Open Access Article
1 - Determining Various Urban & Rural Deciles Food Optimal Basket in Iran
کامبیز هژیر کیانی سیدشایسته واردی -
Open Access Article
2 - Impacts of Alnus subcordata plantation on nutrient and plant diversity in site of Parrottia-Carpinetum natural forest
abdollah Rostamabadi Masoud Tabari Hamid Jalilvand Ali Salehi Ehsan Sayad -
Open Access Article
3 - Estimating the economic value of the preservation and maintenance functions of soil nutrients in Zagros forest ecosystem (case study: Dalab Ilam region)
Farshid Karami abdolali karamshahi amir modaberi ali mahdavi jalal Hanareh Khalyani -
Open Access Article
4 - Determination of water quality parameters and nutrient level with an Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Maryam Hosseini Jalal Javadi moghaddam -
Open Access Article
5 - Effect of mineral superabsorbent on some characteristics of soil and growth parameters of onion (Allium cepa) under limited irrigation
Elnaz Sabbagh Tazeh Nasrin Sadeghian Younes Rameshknia -
Open Access Article
6 - Zoning of Nutrient’s Elements In Soil and Leaves of Orange Trees Using Gaussian Model (Dezful city as Case Study)
Ebtesam Neissian Kamran Mohsenifar Ebrahim Panahpour Teimor Babainejad -
Open Access Article
7 - Investigation of heavy metals and important micro nutrients in milk powder and common baby food in Tehran market
Mahdieh Khazai Shiva Dehghan Abkenar Nazanin Khakipour -
Open Access Article
8 - Evaluation of Heavy Metals, Aflatoxins and Microbial Contamination in Sayer Date
Rouhollah Shiralipour Maryam Alborzi Elnaz Fathizadeh -
Open Access Article
9 - Production of a New Drink by Using Date Syrup and Milk
F. Raiesi Ardali E. Rahimi S. Tahery M. A. Shariati -
Open Access Article
10 - Investigating Some Chemical Soil Properties in the Pollarded and Less-disturbed Forest Stands in the Northern Zagros (Case study: Baneh forest, Kurdistan)
Jian Rahimi Kyumars Mohammadi Samani Naghi Shabanian Mohammad Shafi Rahmani -
Open Access Article
11 - The Effect of Pumice on Irrigation Schedule and Nutritional Quality of Onion in two Types of Soil Texture under Deficit Irrigation
elnaz sabbagh tazeh Nasrin Sadeghian -
Open Access Article
12 - Influence of Salinity and Supplementary Calcium on Growth, Concentration of Some Nutrients and Quality of Tomato Fruit under Hydroponic Conditions
abolfazl azadi abdolmajid ronaghi zahra ahmadi mojtaba sadri zahra asadi saber heidari -
Open Access Article
13 - Evaluation of the Influence of Sulfur and Municipal Solid Waste Compost on Soil pH and Uptake of Some of the Micronutrients by Corn.
Mohammad Reza Sabour Morteza Shokri Saeed Samavat Mohammad Reza Farahani -
Open Access Article
14 - Nutrition Properties of Soil and Leaf of Eldar Pine Trees Irrigated by Municipal Effluent
Azadeh Salehi Masoud Tabari Kochksaraei -
Open Access Article
15 - Concentration of micronutrient in Azola at cadmium and salinity contaminated environment
Salahedin Moradi Leyla Jahanban Tayebeh Basaki -
Open Access Article
16 - The Soil Enrichment of Cations under the Influence of Canopy and Litterfal Leaching
Akrama Ahmadi Maryam Moslehi Jouybari Omid Zakeri -
Open Access Article
17 - Improvement of leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll concentration (SPAD) soybean by Fe, Zn and Mn nano-chelates foliar application under limited irrigation conditions
Mohammad Saeed Vaghar -
Open Access Article
18 - Nutritional assessment, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic potential of traditionally used wild plant, Berberis tinctoria Lesch.
