فهرست مقالات Mahshid Souri

  • مقاله

    1 - Changes in Vegetation and Soil Characteristics of Steppe and Semi-Steppe Rangelands under Impact of Solar Power Plant in Absard and Shahrerey, Iran
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 2 , سال 12 , بهار 2022
    In recent years, Iran has begun to move towards the development of the use of renewable energy sources in line with global developments. In this study, Side effects of two solar power plants on rangeland condition were studied. These solar power plants have been constru چکیده کامل
    In recent years, Iran has begun to move towards the development of the use of renewable energy sources in line with global developments. In this study, Side effects of two solar power plants on rangeland condition were studied. These solar power plants have been constructed using mosaic panels for installation obliquely on 16 ha in Absard rangeland (semi-steppe) and 23 ha in Shahrerey rangeland (steppe), Iran in 2016. In this study, sampling was performed in both rangelands for solar power plant and adjacent control. Sampling was done in 2019, based on the use of 100 m transects with one and two square-meter plots for semi-steppe and steppe, respectively, with a distance of 10 m on transects, systematically. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-30 cm from the beginning, middle and end of each transect as a composite sample. The obtained data were compared using independent T-test by SPSS software. Results showed that in comparing of soil factors between solar power plant and adjacent control site in both rangelands, there were no significant differences between treatments. However, vegetation cover and total biomass between solar power plant and control in Absard were significantly different (P<0.01). In Absard site, the vegetation cover (39% vs. 51%) and total biomass with values of (254 vs. 312 kg/h) were obtained in solar power plant and control, respectively, so the panel significantly reduced the performance of the vegetation cover and biomass in semi-steppe rangeland. In contrast, In Shahrerey , the vegetation factors between the solar power plant and the control were not significantly different from each other. So, from the point of view of natural resources and according to the results of the present study, for electricity generation, the establishment of solar power plant in the steppe rangelands is recommended as compared to semi-steppe rangeland. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Effects of Seed Priming on Morph-physiological Traits of Three Ecotypes of Astragalus squarrosus Bunge Grown in Iran
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2021
    Astragalus squarrosus Bunge is one of the native and compatible range species in the dry lands of Iran. It is of great importance in terms of tolerance to specific ecological conditions as well as high nutritional value and soil conservation. In order to study the effec چکیده کامل
    Astragalus squarrosus Bunge is one of the native and compatible range species in the dry lands of Iran. It is of great importance in terms of tolerance to specific ecological conditions as well as high nutritional value and soil conservation. In order to study the effects of seed priming on some morph-physiological traits, an experiment was conducted in form of split plots based on a completely randomized block design with five replications in Torud Research Farm in Semnan Province, Iran in 2017. Seed samples were collected from their natural habitats in Yazd, Kashan and Semnan in Iran. Seeds of three A. squarrosus ecotypes were treated by hydropriming (distilled water), hormonal priming (gibberellic acid: with concentrations of 125 and 250 ppm), (Salicylic acid: 100 and 200 mg/l), (Ascorbic acid: 100 and 200 mM) osmopriming (potassium nitrate: 0.3 and 0.2%) and control (without priming). The primed seeds and controls were sown in the field. No seeds were germinated for control and gibberellic acid (250 ppm). The results showed that the effect of priming was significant on leaf carbohydrate content, vegetation cover, dry matter (DM), yield and plant height (p<0.01). According to the results, the highest DM yield and plant height with average values of 82 (g/m2) and 34 cm, respectively, were related to the ecotype of Yazd treated with salicylic acid 100 mg/l. The highest vegetation cover with an average value of 34.6% was observed in Kashan ecotype by applying salicylic acid 100 mg/l. For carbohydrate content, the highest value of 36 (g/100gFW) was obtained in Semnan ecotype using 100 mg/l salicylic acid. The highest rate of proline with a value of 3.39 (Mm/gFW) was obtained in Semnan ecotype using 125 ppm gibberellic acid. It was concluded that application of hormonal seed priming of A. squarrosus could be useful for direct seeding of this species for rehabilitation of degraded arid rangelands of Iran. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Detection of Fire-Prone Areas Using the PROMETHEE Decision-Making Method (Case Study: Watershed Basin of Shourdareh, Golestan Province, Iran)
