فهرست مقالات Zohre Mohamadi Zenouzagh

  • مقاله

    1 - Designing and Validating an Evaluation inventory for the Effect of Hidden Curriculum on Teacher Identity
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 5 , سال 9 , بهار 2021
    Hidden curriculum might have a substantial effect on teachers’ identity although the two variables might have been under-researched, and there appears to have been no instrument to uncover the issue more specifically. The present study aimed to develop and validat چکیده کامل
    Hidden curriculum might have a substantial effect on teachers’ identity although the two variables might have been under-researched, and there appears to have been no instrument to uncover the issue more specifically. The present study aimed to develop and validate a potential inventory to examine the effect of the Hidden Curriculum on Teacher Identity (HCTI). To do so, 350 Iranian English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers volunteered to be interviewed in semi-structured interviews to elicit the hidden factors that potentially affect teacher professional identity construction. The final inventory was a questionnaire with 51 items which was subject to reliability and construct validity issues. Reliability and factor analysis results indicated that the questionnaire enjoyed high psychometric properties. Besides, factor analysis indicated 44 items loaded on three components of 1) Hidden Curriculum and Self-Efficacy Dimension of EFL Teacher Identity, 2) Hidden Curriculum and Pedagogical Dimension of EFL Teacher Identity, and 3) Hidden Curriculum and Social Dimension of EFL Teacher Identity. Findings contributed to the effective roles that hidden curriculum could play in shaping and developing teachers’ identity. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Comparative Effect of Visual and Auditory Teaching Techniques on Retention of Word Stress patterns: A Case Study of English as a Foreign Language Curriculum in Iran
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 5 , پاییز 2017
    This study aimed at investigating the effect of visual (Cuisenaire Rods) and auditory nonsensical monosyllables using Pratt speech processing software as teaching techniques on retention of word stress. To this end, 60 high school participants made the two experimental چکیده کامل
    This study aimed at investigating the effect of visual (Cuisenaire Rods) and auditory nonsensical monosyllables using Pratt speech processing software as teaching techniques on retention of word stress. To this end, 60 high school participants made the two experimental groups of the study each having 30 students on the basis of their proficiency scores on KET (Key English Test). In one experimental group, Cuisenaire rods were used to teach word stress whereas in the other one, auditory nonsensical monosyllables using Praat speech processing software was used as an auditory aid. Both groups received the same educational content except for the way of presentation. T-test analysis indicated that both experimental groups improve their retention of word stress from pretest to post test. The compassion between the two techniques indicated that visual representation had more effect on word stress retention than auditory representation. Creativity and dynamicity of the two methods can help teachers to attend individual preferences and preferred learning styles. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - The Effect of Storytelling through Puppets on Speaking Fluency and Motivation of preintermediate Iranian English as Foreign language learners
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 5 , پاییز 2017
    Among many factors affecting learning a language, motivation is the most well- documented in theory and less operationalized in practice entity and it calls for consideration when it comes to learn speaking skill in English as Foreign Language (EFL) education ecology. T چکیده کامل
    Among many factors affecting learning a language, motivation is the most well- documented in theory and less operationalized in practice entity and it calls for consideration when it comes to learn speaking skill in English as Foreign Language (EFL) education ecology. This study investigates the effect of storytelling through puppets on 60 Iranian pre -intermediate EFL learners' Motivation and speaking fluency. Gardner's Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) and speaking part of Preliminary English Test (PET) were used at pretest and posttest stages of experimental and control groups. The stories were selected on the basis of their difficulty level to ensure their concordance with proficiency level of the students. The puppets were designed to represent the characters of the stories. The results of Analysis of Variance indicated that storytelling through puppets have not only affected learners' speaking fluency but also motivation. This suggests that language teachers should make principled decisions about the techniques by which they build confidence for the most motivation requiring classroom skill; speaking. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Effect of Distributed Leadership on Teacher Engagement, Teacher Accountability, and Teacher Competencies
    Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation , شماره 202251 , سال 5 , بهار-تابستان 2022
    The current study is mixed-method research that inspected the effect of distributed leadership on 3 factors of teacher engagement, accountability, and competencies on 15 EFL instructors and their improvements toward the abovementioned elements. To this end, the research چکیده کامل
    The current study is mixed-method research that inspected the effect of distributed leadership on 3 factors of teacher engagement, accountability, and competencies on 15 EFL instructors and their improvements toward the abovementioned elements. To this end, the research was conducted through 2 phases, comprised of a quantitative inquiry which was intended to determine the teachers’ level of engagement, accountability, and engagement through implementing 3 questionnaires. Then, the participants took part in online workshops concerning various issues of each questionnaire to share their perspectives toward them. The effect of online discussions regarding distributed leadership was depicted through implementing the questionnaires as the posttest. The second phase was qualitative and aimed to illustrate the participants’ attitudes, opinions, experiences, and solutions toward the abovementioned components through writing a reflective essay. Results of the study indicated a good amount of difference between the participants’ performance on the pretest and posttest of the teachers’ engagement, accountability, and competencies questionnaires. The contents of the participants’ reflective essays were analyzed and presented in the second phase of the study. The outcomes showed that distributed leadership was a novel concept for all the participants and with presented various issues concerning each component, they achieved new insights toward their students, society, colleagues, and profession. Moreover, the resulted manifested that the participants accomplished benefit solutions and perspectives through online discussions and could find ways to develop themselves toward clinical, technical, critical, and personal competencies, all of which can lead to having a better educational atmosphere and students’ achievement. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    5 - Development of EFL Teachers’ Engagement and Professional Identity: The Effect of Discussing Teacher Competences via E- Collaborative Discussion Forum
    Journal of Language and Translation , شماره 5 , سال 10 , پاییز 2020
    This study is a mixed method research that investigated the effect of electronic collaborative discussion forum on Iranian EFL teachers' engagement and professional identity and their development in terms of teachers‘ competences as they were engaged in collaborat چکیده کامل
    This study is a mixed method research that investigated the effect of electronic collaborative discussion forum on Iranian EFL teachers' engagement and professional identity and their development in terms of teachers‘ competences as they were engaged in collaborative teacher inquiry. For this purpose, 5 EFL teachers participated in 11 online forum discussion sessions. Before participating in discussions, their lev- el of engagement and professional identity were examined through administering two questionnaires. In order to investigate the effect of e-collaborative discussions, multidimensional scale of teacher engage- ment and questionnaire for investigating teacher's professional identity were administered twice in pretest and posttest. The results of Wilcoxon signed rank tests revealed significant difference from pretest to- wards posttest in teachers' engagement and professional identity. The content of the participants' discus- sion on an online forum was analyzed using Nvivo software through which categories and subcategories that indicate teacher competences emerged deductively. The major categories are technical competence, critical competence, personal competence and clinical competence. These four major categories include subcategories that represent teacher professional development. In the light of the results, important impli- cations are suggested for teaching practitioners. پرونده مقاله