Arumugam Vignesh Kumarasamy Pradeepa Veerakumari Subramaniam Selvakumar Rajan Rakkiyappan Krishnan Vasanth -
Open Access Article
19 - The organic extracts from the leaves of Ficus thonningii Blume, Jatropha tanjorensis J.L Ellis and Saroja and Justicia carnea Lindley as potential nutraceutical antioxidants and functional foods
Kingsley Ijoma Vincent Ishmael Ajiwe Stanley Odinma -
Open Access Article
20 - Evaluation of cholesterol lowering property of selected herbs in ghee (heat clarified milk fat)
Krupaben M. Shingala Rayan V. Lunagariya Bhavbhuti M. Mehta V.B. Darji K.D. Aparnathi -
Open Access Article
21 - Semi-nutritious Liquids effect on Shear Bond Strength of Repaired Composite with Universal bonding
Somayeh shiyasi Parvin Mirzakouchaki Mina Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
22 - Effect of Nitrogen and Zinc Sulfate Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)
Arvin Behdarvandan Yahya Soleymani Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
23 - A Study on the Effect of Nano-Fertilizer Foliar and Cultivation Date on Growth and Yield of Potato Santeh Cultivar
Amir Khodadadi Karkoki Mohammadreza Yavarzadeh Mohammadmehdi Akbarian Ali akbar Askari -
Open Access Article
24 - Salt Tolerance in Rice Cultivars and Changes in Sodium and Potassium Ions
Masomeh Farasat -
Open Access Article
25 - Evaluation Amino Acids and Iron Nano particles on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield of Potato
Arash Roozbahani Sanaz Pour Ali -
Open Access Article
26 - Evaluation Seed Yield, Its Components and Morphological Traits of Corn in Response of Consume Super Absorbent Polymers and Nitroxin
Sadegh Lamochi Tayeb Sakinejad -
Open Access Article
27 - Assessment of Foliar Application of Iron and Silicon on Some Agronomic, Quanti-tative and Qualitative Parameters of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Ahmad Estaji Hamid Reza Rousta Mohammad Reza Mir Kahnooj -
Open Access Article
28 - Assessment Effect of Different Irrigation Regime and Fertilizer Combinations on Seed Yield, Radiation Use Efficiency and Biochemical Parameters of Corn
Mohammad Nasri Mansoreh Khalatbari -
Open Access Article
29 - Assessment Iron Application to Improve Agro-Morphological Traits and Bio-Fortification of Grain Wheat Grown in Different Nitrogen Conditions
Majid Abdoli Ezatollah Esfandiari Rana Taheri -
Open Access Article
30 - Influence of Zinc and Cadmium on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Shokofeh Berenjani Mohamad Reza Dadnia Mani Mojaddam Nazli Derogar -
Open Access Article
31 - Interaction effects of different amounts of zinc(Zn) and boron(B) on growth and antioxidative enzymes activity in lettuce(Lactuca sativa L. cv. Paris Island) plant
Farhad Behtash Hadi Fakhr ghazi Masoomeh Hasanbarani -
Open Access Article
32 - Investigating the physicochemical conditions of the Caspian Sea water in Sisangan region for setting up a Salmon breeding farm in a cage
Omidreza Touni Nooshin Sajjadi Farhad Moosakhani Rooholah Mahmoudkhani -
Open Access Article
33 - Eutrophication in Water Resources: Definition, Types, Causes, Ecological Effects and Control Strategies
Mohammad Safari Behzad Mohammadikhangahi Gholamhossein Safari -
Open Access Article
34 - Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.) Intercropping under Micronutrient Applications
Yaser Esmaeilian Mohammad Behzad Amiri -
Open Access Article
35 - Effects of Soil Salinization and Waterlogging on the Concentrations of Some Macronutrients and Sodium in Corn Root
نصرت اله Najafi -
Open Access Article
36 - Response of Potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Kaiser) to Different Sources of Fertillizers
Mohammad Reza Saeedi Saeedi Mehrab Yadegari -
Open Access Article
37 - Evaluation of the Combined Effect of Biological and Chemical Phosphorous Fertilizers and Micronutrient on Seed and Protein Yield of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Mona Yousefipor Shahram Lack Khoshnaz Payandeh -
Open Access Article
38 - The Role of Iron and Zinc on Tuber Yield and Yield Components of Potato
Elham Jam Ali Ebadie Gasem Parmoon -
Open Access Article
39 - Corn Seed Yield and Its Components as Affected by Different Time of Weeding, Seed Osmopriming and Foliar Application of Micronutrient
H. Abbasdokht M. Asgharnia -
Open Access Article
40 - The Effects of Micro Elements of Iron and Zinc on Morphological Characteristics of Mycorrhized Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Shahab Khaghani -
Open Access Article
41 - Physiological Response of Common Glasswort (Salicornia europaea L.) to Potassium Nano-Particles Grown in Saline Soils around the Lake Urmia
Alireza Pirzad Mehdi Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
42 - Response of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Maize (Zea mays L.) to the Application of Zinc and Iron at Irrigation Cutoff Conditions
Mojtaba Afshari Ahmad Naderi Mani Mojadam Shahram Lak Mojtaba Alavifazel -
Open Access Article
43 - Differential Concentrations of some Nutrient Element in Forage of Corn (Zea mays L.) as Affected by Organic Fertilizers and Soil Compaction
N. Najafi A. Mohammadnejad -
Open Access Article
44 - Utilization of Micronutrients in Dorotti Sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Cultivar
Saeid Soleymani Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
45 - The comparison of serum concentrations of some elements in healthy and pica affected camels
Gholamali Kojouri Reza Gharehdaghli Abdonaser Mohebi -
Open Access Article
46 - Effect of nutrients density on performance of broilers and its correlation with carcass characteristics in grower period of broiler chicks
ابوالفضل Bashiri A.R Safamehr مسعود Mostashari مهرنوش Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
47 - Economic Analysis of Soil Erosion in Nehzatabad Watershed in Kohgiluyeh County
Vajiheh Ghorbannia Kheybari Mohsen Armin -
Open Access Article
48 - The effect of nutrient seed priming with iron sulfate and zinc sulfate on the germination and seedling growth of lentil seeds
Mohammad Vahdani Rashvanloi Majid Jami Al-Ahmadi Mohammad Hasan Sayyari Zahan Hadi Shourideh Moslem Mostafaee -
Open Access Article
49 - Evaluation of growth Feature of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum trees using stem analysis
jamshid eslam dost hormoz sohrabi seyed mohsen hoseyni -
Open Access Article
50 - Effects of humic acid and mycorrhiza on morphological characteristics and nutrients concentration of red bean (Vigna unguiculata L.)
