فهرست مقالات Mohammad Yuonesi

  • مقاله

    1 - Scattering mechanism of nonmagnetic phase on nano diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS)
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , شماره 2 , سال 2 , تابستان 2017
    This paper shows the scattering mechanism at diluted magnetic
    semiconductors. The doped magnetic atom produces a scattering potential due to be
    coupled of itinerant carrier spin of host material with magnetic momentum of the doped
    چکیده کامل
    This paper shows the scattering mechanism at diluted magnetic
    semiconductors. The doped magnetic atom produces a scattering potential due to be
    coupled of itinerant carrier spin of host material with magnetic momentum of the doped
    magnetic atom. Formulas of scattering event were rewritten by the plane wave
    expansion and then the electron mobility of DMS was calculated. Calculations show
    Kondo effect on diluted magnetic semiconductors at nonmagnetic phase. Here has been
    supposed that the doping concentration is low and so the coupling coefficient between
    magnetic atoms is weak enough that DMS does not change its magnetic phase. In other
    words, material is on paramagnetic phase. For proofing our model, we have grown
    Zn0.99Mn0.01O with Sol-Gel route. Pure ZnO has also grown with this method for a
    comparison. Experimental results proved our theoretical model. Therefore as a result, at
    diluted magnetic semiconductors similar to diluted magnetic metals in nonmagnetic
    phase can observe kondod's effect .

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