فهرست مقالات khalil Motallebzadeh

  • مقاله

    1 - EFL University Instructors’ Employment Status and Their Perception of Professional Commitment
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 1 , سال 8 , زمستان 2020
    Instructors play an important role in educating the future members of society through their work in universities and quality education cannot be achieved without the supreme efforts of dedicated and committed university teachers. Hence, there is a call for more research چکیده کامل
    Instructors play an important role in educating the future members of society through their work in universities and quality education cannot be achieved without the supreme efforts of dedicated and committed university teachers. Hence, there is a call for more research concerning the notion of teacher commitment, its dimensions and the factors that influence it. The current study first aimed to set priority among the dimensions of EFL instructors’ professional commitment through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and then investigate the effect of EFL instructors’ employment status as full time or part time on their professional commitment through two-tailed t-test. A previously validated EFL Teachers’ Professional Commitment Questionnaire was employed to collect data from 420 EFL male and female university instructors. The results exhibited a significant difference between these two variables in total. One of the important implications of this research is that EFL instructors inspire to evaluate their commitment regarding the priority of dimensions and their underlying components meticulously to find out what they should work on more to improve students’ achievements in the EFL learning context of Iran. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Quality in English Language Teaching: Postulating a Prospective Quality Enhancement Model
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 4 , سال 8 , بهار 2020
    The literature review left the researchers with an unanswered query about whether teachers' years of teaching experience could act as an index for enhancing the quality of teaching learning output. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to propose a quality enhancemen چکیده کامل
    The literature review left the researchers with an unanswered query about whether teachers' years of teaching experience could act as an index for enhancing the quality of teaching learning output. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to propose a quality enhancement model for the status of private Iranian English institutions. An ex post-factorial design was employed for the study. Thus, 250 male and female EFL teachers filled a previously developed English Language Teaching Quality Indices Survey. The reliability and validity of the survey were checked by Cronbach alpha, 95, EFA and CFA. Then, the researchers calculated the means of ELTQI constructs. The aim was to pinpoint the most prominent components that impact the quality of ELT as "must" to be indices in any educational setting. Besides, the researchers utilized the index with the highest mean as well as the ones which were highly recurrent in the literature and shared relations/predictions with teachers' years of teaching experience. Then, a model was proposed by running CFA, AMOS Software. It included factors like years of teaching experience, 21st century skills, teachers' qualifications and recruitment, teaching activities and methodologies, CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and assessment procedure. The results revealed that all the predictions were supported except for 21st century skills. Also, Teachers’ qualifications and recruitment gained the most importance from the teachers' point of view. As the pedagogical implication, proposing a prospective quality enhancement model can bring about clarity among different stakeholders, teachers, and learners of what is exactly expected of them. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Group-Work Dynamics: Its effects on EFL IELTS Candidates’ Structural Accuracy and Self-Regulation
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 4 , سال 7 , زمستان 2018
    Group-work dynamics has been assumed to explain a great part of impact in language learningand teaching in specific contexts or for particular skills. In the same vein, structural accuracy hasbeen significant in foreign language learning. Today, foreign language learnin چکیده کامل
    Group-work dynamics has been assumed to explain a great part of impact in language learningand teaching in specific contexts or for particular skills. In the same vein, structural accuracy hasbeen significant in foreign language learning. Today, foreign language learning is not limited tothe classroom environment. In addition, it encompasses the learner’s lives, so that selfregulation’srole seems to be prominent. Accordingly, this study explored the effect of groupworkdynamics on EFL IELTS candidates’ structural accuracy and self-regulation. The findingsof this quasi-experimental mixed-method study revealed that group-work dynamics did not havea significant effect on the structural accuracy and self-regulation of the participants. Overall, asthe analysis of the open-ended questions confirmed, the employment of Group-work Dynamicswas not appealing to the students as they emphasized that learning grammatical points andstructural notes requires more control of the teacher rather than peers. Moreover, theyhighlighted that they believed that group work and other tasks need to be practiced in aconversation class to enhance the speaking skill. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Investigating the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Self-Concept, Personality Traits and Teaching Styles
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 5 , سال 7 , بهار 2018