Mojtaba Yousefi Rad Abolfazl Masomi Zavarian -
Open Access Article
51 - The effects of vermicompost and Azomite on growth parameters, biochemical traits and absorption of nutrients in summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.)
Rasoul Narimani Mohammad Moghaddam Hassan Ebrahimi Danial Shokouhi -
Open Access Article
52 - Evaluation of the effect of foliar and soil application of zinc and silicon nanoparticles on some physiological traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
norollah kheyri Hossein Ajam Norouzi Hamid Reza Mobasser Benjamin Torabi -
Open Access Article
53 - Effect of biodegradable and nanotropic fertilizers (Manganese, Cupper, and Zinc) on economic yield, antioxidant enzymes and concentration of some elements in Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) under drought Stress
esmat hashemi nafiseh mahdi nezhad barat ali fakheri roghaei mohammadpour -
Open Access Article
54 - Evaluation of the effect of Azospirillum spp. inoculation, alone and in combination with phosphate solubilizing bacteria Bacillus megaterium , on alleviation of the effects of salinity stress on Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)
Nosratollah Abasi Jalal Jalilian Mohhamad Javad Zare -
Open Access Article
55 - Study on dynamism of the main nutrient elements along litter decomposition process of Bromus tomentellus Bornm
zeinab jafarian Zahra Yuosefi Mohammad Hodjati Mohammad Tayebi -
Open Access Article
56 - Effects of Alhagi maurorum and Cardaria draba weeds on mineral nutrients absorption in wheat
Nayer Mohammadkhani Moslem Servati -
Open Access Article
57 - The effect of foliar application of iron, potassium, calcium and manganese nanoclates on some morphophysiological and nutrient traits of peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Hamidreza Bagheri alireza ladanmoghadam Elham Danaee Vahid Abdossi -
Open Access Article
58 - The combined role of mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus fertilizer on nutrient uptake of shoot in barley under rainfed conditions
Rahim Naseri Amir Mirzaei Amin Abbasi -
Open Access Article
59 - Compensate for reduced yield due to late water stress by using growth enhancers in the tillering stage of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Mehrnoush Eskandari Torbaghan sayd fazel fazeli kakhki Mohammad Joleini -
Open Access Article
60 - Effect of different strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum on micronutrients uptake in shoots and yield of seeds in soybean (Glycine max L.)
آذر دخت Mehdipoor M.A Rezaei احمد Asgharzadeh علی Cherati -
Open Access Article
61 - In vitro culture of carnation and acclimatization of the plantlet to ex vitro condition
مه لقا ghorbanli ف nouri-cootanai ب Allahverdi Mamaghani -
Open Access Article
62 - Evaluation of quantity and quality of Linum usitatissimum L. fatty acids under the influence of boric acid, salicylic acid, and urea foliar application during the day
mahtab pouyanfar Naser Mohebalipour Hassan Nourafcan Ali Faramarzi -
Open Access Article
63 - Investigate of variation of morphological and phytochemical traits of Matricaria recutita L. affected by foliar application of iron, zinc, manganese and copper
سعید یوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
64 - Investiganting the effect of methyl jasmonate and titanium dioxide nanoparticles on physiological and phytochemical variations of Rosa damascena. Mill. esential oil
Zahra Allahverdi Mehrab Yadegari Mohammad Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
65 - Climate change impacts on nitrogen and phosphorus loading in New England watersheds
Jenna Baker Timothy Randhir -
Open Access Article
66 - Digital soil mapping of Maniyari Basin using Geospatial Techniques
Dipak Bej Naresh Kumar Baghmar -
Open Access Article
67 - Performance of Lactating Sahiwal Cows Fed Corn Stovers Ensiled with Molasses, Urea and Lime Solution
F. Ahmad N.A. Tauqir A. Faraz I. Asghar F. Wadood M.N. Tahir M.N. Mujahid -
Open Access Article
68 - Effect of Replacing Bone Ash with Eggshell Meal on Nutrient Digestibility and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chickens
S.E. Alu -
Open Access Article
69 - Proximate, Mineral and Anti-Nutrient Composition of Wild Ganoderma lucidum: Implication on Its Utilization in Poultry Production
