فهرست مقالات محمود گلابچی

  • مقاله

    1 - طراحی سازه های پیش ساخته و پایدار با رسوب نمک با الهام از الگوی بهینه سازی مصرف مصالح در استخوان ترابکولار انسان
    هویت شهر , شماره 1 , سال 12 , بهار 1397
    معماری بیونیک، رویکرد نوینی در جهان معاصر اســت که از راه حل های پایدار طبیعت برای پاسخگویی به مشکلات انسان بهره می برد. برای حل مشکل استخراج بیش ازحد مصالح از محیط زیست که یکی از عوامل ایجادکننده ناپایداری در صنعت ساخت وساز و معماری است، به کشف و بازخوانی راه حل بهینه چکیده کامل
    معماری بیونیک، رویکرد نوینی در جهان معاصر اســت که از راه حل های پایدار طبیعت برای پاسخگویی به مشکلات انسان بهره می برد. برای حل مشکل استخراج بیش ازحد مصالح از محیط زیست که یکی از عوامل ایجادکننده ناپایداری در صنعت ساخت وساز و معماری است، به کشف و بازخوانی راه حل بهینه سازی مصرف مصالح در طبیعت پرداخته می شود. سازه های طبیعی، مانند استخوان انسان، به تدریج مصالح خود را از محیط استخراج می کنند. چگونگی شبیه سازی ساختار پیش ساخته هوشمند که توانایی تخریب و ترمیم خود را دارد و به مرورزمان با جذب مصالح از محیط اطراف خود، رشــد می یابند ارائه می شــود. آب های خلیج فارس و دریاچه ارومیه با بحران شورشدگی بیش ازحد مواجه اند. استخراج نمک، به عنوان مصالح تکمیل کننده، از آب شور و برگرداندن آب با غلظت کمتر ، پایداری زیست محیطی این روش ساخت وساز را تأمین می کند. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Harvesting Daylight in High-rise Office Buildings Using Phyllotaxis Model
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2021
    Various researches have introduced methods to use daylight in office buildings in the Middle Eas‌t zone, but none of them have ever considered the use of plant leaf arrangement, called phyllotaxis, as a comprehensive solution for harves‌ting daylight. The idea of the Ph چکیده کامل
    Various researches have introduced methods to use daylight in office buildings in the Middle Eas‌t zone, but none of them have ever considered the use of plant leaf arrangement, called phyllotaxis, as a comprehensive solution for harves‌ting daylight. The idea of the Phyllotaxis Tower has been raised for several years but the main ques‌tion of this research is whether using the phyllotaxis model is capable of exploiting daylight in high-rise buildings or not. So, in response to this ques‌tion, the main aim of the research was set to evaluate daylight efficiency in high-rise office buildings by presenting an exemplary and phyllotaxis-inspired design. The research method is encompassed several s‌teps including, s‌tudying the literature on the subject firs‌tly, then modeling a prototype building based on the Biomimicry Problem-Based approach, and eventually computer simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed building. The results show that office units can get daylight illuminance of 500 lux at 50% of operating time per year in addition to proper performance on four single days of different seasons of the year. Furthermore, the sample building obtained label B of energy consumption from S‌tandard No. 14254 presented by the Ins‌titute of S‌tandards and Indus‌trial Research of Iran, which has been compared with the energy label of 45 office buildings in the same location and same climate conditions, based on the figures are defined on the aforementioned s‌tandard and has the bes‌t performance among them. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Investigation the Role of Green Roof and Walls in the Thermal Performance of Urban Buildings based on Sustainable Architecture (A Case Study in Mashhad-Iran)
    Creative City Design , شماره 5 , سال 2 , بهار 2019
    Today, in all over the world, due to the problems such as excessive consumption of fossil energy, global warming, climate pollution and major environmental problems, the use of sustainable architecture technologies especially green buildings is important. One of the sol چکیده کامل
    Today, in all over the world, due to the problems such as excessive consumption of fossil energy, global warming, climate pollution and major environmental problems, the use of sustainable architecture technologies especially green buildings is important. One of the solutions to bring green spaces in to the buildings is the use of gardens and green walls. The development of green space in roofs, terraces and urban facades improves the performance of green spaces on the regional and urban scale. The building shell is one of the factors that has a significant effect on the energy consumption of buildings and thermal comfort. Creating green walls on the building shell due to insulation, shading and cooling caused by plants' evaporation has a significant impact on energy demand reduction in warm and cold seasons and air conditioning. In the present study, the effect of plant use on roofs and walls, in different views of the building, has been investigated for estimating energy consumption reduction. The results show that by creating green spaces on the roof and walls of the building, the energy consumption decreases. The reduction of energy consumption through the roof is equal to 26/6% and through the south, east, west and north walls, is equal to 6/9%, 8.8%, 8.8% and 6.6%, respectively. Also, the average annual temperature of these levels dropped around 5 °c پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - A Qualitative Approach Towards the Implementation of Urban Sustainability in Tehran
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 1 , سال 9 , زمستان 2020
    Sustainability as a predominant paradigm of 21st century, is adopted as the best approach to tackle the issues which threat the environment and people’s well-being. As cities in the world are places in which most of the population in the world settles, the best wa چکیده کامل
    Sustainability as a predominant paradigm of 21st century, is adopted as the best approach to tackle the issues which threat the environment and people’s well-being. As cities in the world are places in which most of the population in the world settles, the best way of ensuring sustainability would be by observing a set of rules and regulations. There are various sets of urban regulations, rating systems, about sustainability in the globe with different names. In this article, six rating systems of ISCA, BREEAM, LEED-ND, CASBEE, Green star, DGNB were chosen to be evaluated. By this evaluation, one may determine their features as well as finding the most fitting rating system which can be employed to ameliorate present situation of Tehran which is a megalopolis and the capital of Iran. The rating systems were analyzed based on the ASTM E2432-17. The methodology selected for this research was qualitative since the research was exploratory, so structured interviewing applied to do so. Finally, the LEED-ND was recognized as the best rating system which is able to mitigate unsustainable issues of Tehran. Consequently, related rules and regulations in Iranian legal system were investigated to find out if there is anything on which one can rely on implement urban sustainable development or prevent urban unsustainability. Although the comprehensive plan of Tehran can cover a lot of ground of LEED-ND, it is absolutely essential that parliament of Iran pass special acts supporting urban sustainable development, because the regulations passed by authorities other than parliament cannot give a full guarantee to implement urban sustainable development. پرونده مقاله