فهرست مقالات مهتا میرمقتدایی

  • مقاله

    1 - Spatial Evaluation of Energy Performance at Neighborhood Scale Case study: Sanandaj city
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 2 , سال 8 , بهار 2019
    Climate change has become a challenge with adverse impacts on the Earth. Reducing the use of fossil fuel is a primary step to solve environmental problems. As the population continues to rise, to meet the growing demand for construction with a large share in energy Cons چکیده کامل
    Climate change has become a challenge with adverse impacts on the Earth. Reducing the use of fossil fuel is a primary step to solve environmental problems. As the population continues to rise, to meet the growing demand for construction with a large share in energy Consumption, Efforts to make the built environment more energy efficient is crucial. The main objective of this research is to evaluates the relationship between urban form and the energy performance of neighborhoods, focusing on their energy demand, through case studies of Ghatarchyan and Mobarakabad neighborhoods in Sanandaj city. The forms of these neighborhoods were measured using spatial metrics (physical and climatic criteria). For analysis and evaluation, ECOTECT, GIS software and ANP method have been used. The results of research indicate a negative correlation between spatial metrics and building energy performance. Therefore, if spatial metrics amount of each neighborhood increases, neighborhood energy demand will decrease. Moreover, the result can form a basis for urban design recommendations to achieve an energy efficient urban development through spatial design. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Framework Codification in Architectural and Urban Design: The Case of Hashtgerd Young City Project
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 9 , پاییز 2020
    Water scarcity is seen as a growing crisis that threatens societies, especially in arid climate regions. The climate change phenomenon and global warming have made policymakers reconsider their approaches towards water management issues in different sectors. Investigati چکیده کامل
    Water scarcity is seen as a growing crisis that threatens societies, especially in arid climate regions. The climate change phenomenon and global warming have made policymakers reconsider their approaches towards water management issues in different sectors. Investigating sustainable management practices in the urban context, as one of the most important water-consuming sections is of great importance. In this study, after inquiring different features, principles, and means of sustainable urban water management, a framework of integrated urban water cycle management is codified to help architects and urban designers achieve or assess water efficiency in their design and planning. To reach this framework, principles of integrated urban water management and water sensitive urban design are asserted and practices are categorized into five sections: rainwater management, stormwater management, greywater management, blackwater management, and potable water management. Using this framework and based on the context of each project, a set of best practices are employed to form the integrated water management plan, although in some cases there is more than one correct answer. As a case study, the water management plan of the “Hashtgerd 35 ha. Young Cities project”-as an example of sustainable urban quarter pilot project in the Tehran-Karaj region- is assessed regarding the codified framework. Evidence from this research on water uses and systems’ functions, shows that a significant reduction in potable water consumption per capita from 210 liters to 75 liters per day could be achieved in this project; after implementing best management practices within an integrated water management plan. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - A National Guideline for Transit-Oriented Development: Challenges and Prospects for the Iranian Edition
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 1 , سال 10 , زمستان 2021
    Outstanding consequences of transport land-use integration under the label of transit-oriented development (TOD) approach in pioneer countries have spurred several newcomers to apply such a policy. Of which, Iran with a centralized planning system has recently provided چکیده کامل
    Outstanding consequences of transport land-use integration under the label of transit-oriented development (TOD) approach in pioneer countries have spurred several newcomers to apply such a policy. Of which, Iran with a centralized planning system has recently provided a TOD national guideline with the purpose of curbing traffic-caused challenges. This study attempts to describe the process applied for the guideline preparation and discover operational challenges and future prospects for TOD successful implementation offering a local edition in Iran. The research has a qualitative approach, based on the case study. Critical analysis of Iranian existing situation together with review of five-year process which ends up with final approval of the guideline, are basic tools applied to investigate the situation. The results demonstrated that although the guideline as a turning point pinpointed the policy of the integration in Iranian policymaking efforts, there are still several barriers to realize TOD policies in Iran including inconsistent urban policies, profit making from TOD potentials, no practical experience, lacking public support and weak local authorities. This study also offers some lessons for such countries with a similar system of urban planning and/or policy challenges, which are planning transport and land use integration. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - A Comparative study on the Role of Energy Efficiency in Urban Planning Instruments of Iran and Germany
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 5 , سال 4 , تابستان 2015
    In recent years energy efficiency in different levels become of prime importance. Studies have been shown that urban planning can play a critical role in this area. At the same time in oil-producing countries like Iran, energy efficiency has not been considered as a nat چکیده کامل
    In recent years energy efficiency in different levels become of prime importance. Studies have been shown that urban planning can play a critical role in this area. At the same time in oil-producing countries like Iran, energy efficiency has not been considered as a national priority. However, in recent years with increase in the population growth, rapid urbanization and acceleration of environmental degradation, the issue is gaining more importance. Iran has adopted its first national building code on energy efficiency in 90’s. However, as the country lacks a hierarchical energy planning system, its achievements were below the expectations. To improve the situation, it is important to study the experiences of other countries. Germany with a solid and successful energy planning in different scales can be considered as one of the pioneering countries, and its programs could be used as a guideline to achieve similar goals in other countries. Recently the German government has adopted a highly ambitious energy program, called “Energy transition” (Energiewende). The program will affect all planning instruments and ordinances in the country. As a comprehensive and upper level plan, "Energy transition" can be studied form different viewpoints. In the current study, its influence on urban planning instruments will be the main focus. The main objective is to compare the role of energy in urban planning instruments of Iran and Germany, and to develop some solutions and strategies to be considered in Iran. The first step in this study is the introduction of urban planning systems and instruments in the two countries, then the role of energy in each country will be introduced and with an analytical review, some suggestion for Iranian planning instruments will be made. Using comparative study as the research methodology, the study will focus on "comprehensive plan" and "detailed plan" as two main urban planning instruments in Iran, and "binding land use plan" and “preparatory land use plan" as formal planning instruments in Germany together with informal and other supporting instruments. The study will show how urban planning in Germany achieves the federal goals on energy efficiency and how it can work as a model for other countries. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Evaluation of Urban Resiliency in Physico-Structural Dimension of Karaj Metropolis
    Space Ontology International Journal , شماره 1 , سال 6 , زمستان 2017
    Cities as the most complex man-made structures have been always exposed to natural and man-made hazards; these unpredictable risks have imposed seriousimpacts on urban areas. Meanwhile Urban Resiliency is the ability of cities to respond quickly to inappropriate and unp چکیده کامل
    Cities as the most complex man-made structures have been always exposed to natural and man-made hazards; these unpredictable risks have imposed seriousimpacts on urban areas. Meanwhile Urban Resiliency is the ability of cities to respond quickly to inappropriate and unpredictable conditions, which continiues stronger than before, consistent to the new conditions. Karaj as one of the metropolises of Iran and as the nearest city to the capital, has a close connection with economy and employment of Tehran. Earthquake as the possible risk of Karaj and for being adjacent to northernground faults of Tehran, Ray and also the faults of Kahrizak, has a special importance to assess the resiliency. Thus the objective of this research is to obtain the effective indicators on Physico-Structural resiliency of Karaj and to assess them in the city divided to the regions. reviewing the literature, an in-depth interview has caused to obtain and defining the indicators. According to experts` answer to the questionnaire, the 11 indicators were found and weighted by AHP and the importance of each is determined in Physico-Structural resiliency of Karaj. After that relying on spatial-occasional framework and using Arc GIS software, each of eleven indicators are defined as a layer that reflects its status in Karaj. By overlaying the layers and applying each one`s weight in the numerical range of zero to one, the final layer of Physico-Structural resiliency of Karaj is obtained in the numerical range of one to four. The result represents 1.96 as the lowest number of resiliency and 3.94 as the highest in Karaj. Also regions 1 and 8 of the city respectively has the lowest number of Physico-Structural resiliency and regions 12 and 10 respectively has the most. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - شناسایی ابعاد و مولفه‌های تاب‌آوری شهری در برابر سیل با استفاده از روش تحلیل مضمون و ارزیابی کمی آن به روش مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری. مطالعه موردی: کلانشهر کرج
    فضای زیست , شماره 7 , سال 4 , بهار-تابستان 1403