A.O. Ogbe A.D. Obeka -
Open Access Article
70 - Symbiotic-Glyconutrient Mixture or Pasteurized Colostrum as a Strategy to Increase Health and Performance during First 30-d of Birth of Calves Reared in a Dairy Farm with Good Management Practices
M.E. Calderón-Díaz G. López-Valencia A. Barreras F.J. Monge-Navarro Y.S. Valdés García S.M. Gaxiola-Camacho N. Castro Del Campo J.B. Leyva-Morales A. Plascencia -
Open Access Article
71 - The Effect of Trace Mineral Source on Nutrients Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation Parameters
A. Abdian Samarin M.A. Norouzian A. Afzalzadeh -
Open Access Article
72 - Impact of Siberian Larch Dihydroquercetin or Dry Distilled Rose Petals as Feed Supplements on Lamb’s Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Count Parameters
N.Z. Stancheva J.L. Nakev D.B. Vlahova-Vangelova D.K. Balev S.G. Dragoev -
Open Access Article
73 - اثر دانه آسیاب شده یا کامل گندم و تریتیکاله بر عملکرد تولیدی، صفات کیفی تخم مرغ، ویژگی های دستگاه گوارش و قابلیت هضم مواد مغذی در بلدرچینهای ژاپنی تخمگذار
ن. بختیاری معز س. میرزایی گودرزی ع.ا. ساکی ا. احمدی -
Open Access Article
74 - Effects of Sodium Butyrate and Rosemary Leaf Meal on General Performance, Carcass Traits, Organ Sizes and Nutrient Digestibility of Broiler Chickens
M.C. Ogwuegbu C.E. Oyeagu H.O. Edeh C.E. Dim A.O. Ani F.B. Lewu -
Open Access Article
75 - Effects of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Oils on Nutrients Digestibility, Blood Parameters and Growth Performance of Brown Swiss Neonatal Calves
م.ع. ابراهیمی س. سبحانیراد ا.ع. بیات -
Open Access Article
76 - تأثیر بنتونیت سدیم بر فراسنجههای خونی، قابلیت هضم خوراک و فراسنجههای تخمیری شکمبه گوسفندان نر بلوچی تغذیه شده با جیره آلوده به دیازینون
م.ه. اعظمی ع.م. طهماسبی و. فروهر ع.ع. ناصریان -
Open Access Article
77 - بررسی اثر محدودیت و شوری آب مصرفی روی عملکرد، فراسنجههای خونی و قابلیت هضم ظاهری خوراک در برههای نر بلوچی
و. وثوقی-پوستین دوز ع. طهماسبی ع.ع. ناصریان ر. ولی زاده ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
78 - اثر روش تجویز پروبیوتیک و تراکم مواد مغذی جیره بر عملکرد رشد، سلامت روده و برخی از متغیرهای خونی در جوجههای گوشتی سالم یا مبتلا به عفونت ایمری
ف. خلیق ا. حسنآبادی ح. نصری-مقدم ا. گلیان غ.ع. کلیدری -
Open Access Article
79 - Effect of Amylolytic and Cellulolytic Enzymes on Whole Plant Corn Silage: Characteristics of Silage and Animal Digestion
J.R. Gandra A.T. Nunes E.R. Oliveira M.S.J. Silva C.A. Pedrini F.S. Machado E.R.S. Gandra P.V.C. Mendes A.G.S. Pause -
Open Access Article
80 - تاثیر محدودیت غذایی دوره آبستنی بر غلظت هورمون رشد شبه-انسولین و هورمون انسولین در بر ههای شیرخوار
ع. کیانی -
Open Access Article
81 - اثرات اسید سیتریک روی عملکرد رشد و ابقای ازت جوجههای گوشتی تغذیه شده با جیرههای حاوی دو سطح فسفر غیر فیتاته و سبوس برنج
K.P. Wickramasinghe N.S.B.M. Atapattu R.T. Seresinhe -
Open Access Article
82 - Physiological response of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) to application of chitosan and magnesium-nano fertilizers under irrigation cut-off in a sustainable agriculture system
Jaber Khordadi Varamin Farzad Fanoodi Jafar Masuod Sinaki Shahram Rezvan Ali Damavandi -
Open Access Article
83 - Nutritional responses of Thymus exposed leaf spraying under soil nitrogen deficiency
Zeinab Asle Mohammadi Nayer Mohammadkhani Moslem Servati -
Open Access Article
84 - Foliar Application of Iron and Zinc on Quinoa under Drought Stress Affects Its Seeds Germination and Biochemical Properties
Nasim Pakbaz Heshmat Omidi Hassan Ali Naghdi Badi Amir Bostani -
Open Access Article
85 - اثر محیط کشت های مختلف بر برخی از رشد، گل دهی و پارامترهای بیوشیمیایی دو رقم گلایول (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) تحت شرایط کشت بدون حاک
علی جبار علی تهرانی فر محمود شور سید حسین نعمتی -
Open Access Article
86 - بررسی صفات مورفولوژیک و بیوشیمیایی گیاه همیشه بهار تحت تأثیر کودهای بیولوژیکی فسفر و روی
فرزاد جلالی داود نادری -
Open Access Article
87 - اثر کاربرد سطوح مختلف کمپوست آزولا بر خصوصیات فیزیکی بستر کشت، رشد و تغذیه گیاه آهار (Zinnia elegans)
مریم مرعشی داود شفقتیان علی محبوب خمامی -
Open Access Article
88 - تاثیر سایبان های توری رنگی بر تغذیه و رشد گیاه دیفن باخیا Dieffenbachia amoena رقم "استارلایت"
علی محبوب خمامی محمد نقی پاداشت مرضیه علی دوست طاهره رادفر رضا علی پور -
