فهرست مقالات Mahmoud Bahmani

  • مقاله

    1 - Traditional application of medicinal plants in southern area of Ilam province for treatment diseases and clinical syndromes in small ruminants.
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , شماره 4 , سال 1 , بهار 2010
    Background & Aim: Investigation use of medical plants and industrial utilization of phytomedicines is necessary in veterinary medicine. Field investigation of use of medical plants in treatment of diseases of sheep and goat was the aim of present study.Martial & چکیده کامل
    Background & Aim: Investigation use of medical plants and industrial utilization of phytomedicines is necessary in veterinary medicine. Field investigation of use of medical plants in treatment of diseases of sheep and goat was the aim of present study.Martial & Methods: This study was done in southern area of Ilam province at 2008. At first, question sheet was designed for 36 diseases and clinical syndromes in small ruminants (sheep and goat). The form was filled by 45 owners at 22 villages. The plant samples were collected and sent to plant research center in Ilam for identification. Data such as scientific name, family, Persian and Kurdish name, part which used and rout of application was recorded for each sample.Results & Discussion: After data analysis, it was seen 35 diseases and clinical syndromes in small ruminants were treated by 36 species of plants but 13 species were toxic plants. This wrong use may induce toxicity in animals. Based on study, Phoenix dactylifera was used for treatment of poisoning, Triticum aestivum for mastitis, Peganum harmala for snake bite were used. Pistachia atlantica, Pistachia khinjuk, Amygdalus lycioides, Marsdenia erecta, Nerium indicum, Astragalus golicucanthus were used for treatment respiratory signs of Ostrous ovis. Satureja khuzestanica and Nicotina tabacum were used for treatment infestation of Limnatis nilotica.Conclusion : Several plant were traditionally used in animal in southern area of Ilam province and it is necessary these plant are prepared as industrial drugs and tested clinically in animals. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Iodine Concentration in Iodized Salts Marketed in Lorestan Province, West of Iran
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 1 , سال 6 , بهار 2016
    Iodine as a trace micronutrient has important role in body physiology and its sufficient intake is essential for synthesize and secrete adequate amounts of thyroid gland hormones which influenced all periods of human life including fetal, childhood and adolescence. The چکیده کامل
    Iodine as a trace micronutrient has important role in body physiology and its sufficient intake is essential for synthesize and secrete adequate amounts of thyroid gland hormones which influenced all periods of human life including fetal, childhood and adolescence. The aim of this study was to evaluate iodine concentration in marketed edible salt samples in Lorestan Province, comparing with existing standards and offering solutions necessary to fix the probably problems. Two hundred and forty samples of 20 brands of marketed edible salt were purchased randomly of eight cities in Lorestan Province during April 2014 to March 2015. Iodine concentration was measured by titration method. Results showed that iodine concentration in 64.59% of salt samples was in acceptable limits according national standard of Iran during this study. A significant number of nonstandard samples showed violation of salt factories of regulations and their noncompliance to mandatory standards. Due to importance of iodine in human health and valuable role in the vital functions of the body at different periods of human life and to avoid violations of iodized salts manufacturers, regular control of marketed salts and enforcement of laws and regulations are recommended.aflatoxin production in treated nuts. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Evaluation of Aflatoxin M1 and Heavy Metal in Raw Materials and Infant Formula Produced in Pegah Dairy Plants, IRAN
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 1 , سال 11 , زمستان 2021
    This study was conducted to investigate the presence of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and aflatoxin M1 in raw materials and all types of infant formula produced in Pegah Dairy Plants (PDPs) in Shahrekord, Iran. To this aim, 80 samples of raw cow’s milk, whey protein, st چکیده کامل
    This study was conducted to investigate the presence of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and aflatoxin M1 in raw materials and all types of infant formula produced in Pegah Dairy Plants (PDPs) in Shahrekord, Iran. To this aim, 80 samples of raw cow’s milk, whey protein, starch, vitamin and all type of infant formula were collected for 6 months during 2018-2019. Cd and Pb were measured by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) samples and analyzed by ELISA technique. The incidence of contamination of AFM1 in vitamins, raw cow’s milk, whey powder, and baby formula collected from Pegah dairy plants were ND, 34, 23 and 8 ppb, respectively. The result indicated that none of aflatoxin M1 in infant formula samples exceeded FDA lead consumption guidelines. In addition, maximum mean lead in maltodextrin, starch, vitamin, raw cow’s milk, whey powder, baby oil, infant formula, immediate, whole and skim was 20, 23, ND, 49, 20, 21, 17, 17, 12, and 17 ppb, respectively. Further, the maximum cadmium content was found to be 5.5, 9.5, ND, 14, ND, 6.3, 12.30, 7.6, 9.2 and 5.4 ppb, respectively, where the value of the samples was not above the maximum recommended limits by standard of Iran, European Community (EC) and Codex Alimentarius (CAC). The average of the heavy metal (Cd and Pb) and AFM1 in the maltodextrin, starch, vitamin, raw milk, whey powder and baby oil, and the types of infant formula produced by Pegah dairy Plants (PDPs) Shahrekord was below the recommended levels by Iran standard. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Phytotherapy in Burn Wound Healing: A Review of Native Iranian Medicinal Plants
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 1 , سال 13 , زمستان 2023
    Studies have shown that burn wounds are one of the most severe forms of trauma which may cause disability, morbidity and mortality, stupendous hospital costs, and emotional disturbance. In spite of the therapeutic effects of synthetic drugs, due to their unwanted side e چکیده کامل
    Studies have shown that burn wounds are one of the most severe forms of trauma which may cause disability, morbidity and mortality, stupendous hospital costs, and emotional disturbance. In spite of the therapeutic effects of synthetic drugs, due to their unwanted side effects, the tendency of people to use these drugs has been decreasing, contrary to the use of natural origin drugs. Medicinal plants that can be formulated to treat and repair the wound should be identified. Therefore, in this article a number of native Iranian medicinal plants that have been studied and their healing effects on burn wounds have been reported are discussed. In this review article, the keywords medicinal plants, burn, burn wound repair, burn wound and Iran were used to search for relevant articles indexed in databases such as IranMedex, Scientific Information Database, Google Scholar, Scopus, Institute for Scientific Information, Web of Science and PubMed. Based on the results, the medicinal plants Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f., Matricaria chamomilla L, Quercus brantii Lindl., Cydonia oblonga Mill., Scrophularia striata, Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze, Portulaca oleracea L, Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, Achillea talagonica Boiss., Olea europaea L., Hypericum perforatum L., Cucurbita pepo L., Teucrium polium L., Myrtus communis, Brassica oleracea L., Plantago major L., Malva sylvestris L., Arnebia euchroma (Royle) I.M.Johnst., Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, Achillea millefolium L., Lythrum salicaria L., Crocus sativus L. and Allium sativum L. are some of the most important herbal remedies to repair burn wounds. According to the various researches on the medicinal plants, the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antimicrobial effects of these plants have been scientifically demonstrated, which has led to information that can be used to produce antimicrobial drugs for infectious and burn wounds. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Potential Harmful Effects of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Milk Products and Novel Methods to Reduction of Aflatoxin M1: A Review
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 5 , سال 12 , پاییز 2022
    Dairy products are rich sources of vitamins, proteins and calcium that are vital to the human body. Aflatoxin M1 is a hydroxylated metabolite of aflatoxin B1. The presence of this toxin in milk has caused serious concern among nutritionists. Consumption of aflatoxin-con چکیده کامل
    Dairy products are rich sources of vitamins, proteins and calcium that are vital to the human body. Aflatoxin M1 is a hydroxylated metabolite of aflatoxin B1. The presence of this toxin in milk has caused serious concern among nutritionists. Consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated milk (AFM1) may lead to serious health problems in humans. AFM1 causes various cancers such as liver cancer, damage to the nervous and DNA, as well as mutagenicity and teratogenicity. In reducing the amount of aflatoxin in the product, with does not affect the milk quality is of particular importance. Absorption and restructuring methods such as yeast, lactic acid (bacteria), enzymes, ozon, and cold plasma have been used for this purpose. In this study, they have been studied on aflatoxin M1 and toxicology besides reducing method for aflatoxin M1. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - An Overview of Angiogenesis and Chemical and Physiological Angiogenic Factors: Short Review
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , شماره 4 , سال 13 , تابستان 2023
    Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones, which can occur in both physiologic and pathologic conditions. Lack of tissue oxygen is the main stimulator of angiogenesis accompanied by increasing in HIF-1α-(hypoxia-inducible factor- چکیده کامل
    Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones, which can occur in both physiologic and pathologic conditions. Lack of tissue oxygen is the main stimulator of angiogenesis accompanied by increasing in HIF-1α-(hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) expression as a nuclear transcription factor. Other factors such as VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), FGF2 (fibroblast growth factor2), and TGF (transforming growth factor) are involved in angiogenesis, too. To control diabetes and tumoral disease, abnormal angiogenesis inhibition can be useful besides stimulation that can be helpful in cardiovascular disease. In this study, we have reviewed the mechanisms and stimulators of angiogenesis and its influential factors. The most important angiogenic factors are MMP, Ang, FGF, and VEGF. Ang is not directly involved in the process of angiogenesis but sometimes destabilize the arteries. In contrast to angiostatin, endostatin TIMP and TSP1 act as the most important angiostatic factors. Many attempts have been made to identify the mechanisms and factors involved in this process but angiogenic inhibitors that inhibit the growth of cancerous masses or tumors in the body have not yet been adequately investigated پرونده مقاله

