Open Access Article
حسین ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
2 - Evaluating the effects of climate change on the amount of groundwater recharge in Karaj Watershed
Baharak Motamedvaziri Hadi Kiadaliri Amir Eshaghi Ali Eskandari -
Open Access Article
3 - Identification and comparison of citizens' climate perception in different temperature strata of Isfahan city
Mohsen Veisi Mozhgan Ahmadi Nadoushan -
Open Access Article
4 - Prediction of runoff changes in Zarrineh river basin under climate change conditions via hydrological simulation
Maliheh Rahvareh Baharak Motamedvaziri Alireza Moghaddamnia Ali Moridi -
Open Access Article
5 - Presenting the structural policy model of the country's water crisis management
Seyed hasan mahdavifar baharak shirzad Fateme hamidifar Abbas khorshidi -
Open Access Article
6 - Investigating the Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming on Sports Infrastructure and Events (Case study: Ski)
Seyed Mostafa Tayebi Sani sharareh norouzi Ali Fahiminejad Bagher Morsal -
Open Access Article
7 - Analysis of the effect of climate change on the agricultural exploitation system using the LARS-WG model in the southeastern part of the Iran
MAHSA FARZANEH Azadeh Arbabi Sabzevari Jamaluddin Daryabari Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
8 - Predict The drought situation in the province of lorestan during the Years of 2013-2030 Using Down-scaling output of 4 general circulation model
Fatemeh Dargahian Behrooz Parvaneh Hengameh Shiravand -
Open Access Article
9 - Climate change in the Zagros region
Masoomeh ُSofi Bohloul Alijani -
Open Access Article
10 - Evidences of Pleistocene glacial geomorphology in the northern slope of Khashchal mountain (western Alborz)
Jalilaldin Sorour Nima Farid Mojtahedi -
Open Access Article
11 - Relation Of ENSO And Climate Change And Its Effects On Fluctuation Of Temperature In The Khorasan Province
علیرضا Shahabfar محمد Mohammadi کوروش Ehteramian -
Open Access Article
12 - Forecasting temperature changes in Bandar Abbas and Qeshm island using with test Man-kendal
Ali Salari Amir Gandomkar -
Open Access Article
13 - Detection of Local Climate Change by Studying of Freezing Days Fluctuations (Case Study Mashhad)
علیرضا Shahabfar سهراب Mohammadnia محمد Motamedi -
Open Access Article
14 - Using statistical models to identify the phenomenon of climate change Case study : Kerman and Bam stations
هوشمند Ataei راضیه Fanaei M.A Rajaei مهدیه Fatehi -
Open Access Article
15 - On loess deposits of northern Iran
مارتین Kehl M.R Sarvati Hassan Ahmadi Manfred Frechen آرمین Skowronek -
Open Access Article
16 - Factors influencing of rice farmers' perceptions for adaptation to climate change in Sari County, Mazandaran
Roja Rahmanzadeh Zidi Mehdi Charmchian Langerodi -
Open Access Article
17 - Impacts of climate change adaptation strategies on smallholder farmers food security
saeede sadat ebrahimi farhad lashgarara seyed mahdi mirdamadi maryam omidi najaf abadi -
Open Access Article
18 - Determining the Farmers Adaptation Intention towards Dust-Haze; Extended Model of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)
Faranak Sahrayi Omid M. Ghoochani Asie Ghorbani Ahmad Rezvanfar Mansour Ghanian -
Open Access Article
19 - Climate change impact assessment on hydrological regimes of a mountainous river basin in Iran
Mohammad Reza Khazaei -
Open Access Article
20 - Prediction of Climate Change Impact on Monthly River Discharge’s Trend using IHACRES hydrological model (Case Study: Galikesh Watershed)
خلیل قربانی الهه سهرابیان میثم سالاریجزی محمد عبدالحسینی -
Open Access Article
21 - Assessment of climate change uncertainty and its effects on the probability of the Jamishan dam inflow frequency
مریم حافظ پرست مودت علی بافکار الهه پناهی -
Open Access Article
22 - Investigation of Land use Changes and Climatic Components in Meshkinshahr City
Batool Zeynali Elham Mollanouri Shiva Safary -
Open Access Article
23 - Climate change impact assessment on extreme daily rainfalls in Kermanshah
Mojtaba Heidari Mohammad Reza Khazaei -
Open Access Article
24 - Assessment of adaptation strategies with climate change from the perspective of green water management
Mahdi Sarai Tabrizi Mohammad Nabi Jalali Shiva Mohammadian khorasani -
Open Access Article
25 - Analysis of long-term changes in temperature over iran using the cru ts dataset
هادی رمضانی Behnam Ababaei Abbas Kaviani -
Open Access Article
26 - An Overview of Meteorological Services, Challenges and Solutions in the Agricultural Sector to Reduce Vulnerability in Climate Change Conditions
Saeedeh Kamali Ebrahim Asadi Oskouei Morteza Pakdaman -
Open Access Article
27 - Projection and Spatial Analysis of Agroclimatic Indices in Ghezel Ozan River Basin during the Growing Season
Amin Sadeqi Yagob Dinpashoh Mahdi Zarghami -
Open Access Article
28 - Projection of Quantitative Changes in Groundwater of Ardabil Plain under the Climatic Stresses Based on Precipitation and Runoff
Kurosh Azad Jelodarlu Amin Sadeqi -
Open Access Article
29 - Investigation of Optimum Cropping Pattern Proportional to Allocable Water and Balancing Aquifer (Case Study of Qom-Kahak Study Area)
Saeed Emamifar Farshad Mohammadian Reza Mohammadi Ahmad Abadi Mojtaba Ali-Madadi -
Open Access Article
30 - Projection of extreme precipitation in climate change condition and sensitivity analysis of results to downscaling method
Mohammad Reza Khazaei Reza Kazemi -
Open Access Article
31 - Evaluation of climate change performance using two hydrological models with different structures
Sadegh Valeh Baharak Motamedvaziri Hadi Kiadaliri Hasan Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
32 - Determining Long-term Memory using Hurst Index for Precipitation and Discharge Time Series of Selected Stations in Ardabil Province
Raoof Mostafazadeh Vahideh Moradzadeh Nazila Alaei Zeinab Hazbavi -
Open Access Article
33 - Modeling and Bivariate Analysis of Meteorological Drought Using Data Generation with Climate Change Approach (Case Study: Lake Urmia)