Open Access Article
89 - بررسی رشد گل جعفری در روش های مختلف کوددهی با کودهای کامل با نسبتهای مختلف NPK
Mitradat Ahmadi Ali Mohammadi Torkashvand Raheleh Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
90 - واکنش گل صدفی (Gypsophila paniculata) تحت تاثیر آمیزه ها و مقادیر مختلف کودهای غیرآلی
انریکه ای بیناس جی آر نوآ دی مارویا الن ال تنداسینگ -
Open Access Article
91 - بررسی امکان تعدیل اثرات تنش خشکی خاک با پتاسیم در سطوح مختلف کوددهی پتاسه (مطالعه موردی: گل آهار)
مریم مرعشی بهاره یاراحمدی -
Open Access Article
92 - عملکرد آنتوریوم (Anthurium andraeanum Lind) تحت تأثیر کودهای آلی و معدنی مختلف
انریکه ای بیناس جونیور گیلبرت وی لومنتاک امینا آ موکادم -
Open Access Article
93 - Investigating the Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Chrysanthemum (cv. Borna)
Mohammad Ali Khalaj Seyed Mohammad Banijamali Mohammad Reza Shafiei Elham Farahani Mostafa Javan Pegah Sayyad-Amin -
Open Access Article
94 - Effect of Iron and Magnesium Nanoparticles and Planting Date on Yield and Nitrate Content in Potato Tubers
Amir Khodadadi Karkoki Mohammadreza Yavarzadeh Mohammadmehdi Akbariyan Aliakbar Askari -
Open Access Article
95 - Study of correlation between some agronomic traits of barley (Hordeum vulgare) in different treatments of phosphorus biological and chemical fertilizers
Mona Yousefipor Shahram Lack* Khoshnaz Payandeh -
Open Access Article
96 - Evaluation different methods of Salicylic Acid and Pumice Application on Modifying of Salinity Effects and Some Physiological Properties of cress (Lepidium sativum L.)
Nasim Basirpour Elnaz Sabbagh Tazeh -
Open Access Article
97 - Implication of Micronutrients in Agriculture and Health with Special Reference to Iron and Zinc
M. Govindaraj P. Kannan P. Arunachalam -
Open Access Article
98 - Survey of physicochemical properties and nutrients in surface waters of the southern Caspian Sea- Seasangan
A. Hamzehpour K. Darvish Bastami H. Bagheri A. Azimi A. Einali R. Rahnama -
Open Access Article
99 - The effects of drought stress and foliar application micronutrients on growth yield and nutritional elements of black cumin ( Nigella sativa L. )
علی اکبر عاملی -
Open Access Article
100 - Effect of Halophyte Patches on Some Soil Properties of a Saline Rangeland Around Urmia Lake, Iran
Javad Motamedi Arezu Alizadeh Esmaeil Sheidai Karkaj -
Open Access Article
101 - Forage Yield and Quality of Desmodium dichotomum Accessions in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia
Hunegnaw Kassaw Tewodros Belay Yohannes Gebre -
Open Access Article
102 - Legume-Grass Ratio and some Soil Properties in Four Vegetation Types in Steppe Rangelands of Iran (Case study: Peshert Rangelands in Chahardangeh Sari, Iran)
Nahid Jabbari Ghasem Ali Dianati Tilaki Hassan Ghelichnia -
Open Access Article
103 - Seasonal Changes of Nutritive Values and Digestibility of Range Forage of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran
Gholamreza Shadnoush Mohammad Hassan Jouri Diana Askarizadeh Vahid Rahimi Kakroodi -
Open Access Article
104 - Effects of Super-Absorbent Polymers (SAPs) Plus Manure Treatments on Vegetation Cover and Soil Nutrients of Festuca ovina under Drought Stress
Mahshid Souri Javad Motamedi -
Open Access Article
105 - Comparison of Ecological Patches' Potentials and Functions in Rangeland Ecosystems (Case Study: Qahavand Rangelands, Hamedan Province, Iran)
Reza Kavandi Habib Gholamali Heshmati Hamid Siroosi -
Open Access Article
106 - Investigation of the Effect of Biological Stabilization Practice on Some Soil Parameters (North East of Iran)
Somayeh Naseri Mohammad Ali Adibi Seyed Akbar Javadi Mohammad Jafari Mohammad Zadbar -
Open Access Article
Nirmala P Ratchagar Vijaya Kumar -
Open Access Article
108 - Effect of mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices on concentration of nutrient elements in Bakraee and Sour orange seedlings
Y. Karami Mohammad Mehdi Faghihi Y. Hosseini R. Rezazadeh A. Shahryari -
Open Access Article
109 - The Effects of Vermicompost and Urea Fertilizers on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake in Marshmallow (Altheae officinalis L.) Organs
A. Sadeghi K. Hajmohammadnia S.M. Seiedi -
Open Access Article
110 - Effect of micro-elements of Fe, Zn and Mn on some characteristics of Borage (Borago officinalis L.)
