فهرست مقالات Reza Bagheri

  • مقاله

    1 - Prioritization of Rangeland Species Functions with Emphasis on Indigenous Knowledge of Range Holders (Case study: Titoeieh Area in Baft Township, Kerman, Iran)
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 5 , سال 10 , پاییز 2020
    Prioritizing the rangeland plants for ecological functions is one of the main concerns in the operation of multifunctional rangelands. Considering that the use of various functions of plant species in rangelands can lead to higher renter's income and change single-livel چکیده کامل
    Prioritizing the rangeland plants for ecological functions is one of the main concerns in the operation of multifunctional rangelands. Considering that the use of various functions of plant species in rangelands can lead to higher renter's income and change single-livelihoods to multi-livelihoods. This research aims to prioritize the rangeland plants using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and VIKOR software on the basis of indigenous knowledge of ranchers during 2017-2018 in Titoeieh rangelands of Baft Township, Kerman, Iran. The results, based on analyzing the hierarchical method of questionnaires on 29 plant species revealed that the coefficients of importance of plant species for kinds of functions including forage, medicinal, beauty, beekeeping and soil conservation were different. In this regard, there was no unique plant with similar coefficients of importance for all functions. Vikor scenario illustrated that scoring 0.25 coefficients to the forage production function (and giving remain one to others as equal coefficient) resulted in Artemisia aucheri species as the first priority species, priority even when the yield of forage functions scored by 0.25 and o.50 and 0.75 coefficients. Furthermore, by giving these coefficients to other functions, Artemisia aucheri was allocated as the first rank with the exception of scenarios 8 and 13 (scored respectively 0.5 and 0.75 to beauty function associated with the remains to other functions) that resulted in Amygdalus scoparia as the first one. According to indigenous knowledge, ground reality and scenario making results, it can be concluded that since Artemisia aucheri was ranked in the first priority species at almost all scenarios, it can be thinkable and manageable in the multiple use of rangeland. According to extensive habitats of Artemisia aucheri in mountainous rangelands of Iran, this research can be applicable for increasing the income of range holders with holistic view. پرونده مقاله