Farzad Khezri Mohsen Irandost Navid Jalalkamali Najme Yazdanpanah -
Open Access Article
34 - Investigating Changes in the Intensity of Short-Term Rainfall in the Last Half Century in the Context of Data Scarcity (Case Study: Rasht City)
Mehdi Torabi Alireza Shokoohi -
Open Access Article
35 - Simulation of Basin Runoff Under Climate Change Conditions Based on SWAT Model
Mohammad Gharib Tavosi Mohsen Najarchi Mohammad Reza Jalali Hosein Mazaheri Saeid Shabanlou -
Open Access Article
36 - The Effect of Climate Change on SoilOrganic Matter and Biological Activity
Arash Mohammadzadeh Yaser Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
37 - Climate change effects on reliability of water delivery in downstream of Karkheh river basin and its adaptation strategies
Manouchehr Farajzadeh Kaveh Madani Larijani Alireza Massah Bevani Rahman Davtalab -
Open Access Article
38 - Climate Change Phenomenon Effect on the Hamadan Climate Parameters
Mohammadtaghi Asadi Hamid Zareabyaneh Nasrin Delavar Azar Asadi -
Open Access Article
39 - Analyzing the Nature of States Obligations in the Paris agreement 2015 on climate change
Seyed-Abbas Poorhashemi mojtaba sobhaninia seyed ali hosseini azad -
Open Access Article
40 - Potential Expected Climate Change Impact on Persian Gulf Coastal Mangrove Ecosystems Based on Temperature and Precipitation Variables
Hana Etemadi Hossein Delshab -
Open Access Article
41 - Analyzing Urban Sustenance against Urban Heat Islands (Case Study: Tehran’s 6th and 11th Municipality Districts)
Arash Pakandish فرح حبیب نسیم خانلو -
Open Access Article
42 - The effect of climate change on land usage and agricultural sector performance in Mazandaran province
Alireza Keikha Ahmad Khanlary Ahmad Ali Keikha Mahmood Sabouhi -
Open Access Article
43 - Zoning the Structural Vulnerability Index Due to Climate Change (SVCCI) (Case study: Kurdistan province)
Eqbal Vahdani Hossian Mohammadi Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
44 - The Role of Wind Flow on Sources of Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Provincial Scale
Seyed Mohsen Mousavi Samereh Falahatkar Manochehr Farajzadeh -
Open Access Article
45 - Estimation of Joint Uncertainties Due to Natural Climate Variability and Emission Scenarios in Climate Change Assessment on Precipitation and Temperature in Zanjan
Mohammad Reza Khazaei Motalleb Byzedi Iman Babaeian -
Open Access Article
46 - Prediction of future climate change in Tehran and Yazd under RCPs scenarios and using LARS-WG model
reza kazemi Mohammad Reza Khazaei -
Open Access Article
47 - Providing a Building Optimization Model to Counter the Negative Effects of Climate Change to Reduce Energy Consumption
Arda Zarei Sina Fard Moradinia -
Open Access Article
48 - The Design of Resilient Green Spaces towards Adapting with Climate Change, Case Study Behesht Boulevard, Borujerd
hassan darabi Iman Saeedi -
Open Access Article
49 - Effects of Global Warming and Climate Changes on Economic Growth (Case Study: Iran provinces during 2002-2012)
Hossein panahi Najmeh Esmaeel Darjani -
Open Access Article
50 - An Investigation in Tourism of Fereydounshahr under the Climate Change conditions
Abbas Ali Arvin -
Open Access Article
51 - The Effects of Tree Species on Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Properties in Natural Forest and Plantations of Northern Iran (Case study: Darabkola Forest-Sari)
azam soleimani Seyed Mohsen Hosseini Ali Reza Massah Bavani Mostafa Jafari Rosa Francaviglia -
Open Access Article
52 - The Behavior of Inflow to the Seimareh Dam in the Face of Climate Change Impacts
Mohammadreza Goodarzi Hamed Vagheei Mirrahim Mousavi -
Open Access Article
53 - Climate Change Impact on Extreme Rainfalls in Arid Region of Iran
Mohammad Reza Khazaei hadis khazaee bahram saghafian -
Open Access Article
54 - Detection and analysis of the trend of climate change (precipitation and temperature) within the boundaries of Sari
saeid kamyabi komeil abdi -
Open Access Article
55 - Zoning of the degree of risk in the southern areas of Khuzestan province in the conditions Climate change with emphasis on industrial infrastructure
Arash Rahimi Reza Borna jafar Morshedi Jebreel Ghorbanian -
Open Access Article
56 - Environmental Impact of Climate Change on National Security
Mohammad Jalali Maryam Afshari zeinab mazinanian -
Open Access Article
57 - Prediction Impact of Climate Change on the Temperature & Precipitation by General Circulation Model, a Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture: (Case of Kermanshah Township)
Samireh Seymohammadi Mohsen Tavakoli Kiumars Zarafshani Hossien Mahdizadeh Farzad Amiri -
Open Access Article
58 - Investigating the Effect of Framing to Change Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Climate Chang
Mojtaba Panahi Zahra Dehghan Shabani -
Open Access Article
59 - Evaluation of the effects of SSP scenarios of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) on water resources and agricultural crop in Hashtgerd region with the approach of applying an adaptation strategy
Mostafa Rezayi zaman Ali Reza Massah Bavani Saman Javadi -
Open Access Article
60 - Forecasting the current and future range of Bromus tomentellus Boiss species under two climate warning models (Rcp4.5 and Rcp8.5) in rangeland ecosystems of Ardabil province
Javad Motamedi Morteza Khodagholi Razieh Sabohi Ali Reza Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
61 - Investigating the effects of nuclear disarmament on climate change from the perspective of international law
Meisam Norouzi Mehdi Eskandari Khoshgu -
Open Access Article
62 - Evaluation of climate change and prediction of its impacts on efficiency and fuel consumption of thermal power plants in Iran in next decade
Andisheh Shiehbeigi Majid Abbaspour Mohammad Soltaniyeh Farhad Hosseinzadeh Zahra Abedi -
Open Access Article
63 - Investigation of the Strategies for Urmia Lake Management, Inspired by Experiences Gained from Wetlands and Lakes in the Region
