فهرست مقالات همایون مرادنژادی مقاله 1 - Strategies of gaining competitive advantage based on focusing on customers and market strategy for Extension and Development of medicinal and ornamental plants Enterprises in Ilam province homayoon moradnezhadi mohamad jasemi hossein mahdizade Journal of Ornamental Plants , شماره 4 , سال 7 , پاییز 1396 مقاله 2 - Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Training Courses in Ilam Province, Iran همایون مرادنژادی International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , شماره 4 , سال 6 , تابستان 2016 مقاله 3 - A Model Designed for the Information Management System of Entrepreneurship Training In Rural Areas of Ilam Province in Iran 20.1001.1.21595852.2022. روناک عالیپور اردشیر شیری همایون مرادنژادی International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , شماره 5 , سال 12 , پاییز 2022 مقاله 4 - business opportunities for rural areas in Ilam province همایون مرادنژادی مرجان واحدی International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , مقالات زودآیند مقاله 5 - Entrepreneurial Strategies of Enhancing Competitive Advantage of Medicinal Herbs in Ilam Province, Iran محمد جاسمی همایون مرادنژادی محمد سلاورزی International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , شماره 5 , سال 6 , پاییز 2016 مقاله 6 - Business Opportunities for Rural Areas in Ilam Province Homayoon Moradnezhadi Marjan Vahedi International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , شماره 2 , سال 14 , بهار 2024