فهرست مقالات Mehdi Seifbarghy

  • مقاله

    1 - Hub Covering Location Problem Considering Queuing and Capacity Constraints
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , شماره 23 , سال 11 , بهار 2018
    In this paper, a hub covering location problem is considered. Hubs, which are the most congested part of a network, are modeled as M/M/C queuing system and located in placeswhere the entrance flows are more than a predetermined value.A fuzzy constraint is considered in چکیده کامل
    In this paper, a hub covering location problem is considered. Hubs, which are the most congested part of a network, are modeled as M/M/C queuing system and located in placeswhere the entrance flows are more than a predetermined value.A fuzzy constraint is considered in order to limit the transportation time between all origin-destination pairs in the network.On modeling, a nonlinear mathematical program is presented.Then, the nonlinear constraints are convertedto linear ones.Due to the computational complexity of the problem,genetic algorithm (GA),particle swarm optimization (PSO)based heuristics, and improved hybrid PSO are developedto solve the problem. Since the performance of the given heuristics is affected by the corresponding parameters of each, Taguchi method is appliedin order to tune the parameters. Finally,the efficiency ofthe proposed heuristicsis studied while designing a number of test problems with different sizes.The computational results indicated the greater efficiency of the heuristic GA compared to the other methods for solving the problem پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - A Risk-averse Inventory-based Supply Chain Protection Problem with Adapted Stochastic Measures under Intentional Facility Disruptions: Decomposition and Hybrid Algorithms
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , شماره 28 , سال 13 , پاییز 2020
    Owing to rising intentional events, supply chain disruptions have been considered by setting up a game between two players, namely, a designer and an interdictor contesting on minimizing and maximizing total cost, respectively. The previous studies have found the equili چکیده کامل
    Owing to rising intentional events, supply chain disruptions have been considered by setting up a game between two players, namely, a designer and an interdictor contesting on minimizing and maximizing total cost, respectively. The previous studies have found the equilibrium solution by taking transportation, penalty and restoration cost into account. To contribute further, we examine how incorporation of inventory cost influences the players’ strategies. Assuming risk-averse feature of the designer and fully optimizing property of the interdictor with limited budget, the conditional-value-at-risk is employed to be involved in total cost. Using special order sets of type two and duality role, the linearized tri-level problem is solved by column-and-constraint generation and benders decomposition algorithms in terms of small-sized instances. In terms of larger-sized instances, we also contribute to prior studies by hybridizing corresponding algorithms with bio-geography based optimization method. Another non-trivial extension of our work is to define adapted stochastic measures based on the proposed mean-risk tri-level formulation. Borrowing instances from prior papers, the computational results indicate the managerial insights on players’ decisions, the model’s efficiency and performance of the algorithms. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - A Supplier Selection Model for Social Responsible Supply Chain
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , شماره 8 , سال 4 , تابستان 2011
    Due to the importance of supplier selection issue in supply chain management (SCM) and ,also, the increasing tendency of organizations to their social responsibilities, In this paper, we survey the supplier selection issue as a multi objective problem while considering چکیده کامل
    Due to the importance of supplier selection issue in supply chain management (SCM) and ,also, the increasing tendency of organizations to their social responsibilities, In this paper, we survey the supplier selection issue as a multi objective problem while considering the factor of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mathematical parameter. The purpose of this paper is to design a model so that suppliers are selected and quota is allocated to them while raising their social responsibility to the maximum expected extent. Supplier selection objectives such as cost minimization, quality maximization and on-time delivery maximization have already been surveyed. In this paper, we add objectives such as CSR maximization, maximization of advantages of domestic supplier selection and minimization of sum total distance to suppliers, to the prior objective functions while considering the quality and on time delivery constraints. Observance of CSR is lineally related to quality and on-time delivery and will lead to their increase. The model is presented in linear and integer programming in two states, single product and multi product, then it is solved by Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) methods (Utility Function, STEM and Goal Programming) and answers are obtained and compared. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Determination of Material Flows in a Multi-echelon Assembly SupplyChain
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , شماره 11 , سال 5 , پاییز 2012
    This study aims to minimize the total cost of a four-echelon supply chain including suppliers, an assembler, distributers, and retailers. Thetotal cost consists of purchasing raw materials from the suppliers by the assembler, assembling the final product, materials tran چکیده کامل
    This study aims to minimize the total cost of a four-echelon supply chain including suppliers, an assembler, distributers, and retailers. Thetotal cost consists of purchasing raw materials from the suppliers by the assembler, assembling the final product, materials transportationfrom the suppliers to the assembler, product transportation from the assembler to the distributors, product transportation from thedistributors to the retailers, and product holding and stock-out in the distribution centers. To this end, having modeled the problemaddressed, a numerical example including ten suppliers, an assembler, three distributors and eight retailers in the chain is solved for fourperiods of time. Then the model is solved by a simulated annealing-based heuristic and LINGO. Finally, a set of 30 numerical problems ofsmall and large sizes are developed and solved. The results indicate that simulated annealing-based heuristic provides near optimalsolutions. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Estimation of the cost function of a two-echelon inventory system withlost sales using regression
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , شماره 1 , سال 1 , پاییز 2008
    Multi-echelon inventory systems are one of the most important and attractive areas in modelling supply chain management so that several researches and studies have been done about. In this paper, the total cost function of a two-echelon inventory system with central war چکیده کامل
    Multi-echelon inventory systems are one of the most important and attractive areas in modelling supply chain management so that several researches and studies have been done about. In this paper, the total cost function of a two-echelon inventory system with central warehouse and many identical retailers controlled by continuous review inventory policy is estimated. We have assumed the demand in the retailers experiences independent Poisson distribution and unsatisfied demands are lost in the retailers and unsatisfied retailer order is backordered in the central warehouse. The transportation time from warehouse to each retailer and the lead time of the warehouse orders are assumed to be constant. The accuracy of the estimation is assessed by simulation. The main contribution of this paper is using statistical tools in two-echelon inventory systems analysis. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - Maximal Benefit Location Problem for A Congested System
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , شماره 5 , سال 3 , بهار 2010
    Some servers are to be located at nodes of a network. Demand for services of these servers is located at each node and a subset of the nodes is to be chosen to locate one server in each. Each customer selects a server with a probability dependent on distance and a cert چکیده کامل
    Some servers are to be located at nodes of a network. Demand for services of these servers is located at each node and a subset of the nodes is to be chosen to locate one server in each. Each customer selects a server with a probability dependent on distance and a certain amount of benefit is achieved after giving service to the customer. Customers may waive receiving service with a known probability. The objective is to maximize the total benefit. In this paper, the problem is formulated, three solution algorithms are developed and applied to some numerical examples to analyze the results. پرونده مقاله