    Journal of Rangeland Science , مقالات زودآیند
    Decision makers in fire management are faced with many alternatives and criteria. In decision making about the event of fire, various criteria including technical, economic, social and environmental criteria have to be considered simultaneously. Management to prevent an چکیده کامل
    Decision makers in fire management are faced with many alternatives and criteria. In decision making about the event of fire, various criteria including technical, economic, social and environmental criteria have to be considered simultaneously. Management to prevent and control fires in forests and rangelands will be effective if fire-prone areas and management identify and focus on these critical areas. Therefore, the present study was conducted in 2022 to identify fire-prone areas using PROMETHEE decision-making method in the watershed basin of Shourdareh, Golestan province, Iran. In the present study, according to fire expert’s opinion, 29 different environmental and social criteria were used to detect of fire-prone areas. In this regard, The Shannon entropy method was used to weigh the criteria. Then, according to the weight and value of each criterion for each sub-basin, the data were analyzed using the PROMETHEE II technique. Based on the results of PROMETHEE II technique, sub-basins of Gh3, Gh8 and Gh1 with Phi values of 0.335, 0.148 and 0.239, respectively, were in high susceptibility to fire class. While rangelands of sub-basins Gh2, Gh5, Gh6 and Gh7 with Phi values of -0.220, -0.117, -0.136 and -0.241 were in the low susceptibility to fire class. Sub-basins of Gh9, Gh10 and Gh11 with Phi values of 0.114, -0.078 and 0.025 were in the moderate susceptibility to fire class. To evaluate the method, the results of this study were compared with results of actual fire areas that prepared by the department of natural resources of Golestan province, Iran. According to the obtained kappa coefficient with the value of 0.82, the method had good and acceptable accuracy. Therefore, since the proposed method was a reliable screening method to identify areas at risk of fire, it can help the authorities in carrying out preventive activities. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Prediction of Climatic Ecological Nest of Artemisia aucheri Boiss in the Capital of Iran Based on Modeling
    Journal of Rangeland Science , مقالات زودآیند
    Optimal habitat has a beneficial effect on species survival. In this research a logistic regression statistical method was used to prepare the potential distribution map of Artemisia aucheri Boiss. in 2020-2021. The maps of 19 bioclimatic and three physiographic variabl چکیده کامل
    Optimal habitat has a beneficial effect on species survival. In this research a logistic regression statistical method was used to prepare the potential distribution map of Artemisia aucheri Boiss. in 2020-2021. The maps of 19 bioclimatic and three physiographic variables with a resolution of 4.9 km under the current conditions prepared. Then, sampling information related to the presence and absence of species and environmental variables recorded and the relationship between species distribution and environmental factors determined using logistic regression. Finally, the map of potential distribution of Tehran province produced. The results of logistic regression model showed that in the current situation, 427057 hectares (31% of the province) has a probability of more than 75% presence of this species. The kappa coefficient for evaluating the regression model was 0.86, which according to Koch and Smith classification is one of the models with good accuracy. In order to study the effect of climate change on the geographical distribution of the species, climate bio maps were prepared based on the MRI-ESM2-0 circulation model and under two scenarios of 4.5 and 8.5 for 2050. The species under study is currently in the range of 1600 to 2800 meters. The results show that by changing the conditions from a balanced to a pessimistic situation, the area with a presence of more than 75% of the species decreases and the area with a presence of 25-50% increases. Also, results show that the minimum and maximum altitudes in scenario 4.5 will change to 1500 and 2500 meters, respectively. While according to scenario 8.5, the presence of this species is only at above 2500 meters. According to the 8.5 scenario, the species will migrate to higher altitudes. The results identify climate sensitive areas and possible future shelters of Artemisia aucheri Boiss for use in conservation and rangeland planning. پرونده مقاله