فهرست مقالات Palash Kumar Dhar

  • مقاله

    1 - Estimation of Daily Intake and Mineral Content of Ice Cream in Bangladesh
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2021
    Milk and dairy productsare avowed as rich source of dietary minerals. Globally, the popularity of ice cream is increasing due to its nutritional benefits and appealing tastes. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were: (a) to determine the concentration of macro چکیده کامل
    Milk and dairy productsare avowed as rich source of dietary minerals. Globally, the popularity of ice cream is increasing due to its nutritional benefits and appealing tastes. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were: (a) to determine the concentration of macro-elements (K, Na, Mg, Ca, and P) in commercially available ice cream in Bangladesh; (b) to point out their contribution to our daily diet formulation. Based on the popularity, and availability, seven leading brands were selected and five samples from each brand were randomly purchased irrespective of their types, flavour, taste, and price. The concentration of macro-minerals were quantified using Inductively Coupled Optical Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The average concentration (fresh weight) of studied elements had shown a descending order of Ca (1529.41±278.88) > K (1363.69±198.68) > P (1187.76±231.23) > Na (569.79±141.14) > Mg (194.90±68.59) mg.kg-1. Pearson’s correlation matrix among the different metals revealed a significant correlation between K-Na (r = 0.418) and K-Mg (r = 0.408) at p < 0.05 levels. The average estimated daily intake (EDI) of K, Na, Mg, Ca, and P were found 40.97, 17.12, 5.85, 45.94, and 35.68 mg.day-1, respectively, which indicated none of the studied samples exceeded the recommended daily allowance (RDA). The consumption of ice cream (30.04 g.day-1) showed 0.87-7.34% contributions of macro-elements to our daily diet. The present study concludes that ice cream could be considered as a possible source of essential minerals (especially Ca, and P). However, to assure the food quality and to create a balanced diet, regular monitoring of milk and dairy products is strongly recommended. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Removal of Lead and Mercury from Water Using Nanoparticles: A Concise Review on Adsorption
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 1 , سال 14 , زمستان 2024
    Water is the most essential natural resources in the ecosystem and vital for the existence of all living beings as well as humans growth. Due to the rapid industrialization, water pollution is now the most vital matter of concern. A common ecological issue is water poll چکیده کامل
    Water is the most essential natural resources in the ecosystem and vital for the existence of all living beings as well as humans growth. Due to the rapid industrialization, water pollution is now the most vital matter of concern. A common ecological issue is water pollution with heavy metals, such as lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg), which has become a major environmental problem due to the detrimental consequences on human health and ecosystems. Additionally, research into new and more effective water treatment methods is being driven by the persistence, toxicity, and accumulation of Pb and Hg in the human body. This is done to reduce the amount of Pb and Hg in water. To remove or lower the amount of Pb and Hg in water, several researchers make substantial use of the adsorption. Adsorption continues to be a practical method with flexible design and execution. In the past few years, nanotechnology has come to be a promising approach for the remediation of water polluted with these hazardous metals by adsorption. It will become more and more difficult to deploy technologically sophisticated alternative water treatments to meet the growing demand for lower levels of Pb and Hg in drinking water using current methods. Compared it to alternative approaches, nanotechnology has a lot of benefits. Nanoparticles, owing to their unique physicochemical properties, have garnered attention as competent adsorbents for Pb and Hg removal from water. This review gives an in-depth account of several nanoparticle preparation methods. The review also highlights the recent advancements in the application of different nanoparticles for the remediation of Pb and Hg from aquatic environments. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Hematological, Histopathological and Growth Performance Studies on Albino Rats Fed on Mystus gulio Fillet with Formulated Cereal
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 1 , سال 9 , زمستان 2019
    The growth and development of human body is dependent on the protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Fishes are one of the major sources of protein, vitamins and minerals for human. This study was conducted to know the effect of Mystus gulio fish fillet on growth چکیده کامل