Aida Ahmadi Madjid Abbaspour Reza Arjomandi Zahra Abedi -
Open Access Article
64 - Scenarios In Climate Change Impact Assessment on Monthly Stream-flow of Karun Basin
Mohammad Reza Khazaei Hadis Khazaei -
Open Access Article
65 - Climate Modeling in Tehran & Mazandaran Provinces by LARSWG and Comparing Changes in Northern and Southern Central Alborz hillside
Nafise Haghtalab Mohsen Goodarzi Majid Habibi Nokhandan Ahmad Reza Yavari Hamid Reza Jafari -
Open Access Article
66 - Investigation on Regulations and Commitments of the Climate Change Convention and Assessment of their Implementation in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Farideh Atabi Mehrdad Nazemi Amir Abbas Sedighi Narmin Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
67 - Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change on Human Rights
Behnoush Khoshmanesh zadeh Abbas Poorhashemi Mohammad Soltanieh Davoud Hermidas Bavand -
Open Access Article
68 - Rehabilitation Pattern of Iranian Historical Gardens’ Landscape in Dry Areas Based on Xeriscape
Nasrin Nakhaei Mojtaba Ansari Mahdi Zandiyeh -
Open Access Article
69 - Impact of Climate Change Risk and Insurance Industry
Asma Hamzeh Mitra Ghanbarzadeh Nasrin Hozarmoghadam -
Open Access Article
70 - Estimation of Marginal Productivity of Supply Chains for Capacity Planning and Resource Allocation: A Case Study of the Power Industry
مژگان پورعلیزاده -
Open Access Article
71 - Assessment of Climate Change Effects on Meteorological Variables and Maximum Precipitation under New RCP Emission in Watershed
Mohammadreza Goodarzi Atiyeh Fatehifar -
Open Access Article
72 - Assessment of Information of Environmental and Climate Changes of High School Students in Tabriz City and the Effect of Education on their Knowledge
Sajad Ghanbari Mostafa Jafari Zabihollah Nemati Javad Hatami -
Open Access Article
73 - Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Meteorological Drought Characteristics of Hablehrood Basin Using the HADCM3 General Circulation Model and the SPI and DI Index
Afshin Ashrafzade jaber salehpoor arezoo sharifi -
Open Access Article
74 - Comparison of concentration and trend of dust particles in relation to climatic variables in the western half of Iran
Nahid Mahmoodi Mahpash Babak Souri -
Open Access Article
75 - Mangroves Responses to Projected Sea-Level Rise Due to Impact of Climate Change
Hana Etemadi -
Open Access Article
76 - Analysis of COP26 Meeting with Emphasis on the Situation in Iran
Susan Hayeri Yazdi Maryam Robati Nasim Poursina Ozra Karimi -
Open Access Article
77 - Evaluation of environmental knowledge Razi University students With an emphasis on global warming and climate change
Hasan Zolfaghari Somayeh Naserpour -
Open Access Article
78 - Development of the principle of prevention in the climate change legal system
mona davanlou Seyed Abbas Poor Hashemi Ali Zare -
Open Access Article
79 - Simulation and prediction some of climate variable by using multi line SDSM and Global Circulation Models (Case study: Bar Watershed Nayshabour)
Siavash Taei Semiromi Hamid Reza Moradi Morteza Khodagholi -
Open Access Article
80 - An investigation on the same type of vegetation NDVI changes in different temperature levels of the mountain (Case study: ShirKouh mountains)
Hesan Akhavan Solmaz Amoushahi Ahad Setudeh -
Open Access Article
81 - Interactions between Soil Organisms and Global Climate Change and Application of Meta-Analysis in its Interpretation: A Systematic Review
Zahed Sharifi Ali Akbar Safari Sinegani -
Open Access Article
82 - Litigation and International Responsibility; Instruments deal with the lack of performing commitments concerning climate change
Seyed Abbas Pourhashemi Sobhan Taiebi Shima Naderi -
Open Access Article
83 - Environmental Diplomacy and Climate Change; Constructive strategic approach to reducer
Sobhan Tayebi Mahnaz Zarabi -
Open Access Article
84 - Ecological stresses and changes in natural microflora of soil samples around Lake Urmia
Fatemeh Ghafarneghad Mahmood Shavandi Azam Haddadi Mohammad Ali Amoozegar -
Open Access Article
85 - The recontextualization of climate change in the Higher Education Curriculum
shahnaz karami kourosh fathi vajargah aliakbar khosravi babadi Manuchehr Farajzadeh Asl -
Open Access Article
86 - Predicting the effects of climate change on the distribution of mangrove forests in Iran using the maximum entropy model
Raziyeh Ghayoumi Elham Ebrahimi Farhad Hosseini Tayefeh Mostafa Keshtkar -
Open Access Article
87 - Investigation of phenological components changes of Iranian vegetation in response to climate change using NDVI products of AVHRR sensor from 1982 to 2018
Hadi Zare Khormizi Hamid Reza Ghafarian Malamiri -
Open Access Article
88 - Assessment of land degradation using Landsat satellite data in the period 2011-2021 (Case Study: Isfahan city)
Hadi Eskandari Damneh Hamed Eskandari Damaneh Hassan Khosravi Meysam Cheraghi Mohsen Adeli Sardooei -
Open Access Article
89 - Combating Climate Change: The Role of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
E. Uyigue O. A. Ediang A. A. Ediang -
Open Access Article
90 - Evaluation of the Impact of Urban Development on the Climate Change in Mashhad Metropolis, Using Iranian Leopold Matrix and Pastakia Matrix
zohreh moradi Maryam Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
91 - پیشبینی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر رواناب ماهانه حوضهی دز با استفاده از مدل IHACRES
ثریا صیاحی علی شهبازی خیراله خادمی -
Open Access Article
92 - بررسی تاثیر تغییراقلیم بر بارشهای حداکثر و حداکثر سیلاب محتمل رودخانه کارون
زهرا رامک جهانگیر پرهمت ابراهیم فتاحی مهران زند حسین صدقی -
Open Access Article
93 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر تبخیر و تعرق واقعی در دورههای آتی به کمک تکنیک سنجش از دور و الگوریتم توازن انرژی سبال
سمانه پور محمدی محمد تقی دوستانی مهران فاطمی علیرضا مساح بوانی هادی جعفری -
Open Access Article
94 - ارزیابی عملکرد مدلهای گردش عمومی جو در شبیهسازی متغیر دما در ایستگاههای اهواز و آبادان
انسیه دنه دزفولی نرگس ظهرابی مریم محمدی روزبهانی -
