فهرست مقالات Ramin Rahimy

  • مقاله

    1 - The Relationship between Willingness to Communicate and Two Types of Speaking Task: Narrative and Dialogue
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 4 , پاییز 2016
    This study attempted to examine the relationship between WTC and two types of speaking tasks:Dialogue and narrative/monologue. The significance of this study lies in its theoreticalcontributions to the WTC construct and the pedagogical implications in second languagetea چکیده کامل
    This study attempted to examine the relationship between WTC and two types of speaking tasks:Dialogue and narrative/monologue. The significance of this study lies in its theoreticalcontributions to the WTC construct and the pedagogical implications in second languageteaching and learning. Sixty one intermediate female EFL learners were selected through anOxford Placement Test (OPT) from Tabarestan English Institute in Nowshahr. A quantitativeresearch method within a descriptive design using questionnaires was employed. Statistical dataanalysis methods of Pearson Product-moment correlation coefficient and descriptive statisticswere utilized in line with the two research questions .Results indicated a positive correlationbetween the WTC level and the narrative speaking as well as the dialogue speaking scores, i.e.,the high L2 WTC leads to a better performance in L2 speaking skill in general. However, thecorrelation between WTC and dialogue speaking was stronger than the WTC and narrativespeaking, i.e., WTC level affects dialogues better than narrative /monologue. To sum up, it wasfound that the participants with lower WTC level were weaker in L2 speaking in general anddialogues in particular. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - The impact of picture-based vs. context-based method on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' knowledge of prepositions
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 4 , پاییز 2016
    The present study aimed to investigate the effect of picture-based vs. context-base method onIranian intermediate EFL learners' knowledge of prepositions. The main question this study triedto answer were whether using picture-based vs. context-based method might enhance چکیده کامل
    The present study aimed to investigate the effect of picture-based vs. context-base method onIranian intermediate EFL learners' knowledge of prepositions. The main question this study triedto answer were whether using picture-based vs. context-based method might enhance higherknowledge of prepositions in Iranian learners of English at intermediate level. To answer thequestions, 45 intermediate learners participated in the experiment of the study. They were selectedfrom among a population of EFL learners via an OPT test score of at least one standard deviationbelow the mean. They were then divided into three groups of 15 and were randomly assigned totwo experimental and a control group. A pretest of English prepositions (the nine most common)was administered to all three groups, then, they were taught prepositions for 10 sessions but withdifferent methodologies: the experimental group one received a treatment of picture-basedsimultaneous with context-based method and the experimental group two received a treatment ofpicture-based method while control group received a treatment through conventional method(instructing general rules governing this category of words) without specific focus on proposedmethod. A posttest of English prepositions (the nine most common) was then administered to threegroups. The data of the study were analyzed using the paired sample t-test to indicate the groupsmean difference, and the degree of progress from the pretest to the posttest of the study in theexperimental groups was indicated by calculating the ANOVA coefficient. The results indicatedthat using picture-based/context-based method was the most effective method in teachingprepositions. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - The impact of using problem-solving puzzles on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' lexical knowledge
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 4 , پاییز 2016
    This study tried to investigate the impact of using problem-solving puzzles onIranian Intermediate EFL learners' lexical knowledge. At first a homogenoussample of 30 Intermediate EFL learners attending in the third grade of Shahedhigh school in Lahijan were selected and چکیده کامل
    This study tried to investigate the impact of using problem-solving puzzles onIranian Intermediate EFL learners' lexical knowledge. At first a homogenoussample of 30 Intermediate EFL learners attending in the third grade of Shahedhigh school in Lahijan were selected and they were randomly divided into twogroups, as experimental group and control group. In the first session, the pretestwas administrated to determine the significant differences between the two groupsand revealed they were homogenous. The scores were kept being compared withthe second set of scores in posttests. The control group received traditional andregular procedure. The experimental group was exposed with some different kindsof puzzles with some special training by using new techniques to learnL2vocabulary more effectively. The treatment lasted 10 sessions. At the end, thedata was analyzed via calculating an Independent Samples T-test between post testscores of the experimental and the control group. The result of the test showed thatthe experimental group did not show a subtle improvement in lexical knowledgeafter the instruction.The students had fun but the analysis is proved that the nullhypothesis was supported in this study because of the same results of both groups. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Reaction Time in Phoneme Recognition: A Comparative Study among Iranian Upper-Intermediate vs. Advanced EFL Learners at Institute Level
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 1 , سال 3 , تابستان 2015
    The present study aimed to investigate of reaction time in terms of phoneme recognition: A comparative study among Iranian Upper-Intermediate vs. Advanced EFL Learners at Institute level. The main question this study tried to answer was whether there is no difference in چکیده کامل
    The present study aimed to investigate of reaction time in terms of phoneme recognition: A comparative study among Iranian Upper-Intermediate vs. Advanced EFL Learners at Institute level. The main question this study tried to answer was whether there is no difference in reaction time in terms of phoneme recognition in Iranian learners at Institute level. To answer the question, 5Upper-Intermediate EFL learners vs. 5 Advanced EFL learners participated in the experiment of the study. They were randomly selected from among a population of 50, both female and male, aged ranged 18-35 via an OPT test scores. They were then divided into groups of 5 and assigned to Upper-Intermediate group vs. Advanced group. A phoneme recognition test was administrated to both groups, then, they choose the correct pronunciation of each word at a definite time. The researcher preferred to use Independent-Samples T-test between the posttest of scores of the study. The researcher applied descriptive statistic to analyze data. The results indicated that Iranian Advanced EFL learners received higher scores vs. Upper-Intermediate EFL learners in terms of L2 phoneme recognition پرونده مقاله

