فهرست مقالات فاطمه عزیزمحمدی

  • مقاله

    1 - صنعت ادبی تناقض در آثار جان دان و سعدی شیرازی
    مطالعات ادبیات تطبیقی , شماره 1 , سال 7 , بهار 1392
    "تناقض" در مقام صنعتی ادبی نقش مهمی را در ادبیات شرق و غرب ، به ویژه درادبیات فارسی، یونانی و انگلیسی ایفا می کند. کاربرد تناقض به عنوان یکی از روشهاینقد ادبی شامل بررسی اظهارات دوپهلو و نتیجه گیری، و برداشت متعاقب از آنها است.هم سعدی شیرازی و هم جان دان از تناقض جهت بر چکیده کامل
    "تناقض" در مقام صنعتی ادبی نقش مهمی را در ادبیات شرق و غرب ، به ویژه درادبیات فارسی، یونانی و انگلیسی ایفا می کند. کاربرد تناقض به عنوان یکی از روشهاینقد ادبی شامل بررسی اظهارات دوپهلو و نتیجه گیری، و برداشت متعاقب از آنها است.هم سعدی شیرازی و هم جان دان از تناقض جهت بررسی تضادهای غالبی استفادهمی کنند، که تا اندازه ای برای خوانندگان عادی غیرقابل درک است. در این مقاله تلاششده نحوه به چالش کشیدن فهم و درک عمومی خوانندگان، از طریق تضادهایی که درذهن آنها با خواندن اشعار این دو شاعر نقش می بندد، مورد نقد و بررسی قرار گیرد .این مقاله همچنین می کوشد چگونگی ظهور و بروز افکار، و اهداف این دو شاعر را درکاربرد تناقض نشان دهد. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Power and Identity: A Case Study on David Mamet’s Boston Marriage
    Journal of New Trends in English Language Learning (JNTELL) , شماره 1 , سال 2 , بهار 2023
    این تحقیق تلاشی است تا بر اساس دیدگاه میشل فوکو، موضوعات مربوط به مکانیسم قدرت و مفاهیم جامعه شناختی آن در ازدواج بوستون دیوید مامت را روشن کند. قدرت در همه جا در گردش است، یا بهتر است بگوییم چیزی است که به شکل زنجیره ای عمل می کند تا سرکوبگر نباشد. بلکه مولد است و به ع چکیده کامل
    این تحقیق تلاشی است تا بر اساس دیدگاه میشل فوکو، موضوعات مربوط به مکانیسم قدرت و مفاهیم جامعه شناختی آن در ازدواج بوستون دیوید مامت را روشن کند. قدرت در همه جا در گردش است، یا بهتر است بگوییم چیزی است که به شکل زنجیره ای عمل می کند تا سرکوبگر نباشد. بلکه مولد است و به عنوان نیروی زیستی توصیف می شود. علاوه بر این، هویت فرد از طریق روابط اجتماعی ساخته می شود که کنترل کمتری بر آنها دارد. در این راستا، محور بحث مفاهیم قدرت و هویت، ذهنیت و آزادی رابطه است. بنابراین، شخصیت‌های مامت در یک نظام اجتماعی و فرهنگی خاص زندگی می‌کنند که هویت آنها را با آن شکل می‌دهد. این تحقیق نشان می دهد که چگونه دیدگاه فوکو در مورد تمایلات جنسی به عنوان ابزاری برای قدرت زیستی در کار مامت برای کنترل و تنظیم افراد نشان داده شده است. نتیجه نشان می‌دهد که افراد تلاش می‌کنند با تکنیک‌ها و شیوه‌های خود، مقاومت زیادی در برابر مقامات از خود نشان دهند. با این حال، آزادی رابطه آنها به ویژه توسط محدودیت های فرهنگی که در رژیم گفتمانی حقیقت قرار دارند تعیین می شود. شخصیت های مامت محصول رژیم هستند نه یک موجودیت از پیش تعیین شده. بنابراین، کنترل انضباطی بر بدن و روح آنها، هم افراد را مطیع خود می کند و هم ذهنیت های آنها را می سازد. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - The Surviving Nature: An Ecofeminist Study of Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , شماره 3 , سال 11 , پاییز 2023
    The aim of the present study is to investigate McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses which revolves around the relationship between John and nature with a focus on the horses. Different aspects of the novel including social, cultural, and spiritual ecology are studied. چکیده کامل
    The aim of the present study is to investigate McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses which revolves around the relationship between John and nature with a focus on the horses. Different aspects of the novel including social, cultural, and spiritual ecology are studied. In ecocriticism, the otherness of nature is one of the main themes that signifies the gap between humanity and nature that eventually results in the destruction of the environment and nature. This study also shows how the main characters, John and Alejandra, are linked in the novel which turns the present study to an ecofeminist research. The novel mostly depicts the image of John wandering in nature and searching for his identity, to be punished. Therefore, the researcher scrutinizes the link between John, nature and Alejandra and tries to examine how the novel shows similar attitudes towards both women and nature in All the Pretty Horses. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Becoming an Identity Change in ‘No Longer at Ease’ Based on Deleuze’s Theory
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , شماره 2 , سال 11 , تابستان 2023
    The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the role of becoming through political and social factors among the main character’s changing identity in Achebe’s No Longer at Ease. The researcher intends to depict the effects of political factors on the re چکیده کامل
    The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the role of becoming through political and social factors among the main character’s changing identity in Achebe’s No Longer at Ease. The researcher intends to depict the effects of political factors on the re-territorialization and territorialization of the main character through the framework of Deleuze’s theory. The current essay focuses on No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe to discover how becoming and transformation of identity take place throughout the novel and how the main character of the novel is going through constant change and becoming, which are the result of different forces. Moreover, the researcher intends to investigate the character’s desires that result in the becoming process of identity deriving from social and capitalist factors in society. Since Deleuze and Guattari’s distinctive definition of literature investigates how minor literature is produced in the dominant narratives of major literature, it can critically assist the present research to discuss that Achebe prepares the ground for indigenous, anticolonial voices in his novel No Longer at Ease. It can be concluded that the main character of Achebe’s No Longer at Ease is in flux due to different forces, and his identity goes through constant becoming. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Alienation and The Comfort of Strangers
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , شماره 1 , سال 11 , بهار 2023
    The present study aims to study "Alienation" in “The Comfort of Strangers” a novel by Ian Mc-Ewan. It attempts to work out the negative and destructive aftermath of alienation in the protagonists of the novel. The research on the mentioned term is fulfilled چکیده کامل
    The present study aims to study "Alienation" in “The Comfort of Strangers” a novel by Ian Mc-Ewan. It attempts to work out the negative and destructive aftermath of alienation in the protagonists of the novel. The research on the mentioned term is fulfilled as per the theories of Melvin Seaman. Ian Russell Mc-Ewan is one of the many examples, who depicted the mentioned element masterfully in his works, specifically in this novel. He goes beyond man’s expectations to show his readers the smashing consequences of human estrangement from the self and society in intelligence and function. Alienation is a venerable concept, with its roots going back to Roman law, where it was a legal term used to denote the act of transferring property. After World War II, when societal complexity started its increasingly accelerated rate of change, and the first signals of post-modernity were perceived by the intellectual elite, alienation slowly became part of the intellectual scene. Melvin Seaman (1918), a theorist which made a momentous modern and post-modern points of the view regarding "Alienation" after Marx and Hegel, was one of the first in the 1960s to develop an alienation scale to measure degrees and varieties of alienation پرونده مقاله

