فهرست مقالات Mehrdad Nikbakht

  • مقاله

    1 - Assessment of Noise Exposure of Workers in Industrial Environments Using the Bowtie and DEA Approach
    Journal of System Management , شماره 4 , سال 10 , تابستان 2024
    Sound waves are one of the essential factors of daily life and work activities that can cause environmental pollution in the necessary contact between humans and the surrounding world. Noise pollution is reported to be amongst the leading causes of occupational diseases چکیده کامل
    Sound waves are one of the essential factors of daily life and work activities that can cause environmental pollution in the necessary contact between humans and the surrounding world. Noise pollution is reported to be amongst the leading causes of occupational diseases and the second leading cause of occupational injuries in the workplace. A variety of equipment, machines, and work processes are used in industry that are considered sources of disturbing noise. The aim of this study is to assess the noise exposure of workers in industrial environments using the Bowtie approach and Data Envelope Analysis (DEA). The motivation of the research is the multidimensional nature of the concept of noise exposure from the perspective of the exposure situation and the capability of DEA models to evaluate the efficiency of stations based on multiple inputs and outputs. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research method is descriptive cross-sectional. In this research, a case study was conducted to evaluate 10 stations of a company in the industrial area in the first half of 2023. The Bowtie approach was used to determine the correlation between noise exposure and its consequences. The collection of noise exposure measurement data enables the mathematical modeling of the BCC input based on the DEA approach using the EMS software, where the input of the model is the "equivalent sound level" and the output of the model is the "noise pollution situation". The results show the different efficiencies of the 10 stations investigated and the superiority of station 7 compared to the other stations. In the industrial area studied, 30% of the total measuring stations were located in the risk range. The average sound pressure level was estimated at 101.70 dB. It seems that companies can effectively improve the health of their employees in the workplace by directing their activities within the permissible range of noise exposure. The efficiency of measuring stations plays a constructive role in reducing exposure and improving the health of employees in the workplace. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Identification and Clustering Outsourcing Risks of Aviation Part- Manufacturing Projects in Aviation Industries Organization Using Kmeans Method
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 5 , سال 7 , پاییز 2018
    The purpose of this paper is to identify and clustering strategic risks in the outsourcing field of partmanufacturingprojects of aviation products, that whit survey carried out through the study ofliterature and experts opinion, meanwhile, identification risk groups in چکیده کامل
    The purpose of this paper is to identify and clustering strategic risks in the outsourcing field of partmanufacturingprojects of aviation products, that whit survey carried out through the study ofliterature and experts opinion, meanwhile, identification risk groups in this area through interview,identified cases and factors of risks through FMEA technique, finally, 50 strategic risks identified in7 titles. In the following to resolve problems of traditional FMEA method, with definition threeindicators risk include, risk intensity, occurrence probability, and confrontation frequency by aquestionnaire and considering from three factors outsourcing assess contain cost, time and quality,risks of this area were clustered to K-means clustering and using SPSS software in 4 cluster includeof significant risks, high level of risks, medium level of risks and low level of risks. Thus, theclustering of risks for decision-making and planning of suggested actions at the time of theiroccurrence, basis for future improvements will be provided to carry out the continuousimprovement process at appropriate intervals with assessment of actions taken, the rate ofimprovement identified and therefore appropriate decisions are achieved. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Ranking of the Solutions of Reducing Electrical Energy Consumption in Isfahan Sepahan Cement Industry by Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 2 , سال 8 , بهار 2019
    Nowadays, energy consumption management is a vital strategy for societies to optimize energy consumption. Considering the widespread functions of electrical energy in human lives,a high proportion of consumption management procedures deals with the management of electri چکیده کامل
    Nowadays, energy consumption management is a vital strategy for societies to optimize energy consumption. Considering the widespread functions of electrical energy in human lives,a high proportion of consumption management procedures deals with the management of electrical energy consumption. It is important to study the state of electrical energy and provide managerial and optimal management solutions in this industry. The main purpose of this study is ranking the key solutions of reducing electrical energy consumption in Isfahan Sepahan Cement industry. In this research, firstly, by studying and investigating conducted researches, interviewing with cement industry experts and alsoa researcher-made questionnaire, 20 solutions and 5 indices are chosen. Then by utilizing the indices weight and fuzzy TOPSIS method, solutions are ranked and in conclusion, after conducting needed calculations, “Hot exhaust gases heat recovery and electricity generation” obtained the highest rank and “Revision of various energy tariffs” scored the lowest rank. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - A Method for Ranking, Assessment and Evaluation of Sustainability Factors in Project
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 1 , سال 5 , زمستان 2016
    Nowadays, issues such as global climate change, poverty and inequity, and the unsustainable use of resources are driving organizations to incorporate the principles of sustainable development into projects. Sustainable development of organizations and companies requires چکیده کامل
    Nowadays, issues such as global climate change, poverty and inequity, and the unsustainable use of resources are driving organizations to incorporate the principles of sustainable development into projects. Sustainable development of organizations and companies requires consideration of all three sustainability dimensions: environmental, economic and social should integrate economic, social and environment benefits in projects. Therefore assessment and evaluation of projects success in sustainability can specify policies and procedures of the organization to achieve the final goals in organization future. The purpose of this study is to establish a systematic method for assessment of effective factors on success of sustainable project. Suggested method will enable that evaluate success of project to meet requirement of sustainability. This method focused on five aspects of sustainability and nine knowledge areas of project management. Steps in this method lead framework of assessment sustainability in projects. Data is gathered by interview from experts and is used analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique to ranking of effective factors. All of steps are prepared according to the conceptual model. The adequacy and reliability of the model was tested with a pilot study. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Relationship Between Operational Performance in Industrial Manufacturing Companies with Approaches of Innovation, Quality, Efficiency and Productivity
