فهرست مقالات مرجان وثوقی

  • مقاله

    1 - Investigating Competitive Forces of Emotions versus Intellects in English Academic Performance of Iranian University Students
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 4 , سال 4 , زمستان 2016
    To testify the contrastive properties of two combinations of Emotional Intelligence (EI) index including emotional vs. cognitive subscale dyads among some one hundred and twenty university students (52 male & 68 female), this study was carried out to predict their s چکیده کامل
    To testify the contrastive properties of two combinations of Emotional Intelligence (EI) index including emotional vs. cognitive subscale dyads among some one hundred and twenty university students (52 male & 68 female), this study was carried out to predict their success in their General English (GE) course during one academic semester. Datasets were obtained through a self-report Bar's On EI Questionnaire (1977) and mapped over the participants' academic linguistic performance through Discriminant Function Analyses (DFA) techniques within two successive phases: In the first phase, the statistical results revealed that, overall, Wilks's Lambda was significant: ᴧ= .000, ᵡ2 (2, N= 120) = .000, p پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Scrutinizing the Supremacy of Age & Proficiency Level in Learning Content Vocabulary via Concept Mapping among Iranian EFL Learners
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 1 , سال 11 , زمستان 2023
    In this study, the researchers investigated the possible effect of teaching content words through using Concept Mapping (CM) strategy plotted on two cognitive variables: language proficiency and age within some eighty Iranian young and old English language learners with چکیده کامل
    In this study, the researchers investigated the possible effect of teaching content words through using Concept Mapping (CM) strategy plotted on two cognitive variables: language proficiency and age within some eighty Iranian young and old English language learners with higher and lower proficiency levels (Elementary vs. Intermediate) who were conveniently selected and classified into four classes. Their age range varied from 10 to 25 years old. After five sessions of treatment, the researchers gave the post-test. The results could not identify priority in the predictability power for any of the two age and proficiency variables F (2, 77) = 1.96,p< .15,R2= .04. The findings can be helpful for English teachers as well as syllabus designers to use CM strategies for teaching vocabulary and including such materials in the sources regarding age and proficiency level as cognitive variables related to CM implementation. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Groping Feedback Types on Interactional Patterns via Storytelling among EFL Iranian Young learners
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 6 , پاییز 2018
    In this study, storytelling was surveyed with regard to the impact that it might haveon student-teacher interactional patterns. For this aim, the researchers utilized anintact class with ten young students in a language institute in a north eastern part ofthe country. F چکیده کامل
    In this study, storytelling was surveyed with regard to the impact that it might haveon student-teacher interactional patterns. For this aim, the researchers utilized anintact class with ten young students in a language institute in a north eastern part ofthe country. Four sessions of the class were transcribed after a full observationalprotocol. Two groups of Interactional patterns on student-led and teacher-ledfeedback types were codified via MAXQDA software after conducting thoroughcontent analyses over student-teacher and student-student interactions. Findingsrevealed that among teacher-led interaction feedbacks involving clarificationrequest, comprehension check, confirmation check, seeking students’ feedback onthe story, self-repetition and recast, comprehension check was the most frequentfeedback type detected. Additional feedbacks that were found within theconversational pattern were students-led which consisted of peer correction, firstlanguage uses, response to teacher's question, students' enthusiasm for the story,JOURNAL OF TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES, Vol. 6, NO. 4, Spring 2018112seeking the info. on the lesson practicum, students' sympathy with the storycharacters, socialization with the teacher, seeking the grammatical aspects,clarification seeking of the story plot, seeking the meaning of unfamiliar words,clarification requests, students’ socialization with the teacher, initiation forstorytelling, students’ concerns, students’ complaints, students’ appraise of the story,students’ predictions and socialization with the teachers’ method. Among thestudent-led feedback types, students’ appraise of the stories and seeking the meaningof unfamiliar words denoted that through focus on meaning, they might have mostprobably been much engaged in the meaning of the stories. پرونده مقاله