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    6 - Alienation in Ian Mc Evan’s: “Child in Time,” and “The Cement Garden”: A Review based on Melvin Seaman’s Theory
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , شماره 4 , سال 11 , زمستان 2023
    Alienation is a significant phenomenon that forms the subject of many psychological, sociological, literary, philosophical, and even physiological studies. Alienation is among the most critical justifications bringing about the internal and external pains and sufferings چکیده کامل
    Alienation is a significant phenomenon that forms the subject of many psychological, sociological, literary, philosophical, and even physiological studies. Alienation is among the most critical justifications bringing about the internal and external pains and sufferings in life. Emerging as a result of war, persecution, famine, and ruin, alienation terminates unfortunately in suffering, isolation, and sometimes critical disasters. In literature, the alienated protagonist is usually a frequent figure in much of the ancient and contemporary fiction. The main issue of alienation refers to a destructive consequence of getting, or feeling of getting separated from people that one is living with them. It refers to become useless, or to feel becoming useless in the field of social relations and interactions. It is the outcome of becoming alienated, so that one thinks that no longer anyone needs him / her, and / or his / her services. Aiming to review the theme of alienation, and focusing on Melvin Seaman’s concepts of alienation in general, the present paper, in particular, will review the manifestation of the term alienation in “The Child in Time,” and “The Comfort of Strangers,” that are both the well-known novels written by Ian Russell McEwan, one of the greatest British novelists and screenwriters of the twentieth century. By describing the disastrous aftermath of the alienation, this article tries to alarm the man regarding the catastrophic and destructive consequences of the alienation in the life of the existing societies. پرونده مقاله

