فهرس المقالات محسن دهقانی

  • المقاله

    1 - بررسی تاب‌آوری شهر بندرعباس در ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های زیست محیطی و ارائه راهبردهای مدیریت شهری
    آمایش محیط , العدد 64 , السنة 17 , بهار 1403
    افزایش مخاطرات طبیعی و انسانی به ویژه در کشورهای در حال توسعه سبب توجه بیشتر به مفاهیمی از جمله آسیب¬پذیری و تاب¬آوری شده است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تاب¬آوری شهر بندرعباس در ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های زیست-محیطی و ارائه راهبرد مدیریت شهری انجام شده است. جامعه و نمونه آماری پژو أکثر
    افزایش مخاطرات طبیعی و انسانی به ویژه در کشورهای در حال توسعه سبب توجه بیشتر به مفاهیمی از جمله آسیب¬پذیری و تاب¬آوری شده است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تاب¬آوری شهر بندرعباس در ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های زیست-محیطی و ارائه راهبرد مدیریت شهری انجام شده است. جامعه و نمونه آماری پژوهش شامل خبرگان مسائل برنامه¬ریزی شهری است که به صورت نمونه¬هاي هدفمند انتخاب و مورد پرسشگري قرار گرفته¬اند (تعداد20 نفر). فرایند انجام این پژوهش شامل: ارزیابی، تحلیل و برآورد وضعیت تاب¬آوری شهر بندرعباس؛ اولویت‌بندی شاخص¬ها و مؤلفه¬های زیست¬محیطی؛ ارائه راهبرد توسط خبرگان جهت بهبود تاب¬آوری شهر بندرعباس می¬باشد. اکثر پژوهش¬های در ایران در بعد آسیب¬پذیری اجتماعی و اقتصادی انجام گرفته است اما در مطالعه حاضر ارتباط تاب¬آوری اکوسیستمی و شاخص¬های زیست محیطی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. ارزیابی تاب¬آوری شهری در این پژوهش می‌تواند، روشی نو در مدیریت شهری محسوب شود. نتایج بررسی نشان می‌دهد: وضعیت تاب¬آوری شهری بندرعباس با مقدار محاسبه شده 29/3 مطلوب و در وضعیت مناسبی در مقابل بحران‌های زیست محیطی قرار دارد. در نهایت از آزمون فریدمن جهت رتبه‌بندی شاخص¬ها و مؤلفه¬های زیست‌محیطی شهر بندرعباس استفاده شده است و راهبردهای مدیریت شهری با استفاده از نظر خبرگان جهت بهبود تاب¬آوری شهر بندرعباس ارائه گردیده است. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Developing a biological model based on the content of the textbooks of the first secondary school and the declaration of the second step of the Islamic revolution of Iran
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , العدد 1 , السنة 5 , بهار 2022
    Background and purpose: One of the axes raised in the statement of the second step of the revolution and one of the most important statements is the improvement of the health and safety of the society, hence the development of biological security can have a great impact أکثر
    Background and purpose: One of the axes raised in the statement of the second step of the revolution and one of the most important statements is the improvement of the health and safety of the society, hence the development of biological security can have a great impact on the realization of this axis. Based on this, the present study was carried out with the aim of developing a model for improving the health and biosecurity of society based on the second step of the revolution. Method: The research method in this study is a mixed exploratory study that was carried out with a practical purpose. The statistical population is made up of teachers and professors of the first secondary school and a number of environmental education experts from Hormozgan province. The research method was based on interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire in the field of health and biological security of the society based on the second step of the revolution and was carried out by sampling method to the limit. Theoretical saturation continued. In the quantitative stage, Excel software was used to determine the frequency of responses in each axis, and then the identified codes were prioritized. In the qualitative stage, the thematic method of content analysis was used, and in the quantitative stage. Findings: The results showed that the biological model of promoting the health and safety of society based on the second step of the revolution includes concepts such as environmental health style, environmental balance with an Islamic approach, Islamic environmental ethics, spiritual health based on the environment, and the commitment of producers to create biological health. Environment and lifestyle are Islamic life, and in the field of community security, it also includes biopolitical security, justice, prevention of corruption, biological inert defenses, development of a bio-economy centered on tourism, and Islamic nutritional security. In the quantitative part, the results showed that most points were allocated to Islamic lifestyle, environmental health style, bio-political security, Islamic environmental ethics, and biological justice. Conclusion: The results showed that the style of environmental health and biopolitical security can have positive effects in order to improve the health and security of the society based on the second step of the revolution and based on the interaction of the environment with economic, political, and cultural behaviors. , provided the health and safety of the community. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Investigating the situation of environmental education components in the text books of the first secondary school with emphasis on the statement of the second step of the revolution
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , العدد 1 , السنة 5 , زمستان 2022
    A healthy environment is a divine blessing in which the well-being of all beings is considered. And God Almighty has made its proper use the guarantor of the survival of beings, including man, and the provider of his physical and mental health. Training is a cost-effect أکثر
    A healthy environment is a divine blessing in which the well-being of all beings is considered. And God Almighty has made its proper use the guarantor of the survival of beings, including man, and the provider of his physical and mental health. Training is a cost-effective investment in the development process, especially sustainable development and to create change in order to prevent environmental degradation is one of the accelerating factors. In this research to achieve the answers to the questions of the synthesis research method and Using the theoretical foundations of research and content analysis of the first year of high school with Shannon entropy method and analysis of upstream documents (Fundamental Transformation Document of Education, National Curriculum Document and Twenty-Year Vision Document, Fifth Five-Year Development Plan Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Sixth Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Statement of the Second Step of the Revolution) Quantitative and qualitative content analysis has been used. Findings from the multiplicity of components have shown that the components of environmental education in primary school textbooks do not have a normal distribution while some components have received more attention than others. تفاصيل المقالة