فهرست مقالات Cyrille Nganteu

  • مقاله

    1 - On the Lattice of Filters of Intuitionistic Linear Algebras
    Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems , شماره 3 , سال 2 , بهار-تابستان 2023
    In this paper, we investigate the filter theory of Intuitionistic Linear Algebra (IL-algebra, in short) with emphasis on the lattice of filters of IL-algebras and relationship between filters and congruences on IL-algebras. We characterize the filter generated by a subs چکیده کامل
    In this paper, we investigate the filter theory of Intuitionistic Linear Algebra (IL-algebra, in short) with emphasis on the lattice of filters of IL-algebras and relationship between filters and congruences on IL-algebras. We characterize the filter generated by a subset and give some related properties. The prime filter for IL-algebras is characterized and the prime filter theorem for IL-algebra is established. We get that the lattice (F (L), ⊆) of filters of an IL-algebra L is algebraic, Brouwerian, pseudocomplemented and endowed with the structure of Heyting algebra. We prove that the lattice of congruences and that of filters of any IL-algebra are isomorphic. پرونده مقاله