فهرست مقالات Nader Razeghi

  • مقاله

    1 - The Effect of Internet on Social Capital of the Youth in Ghaemshahr
    Sociological of Studies of youth , شماره 1 , سال 6 , بهار 2015
    Communication and modern information technologies have created many changes in the recent societies and have influenced different parts of social life too. Based on the existing statistics, most use of the Internet belongs to the youth who use the Internet for their sci چکیده کامل
    Communication and modern information technologies have created many changes in the recent societies and have influenced different parts of social life too. Based on the existing statistics, most use of the Internet belongs to the youth who use the Internet for their scientific and research aims. Studies on the effects of using the Internet by young people can help identify some outcomes of this technology. For this reason, the authors tried to investigate the effect of Internet upon the social capital of the youth. In this research, Information collected by using survey method and multi-stage cluster sampling of 390 of the youth from the city of Ghaemshahr. The results showed average social capital (trust and social networks) among Internet users, higher than non-users and hence Internet plays a complementary role of social capital. The results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between income and the amount of social capital. Also, the family income was the most effective (negative) in the explanation of social capital. Among all the variables in the path analysis model, the variable of family income had maximum effect (positive) on social capital. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Internet and National Identity among the Youth in Sari
    Sociological of Studies of youth , شماره 5 , سال 11 , زمستان 2020
    The present study analyzes and explains the effects of duration, amount, and location, type of use and level of Internet users' knowledge on national identity among students of Sari Azad University in the 1390-91 academic year. The field section, which is in the form of چکیده کامل
    The present study analyzes and explains the effects of duration, amount, and location, type of use and level of Internet users' knowledge on national identity among students of Sari Azad University in the 1390-91 academic year. The field section, which is in the form of a survey, measures, describes and analyzes the data using a questionnaire technique. A sample of 372 students was selected by simple random sampling. The results and findings obtained through the experimental process of this research indicate that the overall purpose of the research has been achieved. Correlation between the two variables of national identity and the amount of daily use of the Internet (-0.19) two variables of national identity and duration of use Internet (-0.16) and between the two variables of national identity and the amount of familiarity with Internet (-0.13) was the inverse. There is a significantly inverse relationship between the use of the Internet at home and their national identity. Familiarity with the use of the Internet has the greatest impact on national identity, and the effect of the duration of use and the amount of use are equal to each other. They also showed that the effect of the Internet on the national identity of the students of this university is moderate to high. Also, the result of multivariate linear regression of independent variables with leisure time shows that among the independent variables, the rate of user use, users' familiarity with the Internet and the duration of Internet usage of the users have a significant effect on national identity. Comparison of betas shows that the variables of daily use of the Internet and two variables of familiarity with the use of the Internet and the duration of Internet use, together with beta multipliers (-0, 22) and the other two variables (0, 15) have the strongest and weakest effect on the dependent variables of national identity. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Sociological Explanation of Couples’ Common Life Relationships by Family Educative Patterns
    Sociological of Studies of youth , شماره 5 , سال 9 , زمستان 2018
    The purpose of the present study is to explain sociologically the couples’ common life relationships by family educative patterns. Statistical population includes 10692 couples in Farashband City. The sample size of this research is estimated 370 people using SPSS چکیده کامل
    The purpose of the present study is to explain sociologically the couples’ common life relationships by family educative patterns. Statistical population includes 10692 couples in Farashband City. The sample size of this research is estimated 370 people using SPSS Software. A multi-stage random sampling method used which was according to blocking map of Farashband city. A number of blocks were selected randomly and in the next stage a number of residential units were selected randomly too. The method of this study is survey and data is gathered through the questionnaire. Findings showed that there is a direct and significant relation between independent variables such as human patterns, couples’ religious impressionability of parents, educative style patterns of couples in childhood and media patterns and dependent variable of couples’ common life relationships. Multiple regression analysis also showed that the independent variables of the study explain 41.8 percent of the dependent variable variance of the couples' common life. پرونده مقاله