Presenting the organizational image influence model with the human capital approach in Iran's tourism industry
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowerment
Azadeh Felinia
Davood Kia Kojouri
Mohammad Javad Taghipourian
1 - PhD Student in Organizational Behavior, Department of Public Administration, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University of Chalous, Iran.
2 - Associate Prof., Management Department, Islamic Azad University of, Chalous , Iran
3 - Department of Management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
Keywords: Human Capital, Tourism, Organizational visualization, textual content analysis, technique ANP-DEMATEL,
Abstract :
This article aims of presenting a model of imagery with the approach of human capital in the Iranian tourism industry is aimed at presenting a pattern of imagery. This research is a developmental and descriptive-non-comprehensive type of research. In the qualitative section, two library and field methods were used to collect data. In the first step, 25 internal and external sources were examined. The textual content analysis of these documents continued to saturation and finally 129 indicators were extracted using textual content analysis as effective factors. Using 15 academic experts in the tourism industry and with the Delphi qualitative technique, 47 were identified as the ultimate in the organizational imaging approach with the human capital approach and in 7 categories of economic, branding, brand quality, regional tourism potential, activities Advertising, job -focused visualization and macro management were incorporated. In the slightly section, with the aim of the ahead of the research; To respond to the exploratory factor analysis questionnaire, 440 experts of the tourism industry were selected as the study community and 205 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents using Cochran formula and then analyzed the research data using the Anp-Dematel technique done. The results showed that the "economic" criterion is the most influential criterion and is the top priority among the criteria. Also, the sub-criterion of "currency acquisition" was placed in the first priority among the sub-criteria.
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