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    7 - Exploring Herbal Antioxidants in Reducing Fever in Children: Insights from Traditional Iranian Medicine and Their Antipyretic Mechanisms
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , مقالات زودآیند
    Fever is a common symptom of various childhood infectious diseases, ranging from viral and bacterial to fungal and parasitic infections. While traditional medical treatments are effective, there is growing interest in exploring natural alternatives. This review focuses چکیده کامل
    Fever is a common symptom of various childhood infectious diseases, ranging from viral and bacterial to fungal and parasitic infections. While traditional medical treatments are effective, there is growing interest in exploring natural alternatives. This review focuses on identifying indigenous medicinal plants from Iran that have demonstrated potential for reducing fever in children. This review synthesized experimental and ethnomedical data from reputable scientific journals, medical texts, and authoritative sources on traditional medicine. The focus was on evaluating the efficacy of indigenous plants in alleviating fever in children. The findings suggest that numerous indigenous plants from Iran possess bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids. These compounds have demonstrated antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. In traditional Iranian medicine, these plants are employed as herbal remedies to reduce fever in children. Indigenous medicinal plants from Iran may offer a promising complementary approach to fever reduction in children. However, further pharmacological studies are warranted to substantiate their therapeutic efficacy. If confirmed, these plants could potentially be integrated into standard treatment protocols. پرونده مقاله