فهرست مقالات Eskandar Rahimi

  • مقاله

    1 - Effects physical activity on creatinine, and metabolic syndrome in females with transplanted kidney
    Journal of Physical Activity and Hormones , شماره 5 , سال 1 , پاییز 2017
    Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is a significant general disease, which affects a large number of people around the world. Chronic kidney disease is identified by blood test for creatinine, the blood levels of creatinine rises. The one main causes of chronic kidney چکیده کامل
    Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is a significant general disease, which affects a large number of people around the world. Chronic kidney disease is identified by blood test for creatinine, the blood levels of creatinine rises. The one main causes of chronic kidney disease is diabetes. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of physical activity on creatinine and metabolic syndrome (Mets) in females with transplanted kidney. Material & Methods: 20 females with transplanted kidney 24.3 ± 2.5 years participated. Subjects were divided into two equal groups. Prior and after study both groups underwent a blood test to check creatinine, Insulin Resistance and metabolic syndrome. The experimental group conducted 8 weeks of submaximal activities and 3 sessions each week. To analyze the data independent and dependent t-test were used. To validate if the data distribution is normal, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was utilized. Results: The results show experimental group had decreased their total cholesterol (TC) (0.026), triglyceride (TG) (0.002), fasting blood Sugar (FBS) (0.026), creatinine (C) (0.043), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (0.02), insulin resistance (IR) (0.044) and increase of high density lipoprotein (HDL) (0.003), Also there were no changes of waist circumference (WC) (0.896) SBP (0.602) and DBP (0.0781) in both groups. Conclusions: According to the results we can express eight weeks of Physical activity has a Decreasing significant effect on C and Mets. So it can be concluded that physical activity is useful for female with KT. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Effects of eight weeks aerobic training, resistance training and concurrent training on the metabolic syndrome and HbA1c in men with type 2 diabetes
    Journal of Physical Activity and Hormones , شماره 2 , سال 1 , بهار 2017
    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is brought about by either insufficient production of insulin or the inability of the body to respond to the insulin formed within the system. The aim of this study was to exam the influence of 8 weeks of aerob چکیده کامل
    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is brought about by either insufficient production of insulin or the inability of the body to respond to the insulin formed within the system. The aim of this study was to exam the influence of 8 weeks of aerobic training, resistance training and concurrent training (combined of aerobic and resistance raining) on the metabolic syndrome, and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)) in men diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Material & Methods:In this semi experimental survey, 40 men diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes at Clinic oil company Sirri Island who had the required qualifications were chosen for the survey and were divided into four groups including aerobic training group (Ag)(n=10), resistance training group (Rg) (n=10) concurrent group (CCg) (n=10) and control group (Cg) (n=10). Aerobic, resistance and concurrent groups performed the exercises for 8 weeks under the supervision of skillful trainers. Fasting blood samples were obtained from the subjects prior to breakfast at the beginning and the end of the study to measure blood sugar (FBS), hemoglobin A1 c (Hb A1C), triglyceride (TG), High density lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL), Low density lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL) and insulin resistance (IR). To display central inclination index and distribution indices, descriptive statistics and Wilcoxson non parametric tests were used to examine the data distribution type and to compare the averages of the data prior to/and after the test in each group. Two-way ANOVA test (P<0/05) was used for statistical analyses. Results: There was significant decrease in the level of HbA1c at the end of the study relatively in the CCg, Ag and Rg (p<0.05). IR also was decrease in CCg (P<0.05). FBS were decrease in CCg (P<0.05), however showed an increase in Rg (P<0.05). In all of the training groups TG and LDL levels did not significant changes. HDL in all training groups increased significantly (P˂0.05). The Ag and CCg showed a decrease in WHR relatively (P<0.05). Conclusions: Based on the results obtained, CCg decreased blood Hb A1c level, and resistance training diminished serum LDL levels and elevated the HDL level. Therefore, it appears that different types of exercise may be effective in controlling type 2diabetes. پرونده مقاله