    امروزه موضوع تاب‌آوری شهری به‌عنوان یکی از نظریه‌های مطرح در برنامه‌ریزی‌شهری، به‌منظور پرنمودن فضای خالی میان نظریه‌پردازی و عمل‌گرایی بسیار با اهمیت جلوه می‌نماید. در همین راستا هدف از انجام این پژوهش، شناسایی ابعاد و مؤ چکیده کامل

    امروزه موضوع تاب‌آوری شهری به‌عنوان یکی از نظریه‌های مطرح در برنامه‌ریزی‌شهری، به‌منظور پرنمودن فضای خالی میان نظریه‌پردازی و عمل‌گرایی بسیار با اهمیت جلوه می‌نماید. در همین راستا هدف از انجام این پژوهش، شناسایی ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های تاب‌آوری‌شهری در برابر سیل در شهر کرج با روش تحلیل مضمون و ارزیابی کمی آن به روش مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری می‌باشد. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی، از نوع آمیخته و در بخش کیفی مبتنی بر روش تحلیل مضمون بود که بر روی داده‌هایی که از طریق مرور سیستماتیک بدست آمده، اجرا شد و در بخش کمی از روش مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد تحلیل عاملی بهره گرفته شد. جامعه آماری در بخش کیفی پژوهش حاضر، 161مقاله داخلی و خارجی نمایه شده در سایت‌های علمی معتبر طی سال‌های 2022-2002 بود. و جامعه آماری در بخش کمی شامل ترکیبی از خبرگان دانشگاهی، مسئولان اجرایی و فعالین و حرفه‌مندان آشنا به حوزه شهرسازی، به خصوص شهر کرج بودند که 400 نفر از آنان بر اساس فرمول کوکران و به روش دردسترس به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها در بخش کیفی چک‌لیست و در بخش کمی پرسشنامه‌ای محقق‌ساخته شامل 60 گویه بود که پایایی آن بر مبنای آلفا کرونباخ 844/0 بدست آمد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها از نرم‌افزارهای MAXQDA 13.28 و Smart PLS 3.2 استفاده شد. شاخص‌های نیکویی برازش و 818/0=GOF نشان داد که مدل از قدرت برازش مناسبی با داده‌ها برخوردار بود. نتایج حاصله حاکی از آن است که حضور ابعاد؛ اجتماعی (925/0= β)، اقتصادی (731/0= β)، سازمانی/ نهادی (863/0= β)، ساختاری/ کالبدی (797/0= β)، زیرساختی/ فیزیکی (946/0= β) و زیست محیطی (611/0= β) و مؤلفه‌های آن‌ها در مدل تاب‌آوری شهری در برابر سیل تأیید می‌شود (01/0>P). همچنین بعد زیرساختی/ فیزیکی بیشترین تأثیر را بر تاب‌آوری شهری در برابر سیل دارد و مولفه‌ها و زیر‌مولفه‌های این بعد پر‌اهمیت به‌منظور بهره‌برداری اجرایی مختلف ارائه شده است.

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