Open Access Article
95 - بررسی تغییرات رواناب حوضه آبریز تحت شرایط تغییراقلیم (مطالعه موردی حوضه آبریز کارون در محل پل شالو)
زهرا رامک جهانگیر پرهمت حسین صدقی ابراهیم فتاحی مهران لشنی زند -
Open Access Article
96 - تعدیل وضع هوا، راهکاری جهت سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیمی (مطالعه موردی استان تهران)
سمانه پورمحمدی مهران فاطمی -
Open Access Article
97 - بررسی و تحلیل شاخص بارش استاندارد شده در حوضه آبریز کارون 3 در شرایط تغییر اقلیم
علیرضا نیکبخت شهبازی -
Open Access Article
98 - بررسی شدت و فراوانی خشکسالی کشاورزی تحت تأثیر تغییرات اقلیمی در حوضه آبریز سد کارون 3
نیما غلامپور علیرضا نیکبخت شهبازی حسین فتحیان -
Open Access Article
99 - Prediction of the changes in some climate variables in Darehrood River of Aras Basin over next decades using of GCM Models
Ebrahim Fataei Ali i Aziz Seiied Taghi Seiied Safaviyan Ali Akbar Imani Akram Ojaghi Habib Farhadi -
Open Access Article
100 - The chaotic nature of monthly rainfall in the Tabriz under climate change
Rasoul Jani Mohammad Ali Ghorbani Abolfazle Shamsai -
Open Access Article
101 - Factors affecting the use of climate-smart agricultural technologies among wheat farmers in Alborz province with a planned behavior approach
Seyed Mohamad Khademi Noshabadi Maryam Omidi Najafabadi Mehdi Mirdamadi -
Open Access Article
102 - Climate Change, Sustainable Design of Neighborhood
fatemeh rahbari -
Open Access Article
103 - Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Framework Codification in Architectural and Urban Design: The Case of Hashtgerd Young City Project
milad mohammadkhani Mohammad Reza Masnavi Mohammad Taghi Rezaei Hariri Mahta Mirmoghtadaee -
Open Access Article
104 - Linking urban marginality and socio-ecological systems to Highlight Research Areas in informal settlements upgrading: A literature review and future directions
Sina Razzaghi-Asl -
Open Access Article
105 - Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation with Urban planning for a Livable city in Tehran
Mojtaba Rafieian Saba Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
106 - Investigative and Comparative Approach for Worldwide Information and local perceptions Induced by Climate Change and its Correspondence
Abbas ali Tayefi Nasrabadi Atefeh Dehghan Touranposhti -
Open Access Article
107 - The necessities and predictions of international law for settlement of climate change immigrants in destination
Hassan Movassaghi -
Open Access Article
108 - Effects of Quaternary glaciers on the Binalood Heights and their impact on the development of Neyshabur plain civilization
Abolghasem Amir Ahmadi Leila Goli Mokhtari Mahnaz Naemi tabar -
Open Access Article
109 - Evaluating the efficiency of climate change models in simulating temperature and precipitation components (Case study of Karganrood watershed)
Mohammad Reza Sheykh Rabiee Hamid Reza Peyrowan Peyman Daneshkar Arasteh Mehry Akbary Baharak Motamedvaziri -
Open Access Article
110 - Wildfire Risk Assessment in Zagros Forests using Geographic Information System and Best-Worst Method (BWM) (Case Study: Dore Chegeni County, Lorestan Province)
Roghayeh Jahdi Vahid Beiranvandi Hamed Amini -
Open Access Article
111 - Climate Change and Urban Instability: Assessment of the Consequences of Climate Migrants on Cities, Case Study: Zahedan City
Hossein Yaghfoori Esmail Rahmani -
Open Access Article
112 - Estimation of wheat water requirement under climate change in Moghan plain (Parsabad)
Mahyar Ahadi Bromand Salahi shahram Kowsari Mehr -
Open Access Article
113 - Toleration of tourism destination on the side effects of climate changes (studied by Hamedan province)
mostafa shayegan mohsen ranjbar Reza Borna Azade Arbaby -
Open Access Article
114 - Detection of Climate Change in Dez River Basin using Dynamical Downscaling
SIMA RAHIMI BONDARABADI Massoud Goodarzi Tayeb raziei -
Open Access Article
115 - Modeling and Predicting Climatic Elements of Temperature and Precipitation (Case Study: Ahar Synoptic Station)
shahram lotfi gharanchai Alireza shakiba amene dashtbozorghi Fatima rabbani Tayyaba akbari Azirani -
Open Access Article
116 - Perspective of spatio-temporal changes of evapotranspiration in Karun catchment basin during future periods and under greenhouse gases emission scenarios
hossein behzadi karimi Gholamali Mozafari Kamal Omidvar Ahmad Mazidi -
Open Access Article
117 - Modeling and Predicting the Risk of Occurrence of Flood Zones Due to Rainfall Under Climate Change Conditions case study: Gorganrood watershed
Abdolhafez Panahi Gholamreza janbazghobadi Sadroddin Motevalli shahryar khaldi -
Open Access Article
118 - Prediction of Climate Change using General Circulation Models and SDSM and LARS-WG Downscaling Models under RCP Scenarios in Dez Watershed
Ali akbar Arab solghar Jahangir Porhemmat Massoud Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
119 - Analysis of evidence of climate change in southern coast of the Caspian Sea
Alireza Sadeghinia Mahdi Sedaghat Somayeh Rafati -
Open Access Article
120 - Climate change detection Persian Gulf region using data output CGCM. A1B
Zahra Hejazizadeh Mohamad salighe Samad Kamali -
Open Access Article
121 - Evaluation of air temperature and precipitation changes in the rainy region of western Iran under climate change conditions
Sadi Abdoli Ghasem Azizi Reza Borna -
Open Access Article
122 - Detection of air temperature and precipitation changes in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces under climate change conditions using MIROC5 model
Ahmad Fakhir Nasab Behlol Alijani Farideh Asadian -
Open Access Article
123 - Shifts in Köppen-Geiger climate zones over Balochistan plateau of Pakistan and its potential challenges to Iran
محمدیوسف احمدپور محمدیوسف احمدپور تقی طاوسی تقی طاوسی حمید نظری پور حمید نظری پور -
Open Access Article
124 - Uncertainty of the models of the fifth report on climate change in estimating temperature and precipitation
Mostafa Yaghob Zadeh Mohsen Poor Reza Belandi Abas Khashei Syoki Javad Rezai Moghadam -