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    5 - تاثیر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی زبان آموزان ایرانی
    مهارت های روانشناسی تربیتی , شماره 4 , سال 3 , پاییز 1391
    پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگی چکیده کامل
    پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگیرندگان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی را در سطح دانشگاهی ارتقاء بخشد یا خیر. به منظور یافتن پاسخ پرسش مذکور 60 ترجمه آموز سال دوم کارشناسی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن از طریق آزمون تعیین سطح آکسفورد (OPT) از میان100 دانشجوی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی به عنوان جامع آماری انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایشی و گواه جهت شرکت در آزمایش تقسیم گردیدند. سپس پیش آزمون پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی از هر دو گروه به عمل آمد و به دنبال آن گروه آزمایشی در معرض 10 جلسه تمرین متغیر مستقل شامل آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی به همراه آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو که پنج مقوله: نظام حمل ونقل، نظام آموزشی، ورزش، آداب و رسوم و جشن ها و رفتار های مذهبی را در بر میگرفت، قرار گرفت؛ در حالیکه گروه گواه از روش های موجود آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در کلاس درس بدون آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی مذکور بهره جست. پس از آن، از هر دو گروه پس آزمون نوشتار توصیفی به عمل آمد. داده های بدست آمده از طریق آزمون تی وتحلیل کوواریانس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند و نتیجه گرفته شد که توانایی پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان آزمودنی های گروه آزمایشی در اثر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو ارتقاء یافته است. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - تأثیر به کار گیری متون شنیداری بر مهارت گفتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی
    مهارت های روانشناسی تربیتی , شماره 4 , سال 2 , پاییز 1390
    پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تأثیر به کارگیری متون شنیداری (شفاهی) بر مهارت گفتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی می پردازد. روش پژوهش از نوع شبه تجربی و طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل 150 دانشجوی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن می ب چکیده کامل
    پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تأثیر به کارگیری متون شنیداری (شفاهی) بر مهارت گفتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی می پردازد. روش پژوهش از نوع شبه تجربی و طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل 150 دانشجوی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن می باشد. نمونه آماری پژوهش شامل 60 ترجمه آموز کارشناسی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن می باشد که از طریق آزمون تعیین سطح OPT و به صورت تصادفی انتخاب و در آزمایش شرکت کردند و به دو گروه آزمایشی و گواه تقسیم گردیدند. سپس پیش آزمون مهارت گفتاری از هر دو گروه به عمل آمد و به دنبال آن هر دو گروه در معرض 10 جلسه تدریس مهارت گفتاری با استفاده از متون شفاهی (گروه آزمایشی) و بدون استفاده از متون شفاهی (گروه گواه) قرار گرفتند. پس از آن از هر دو گروه پس آزمون مهارت گفتاری به عمل آمد. ابزار پژوهش حاضر، پرسشنامه تعیین سطح آکسفورد بود که از روایی و پایایی مناسبی برخوردار بود. داده های به دست آمده با توجه بر آمار توصیفی(میانگین و انحراف استاندارد) و آمار استنباطی (آزمون تی، تحلیل کوواریانس و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون) مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند و نتایج نشان داد که مهارت گفتاری ترجمه آموزان در اثر به کارگیری متون شفاهی ارتقا می یابد. پرونده مقاله

