فهرست مقالات Lili Daneshvar Saein

  • مقاله

    1 - Delineation of enriched zones of Mo, Cu and Re by concentration-volume fractal model in Nowchun Mo-Cu porphyry deposit, SE Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 2 , سال 9 , زمستان 2017
    The purpose of this study is to identify the enriched zones of Cu, Mo and Re in Nowchun Mo-Cu porphyry deposit (SE Iran) based on subsurface data and using of concentration–volume (C–V) fractal model. The C-V model illustrates four and five geochemical zones چکیده کامل
    The purpose of this study is to identify the enriched zones of Cu, Mo and Re in Nowchun Mo-Cu porphyry deposit (SE Iran) based on subsurface data and using of concentration–volume (C–V) fractal model. The C-V model illustrates four and five geochemical zones based on Mo and Cu distributions respectively and there are three geochemical populations for Re. The main mineralization for Mo, Cu and Re commence from251 ppm, 0.2% and 2238 ppb respectively, based on the C-V fractal modelling. However, elemental enriched zones contain Mo ≥ 501 ppm, Cu ≥ 0.4% and Re ≥ 4466 ppb. Based on a correlation between results derived via the C-V and geological models, the supergene enrichment zone with Cu≥ 0.4% occurs in very small area of NE part of the Nowchun deposit within chalcocite accumulation. The enriched zones for Mo and Re derived via the C-V model are located in the NE, central and SW parts of the deposit. Mo and Re enriched zones correlate with molybdenite in the deposit. پرونده مقاله