Open Access Article
125 - Investigation of Climate Change on the Southern Coastal of the Caspian Sea Using SDSM, LARS-WG and Artificial Neural Network
Elham Ghasemifar Bohloul Alijani Mohammad Salighe -
Open Access Article
126 - Variability of agricultural crops (wheat and barley) in past and future climatic conditions (Case study: Izeh city)
Qasim Keikhosravi Qasim Keikhosravi Nemat Allah Hosseini nia Nemat Allah Hosseini nia -
Open Access Article
127 - FutureProjection of temperature and precipitation changes in the southern coast of Caspian sea
مریم کثیری مسعود گودرزی مسعود گودرزی غلامرضا جانباز قبادی غلامرضا جانباز قبادی صدرالدین متولی صدرالدین متولی -
Open Access Article
128 - Evaluating the effects of climate change on Lar Basin Water Resources Using SWAT Model and comparing its results with Bayesian Networks and Hybrid Intelligent Models
Mahsa Solimani Puor Amirpouya Sarraf -
Open Access Article
129 - Thermal analysis of building site with Climate resilience planning strategy in coastal areas, Case study: Noor city coasts
فاطمه طاهری فاطمه طاهری شهریار خالدی شهریار خالدی رضا برنا رضا برنا -
Open Access Article
130 - Synoptic Analysis and Detection of Temperature Changes in the Warm Period of the Northwest and West of Iran
آنوش کرمی میرعزیزی آنوش کرمی میرعزیزی آزاده اربابی سبزواری آزاده اربابی سبزواری قاسم عزیزی قاسم عزیزی -
Open Access Article
131 - Investigating The Trend of Temperature Changes in Shiraz Synoptic Station Using Man Kendal Method
Gholamreza Ghahhari Amir Gandomkar Bahram Najafpor Masoud Nejabat -
Open Access Article
132 - Enhancement of climatic parameters with rural and urban development approach using the tourism comfort climate index and climate consulting software (Case study: Gonbad-Kavoos city)
فضل اله اسمعیلی reza سارلی mehdi khodadad -
Open Access Article
133 - Comparison of carbon sequestration in natural coniferous and deciduous stands (Case study: Marzanabad-Chalous)
Ali Sheykhoeslami Naermin Hoseini -
Open Access Article
134 - Overview of Forestry Projects in Iran and Reasons for a Transformation from an Economic to Ecological Perspective
Hanifreza Golzar Elham Sedighi -
Open Access Article
135 - Violating the rights of future generations with climate change caused by Haarp technology
mehdi omani Jamal Beigi babak poorgahremani -
Open Access Article
136 - Analysis of changes Using the method of Mann-Kendall (Case Study of Four townships of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province)
عباس معروف نژاد shahla ghasami -
Open Access Article
137 - The Role of Urban Management in Moderating Fluctuations KHORRAMABAD City Bioclimatic Comfort on Climate Change Conditions
Mehran Lashani zand Behrouz Parvane Farzaneh Omidimehr -
Open Access Article
138 - Air quality and its impact on climate change in major urban areas across Cairo and Moscow cities
Mohammad Ali Ghoveh Nodoushan Seyedeh Mahtab Pormazar -
Open Access Article
139 - Climate Change, Human Rights and the need to Establish the International Court of the Environmet
Azade Rastegar Ali Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
140 - The Effect of Climate Change on Milk Yield in New Zealand: A Case Study of Fonterra
Z. Shaheen Ali Z. Li -
Open Access Article
141 - Investigation of Rainfall and Air Temperature Changes Under Different Scenarios of Climate Change (Case study: Shahrekord)
Zohre Izadi Ali Heidar Nasrollahi Bizhan Haghighati Borujeni -
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142 - Assessing the Factors Affecting Climate Resilience in Zabol City
hosniyeh saeedi malihe zakerian -
Open Access Article
143 - Characterization of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids for Physiological Attributes and Grain Quality Traits under Heat Stress
Muhammad Yousaf Khadim Hussain Shahid Hussain Aamir Ghani Muhammad Bhatti Aamer Mumtaz Muhammad Khalid Asrar Mehboob Ghulam Mumtaz Muhammad Akram -
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144 - Trends in extreme daily temperature in south west of Iran during recent decades
alireza shakiba einallah khalili amaneh dashtbozorgi -
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145 - The likely Effect of Precipitation Change on Runoff, Case Study: Jajrood River
alireza shakiba batol bahak zari monavarian -
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146 - Farmers’ Perception Regarding Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Crop Production in Layyah District-Pakistan
Badar Siddiqui Syed Ali Asghar Shah -
Open Access Article
147 - Understanding Livelihood Status of Fishing Communities to the Impact of Climate Change in The Coastal Areas of Bangladesh
Shahali Mitul Fakir Huda Md. Asaduzzaman -
Open Access Article
148 - Climate Change Trends and Effects on the Selected Food Crops Production: Evidence from the Amaro Kelle District of Southern Ethiopia
Christian Nwofoke Baynachew Bargissa -
Open Access Article
149 - Informal Sources of Financing Climate Change Adaptation amongst Crop Farmers in Nigeria
Agbugba Ikechi K. Ihemezie Eberechukwu J Adam E. Ahmed -
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150 - مدلسازی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر تولید بادام زمینی بر مبنای افزایش دو درجه دما در شرایط محیطی آینده در استان گیلان، ایران
Seyyed Ali Noorhosseini Afshin Soltani Hossein Ajamnoroozi -
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151 - تأثیر ابعاد تغییر اقلیم برتشخیص فرصتهای کارآفرینی در بخش کشاورزی
مژگان خوش مرام نعمت اله شیری مسلم سواری -
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152 - ارزیابی اثرات تغییرات اقلیمی بر منابع آب زیرزمینی استان خراسان جنوبی با استفاده از رویکرد سیستم دینامیک
مصطفی تیموری سیدمهدی میردامادی Seyed Jamal Farajollah Hosseini -
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153 - راهکارهای کاهش آسیبپذیری کشاورزان و بهرهبرداران بخش کشاورزی در برابر تغییرات اقلیم
عبدالواحد کعبی کوروش روستا سعید محمدزاده رضا برادران -
Open Access Article
154 - تاب آوری معیشتی سرپرستان نظام بهره برداری خانوادگی در برابر تغییرات اقلیمی (مطالعه موردی: گندمکاران ماهیدشت کرمانشاه)
