فهرست مقالات Bahador Sadeghi

  • مقاله

    1 - A Comparative Investigation into Speaking Anxiety of Extroverted and Introverted Iranian EFL Learners
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 5 , سال 5 , بهار 2016
    This study sought to investigate the connection between foreign language anxiety andextroversion and introversion personality types. The way adult language learnersconceptualize their fear of negative evaluation as a component of foreign language anxietyconstruct was al چکیده کامل
    This study sought to investigate the connection between foreign language anxiety andextroversion and introversion personality types. The way adult language learnersconceptualize their fear of negative evaluation as a component of foreign language anxietyconstruct was also investigated. To this end, 50 Iranian adult language learners were selectedas participants of the study and divided into two groups of extroverts and introverts. Thegrouping based on extroversion/introversion were handled using Eysenck PersonalityQuestionnaire (EPQ). Half of the students who had the highest score in extroversion sub-scalewere put into extroversion group and the remaining half were put into introvert group. Tomeasure level of students’ anxiety, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)was utilized. To probe the possible differences between introverts and extroverts in terms oflanguage anxiety, statistical technique of T-test was run. Results showed that extroverts weresignificantly less anxious than introverts. With respect to the way Iranian foreign languagelearners conceptualize fear of negative evaluation, a semi-structured interview was carried outwith 20 participants. After collecting students’ responses to the interview questions, contentanalysis was conducted to find the recurrent patterns. It was revealed that students had fear ofnegative evaluation from both teachers and classmates. Error correction and incongruencebetween teacher’s expectation and student’s expectations regarding language performancewere among the aspects of fear of negative evaluation. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - The Impact of Cooperative Learning and Mobile Learning through Bluetooth Device on Vocabulary Learning of Iranian EFL Learners
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 4 , سال 5 , زمستان 2016
    Cooperative learning has been found to affect different aspects of language learning by many researchers (e.g., Kagan, 1995; Kagan, 1999; Kessler, 1992; McGroarty, 1993). Likewise, mobile assisted language learning (MALL) has revealed significant impacts on the improvem چکیده کامل
    Cooperative learning has been found to affect different aspects of language learning by many researchers (e.g., Kagan, 1995; Kagan, 1999; Kessler, 1992; McGroarty, 1993). Likewise, mobile assisted language learning (MALL) has revealed significant impacts on the improvement of different language skills and components (e.g., Comas-Quinn et al. 2009; Divitini & Chabert, 2009; Motallebzadeh & Ganjali, 2011; Zhang, Vibranovski, Krinsky, & Long., 2011). To the same end, the present experiment sought to investigate the effect of cooperative learning and mobile learning through Bluetooth on the vocabulary learning performance of female Iranian pre-intermediate learners. Initially, 90 students took part in an Oxford Placement Test (OPT) for the purposes of ensuring their homogeneity in terms of language proficiency and vocabulary. Those students whose scores on this test were beyond +1 and -1 standard deviation were excluded, leading to the selection of 60 students as subjects of this study. These subjects were divided into two groups namely, cooperative learning group and mobile learning through Bluetooth group. After the treatment, the post test of vocabulary was administered. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that both cooperative and MALL led to the improvement of the participants’ vocabulary learning performance. However, no significant difference was revealed between the effects of cooperative and mobile learning on the vocabulary learning performance. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - The Impact of Games on EFL Iranian Learner’s Vocabulary Proficiency in Second Grade of High School
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 4 , سال 6 , زمستان 2017
    The present research sought to investigate the effects of different games on IranianEFL learners in second grade high school's vocabulary improvement. Seventy eight malesecond grade students of Emam ali high school in Avaj participated in this research. Theresearch was چکیده کامل
    The present research sought to investigate the effects of different games on IranianEFL learners in second grade high school's vocabulary improvement. Seventy eight malesecond grade students of Emam ali high school in Avaj participated in this research. Theresearch was conducted in five sessions in near two months, each session lasted aboutforty five minutes. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups; thirty sevensubjects in the control group and thirty nine in the experimental group. The participantswere administered two tests; a multiple choice test for English language proficiency test(Nelson) to determine the level of the participants and a post-test of their textbook tomeasure the possible effect of games technique on subjects' vocabulary improvement. Ttestprocedures were applied to analyze the obtained data. The findings showed that theexperimental group performed better on post-test vocabulary proficiency test. There was asignificant dependency between the vocabulary proficiency level and games techniques.Therefore, we can claim that applying motivating and entertaining games affects IranianEFL learners' vocabulary proficiency and such games also influence Iranian EFL learners'language learning motivation to speak better. The findings of the present research mayhave implications for L2 learners and teachers. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - The Effect of Different Types of Classroom Tasks on Learning New Vocabulary of a New Lesson by Iranian EFL Learners; With a Focus on High School English Books: Vision 2
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 1 , سال 6 , تابستان 2018
    Learning the new vocabulary of a new lesson by high school students before starting to teachthe whole of lesson in every session is the main concern of the writer of this study as anEnglish teacher. So the purpose of the present study is introducing some practical class چکیده کامل
