فهرست مقالات Mohsen Golian

  • مقاله

    1 - Remote Sensing Performance in Locating the Economic Veins of Robat Karim Manganese Mine
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , شماره 1 , سال 17 , بهار 2021
    Morphological analysis for extracting lineaments has widespread applications in tectonic and structural studies, hydrogeology, speleology, mineral exploration, and other related sciences. In this regard, aerial photographs, satellite images, and digital elevation models چکیده کامل
    Morphological analysis for extracting lineaments has widespread applications in tectonic and structural studies, hydrogeology, speleology, mineral exploration, and other related sciences. In this regard, aerial photographs, satellite images, and digital elevation models (DEMs) are widely used in these studies. One of the most common techniques for lineament extraction is preprocessing satellite images by applying filters such as edge detectors, color compositions, spectral classification, and spectral detection methods through related software and then lineament extraction through visual interpretation. In this paper, this technique was applied to extract the lineaments in the Robat Karim manganese mining area. Next, a Rose diagram was prepared to compare the trend of the lineaments along the host rock deposits and discontinuities. Overall, the results will be useful in determining the efficiency of extracting lines from satellite imagery in locating the mineral veins. پرونده مقاله