فهرست مقالات فرهاد غروی

  • مقاله

    1 - Corrosion Behavior Characterization of the Nugget Zone in Copper/Brass Metals of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Lap Joints
    International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology , شماره 42 , سال 11 , زمستان 2024
    The electrochemical behavior of the weld nugget zone (WNZ) in copper-brass plates was studied in this paper. These plates were welded by the friction stir lap welding method in 1M NaCl solution at low heating input (450 rpm-25 mm/min ) and high heating input (710 rpm-16 چکیده کامل
    The electrochemical behavior of the weld nugget zone (WNZ) in copper-brass plates was studied in this paper. These plates were welded by the friction stir lap welding method in 1M NaCl solution at low heating input (450 rpm-25 mm/min ) and high heating input (710 rpm-16 mm/min) by using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Tafel polarization at ambient temperature. The morphology of nugget zone corroded surfaces was analyzed by SEM (scanning electron microscopy) technique. The welding process appeared to decrease the corrosion resistance of the welded nugget regions through increasing the welding heat input. The results from EIS measurements presented the welded joints of NZ which showed higher and lower values respectively than brass and copper. Due to changing of microstructural of weld nugget zone during welding process, the Icorr of nugget zone enhances with increasing welding heat input. In fact, the surface corrosion morphology analysis revealed that the surface of welded sample by high heating input was shielded with a roughly porous corrosion layer rather than the surface of the welded sample at low heating input پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Influence of Tool Offset Distance on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Dissimilar AA2024–AA7075 Plates Joined by Friction Stir Welding
    International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology , شماره 53 , سال 13 , پاییز 2024
    In the present study, the effect of tool offset on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welding of Al2024 and Al7075 alloys were investigated. In this regard, base metals were welded by FSW under different tool offsetting conditions, 1.5 چکیده کامل
    In the present study, the effect of tool offset on microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welding of Al2024 and Al7075 alloys were investigated. In this regard, base metals were welded by FSW under different tool offsetting conditions, 1.5 and 2 mm shifted into Al2024 and Al7075 alloys, respectively, in addition to constant rotation rates and traverse speeds named as 710 rpm and 28 mm/min respectively. The microstructure of different welding zones and fracture surface were investigated by an Optical Microscope (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), respectively. The results showed that by tool offsetting from the weld center through Al2024, an onion-shaped area has been created and mixture happens completely. However, by tool off-setting towards Al7075, onion-shaped microstructure fails to be formed in the stirred area. From the results of the tensile test, it is presented that maximum tensile strength is obtained in samples with a tool offsetting into the Al7075. With 1.5 mm tool offsetting into Al2024, first, joint tensile strength increases by 22.2 % in comparison to non-offset condition, and then, with more tool offset as much as 2 mm, tensile strength decreases by 22.2 %. In addition, by tool offsetting towards Al7075 by 1.5 and 2 mm, joint tensile strength decreases by 4.5 and 28.5 %, respectively. It is also concluded that in the offset samples towards the 7075 alloy, the microhardness in the HAZ area decreased compared to the microhardness of the offsets samples towards the 2024 alloy. Finally, the best mechanical behavior and microstructural properties were obtained in the sample with the tool offset of about 1.5 mm towards the welded Al2024 base metal (70215 samples) alloy. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Study the effect of the friction stir process on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the AZ31 as-cast alloy joint
    Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing , شماره 2 , سال 7 , بهار 2019
    The AZ31 magnesium alloy has a significant potential for the aircraft manufacturing industry due to its low density and proper mechanical properties. In this research, the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) process was used by applying pulse current for the AZ31 as-cast al چکیده کامل
    The AZ31 magnesium alloy has a significant potential for the aircraft manufacturing industry due to its low density and proper mechanical properties. In this research, the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) process was used by applying pulse current for the AZ31 as-cast alloy joint. The GTAW process is conducted by pulse time, voltage, and equivalent current of 0.5 sec, 12 V, 187.5 A, respectively. Then, the surface of welded joint by the GTAW was improved using friction stir processing (FSP). The effect of FSP on the microstructure and mechanical properties of this joint was examined. Subsequently, the friction stir processing was performed with a tool rotating speed of 1120 rpm, the tool traverse speed of 50 mm/min in two passes behind and on the welding line. The microstructure and fracture sections of the prepared samples were respectively examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical behavior of the samples was studied using tensile, micro-hardness and impact tests. According to the results, the microstructure of the welding region of the TIG sample included highly fine homogeneous and coaxial grains. After the friction stir process (FSP), the microstructure transformed into fine and structural grains in the form of a ring-shaped morphology. The FSP resulted in a 23% improvement in the tensile strength of the TIG sample. Also, the impact energy of the welding metal increased by about 37%. In general, the mechanical behavior of the joint was improved after applying the friction stir process. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Investigation on High Temperature Wear Resistance of Cryotreated Hot Work Tool Steel
    Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing , شماره 4 , سال 7 , تابستان 2019
    Deep sub-zero treatment is a complementary operation performed on all types of tool steels, carbonized and high-speed steels to improve wear resistance and hardness. Among these tool steels, H13 is a hot work tool steel that have an extended application in industry as a چکیده کامل
    Deep sub-zero treatment is a complementary operation performed on all types of tool steels, carbonized and high-speed steels to improve wear resistance and hardness. Among these tool steels, H13 is a hot work tool steel that have an extended application in industry as a hot deforming tool. This paper investigates the wear behavior of deep cryogenic treated H13 hot work steel at operating temperature. Two quench-tempered and quench-subzero-tempered samples are compared. The microstructures of the specimens were determined by scanning electron microscopy, and the structures were determined by X-ray diffraction. Vickers hardness used for determining hardness after each treatment. The wear test was carried out at 250°C (mold temperature on forging of copper base alloys). Finally, the wear surface was examined by scanning electron microscope equipped with EDS analyzer. The results show that the highest hardness was in quench-subzero-tempered condition which is about 26% higher than the quench-tempered in oil conditions. This is due to the formation of fine, dispersed and uniform precipitates and higher martensite percentage in quench-subzero-tempered sample compared to quench-tempered sample. Quench-subzero-temper operation reduced the residual austenite percentage by 10% and improved the wear properties by 36% at 250° C. Examination of wear surfaces indicates the presence of oxidized surfaces adhered to the wear surface in the form of abrasive particles. These oxide levels were lower in quench-subzero-tempered sample than quench-tempered sample. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - ارزیابی ریزساختار و خواص مکانیکی اتصال لبه رویهم جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی آلیاژ آلومینیوم 6061 در سرعت های پیشروی متفاوت
    فرآیندهای نوین در مهندسی مواد , شماره 2 , سال 10 , تابستان 1395
    در این تحقیق ورق هایی از جنس آلیاژ آلومینیوم 6061 با طرح اتصال لبه رویهم بوسیله روش جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی جوش داده شدند. تاثیر پارامتر سرعت پیشروی ابزار روی ریز ساختار و خواص مکانیکی اتصالات جوشکاری شده مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. فرآیند جوشکاری در شرایط سرعت دورانی ثابت چکیده کامل
    در این تحقیق ورق هایی از جنس آلیاژ آلومینیوم 6061 با طرح اتصال لبه رویهم بوسیله روش جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی جوش داده شدند. تاثیر پارامتر سرعت پیشروی ابزار روی ریز ساختار و خواص مکانیکی اتصالات جوشکاری شده مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. فرآیند جوشکاری در شرایط سرعت دورانی ثابت (1000 دور بر دقیقه) و سرعت های پیشروی متغییر ( 20 تا 60 میلیمتر بر دقیقه) انجام پذیرفت. نتایج حاصله نشان داد با افزایش سرعت پیشروی استحکام برشی-کششی و راندمان اتصال به ترتیب از حدود 126 تا 132 مگا پاسکال و از حدود 6/40 تا 5/42 درصد افزایش یافت. اگرچه میزان متوسط سختی در ناحیه دکمه جوش (NZ) نسبت به ناحیه متاثر از حرارت (HAZ) با افزایش سرعت پیشروی افزایش یافت ولی اندازه متوسط دانه در ناحیه دکمه جوش و ناحیه متاثر از حرارت به ترتیب از حدود 43 به 32 میکرومتر و از حدود 99 به 87 میکرومتر کاهش یافت. همچنین میزان پارامتر ضخامت موثر ورق (EPT) با افزایش سرعت پیشروی از حدود 4/3 تا 1/4 میلیمتر افزایش یافت و باعث محدود شدن شکل و ابعاد عیب نازک شدگی از ناحیه دکمه جوش تا فصل مشترک نواحی دکمه جوش و متاثر از کار مکانیکی (TMAZ) گردید. حالت و شیوه شکست در اتصالاتی با بالاترین استحکام برشی-کششی بصورت جدایش ورق در امتداد عیب نازک شدگی در سمت پیشرو در درون ناحیه دکمه جوش نمایان شد. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    6 - اثر زاویه سطح شانه ابزار روی خواص اتصال در جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی آلیاژ آلومینیوم 5052
    فرآیندهای نوین در مهندسی مواد , شماره 4 , سال 11 , پاییز 1396
    در این تحقیق، جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی با طرح اتصال لبه رویهم آلیاژ آلومینیوم 5052 اجرا گردید و اتصالات جوش لبه رویهم توسط سرعت پیشروی 63 میلیمتر بر دقیقه و سرعت چرخش ابزار 1450 دور بر دقیقه ساخته شدند. سه نوع ابزار با زاویه سطح شانه متفاوت (صفر، 5 و 10 درجه) طراحی و است چکیده کامل
    در این تحقیق، جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی با طرح اتصال لبه رویهم آلیاژ آلومینیوم 5052 اجرا گردید و اتصالات جوش لبه رویهم توسط سرعت پیشروی 63 میلیمتر بر دقیقه و سرعت چرخش ابزار 1450 دور بر دقیقه ساخته شدند. سه نوع ابزار با زاویه سطح شانه متفاوت (صفر، 5 و 10 درجه) طراحی و استفاده شد. تاثیر زاویه سطح شانه بر خواص اتصال جوش بوسیله میکروسکوپ نوری و آزمون کشش-برش مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که در زاویه سطح شانه صفر درجه، یک کانال پیوسته در سمت پیشرونده نزدیک به دکمه جوش ایجاد و در طول خط جوش گسترده شد. اتصال لب رویهم با بیشترین استحکام شکست، کوچک ترین اندازه قلاب و در طی آزمون برشی کششی، شکست از محل عیب قلاب نبوده و در فصل مشترک ورق ها رخ داده است. اندازه عیب قلاب (Hook) و ضخامت موثر ورق (EPT) با زیاد شدن زاویه سطح شانه به ترتیب از 5/4 به 2 و از 25/2 به 1 کاهش یافتند در حالی که بالاترین خواص کششی-برشی در زاویه سطح شانه برابر با 10 درجه به 4650 نیوتن بر میلیمتر رسید. پرونده مقاله