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    7 - A Tailored Curriculum and Students’ General English Achievement across Gender
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , شماره 1 , سال 12 , بهار 2024
    The current study attempted to investigate the effect of a newly tailored curriculum on students’ general English achievement across gender as compared to the standard curriculum at Iranian tertiary education. The participants were 120 non-native undergraduate stu چکیده کامل
    The current study attempted to investigate the effect of a newly tailored curriculum on students’ general English achievement across gender as compared to the standard curriculum at Iranian tertiary education. The participants were 120 non-native undergraduate students of Pre-requisite General English course majoring in different disciplines at Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education in Tonekabon city. They were assigned into four groups including female control and experimental as well as male control and experimental. The experimental groups received teaching through the tailored curriculum and the control groups through the standard one. All the groups were given pretest and posttest on general English achievement. In order to analyze the data, a Kolmogrove-Smirnov test and an Independent Samples T-test were utilized. The findings of the study indicated female participant’s outperformance compared to the male ones, after being treated with tailored curriculum (TC) and standard curriculum (SC). However, the male participants experienced higher degree of progress after receiving TC as compared to SC, while such progress was not seen for the female. پرونده مقاله

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    8 - Appropriation-Based Syllabus and Speaking Ability: Evidence from Iranian EFL Context
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , شماره 1 , سال 4 , زمستان 2021
    The impetus for performing this study came from Thornbury's (2005) approach to teaching speaking in which he claimed that awareness-raising techniques and appropriation strategies facilitate the developing speaking skill. Accordingly, this study explored the impact of a چکیده کامل
    The impetus for performing this study came from Thornbury's (2005) approach to teaching speaking in which he claimed that awareness-raising techniques and appropriation strategies facilitate the developing speaking skill. Accordingly, this study explored the impact of an appropriation-based syllabus to teaching speaking by using chunks-on-card activities based on quasi-experimental method. To do so, 30 Iranian intermediate EFL learners were selected from four classes in a language institute and the classes were randomly allocated to two groups: an experimental and a control group. To observe the effect of the treatment, the participants underwent pre- and post-tests on speaking skill. They participated in 14 treatment sessions in which the experimental group practiced the chunks-on-card approach through drilling while the control group practiced the conventional approach. The findings of the Independent-Samples T-test as well as the Paired Samples T-test revealed significant differences among the pre- and post-tests scores of both groups. Thus, the hypothesis of the study which postulated that the appropriation-based teaching of lexical chunks had a significant impact on these intermediate EFL learners’ speaking skills was confirmed. پرونده مقاله