روناک کاکه آذر حسین اگهی شهپر گراوندی -
Open Access Article
155 - The Effects of Climate Change on Iran's Sugarcane Production (Case study: Khuzestan Sugarcane)
Abdulah Rajabalinejad Niv Nozari Bita Rahimi Badr -
Open Access Article
156 - فرآیند تصمیم گیری کشاورزان در شرایط تغییر اقلیم: توسعه یک چارچوب مفهومی
طاهر عزیزیخالخیلی توماس آئنیس میثم منتی زاده غلامحسین زمانی -
Open Access Article
157 - متغیرهای مؤثر برظرفیت سازگاری کشاورزان نسبت به تغییرات اقلیمی: مطالعه موردی گندمکاران شهرستان گچساران
محسن موسایی -
Open Access Article
158 - اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر عملکرد چغندرقند با تأکید بر ریسک تولید محصول در ایران
علی سردار شهرکی ندا علی احمدی نسیم صفری -
Open Access Article
159 - Risk Analysis and Strategy of Rice Farmers in Swampland in the Face of Climate Change Impact (Case in South Kalimantan Province-Indonesia)
Yudi Ferrianta Muhammad Fauzi Makki -
Open Access Article
160 - The Impact of Bio-Ethanol Conversion and Global Climate Change on Corn Economic Performanve of Indonesia
Yudi Ferrianta Nuhfil Hanani Budi Setiawan Wahib Muhaimin -
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161 - Trend of humidity (specific and relative) in synoptic stations in Iran in period 1976-2005
P.S. Katiraei F. Arkyan R. Rezaei Farkosh -
Open Access Article
162 - The analysis of seasonality and seasonal precipitation anomaly changes in Iran during 1977-2006
S. ZarrinkamarMajd P. S. Katiraie-Boroujerdy -
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163 - Climate change and its effect on microbial diversity of extreme environments and infectious diseases outbreaks
Sepideh Meidaninikjeh Parisa Mohammadi Afsaneh Khanbabakhani -
Open Access Article
164 - The position of environmental security concept in international and global security
Seyed Amin Habibi Daydokht Sadeghi Haghighi Kayhan Barzegar -
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165 - Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on International Security
Masoud AKHAVAN KAZEMI Tayebeh Sadat Hoseini Fereshteh Bahramipoor -
Open Access Article
166 - Potential of Carbon Sequestration of Hammada salicornica Vegetation Type in Desert Areas (Case Study: South Khorasan, Iran)
Hossein Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
167 - Climate Variability Impacts on Land Use and Livelihoods in Drylands
Golnaz Kheradmand -
Open Access Article
168 - Climate Change Impact on Quality of Life Indicators of Pastoralists (Case study: Rangelands of Haraz River Basin, Mazandaran province, Iran)
Amirhossein kavianpoor Hossein Barani Adel Sepehry Abdolreza Bahremand Hamidreza Moradi -
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169 - Effects of Land Use and Land Cover changes on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Stocks in the Olesharo Catchment, Narok County, Kenya
Bernice Sainepo Charles Gachene Anne Karuma -
Open Access Article
170 - Climate Change Implications on the Rangelands Condition in West Guji and Borana Zones, Southern Ethiopia
Tesfaye Dejene Gemedo Dalle Teshale Woldeamanuel Muluken Mekuyie -
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171 - Livestock Production at the Nexus of Resources Competition and Ethnoreligious Cynicism in Nigeria–Implicative Analysis on Food Security
Akeem Sikiru -
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172 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions as Impacted by Topography and Vegetation Cover in Wooded Grasslands of Laikipia County, Kenya
Janeth Chepkemoi Richard Onwonga Richard Nyankanga Angela Gitau -
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173 - Application of Land Measurements for Detection the Climate Changes Impact on Vegetation Dynamics, Kermanshah Province, Iran
Ahmad Choupanian Marzieh Rezai Rasool Mahdavi Ali Reza Nafarzadegan -
Open Access Article
174 - Land Degradation Neutrality in the World’s Rangelands: Contemporary Approaches to Old Problems Using New Solutions
Victor Squires Mahesh Kumar Gaur Ali Ariapour -
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175 - Prediction of Climatic Ecological Nest of Artemisia aucheri Boiss in the Capital of Iran Based on Modeling
Mahshid Souri Morteza khodagholi Saeedeh Nateghi Nadia kamali Parvane Ashouri Razieh Saboohi -
Open Access Article
176 - Production of Browse Trees/Shrubs under Climate Change Conditions in the Butana Rangelands of Sudan
Fathielrahaman Ajloon Abdelmalik Abdelmalik Imad Eldin Babikir Faisal ElHag Ibrahim Ibrahim Abdelrahman Khatir -
Open Access Article
177 - Modeling Potential Habitats for Gymnocarpus decander Using Multivariate Statistical Methods and Logistic Regression (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchestan Province)
Masome Narouei Seyed Akbar Javadi Morteza Khodagholi Mohammad Jafary Reza Azizinezhad -
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178 - Identification of effective factors on green marketing using the grounded theory method in the hotel industry
Majid Alizadeh Sina Nematizadeh Hasan Esmaeilpour -
Open Access Article
179 - Altering the planting date and its effect on the phenology and yield of the three tropical legumes in the south of Kerman
Mohammad Hatami Hossein Heidari Sharif Abad Hamid Madani Enaiat allah Tohidinezhad Ghlam Reza Afsharmanesh -
Open Access Article
180 - تغییر الگوی کشت و تأمین درجه-روز رشد برای مراحل فنولوژیک سه نوع لگوم گرمسیری در جنوب کرمان و رابطه آن با عملکرد دانه
محمد حاتمی حسین حیدری شریف آباد حمید مدنی عنایت الله توحیدی نژاد غلامرضا افشارمنش -
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181 - Farming Systems Options to Adapt with Climate Change in South Western Bangladesh
Open Access Article
182 - A Simulation Study on Impact of Climate Factors on Production and Requirements of Rice in Bangladesh
Md.AbuBakr Siddique Jun Furuya Shinataro Kobayashi M Abdus Salam -
Open Access Article
183 - An Overview of Different Approaches to Managing 'CO2' Emissions from a Legal Perspective