    The quality of teachers has influence on the quality of educational services. Nurturing theteachers is actually a preoccupation for the educational organizations. The aim of our educationsystem is to produce successful, well-prepared citizens; therefore, careful examina چکیده کامل
    The quality of teachers has influence on the quality of educational services. Nurturing theteachers is actually a preoccupation for the educational organizations. The aim of our educationsystem is to produce successful, well-prepared citizens; therefore, careful examination ofindividuals who teach at all levels is a critical step in meeting that goal. The current studyinvestigated the relationship among Iranian EFL teachers’ personality traits, teaching styles andself-concept. The population of the study consisted of 100 male and female teachers who teach inlanguage institutes of Mashhad, Iran. They were included 60 females and 40 males. In order tocollect data for the purpose of the current study, three questionnaires were utilized which pertainto the three variables of the study, namely, Teaching Style Inventory, Revised NEO PersonalityInventory (NEO PI-R), and Teacher Self-Concept Evaluation Scale (TSCES). To answer allresearch questions Pearson correlation was conducted. Results for the first major researchquestion indicated that there are significant relationships between all sub-scales of personalityand Teaching Style. Besides, the results of second major research question demonstratesignificant relationships between all sub-scales of personality and Teacher Self-Concept. Finally,the results of the last major research question showed significant relationships between TeachingStyle and Teacher Self-Concept. Findings associated with this study could significantly benefitteachers. The teachers may discover themselves as well as how to combine their personalitycapability to create their teaching techniques become useful which is required in achieving theeducation progress blueprint and achieving the National Mission. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    5 - Professional Success among Iranian University Professors of TEFL: A study on the Basis of Goffman's Footing Theory
    Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , شماره 1 , سال 11 , پاییز 2018
    This study aimed at exploring the influence of the role that a teacher employs on his/her professional success. The teacher role was investigated from a new outlook, Goffman's footing theory. According to Goffman (1981), a speaker's role can be classified into three cat چکیده کامل
    This study aimed at exploring the influence of the role that a teacher employs on his/her professional success. The teacher role was investigated from a new outlook, Goffman's footing theory. According to Goffman (1981), a speaker's role can be classified into three categories of animator, author, and principal, characterized as the repeater of the ideas made by the others, the paraphraser of concepts, and the creator of original ideas, respectively. Applying this theory in the educational context, the researchers selected 36 university professors of TEFL in the MA level and asked their students (N=118) to identify their professors' dominant role as animator, author, or principal, both generally and individually, via a metaphor checklist and their professional success via the Characteristic of Successful Iranian EFL Teacher Questionnaire. The results of Chi-square analysis indicated that the professors dominantly take on the author and animator roles respectively. One-way Anova results also demonstrated that the professors taking on the principal role enjoy higher professional success than those adopting the animator and author roles. The results offer implications and suggestions for pedagogical consideration within the Iranian university context. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    6 - Unveiling Educational Insights: Exploring Students' Perceptions of the Hidden Curriculum in TEFL at the Undergraduate Level in Iran
    Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies , شماره 1 , سال 4 , پاییز-زمستان 2024
    This study aimed to scrutinize the dimensions of the hidden curriculum in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the undergraduate level in the Iranian context, with a specific focus on the perspectives of university learners. Employing a mixed-methods approac چکیده کامل
    This study aimed to scrutinize the dimensions of the hidden curriculum in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the undergraduate level in the Iranian context, with a specific focus on the perspectives of university learners. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research encompasses an extensive review of pertinent literature. A randomly selected cohort of 327 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners pursuing undergraduate studies in teaching English across various colleges and universities in Iran constituted the study participants. The investigative tools utilized in this study comprised a 33-item questionnaire designed to explore diverse facets of the hidden curriculum at the undergraduate level for the quantitative phase. Additionally, for the qualitative component, an open-ended question and a semi-structured interview format were employed. The quantitative findings unveiled that the organizational ambiance of the university, the social milieu within the educational institution, the dynamics of student-teacher relationships in classes, and the non-academic dimensions of university courses exert a discernible impact on students' cognitions, emotions, and behaviors within the academic environment. Consequently, these aspects are identified as integral components of the hidden curriculum within the TEFL undergraduate program in Iran. The qualitative results of the study are also presented, contributing to a nuanced understanding of the non-academic factors that wield substantial influence on academic outcomes within university settings. پرونده مقاله