فهرست مقالات bita mottaghi golshan

  • مقاله

    1 - Effects of Laser Process Parameters on Geometrical Characteristics of Aluminized Inconel738 superalloy by laser cladding
    Journal of Physical & Theoretical Chemistry , شماره 2 , سال 18 , بهار 2021
    ABSTRACT: Inconel 738 superalloy was aluminized using laser cladding technique. The objective of the recent research was to investigate the effect of main process parameters of laser cladding of Al on a gas turbin blade; such as laser power, laser scanning speed and pow چکیده کامل
    ABSTRACT: Inconel 738 superalloy was aluminized using laser cladding technique. The objective of the recent research was to investigate the effect of main process parameters of laser cladding of Al on a gas turbin blade; such as laser power, laser scanning speed and powder feeding rate on geometry of single clad track and find processing window. Height, width and depth of penetration were measured using imageJ software. It was found that the height of the clad track was related to combined parameter as (P/S) 2/3(F/S) 1/5. The width of the clad track was independent of the feed rate. Depth of penetration is impressed by all three main process parameters with PS2/3F-2/3. Dilution and wetting angle were calculated and the processing window was obtained for having proper limitations for dilution and wetting angle to achieve a qualified coating and can be used as a guideline for aluminizing of In738 via laser cladding technology. پرونده مقاله