Azizollah kheiry محمد ویسی Mohsen Sanikhani -
Open Access Article
111 - The effects of density and application of iron and zinc on yield and quality of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
abdolreza borji abad M. گلوی M. Ramrodi -
Open Access Article
112 - Effect of various fertilizer sources on growth and hay yield of alfalfa
محمدرضا نادری -
Open Access Article
113 - Investigation the Effect of Different Fertilizing Levels from Various Sources on Yield, and Grain Quality of Sweet Corn
Mohammad Javad Fereidooni Eisa Maghsoudi Ali Mojabghasroldashti Yaaghoub Behzadi -
Open Access Article
114 - Effects of Biological Fertilizer Spray and Planting Date on Yield and Yield Components of cowpea Vigna unguiculata In Bastam Shahrood
A. Nahardani جعفر Masoud Sinaki H. Abaspour saeid gharib bolouk -
Open Access Article
115 - The effect of different phosphorous fertilizer on yield and yield components of corn (Zea mays L.) under with and without pigweed (Amaranths retroflexus)
سیروس منصوری فر مسعود کرکه آبادی A. Fallah -
Open Access Article
116 - Effect of foliar application nano iron chelate on Yield and growth traits of chickpea cultivars.
Younes mir Mashaalah daneshvar Farhad Nazarian Hamed Khosravi -
Open Access Article
117 - Effect of foliar application time of complete fertilizer micronutrients on yield and yield components of mungbean(Vigna radiata L.) under drought stress
mahmood tohidi -
Open Access Article
118 - Effect of Superabsorbent Combination and Vermicompost on Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea under Dry Land Farming Conditions
Mahnaz Farhadi payam pezeshkpour -
Open Access Article
119 - Effects of of nitrogen fertilizer and growth promoting rhizobacteria on yield and yield component of fennel (Foeniculum vulgar Mill.)
abbas valibeigi zohrab adavi -
Open Access Article
120 - Study of Zinc Chelate Foliar Application on Yield, Yield Components and Harvest Index Some from of Bread Wheat Cultivars in Esfahan Weather Conditions.
Marjan Nekoukhou ahmad majidimehr -
Open Access Article
121 - Comparison of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of two tall rice cultivars under different planting systems
Morteza Siavoshi Salman Dastan -
Open Access Article
122 - Effect of iron and zinc spraying and harvesting times on germination and some biochemical characteristics of soybean cultivar Williams 82
Armin Poursafar Mohammad Sedghi Raouf Seyed Sharifi Mohammad Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
123 - Response of yield and seed quality of two rapeseed cultivars to Zn and Fe elements application under water deficit condition
Hamid Reza Zakerin Amirhossein Shiranirad saeed sayfzadeh Seyed Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
124 - Effects of supplemental irrigation and foliar application of zinc on yield and yield components of chickpea
M. Armin M. Bidi -
Open Access Article
125 - The effect of calcium concentration in nutrient solution on growth and postharvest of lilium in hydroponic cultivation
R. Ranjbar Shiekhani A. Mohammadi Torkashvand A. Mahboub Khomami -
Open Access Article
126 - Effects of different levels of sodium nitroprusside and arsenic on fruit yield and some biochemical characteristics of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.)
P. Yadollahi M.R. Asgharipour S. Sheikhpour B. Jabbari2 H. Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
127 - The Effect of Different Water Potentials on Seed Germination and Growth of some Persian Walnut Populations
Leily Heidari Naser Boroomand Mohammad Sadat-Hosseini -
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128 - The Potential of Walnut Cultivation in Uzbekistan and Properties of Walnut Jam
Gayrat Pardaev Ruziboy Normakhmatov Pardayeva Ozoda -
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129 - Concentration of Some Major Elements in the Kernel of pistacia atlantica desf., p. Vera Variety “sarakhs”, “badami zarand” and Cultivated Pistachio in Iran
Gh Davarynejad T Nagy Peter E Davarynejad -
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130 - Effective Factors in Little Leaf Disease on Pistachio Trees
M. Afrousheh F. Aghamir Mohammad Ali -
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131 - The Effect of Salicylic Acid and Potassium on Some Characteristics Nut and Physiological Parameters of Pistachio Trees Cv. Owhadi
H.R. Karimi S. Sevandi- Nasab H. R. Roosta -
Open Access Article
132 - Physiological Evaluation of Pistachio Frost Damage Resistant Rootstocks
R Salary Sorkhan S Enteshari H Hokmabadi A Tajabadipour -
Open Access Article
133 - Effects of Humic Acid on Root and Shoot Growth and Leaf Nutrient Contents in Seedlings of Pistacia vera cv. Badami-Riz-Zarand
H. Sajadian H. Hokmabadi -
Open Access Article
134 - Investigating the effect of humic acid-based fertilizers (three fertilizers available in the market) on the growth characteristics, absorption of elements and the percentage of essential oil of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.)
