The study of the functions of "philosophy of the revolution of the world" in Rubaiyat Khayyami and Mohammad Hossein Karbarei
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literaturehossein akbari 1 , HABIB jadid 2
1 - zahedan
2 - zahedan
Keywords: Khayyam, Rubaiyat, MohammadHossein Kebriayi, Philosophy of the Revolution of the Universe,
Abstract :
Ru'ba'yyat of Khayyami, as a representative of a tradition, has evolved throughout the centuries and years of Persian literature. Many poets in this wise tradition, formed in opposition to the deterministic thinker system, played a lot, and many morals were performed, but ultimately, the collection of these mental lesions, known as Hakim Khayyam, is called Neyshaburi. The type of thought that has been described and described in the form of Rubaiyat Khayyami has been continually imitated and followed by many poets including Mohammad Hossein Kebriayi, the prominent poet of the Nebhndani. By referring to the Ruba'iyat of Khayyami (as the later text), he has referred to various wisdom matters, including "the philosophy of the revolution of the world." In the present article, with the comparative approach and descriptive-analytical method, the manifestations of this influence and the possible innovations of the poet are considered. The results of the research indicate that the totality of what is described and represented in the Khayyami and Kebriayi are identical, and the continuity of the same tradition of scholarship in Quranic poetry is clearly seen, but what the poets of the poet give special privilege, the proper use of arrays The rhetoric is especially the likeness and metaphor and the use of indigenous terms in the Nehbandan area, which was used to simplify the process of perceiving the audience towards the details of the "philosophy of the revolution of the world."
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