Prediction of Academic Ethics based on Five Personality Factors with the mediating role of Educational Engagement and Academic Flow
Subject Areas : Journal of Excellence in counseling and psychotherapy
khosro shakiba rad
Hooshang Jadidi
ali taghvaei nia
Zekrollah Morovvati
1 - PhD Student of Educational Psychology Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran - - Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - Associate Professor Yasuj University - - Yasuj University
4 - Assistant Professor.Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities Science, University of Zanjan. Zanjan,Iran.
Keywords: Academic Ethics, Academic Engagement, Academic Flow, Personality Factors,
Abstract :
Purpose: Academic ethics plays an undeniable role in the final decisions and behaviors of learners. The aim of this research was to Prediction of Academic Ethics based on Five Personality Factors with the mediating role of Educational Engagement and Academic Flow. Methodology: The research method was correlational. The study community included all high school girls' students of Sanandaj City in 2019-2020, that among them 384 students selected as samples by available sampling. Research questionnaires included: academic ethics (AEQ), five personality factors (NEO- FFI), educational engagement (EEQ), academic flow questionnaire (FSS). Data analysis was performed using path analysis statistical method and by the SPSS-24, and AMOS-22 software. Findings: Finding showed that the direct effect of neuroticism, extroversion, receptiveness, agreeableness and conscientiousness and educational engagement and academic flow was significant(P<0/01). Also, the results revealed that neuroticism, extroversion, receptiveness, agreeableness and conscientiousness has an indirect effect on academic ethics through the mediation of the educational engagement and academic flow(P<0/01). Conclusion: Therefore, teachers and practitioners in the field of education in educational programs can improve the academic ethics of students by improving academic engagement and academic flow.
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