    The growth and development of human body is dependent on the protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Fishes are one of the major sources of protein, vitamins and minerals for human. This study was conducted to know the effect of Mystus gulio fish fillet on growth performance of albino rats after feeding different concentrations of fish fillet as a protein source with formulated cereal for 32 days. Haematological and histopathological analysis were performed between control group and examined groups of albino rats. It was noticed that the body weight of each experimental albino rat was increasing gradually with increasing fish fillet up to 15% and beyond this the value was decreased. Moreover, the highest protein efficiency ratio (PER) and calorie efficiency ratio (CER) were observed 2.53% and 13.02% respectively for 15% supplied fish fillet. The gained in body weight (GBW) of albino rats in each experimental group depended mainly on supplied fish protein concentration but not on formulated cereal. According to hematological and histopathological studies, no toxicological effect was observed between control group and experimental groups of rats treated with different fish protein concentration for 32 consecutive days. Supplement of 15% fish fillet with formulated cereal was required to produce maximum nutritive values and the Mystus gulio could be considered as protein rich human diet. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Presence of Heavy Metals in Vegetables Collected from Jashore, Bangladesh: Human Health Risk Assessment
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 5 , سال 8 , پاییز 2018
    This research was carried out to estimate the concentrations of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) and to assess the human health risk. Estimated Daily Intake (EDI), Target Hazard Quotient (THQ), Hazard Index (HI) and Target Cancer Risk (TCR) were measured and the چکیده کامل
    This research was carried out to estimate the concentrations of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) and to assess the human health risk. Estimated Daily Intake (EDI), Target Hazard Quotient (THQ), Hazard Index (HI) and Target Cancer Risk (TCR) were measured and the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks were calculated. The concentrations of Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn except Cd and Pb were below the permission limit proposed by the joint FAO/WHO. Transfer factor of heavy metals from soil to vegetables was calculated and the decreasing order was Cu (0.786) > Cd (0.759) > Zn (0.569) > Pb (0.432) > Mn (0.167) > Fe (0.050). Assessment of non-carcinogenic health hazards by THQ indicated no concern for individual Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn except Cd and Pb. But the combined impact of all metals (HI = 8.64775) was very high than the acceptable limit of 1.0 for all vegetables. So, the consumption of these vegetables were the prime concern for non-carcinogenic health effects and all metals together may affect the human health as revealed by HI. The probability of developing cancer from the consumption of studied vegetable was greater than USEPA threshold risk limit (>10–5) for Mn (2.8E–3), Pb (1.17E–4) and Cu (9.5E–4); (> 10–3) for Zn (2.15E–2) and Fe (1.45E–1). These values indicated moderate cancer risk for Mn, Cu and Pb, high cancer risk for Fe and Zn whereas Cd showed low cancer risk from this study area. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    5 - Comparative Study on Cholesterol Content and Physicochemical Properties of Some Branded and Unbranded Commercial Edible Oils in Khulna, Bangladesh
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 5 , سال 9 , پاییز 2019
    Edible oils are an essential component for cooking. Presence of an elevated amount of cholesterol in edible oil might cause several diseases. Therefore, the present study aims to estimate the amount of cholesterol in fourteen branded (BVO) and unbranded (UVO) commercial چکیده کامل
    Edible oils are an essential component for cooking. Presence of an elevated amount of cholesterol in edible oil might cause several diseases. Therefore, the present study aims to estimate the amount of cholesterol in fourteen branded (BVO) and unbranded (UVO) commercially available edible vegetable oils in Khulna, Bangladesh. Besides, to ensure the quality of the oils, iodine value, saponification value, acid value, insoluble impurities and peroxide value were determined. Quantitative analysis of cholesterol was performed by Liebermann-Burchard method and the result indicates UVO black cumin oil has highest (525.49 ± 0.67 mg/L) cholesterol content whereas BVO sunflower oil contains lowest cholesterol content (145.36 ± 0.73 mg/L). The ascending order of the cholesterol content in various vegetable oils is sunflower oil (BVO) پرونده مقاله