Soheila Koorepaz mahmoodabadi جابر آقارحیمی -
Open Access Article
135 - بررسی تأثیر کودهای با پایه اسید هیومیک ( سه کود موجود در بازار) بر خصوصیات رشدی، جذب عناصر و درصد اسانس نعناع فلفلی(Mentha piperita L.)
جابر آقارحیمی سهیلا کوره پز محمودآبادی -
Open Access Article
136 - Updating Nutrient Requirements for Rice-Based Cropping Systems in Non-Saline Tidal Flood Ecosystem of Bangladesh
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137 - Survey Yield Components of Spinach under Influence of Biofertilizer and Nutrient Solution in Soils of Chengdu, Hunan, Shannxi and Xiaotanshan, China
Open Access Article
138 - Comparison of Yield and Silage Quality of some Sorghum Bicolor L. Cultivars and Corn under Salinity Stress
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139 - The Effect of Magnetic Field Intensity and Duration on the Amount of Nutrients Absorbed by Cucumber Transplant
Open Access Article
140 - Study the Effects of Micro-nutrients, Macro-nutrients and Plant Shading on Quantitative Traits of Tomato) Lycopersicon esculentum)
Open Access Article
141 - Foliar application of Zinc, Iron and Manganese fertiliZers on yield and yield components of bread wheat cultivars
R. Sadradi Haghighi S. S. Sekhavati -
Open Access Article
142 - Investigation of fertilization of Iron, Zinc and Boron and two different irrigation regimes on Soybean field characteristics
A. M. Alijani J. Daneshian S. Seifzadeh A. H. Shiranirad -
Open Access Article
143 - Effects of micronutrients (Fe, Zn and Mn) on quality and quantities yield of Hamoon cultivar wheat in Sistan area
A. A. Hosseinabadi M. Galavi M. Heidari -
Open Access Article
144 - The effect of biofortification with Iron and Zinc on agronomic traits of mycorrhizal barley
Sh. Khaghani M. R. Ardakani -
Open Access Article
145 - Effect of cycocel and micronutrients on antioxidants rates as indices of drought resistance of rapeseed
S. Hamrahi D. Habibi H. Madani M. Mashhadi Akbar Boojar -
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146 - Effects of wastewater and foliar complete nutrient application on grain yield and antioxidant-enzymatic active on Setaria italica (L.)
M. Heidari P. Jamshidian -
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147 - Growth and Micronutrient Uptake of Oat Plant (Avena sativa) in Oil Contaminated Soils as Affected by Poultry Manure and Biochar
Maryam Barati Sedigheh Shirazi -
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148 - The Efect of Adding Prebiotic, Synbiotic and Phytobiotic Supplements in the Diet on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Apparent Digestibility of Nutrients and Some Blood Parameters of Fattening Zell Lambs
Mehdi Saravani Mohsen Hajipour Kaveh Jafari Khorshidi Seyed Makan Mousavi Kashani Parvin Shawrang -
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149 - The Importance of Minerals in the Nutrition of the Main Farming Species of the Shrimp Industry
Moslem Sharifinia -
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150 - Effect of Multiple Dietary Supplements on the Sperm Parameters Quality
F. Bassri M.H. Nasr-Esfahani M. Forouzanfar M. Tavallaee -
Open Access Article
151 - Improvement yield and grain protein of barley (Hordeum valgare L.) by iron, manganese and zinc foliar spray
Majid Rajaie Mojtaba Charkhandeh -
Open Access Article
152 - Effect of iron, manganese and boron micronutrients on some morphological and quantitative characteristics of sugar beet seed
masomeh nasiri raouf ssharifi -
Open Access Article
153 - Effects of Zinc and nitrogen fertilizer on some qualitative and quantitative indices of wheat under late season low-irrigation condition
javad hasanpour mansoureh Khalatbari laleh Dehghan -
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154 - Effect of different levels of iron and zinc concentrations of micronutrients on yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.) single cross 260
Hamid Goudarzi Pourang Kasraie Behnam Zand -
Open Access Article
155 - The effect of foliar application of cycocel and iron and zinc micronutrient elements on yield and physiological traits of wheat under different irrigation regimes.
