic etc چکیده کامل
    In recent years, the use of nanotechnology (nano-particles, nanomaterial, nano-additives and nanostructuredmaterials) has attracted attention of scholars, engineers and scientists in all scientificfields such as chemistry, medicine, material, agriculture, electronic etc. The use of nanotechnologyhas also become widespread in the refractory products (which mainly used in various industries suchas steel, casting, cement, glass etc.). Therefore, the effect of using different types and contents ofnanomaterials (oxides and non-oxides) as well as the control of microstructure has been evaluatedby many researchers on the properties of shapes (bricks) and un-shaped (monolithic) refractoryproducts. The obtained results were very promising and satisfactory. One of the most consumablerefractory products in various industries is monolithic refractories, which has been widely usedbecause of their great benefits to the other refractory products (bricks). In this paper, recent advancesin monolithic refractories by using the finding of nanotechnology are presented. This article can beconsidered as guidance for researchers, students gain easy access to experimental results obtainedby different research group using nanotechnology and nano materials in monolithic refractories. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Survey and Evaluation of Diopside Nanostructure (DSN) Bioactivity in Biomedical Application
    Journal of Nanoanalysis , شماره 5 , سال 5 , پاییز 2018
    Diopside (DS) is a monoclinic pyroxene mineral with composition MgCaSi2O6. Lately,diopside (DS) has beenintroduced as a bioceramics due to its best bioactivity and biocompatibility. It has a good strength andtoughness than those of hydroxyapatite (HT). In this project, چکیده کامل
    Diopside (DS) is a monoclinic pyroxene mineral with composition MgCaSi2O6. Lately,diopside (DS) has beenintroduced as a bioceramics due to its best bioactivity and biocompatibility. It has a good strength andtoughness than those of hydroxyapatite (HT). In this project, bioactivity of diopside (DS) powder wereevaluated and investigated. For synthesized of diopside (DS) powder, magnesium (Mg), calcite (CaCO3)and nano silicium (SiO2) powders was mechanically activate for different times. After that, the preparedpowders were blended with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and put on various temperatures. In this part, forsurvey of bioactivity evaluation, the obtained dioside (DS) powders were pressed and immersed in Kukobosolution (SBF)The results indicated that nano-struacture diopside powder with crystalline size is 40 nm.The apatite formation ability, bioactivity and better mechanical behavior make it a good candidate in boneimplant materials and open new insights in biomedicalapplications. پرونده مقاله