Farnaz Shirani Bidabadi Hamideh Mehdizadeh Chen Hai-Song Manuchehr Tavassoli Naini -
Open Access Article
184 - Predicting the impacts of climate change on theMesopotamian Spiny-tailed Lizard (Saara loricata): Using maximum entropy algorithm and Bioclim
انوشه کفاش محمد کابلی گونتا کهلر -
Open Access Article
185 - Structural drivers affecting the reduction of the destructive effects of high-rise construction on the functional flow of wind (Case study: Borough 22 in Tehran)
آزاده امیری راحله رستمی فاطمه مظفری قادیکلائی -
Open Access Article
186 - Socio-cultural Drivers of Adaptations and Vulnerability to Climate Change: Lessons from Crop Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria
Ademola Adegoroye Babatunde Peter Ekundayo Tolulope Olubunmi-Ajayi Olayinka Oladosu Emmanuel Oloruntoba -
Open Access Article
187 - Evaluation of the carbon footprint caused by the consumption of fossil fuels for the purpose of control and monitoring It is through the green space standard (case study: Ahwaz metropolis)
Nasrin Mehdizadeh Gabriel Ghorbanian رضا برنا Dr.jafar Morshedi Hamid Nilsaz -
Open Access Article
188 - Analyzing Long-Term Changes Trend of Precipitation Concentration Index (PCI) as an Indicator of Climate Change in the Persian Gulf and Oman sea Basin
Peyman Mahmoudi Ebrahim Fattahi Mohsen Heydari Allahbakhsh Rigi Alireza Ghaemi Jabbar Rezaei -
Open Access Article
189 - Evaluation of Adaptation Paths to Climate Change in the Karun 3 Basin
Erisa Jahangiri Baharak Motamedvaziri Hadi Kiadaliri -
Open Access Article
190 - Gender Analysis of Medicinal Plant Cultivation from the Aspect of the Security of Livelihood Capitals
Shahla Choobchian Enayat Abbasi Mahboobeh Dalir Yadgar Momenpour -
Open Access Article
191 - Detection of the first frost of autumn and the last frost of spring with the climate change approach at Gorgan synoptic station
Hossein Imani Pour Abdolreza Kashki mina firoozyazdi -
Open Access Article
192 - Analysis of Factors Influencing Intra-Regional Migration to Isfahan County with Reference to the Impact of Climate Change
Vahide Ebrahimnia Ali Aslani -
Open Access Article
193 - Climate change management in the European Union in the framework of the European Green Pact and providing a model for Iran
Hajar Akbari Malek Zolghadr SeyedFashid Jafaripabandi -
Open Access Article
194 - Revealing the process of hydrological changes in Armand river basin
Daryosh Saeidi Amir Gandomkar Masoud Nasiri -
Open Access Article
195 - Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on the Aridity Index Under the Scenarios of the CMIP6 in Iran: looking at Industries
Hadi Ramezani Etedali Sakine Koohi -
Open Access Article
196 - Investigating trend of frequency changes of sultry days in southern half of Iran
Peyman Mahmoudi تقی طاوسی Abdolmajid Shabab Moghadam -
Open Access Article
197 - Planning and Studying the Effects of Climate Change On Iran's Agricultural Development; Application Techniques Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP)
soroush kiani ghalehsard Javad Shahraki Ahmad Akbari Ali Sardar Shahraki -
Open Access Article
198 - The Climate and Geomorphology Feedback in Urban Planning Development (Case Study: Shiraz Metropolitan)
عبدالعلی کمانه حیدر قادری شهیده دهقان -
Open Access Article
199 - climate change trends analysis using by extreme indices of long term rainfall and temperature in South East of Iran
Seyed Hassan Alavinia Mahdi Zarei -
Open Access Article
200 - Investigating the effective factors on farmers' perception of climate change risk and the effect of these factors on their adaptive behaviors (The case of Kermanshah County)
Sara Ghobadi Hossein Agahi Homayon Farhadian -
Open Access Article
201 - The future of date palm cultivation in the arid and extra-arid regions of southeastern Iran based on climate change scenarios
Mohsen Hamidianpour Hamid Nazaripour Mahmood Khosravi Mohadeseh Vazirimehr -
Open Access Article
202 - Future Studies of the Urban Governance Challenges in the Face of Climate Change with Emphasis on the Flood Crisis (The Case study: Ahvaz Metropolis)
mostafa mohammadidehcheshme Nazanin Hajipour -
Open Access Article
203 - Analyzing the accuracy of wheat farmers perceptions in Mahidasht district of Kermanshah Township about the climate change trends in the region
Sara Ghobadi Aliabadi Hossein Agahi Homayoun Farhadian -
Open Access Article
204 - Explaining Water Governance in Iran from the Perspective of Statecraft
Youdef Khalaj Amirhosseini Afshin Mottaghi -
Open Access Article
205 - An Analysis of temporal and spatial changes of climatic parameters for identifying prone to comfort areas in Ilam province
Ali Arefi Mohsen Ranjbar Reza Borna -
Open Access Article
206 - Evaluate the Effects of Climate Change Impertinence on Agricultural Production and Farmer's Income Situation in Down Lands of Taleghan Dam
Abozar Parhizkari -
Open Access Article
207 - Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Production in Iran
حمید Amirnejad مریم Asadpour kordi -
Open Access Article
208 - The consequences of climate change in agriculture and its Relationship with Rice producers rent (Case study; Mazandaran province)
HAMID AMIRNEJAD Atefe Amouee Mojtaba Mojaverian -
Open Access Article
209 - Assessment of the effect of climate change on the production of horticultural products with a randomized production approach, Case Study: Date product
Neda Aliahmadi Mahmood Hashmitabar seyed Mehdi Hoseini -
Open Access Article
210 - Investigating the effects of climate changes on agronomical production and welfare in the Caspian coastal plain agro-ecological zone
Nader Barani Nader Ayatollah Karami -
Open Access Article
211 - The Impact of Climate Change on the Export of Agricultural Products in Iran
mahtab khaiat farahani Seyed Yaghoub Zeraat-Kish Amir Mohammadinejad -
Open Access Article
212 - Assessing the Vulnerability of Fishing Communities to the Effects of Climate Change: A Case Study of Fisheries in Southern Iran A case study of fisheries in southern Iran
Effat ghorbanian mansour zibaei -