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    9 - Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Improving Language Learners’ Affection and Proficiency
    Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies , شماره 1 , سال 3 , بهار 2024
    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach that tries to enable the individuals to make major changes to their behaviors in order to achieve their objectives. The present study strived to determine the degree to which (NLP) influenced Iranian EFL learners’ چکیده کامل
    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach that tries to enable the individuals to make major changes to their behaviors in order to achieve their objectives. The present study strived to determine the degree to which (NLP) influenced Iranian EFL learners’ language proficiency and self-efficacy. To this end, first, the researchers non-randomly selected 50 intermediate-level male EFL learners from among the learners of two intact classrooms of a private language institute in Rasht (Iran) as the participants based on their results on a placement test. Second, they randomly appointed one of these classes as the NLP group and the other class as the control group. Third, they administered Fowler and Coe’s (1976) Nelson English Language Proficiency Test, and Wang, Kim, Bai, and Hu’s (2014) Self-Efficacy Questionnaire to the NLP group and the control group as the pretests prior to the onset of the treatment of the study. Fourth, they provided the NLP group with NLP treatment in 10 sessions during a 5-week period. Notwithstanding, the control group did not receive the above-mentioned NLP treatment. Finally, subsequent to the end of the treatment sessions, the researchers administered the above-mentioned proficiency test and self-efficacy questionnaire to the participants the posttests. SPSS 24 was used to perform the data analysis of the present study. The result of the study highlighted the fact that NLP significantly ameliorated the participants’ language proficiency and self-efficacy. The results may provide EFL teacher educators, syllabus designers, and teachers with guiding principles regarding NLP in foreign language contexts. پرونده مقاله

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    10 - Intervention of Information Synthesization, Making Inferences, and Visualization with Iranian Undergraduates' ESP Reading Comprehension Achievement
    Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation , شماره 202141 , سال 4 , بهار-تابستان 2021
    This study investigated the intervention of information synthesization, making inferences, and visualization with Iranian undergraduates' ESP (accounting) reading comprehension achievement. 90 ESP university students majoring in accounting have participated in this stud چکیده کامل
    This study investigated the intervention of information synthesization, making inferences, and visualization with Iranian undergraduates' ESP (accounting) reading comprehension achievement. 90 ESP university students majoring in accounting have participated in this study. Based on the QPT proficiency test, they were assigned into three homogeneous groups. The pretest showed that the three groups were not significantly different, and then accounting reading comprehension was taught as the treatment. In group A, the focus was on "information synthesization strategy", in group B, the emphasis was on "making inferences strategy", and in group C, the teacher focused on visualization strategy. The results of the post-test revealed that although each of these three strategies improved ESP reading comprehension, information synthesization had the most effect, making inferences had a medium effect, and visualization had less effect on improving the students' ESP reading comprehension ability.This study has implications for students, teachers, and also curriculum developers. پرونده مقاله

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    11 - Effect of a Teacher Education Course on Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Formative Assessment Self-Efficacy: A Mixed-Methods Research
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , شماره 2 , سال 12 , تابستان 2024
    Abstract This study aimed to examine the effects of a teacher education course on EFL teachers’ self-efficacy in formative assessment. The researchers employed a mixed-method design that combined quantitative and qualitative approaches to investigate the effects of the چکیده کامل
    Abstract This study aimed to examine the effects of a teacher education course on EFL teachers’ self-efficacy in formative assessment. The researchers employed a mixed-method design that combined quantitative and qualitative approaches to investigate the effects of the course. Thirty EFL teachers participated in the study and completed pre- and post-intervention questionnaires to assess their formative assessment self-efficacy beliefs. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather qualitative data on teachers’ beliefs about formative assessment. The quantitative data were analyzed using paired-sample t-tests, and thematic analysis was conducted for the qualitative data. The results indicated a significant increase in teachers’ formative assessment self-efficacy beliefs. The findings suggest that providing teacher education courses focused on formative assessment can effectively enhance EFL teachers’ self-efficacy and utilization of such assessment methods in online classroom. The current study has some pedagogical implications and recommendations for the implementation of similar courses and potential areas for future research are also discussed. پرونده مقاله