فهرست مقالات محمود صحرایی

  • مقاله

    1 - بررسی اثرات روش و زمان کشت در عملکرد تولید علوفه و بذر گون علوفه‌ای (Astragalus brachyodantus) در مراتع نیمه مرطوب استان اردبیل
    تحقیقات منابع طبیعی تجدید شونده , شماره 30 , سال 9 , پاییز-زمستان 1397
    این پژوهش به مطالعه تاثیر روش و زمان مناسب کشت در تولید بذر و علوفه گونه گون علوفه ای (Astragalus brachyodantus) در مراتع طبیعی مشکین شهر از سال های 1391 تا 1394 پرداخت. آزمایش کشت در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار به صورت کرت های خرد شده انجام شد که فاکتور A چکیده کامل
    این پژوهش به مطالعه تاثیر روش و زمان مناسب کشت در تولید بذر و علوفه گونه گون علوفه ای (Astragalus brachyodantus) در مراتع طبیعی مشکین شهر از سال های 1391 تا 1394 پرداخت. آزمایش کشت در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار به صورت کرت های خرد شده انجام شد که فاکتور A در آن مربوط به زمان کاشت (در دو سطح کشت پاییزه و بهاره) و فاکتور B مربوط به روش کشت (در دو سطح بذرپاشی و کشت ردیفی و کشت به صورت دیم در عرصه طبیعی) بود. عملکرد علوفه و بذر پس از سبز شدن و استقرار نهال ها اندازه گیری شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SAS و مقایسه میانگین به روش دانکن در سطح 5 درصد انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد اختلاف معنی داری در سطح 1 درصد در عملکرد تولید علوفه و عملکرد بذر بین زمان کشت وجود دارد. مقایسه میانگین عملکرد در صفات مذکور نشان داد که کشت پاییزه بهتر از کشت بهاره بوده است. در روش های کشت فقط در صفت عملکرد بذر اختلاف معنی داری در سطح 5 درصد مشاهده گردید. نتایج بر اساس مقایسه میانگین در عملکرد بذر نشان داد که بیشترین مقدار بذر مربوط به کشت ردیفی در سال دوم بوده است. بنابراین پیشنهاد می شود کشت برای حصول نتیجه بهتر در ارتفاعات کمتر از 1500 متر از سطح دریا ترجیحا در پاییز انجام شود. همچنین کشت ردیفی با عمق 5/2 تا 3 سانتی متر جهت صرفه جویی در مقدار بذر و پراکنش یکنواخت قابل توصیه است. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Effect of Poultry by Product Meal on Performance Parameters,Serum Uric Acid Concentration and Carcass Characteristics
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , شماره 1 , سال 2 , زمستان 2012
    This experiment was conducted to determine the chemical composition and gross energy of poultry by product meal (PBPM) and the effects of different levels of inclusion of poultry by product meal on broiler chicken performance, serum uric acid and carcass characteristics چکیده کامل
    This experiment was conducted to determine the chemical composition and gross energy of poultry by product meal (PBPM) and the effects of different levels of inclusion of poultry by product meal on broiler chicken performance, serum uric acid and carcass characteristics. Three samples of PBPM produced in Ardabil province located in northwest of Iran, were provided during one month sampling period from rendering unitsof industrial poultry slaughter-houses. About 210 U of industrial poultry slaughter-houses are located in Iran. The proximate analysis showed that the average dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), Ash, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and gross energy (GE) of the PBPM samples were 92.00%, 69.63%, 16.53%, 7.86%, 1.30%, 0.56%, 209 mg/100g and 4096.6 kcal/kg respectively. In this experiment 120 eleven days old Ross 308 male broiler chicks were used for feed evaluation of poultry by product meal in four levels of 0 (control), 30, 60 and 90 g/kg in whole diet for the periods of grower (11-32 d) and finisher (33-46 d) period in completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replicates. The results showed that feed intake in all stages, body weight gain in finisher phase and overall period, mortality percentage and live weight at 46 d were similar between diets. While body weight gain in grower phase, feed conversion ratio in grower, finisher phase and overall period (11-46 d) of experiment and live weight at 32 d were statistically different (P<0.05). Therefore under the conditions of this study, use of 60 g/kg of poultry by product meal in diet might be more useful and practical in broiler diets. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Evaluation of Chemical Characteristics and Effects of Different Manganese Sources on Kinetics of Manganese Absorption and Performance of Broiler Chickens
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , شماره 4 , سال 9 , تابستان 2019
    Three experiments wereconducted to evaluate chemical characteristics, intestinal absorption and bioavailability of manganese(Mn)from organic, inorganic and nano sources of Mn. In experiment 1, inorganic sources of Mn including Mn-sulphate and Mn-oxide, organic sources o چکیده کامل
    Three experiments wereconducted to evaluate chemical characteristics, intestinal absorption and bioavailability of manganese(Mn)from organic, inorganic and nano sources of Mn. In experiment 1, inorganic sources of Mn including Mn-sulphate and Mn-oxide, organic sources of Mn as Mn-glycinate and Mn-bioplex and FRA® easy dry Mn as a nano source of Mn were subjected to elemental analysis and solubility in deionized water, 0.4% hydrochloric acid, 2% citric acid and neutral ammonium citrate. In the experiment 2, intestinal absorption of Mn from these sources was investigated by in vitro everted gut sacs technique in broiler chicks. In the experiment 3, the bioavailability of Mn-sulphate, Mn-Glycinate and FRA® easy dry Mn was determined in chicks fed a corn-soybean meal-basal diet that was supplemented with 0, 40, 100, and 160 mg of Mn from these sources per kg of diet based on body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) for 21 days from d 7 to 28. The results showed Mn-sulfate dissolved completely in all solvents. The solubility of all Mn sources was the lowest and the highest in deionized water and neutral ammonium citrate, respectively. The uptake percentages of Mn as nano Mn and Mn-oxide were significantly the highest and the lowest by duodenal and jejunal sacs, respectively. Mn as either Mn-Glycinate or nano Mn was absorbed more efficiently than Mn from other sources by ileal sacs. Amoung organic and inorganic sources, Mn-Glycinate and Mn-sulfate had the higher Mn absorption, respectively. BWG, FI and FCR did not affect by either Mn level or source. We concluded that ileum was the main site of Mn absorption for broilers and among different Mn sources, Mn-Glycinate and nano Mn had the highest Mn absorption. Furthermore, growth was not appropriate criteria to assess bioavailability of different Mn sources. پرونده مقاله