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 1 , سال 7 , زمستان 2018
    The operational plan converts dream and imagination to a reality; in fact, it is anassured way to achieve organizational perspectives. The present study aimsto identify the performance indicators and to investigate the relationship between the operational performances o چکیده کامل
    The operational plan converts dream and imagination to a reality; in fact, it is anassured way to achieve organizational perspectives. The present study aimsto identify the performance indicators and to investigate the relationship between the operational performances of industrial manufacturing companies in terms of innovation, quality, productivity and efficiency. A researcher-made questionnaire has been used to evaluate operational performance and its indicators. This questionnaire has been allocated to the experts of the company which produces utility gas meters. Data analysis was performed by Pearson correlation and One Sample T-Test and the Amos software. The research findings show that operational performance emphasized on efficiency, productivity, effectiveness and future benefits of the organization and plays an important role in identification of innovation, quality, productivity and efficiency indicators and promotion of goals and improvement of organizational activities. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    6 - Identification and Ranking Green Supplier Selection Criteria Using One-Sample T-Test and FANP Methods: A Case Study for Petrochemical Industry
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 1 , سال 5 , زمستان 2016
    Increasing global notices in environmental protection, green supply chain management (GSCM) has received much attention by researchers and managers more than the past. Commonly, firms have considered cost criteria to select their suppliers. Despite the fact that there a چکیده کامل
    Increasing global notices in environmental protection, green supply chain management (GSCM) has received much attention by researchers and managers more than the past. Commonly, firms have considered cost criteria to select their suppliers. Despite the fact that there are various papers considering the formal criteria in supplier selection, there is a few limited numbers considering the environmental issues. This study will use both traditional and environmental criteria and will offer a combined approach to identify and ranking of the criteria for green supplier selection in petrochemical industry. The One-SampleT-Test is to be used to identify the appropriate criteria, using the Pareto principle the relationships between the criteriaareobtainedand the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) is to be used to calculateweights of green supplier selection’s criteriaconsidering the criteria interdependencies in petrochemical industry. Also, triangular fuzzy numbers are used to express linguistic values of experts’ subjective preference in ANP stage. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    7 - Relationship between Technology Management and Operational Performance in Manufacturing Companies
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 5 , سال 6 , پاییز 2017
    Nowadays, with the presence of technology in the human life, organizational levels have received a lot of changes which affected the operational aspects and the organizational structures from traditional to modern. Therefore, this study investigated the role of technolo چکیده کامل
    Nowadays, with the presence of technology in the human life, organizational levels have received a lot of changes which affected the operational aspects and the organizational structures from traditional to modern. Therefore, this study investigated the role of technology management to predict operational performance as the most important sources for gaining competitive advantages. It aimed to identify the indicators and investigate the relationship between technology management and operational performance. Two researcher-made questionnaires were used in order to assess operational performance and technology management. These questionnaires have been allocated to the experts of the company which produces utility gas meters. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and One Sample T-Test with the Amos software. The research findings showed that technology management has the power to predict the operating performance of the company. It means the improvement in technology management leads to better and higher operational performance. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    8 - Cause and Effect Analysis of Risks of Refinery Developmental Turnkey Projects through System Dynamics Approach Case Study: Development Project of Third Distillation Unit and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) in Isfahan Oil Refinery
    Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production , شماره 2 , سال 6 , بهار 2017
    Project managers are grappling with a variety of risks today as a result of increasing complexity anddynamics of projects in different stages of project life cycle. Thus, it seems quite necessary toemploy an efficient risk management process that can overcome the shortc چکیده کامل
    Project managers are grappling with a variety of risks today as a result of increasing complexity anddynamics of projects in different stages of project life cycle. Thus, it seems quite necessary toemploy an efficient risk management process that can overcome the shortcomings of traditionalmethods in order to handle such complexities and reach the optimal project management. Thismatter is even more important in large scale and complicated projects such as EPC (Engineering,Procurement, and Construction) or turnkey projects where the contractor accepts totalresponsibilities. One of these new and powerful methods is system dynamics approach that can aidproject managers through identification, analysis and evaluation phases. One of the major strategicprojects of Isfahan Refinery Development Plan is the third distillation unit and LPG project whichis executed through EPC method. The study population consists of 18 experts and project managers examined using census method. To this purpose; a list of potential risks was prepared throughliterature review in the form of questionnaire to identify risks of mentioned project. Next, by usingcausal loop diagram (CLD), the cause-effect relationship between risks specified was explained.Applying experts’ opinions, the primary loop was validated structurally. Several feedback loopswere identified and analyzed deeply to determine the influential risks which affect all other risksdirectly or indirectly. Results show that some risks are more vital and critical for this project whichare: project management weaknesses, poor time and cost estimation, poor designs and plans,weaknesses in the procurement, incompetence at site manager and establishing communicationsbetween site personals and subcontractors poor performance. In the end, practical policies toimprove those situations were presented. To analyze questionnaire data, SPSS was used and toperform system dynamics approach, Vensim software was applied. پرونده مقاله