    Learning the new vocabulary of a new lesson by high school students before starting to teachthe whole of lesson in every session is the main concern of the writer of this study as anEnglish teacher. So the purpose of the present study is introducing some practical classroomtasks (such as, working with oxford dictionary for looking up the definitions, synonyms,antonyms and examples of new words, sentence writing, paragraph writing, compositionwriting, flash card making, storytelling and box –play method as a word learning game) forhelping the students to learn the new vocabulary before beginning to teach the new lesson. Asthe writer of this study is teaching the English books of Vision2(one student book and onework book) in high school to eleventh grade students in the range of 17-18 years old inQazvin province, in Abyek township in Emam Ali High school (2017 – 2018), he performsand uses different classroom tasks as a practice for learning the new vocabulary beforestarting to teach a new lesson .In this way the writer as an English teacher observes that whenhe uses different classroom tasks for learning and practicing the new vocabulary , thestudents learn the new vocabulary and understand the new lesson better than when the teacherdoes not perform task-based practices in the classroom or maximum performs one or twoclassroom tasks. The students of a classroom that the teacher uses from different kinds of newvocabulary learning and practicing tasks ,the level of improving vocabulary is high and thestudents of a classroom that the teacher uses only from one or two tasks, the level ofvocabulary learning is low and the students became bored because the classroom isn’t action;and in some cases the students want to learn the new vocabulary with more action methodsthan only repeating the words aloud or looking up the synonyms or antonyms fromdictionary. So the writer as an experienced English teacher suggests to the English teacherstry to perform and use different kinds of classroom tasks for learning the new vocabulary of anew lesson and choose the best ones that are practical and enjoyable for students in theclassroom for next sessions. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - The direct and indirect effect of corrective feedback in speaking accuracy on L2 learners in Iranian EFL context
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 1 , سال 4 , تابستان 2016
    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of direct and indirect correctivefeedback on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ speaking accuracy. This present research aimedto investigate the differential impact of recast and metalinguistic feedba چکیده کامل
    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of direct and indirect correctivefeedback on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ speaking accuracy. This present research aimedto investigate the differential impact of recast and metalinguistic feedback on speakingperformance of EFL learners. To do so, After administering a Nelson test to have ahomogeneous sample a total number of 61 EFL learners ranging from 15 to 40 years old wereselected. They were randomly divided into three groups. Two classes were assigned to serve asan experimental groups which received direct and indirect corrective feedback, and the otherclass as control group. For pre and post-tests all groups were given different pictures to measurethe learners speaking accuracy. In order to treatment, The classes last for 8 sessions in 4 weeks.The results of the One-Way Anova and Post Hoc Tukey Hsd Test showed that, there exists asignificant difference among the speaking accuracy measures in the three groups and theexperimental groups who received corrective feedback outperformed the control group who didnot receive any feedback. In other words, first of all both CF types were effective in post test andsecondly between the two CF types metalinguistic feedback was more effective than recast. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - The Effects of Metacognitive Prompting and Structured Peer Interaction on Intermediate EFL learners' Collaborative Writing
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 4 , پاییز 2016
    This research was designed to investigate the effects of two different types of learningmodalities, namely Meta-cognitive Prompting and structured peer interaction on intermediateEFL learners’ collaborative writing. For this purpose, 90 learners of total number of چکیده کامل
    This research was designed to investigate the effects of two different types of learningmodalities, namely Meta-cognitive Prompting and structured peer interaction on intermediateEFL learners’ collaborative writing. For this purpose, 90 learners of total number of 120intermediate learners studying at Kish English language school were chosen first forhomogenization prior to the study. In order to homogenize the subjects Preliminary English Test(PET) was administered and 90 students were selected. A pre-test writing was administeredamong all of them. They were divided in two groups, one in which Students were contributing intheir writing samples with each other and the other groups based on their individual efforts andoutcomes. each group was exposed to the treatment for 24 sessions in seven weeks. At the end ofthe instruction, post-test with Analytic rating scale was applied and one-way ANOVA was run totest and the two hypotheses raised in the study. The resultsshowed that while learners benefited from structured peer interaction setting compared tometacognitive prompting one, they were better off receiving writing instruction and moreimproved in their writing skill. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    7 - The impact of Persian transfer on Kurd learners’ idiom comprehension: parts of body in focus
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 2 , سال 4 , پاییز 2016
    The present study aims to consider the linguistic influence of official standard Persian language on idiom comprehension focusing on parts of body comprehension of Kurdish EFL learners. Most of the Kurds have studied in schools in which the language spoken or written ha چکیده کامل
    The present study aims to consider the linguistic influence of official standard Persian language on idiom comprehension focusing on parts of body comprehension of Kurdish EFL learners. Most of the Kurds have studied in schools in which the language spoken or written has been different from their mother tongue. The present study is based on data from 92 EFL learners whom Kurdish is their first language and Persian is their second language. The participants were females and males studying English as a foreign language at two universities; Azad and Kurdistan universities of Sanandaj in Iran. The informants were exposed to three idiom tests and a questionnaire. English language proficiency, educational background, gender, age and type of university were controlled. They outperformed their second language idioms. The findings show that transfer from L1 was not always dominant in non-native comprehension due to lack of academic instruction of L1. The role of exposure and academic instruction as factors were found to affect transfer from L2 in L3 comprehension while participants were more exposed to L2 at school and via media. The study confirmed our assumption that Kurd learners’ L2 has a significant role in transfer of concepts to L3. پرونده مقاله