The Impact of Gestalt Visual Principles on Consumer Perception in Digital Marketing
Subject Areas : marketing
Bahman Narouei
Hossein Hakimpour
Mehdi Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Vashan
Mohammad Mohammadi
1 - PhD student in Marketing Management, Islamic Azad University, Birjand branch
2 - Corresponding author, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran
Keywords: Gestalt, advertising effectiveness, consumer perception, digital marketing, visual perception,
Abstract :
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Gestalt visual principles on consumer perception in digital marketing. The research employed a descriptive survey method and had an applied purpose. It was conducted in 1402. The statistical population consisted of customers of the digital marketing department of Choob Sang industrial furniture manufacturing company. The sample size was 384, selected through simple random sampling based on Morgan's table. Data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire, and analysis was performed using SmartPls4 and SPSS software at descriptive and inferential levels.The findings of this research indicate that the gestalt of the digital marketing platform is effective in shaping consumers' visual perception through principles such as similarity, proximity, integration, continuity, appropriateness of role, and context. This effectiveness extends to all three components of the perception process: exposure, attention, and meaning creation, with meaning creation being the most influential component. The results suggest that incorporating Gestalt principles in design can optimize the digital marketing platform and enhance the effectiveness of visual elements in audience perception. This can be achieved by organizing visual content, creating graphic unity on pages, simplifying customer journey steps, increasing interaction, and ultimately improving consumer perception, visual ability, decision-making, and conversion rates in digital marketing. keywords: Gestalt, advertising effectiveness, consumer perception, digital marketing, visual perception