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    7 - بررسی تطبیقی اشعار نیما یوشیج و ویلیام وردزورث
    پژوهش های نقد ادبی و سبک شناسی , شماره 47 , سال 13 , بهار 1401
    رمانتیسم، جریانی غالب قرن هجدهم و نوزدهم، واکنشی بود نسبت به جریان عقلانی نئوکلاسیک که در آن بیان احساسات شاعر هیچ جایگاهی نداشت. در مقابل رمانتیسم تاکید خود را بر تخلیه فی البداهه جریان احساسی قرار داد که در آن شاعر به صورت کاملا آزادانه بیان خود را احساس می‌نمود. این چکیده کامل
    رمانتیسم، جریانی غالب قرن هجدهم و نوزدهم، واکنشی بود نسبت به جریان عقلانی نئوکلاسیک که در آن بیان احساسات شاعر هیچ جایگاهی نداشت. در مقابل رمانتیسم تاکید خود را بر تخلیه فی البداهه جریان احساسی قرار داد که در آن شاعر به صورت کاملا آزادانه بیان خود را احساس می‌نمود. این جریان نه تنها در اروپا بلکه در تمام دنیا شیوع پیدا کرد و در جای جای جهان با فرهنگ‌های مختلف، شاعرانی با این سبک و سیاق ظهور پیدا کرده و احساس خود را بیان نمودند که در اروپا می‌توان به وردورث و در ایران می‌توان به نیما یوشیج اشاره کرد. در این ساختار، شیوه نگارش دو شعر بزرگ ایرانی و انگلیسی: نیما یوشیج و ویلیام وردورزث سنجیده و بر رسیده آمده است؛ در این مقاله سعی می‌شود تا عناصر کلیدی دوره رمانتیسم انگلیسی در اشعار و شیوه نگارش این دو شاعر برجسته مورد بررسی قرار می‌گیرد پرونده مقاله

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    8 - Being and Time in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and fire Series: Based on Heidegger's Philosophy
    Journal of Language and Translation , شماره 3 , سال 13 , تابستان 2023
    The significance of “being” has been an essential topic for theory. One of the main logicians of the 20th century Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), looks at this inquiry fundamentally in his Being and Time (1927). Heidegger applies what he calls phenomenological چکیده کامل
    The significance of “being” has been an essential topic for theory. One of the main logicians of the 20th century Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), looks at this inquiry fundamentally in his Being and Time (1927). Heidegger applies what he calls phenomenological metaphysics as the methodological way to deal with the subject of being by which he examines Dasein as the site for the comprehension of being. As per Heidegger in Being and Time Dasein, individuals should make accessible the appropriate ground for the subject of being. This research study examined the medium of Dasein in George R. R. Throughout the story, and the characters confirmed their existence in the society, which is associated with power relations and death. Death is manifested metaphorically in each stage of life to depict their Dasein through their actions. Consequently, the researchers investigated Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire and sows how death attempts to take over while the characters try for survival. پرونده مقاله

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    9 - Resistance and Distribution of Power in David Mamet’s Oleanna and Race
    Journal of Language and Translation , شماره 1 , سال 13 , زمستان 2023
    This essay represents a Foucauldian reading of David Mamet’s Oleanna and Race. By drawing on Foucault’s view on the importance of the power relations exercised through discourses, Mamet illustrates the discourses that power is exercised. The focus is on the چکیده کامل
    This essay represents a Foucauldian reading of David Mamet’s Oleanna and Race. By drawing on Foucault’s view on the importance of the power relations exercised through discourses, Mamet illustrates the discourses that power is exercised. The focus is on the diffused and dispersed nature of power, its ubiquity and pervasiveness. Based on Foucault’s view on the circulation of power in schools and institutions; in Oleanna, the classroom discourse and interaction patterns show that knowledge is power. The ability to be more an intellectual and skillful individual in the class lets both John and Carol exercise power. Through normalization, everything is to be made uniform, and the subjected bodies are inducted in a way that they accept the disciplinary measures as the norm. Thus, John is the authority figure in his class who serves Carol to obey his dictates if she wants to pass the course. Through discourse of resistance carol takes advantage to respond to the power exercised on her through her knowledge. This shows that Carol has the potentiality to resist and attempt to exercise her power. Further, in Race, Mamet attempts to speak on matters of race and sexuality by presenting it in his discourse. He attempts to talk about sex as the fundamental part of individuals’ identities in order to solve the other underlying problems of an individual. پرونده مقاله