فهرست مقالات Elio Cables

  • مقاله

    1 - The Reference Ideal Method and the Pythagorean Fuzzy Numbers
    Fuzzy Optimization and Modeling Journal , شماره 4 , سال 1 , زمستان 2020
    As it is well known, in spite of having small dimensions, there are daily manysituations that require the solution of a decision-making problem: eating, streetscrossing, assessments, shopping and so on. Generally, the way of working onthese types of problems depends on چکیده کامل
    As it is well known, in spite of having small dimensions, there are daily manysituations that require the solution of a decision-making problem: eating, streetscrossing, assessments, shopping and so on. Generally, the way of working onthese types of problems depends on how the information used to evaluate eachalternative is provided and represented, as for instance is the case with: crisp values, fuzzy values, Pythagorean values, etc. In this way, different very wellknownmethods have been developed and modified to help to solve this kind ofproblems. Among them, the following may be remarked: AHP, PROMETHEE,ELECTRE, VIKOR, TOPSIS. But there are many other. This paper shows howto apply the so-called Reference Ideal Method (RIM), previously developed bythe authors, when Pythagorean Fuzzy numbers are used to evaluate eachalternative. The paper shows how to solve a decision-making problem throughthe proposed method using such kind of fuzzy numbers and, in order to showhow to practically apply the RIM method, an illustrative example is provided. پرونده مقاله