Open Access Article
213 - Climate Change Consequences on Rain-Fed Wheat Farming and its Relationship with Rent in Iran
azam rezaee farhad shirani bidabadi farzaneh bahadoran -
Open Access Article
214 - Determining Optimized Depth of Wells in a Catchment Considering Climate Change and Water Resources Management (Case Study: Khash watershed)
Ebrahim Zeraati ُSamira Zeinodini Bahareh Pirzadeh Seyed Arman Hashemi Monfared -
Open Access Article
215 - Effects of climate change on the agricultural sector in the Kheirabad River Basin: Application of WEAP Software
Gh. layani mohammad bakhshoodeh -
Open Access Article
216 - Measuring the Iranian Provinces’ Vulnerability to Climate Change
Fatemeh Asakereh Zakariya Farajzadeh -
Open Access Article
217 - Effects of climate change on available water resources and cropping pattern in Jiroft plain of Kerman province
Afshin Taghizadeh Yaser Feizabadi mostafa Goudarzi -
Open Access Article
218 - Effect of Climate Change on Land Use and Land Cover in Fars Province: Application of System Dynamics Approach
Sadaf bahmanpouri Mohammad Bakhshoodeh Mansoor Zibaei -
Open Access Article
219 - Spatial analysis of climate change on saffron yield (Case study of Khorasan Razavi, North Khorasan and South Khorasan cities)
Mansooreh Vafaee Saman Ziaee Hamid mohammadi mahmoud ahmadpour -
Open Access Article
220 - Effects of Climate Change on Maize Yield in Iran: Application of Spatial Econometric Approach with Panel Data
E. پیش بهار S. دارپرنیان M. GH -
Open Access Article
221 - The Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Production and Iranian Economy
S. KH F. بزازان SH. مدنی -
Open Access Article
222 - Hydrological Impact of Climate change on the GavehRud Watershed as Affected by the Parameter Uncertainty
Behrouz Yaghoubi Seyed Abbas Hosseini Sara Nazif -
Open Access Article
223 - Investigation of the effect of climate change on evapotranspiration and wheat water requirement in Bojnord region
Samira yarmohammadi Mehdi Zakerinia Khalil Ghorbani Afshin Soltani -
Open Access Article
224 - Climate Change Impact on the Future Inflow of the Doroodzan Reservoir in the Province of Fars
Farshid Safshekan Ali Mohammad Akhoond-Ali Ali Haghighi Heidar Zarei -
Open Access Article
225 - Pridiction of Sea Level Rise in the South of Iran Coastline: Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts
Hamid Goharnejad Abolfazl Shamsai sara نظیف Mahmood Zakeri Niri -
Open Access Article
226 - Uncertainty analysis of the statistically downscaling Precipitation and Temptation on the Qorantalar
Mehdi Ahmadi Bagher Ghermez Cheshmeh Hoda Ghasemiyeh -
Open Access Article
227 - The effect of climate change on climate parameters of Takab and Saghez stations in Zarrinehroud Basin via LARS-WG
M. لطیفی M. Z.N S. M.G -
Open Access Article
228 - Evaluation of climate change impact on climate parameters in Tuyserkan Catchment using general circulation models
سمانه پورمحمدی mohammadtaghi dastourani alirez مساح بوانی M.H رحیمیان H. جعفری -
Open Access Article
229 - Simulation of Zayandehroud dam reservoir input using IHACRES model with considering the fifth climate change report
Aliakbar Solgi Ali Khoshfetrat parisa pourpashang -
Open Access Article
230 - Investigation of the Effects of Climate Change and Meteorological Drought on Groundwater Drought in Wet and Semi-humid Areas (Case Study: Talesh plain)
Reza Seraj Ebrahimi Saeid Eslamian Mohammad Javad Zareian -
Open Access Article
231 - The effect of climate change on meteorological drought using the data of the Sixth Climate Change Report (Case study: Shiraz city)
Mehdi Dastourani Saeideh Hoseinabadi Mostafa Yaghoubzadeh Mahdieyh Forouzan Mehr -
Open Access Article
232 - Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and SDSM Methods in the Downscaling of Annual Rainfall in the HadCM3 Modelling (Case study: Kerman, Ravar and Rabor)
M. Rezaee M. Nahtaj A. Moghadamniya A. Abkar M. Rezaee -
Open Access Article
233 - Probabilistic Assessment of Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Aidoghmoush River, East Azarbaijan, I.R. Iran
P. Ashofteh O. Bozorg Hadad -
Open Access Article
234 - A New Probabilistic Approach for Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources
P.S آشفته O. بزرگحداد -
Open Access Article
235 - The prediction of the climate change effect on the temperature parameter by the General Circulation Models HadCM3: a case study of Kerman and Bam
Ali Neshat Yasmin Sajadi Bami -
Open Access Article
236 - Determining the features of urban planning and efficient urban management in climate change control (case study : Mashhad Municipality)
Rostam Saberifar -
Open Access Article
237 - Assessment of Climate Change on Water Resources (Lanjanat sub-basin)
داریوش رحیمی Fatemeh Bashirian Ahmad Nourbakhsh nosrat farhadi -
Open Access Article
238 - Investigating the trend of temperature changes in Larestan using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test
قاسمعلی مقتدری -
Open Access Article
239 - An Analysis of Climate Change Caused by the Development and Urban Transformation of Isfahan as a Tourist City
Ali Malekabbasi Shirin Toghyani Khorasgani Amirhosein Shabani Soroush Modabberi David Leite Vian -
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240 - Obligation of peace and reduction of international conflicts due to the implementation of climate justice
Shabab Jahanbin Ali Faqih Habibi Ali Mohamadi shirin shirazian Hadi Kiadaliri -
Open Access Article
241 - Analyzing most obvious factors of invalidation of climate change treaties, an approach to facilitating obtaining of the right to climate sustainability
Shabab Jahanbin Ali Faqih Habibi Ali Mohamadi shirin shirazian Hadi Kiadaliri -
Open Access Article
242 - Examining the effects of climate change and corona on the economic growth of APO member countries
Najmeh Mohammadi حکیمه هاتف علی سروری -
Open Access Article
243 - Strategies for Localizing Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Iran
Reza Firouzi Zargar Elham Habibollah Mina Torabifard Mehran Khalesi