سعید Sayfzadeh ناصر Shahsavari سعید Akbarimehr -
Open Access Article
156 - Investigating the effect of foliar application of micronutrient fertilizers and humic acid on sesame yield in Gorgan
مریم Taheri Nejad حسین Ajamnourozi محمدرضا Ajamnourozi -
Open Access Article
157 - Study the Effect of Various Levels of Municipal Compost on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat cv. Chamran under Salinity Stress
Majid Rakhshanderu Vahid Mohammad Khani Nasrin Shaban Zeynab Sarafraz -
Open Access Article
158 - Study the Effects of Application of Vermicompost and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Growth and Yield Parameters of Wheat under Drought Stress Conditions
Mohammad Heydari Mirzaei allah Bakhsh Safari -
Open Access Article
159 - Study the Effects of Application of Vermicompost and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Growth and Yield Parameters of Wheat under Drought Stress Conditions
Allah Bakhsh Safari Mohammad Mirzaei Heydari -
Open Access Article
160 - Study the Effects of Application of Vermicompost and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Growth and Yield Parameters of Wheat under Drought Stress Conditions
Allah Bakhsh Safari Mohammad Mirzaei Heidari -
Open Access Article
161 - Investigating the growth characteristics and composition of fatty acids of the medicinal plant Carthamus tinctorius cultivar Safeh under the influence of humic acid and zinc chelate
Fatemeh Nejadhabibvash Zainab Rashidi Ali Heidarzadeh -
Open Access Article
162 - Spatial changes of soil fertility factors in pure shrublands of the central plateau of Iran
Nafiseh Roohollahi seyed akbar javadi Mohamad Jafary Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki -
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163 - The effect of mycorrhizal fungi, water stress and year on flower yield and some characteristics of medicinal plant of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) in Yasouj region
Ali Rahimi -
Open Access Article
164 - The Critical Role of Nutrition in Acceleration of the Rehabilitation Process in Athletes
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165 - The effect of planting pattern and foliar application of micronutrients on yield and yield components of corn Cv. 704 Sc.
سعيد بداقي mohsen roshdi -
Open Access Article
166 - Effects of Nitrogen and Micronutrient Foliar Application on Yield and Yield Components of Pinto Beans
فرناز گنج آبادي فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
167 - Effects of Chemical and Biological Potassium Fertilizers in Reducing of Water Stress on Wheat Crop Production in Khuzestan Province (Southwest of Iran)
Seyed Keyvan marashi Rezvan Kordzangeneh -
Open Access Article
168 - Investigation Effect of Different Levels of Zinc Element on Seed Yield and Its Components of Various Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Cultivars
Zeynab Banitamim -
Open Access Article
169 - The relationship between dry matter accumulation and distribution of macro and micro elements in different parts of spike and spikelet in wheat
Masoud Asadi Dashbulagh davod eradatmand mojtaba Yousefirad -
Open Access Article
170 - Effects of CaCo3 on alfalfa salinity tolerance
Mehrdad Yarnia Hossein Heydari Sharif Abad Farrokh Rahimzadeh Khoiy -
Open Access Article
171 - Effect of potassium and zinc on yield, yield components and some physiological traits of chickpea under rainfed condition
Amin Abbasi Moghaddam Ali Ebadi Hossein Shahbazi -
Open Access Article
172 - Determination of nitrogen fertilizer requirement on sorghum based on leaf color chart
Ali Izi Mohammad Armin Esmaiel Filekesh -
Open Access Article
173 - Effect of zinc and boron spraying on yield and yield components of two spring lentil cultivars in Kermanshah climatic condition
Dariush Safari -
Open Access Article
174 - The effect of rotation and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and nitrogen, potasium and phosphorus concentrations in wheat
Shahram Shoaei folora rafiei ali kashani -
Open Access Article
175 - Influence of KCl and urea spraying on quality and quantity of wheat cv. Sardari under rainfed conditions
Mehrdad Abdi -
Open Access Article
176 - Effect of potassium and manganese on qualitative and quantitative yield of sugar beet in the north of Khuzestan
Hossien Obeidi Behnam Habibi Khaniani Hamid Sharifi -
Open Access Article
177 - Effect of different NH4+/NH4+ + NO3- ratios on some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fruit in Gala and Golab Kohanz Esfahan apple cultivars
Salim Mohammad Sokri Mesbah Babalar Hosein Lesani Mohammad Ali Asgari -
Open Access Article
178 - Spring durum wheat Zn, Mn and B seed priming in field conditions
Hamideh Shirvani sarakhsi Ebrahim Khalilvand Behrouzyar -
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179 - The effect of some micro-macronutrients foliar application on morpho-physiological characteristics of maize in different growth stages
Asiyeh Omid Haghi Ebrahim khalilvand Behrouzyar -
Open Access Article
180 - The effect of different levels of vermicompost on morphological traits and yield components of mallow (Malva silvestris L.)
Hassan Nourafcan Mahtab Pouyanfar Zahra Mahmoudirad -
Open Access Article
181 - Investigation on the effect of nitrogen and micronutrient amounts and fertilizing methods on corn (S.C. 704) yield in Kerman condition, Iran
Farhad Homayoonfar Ali Reza Bahraminejad -
Open Access Article
182 - Effect of different application methods of micronutrients on quantitative and qualitative properties of wheat
Asghar Farajniya Mohammad Bager Khourshidi Benam1 -
Open Access Article
183 - Effect of mycorrhiza on morphological characteristics and nutrients content of barley under different salinity levels
Mojtaba Yousefi Rad ghorban Noormohammadi mohammadreza Ardakani eslam Majidi Hervan seyedjavad Mirhadi -
Open Access Article
184 - Evaluation of the effects of different nutrient levels on performance of laying hens
Ali Nobakht yosef Mehmannavaz saman Mahdavy -
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185 - In-vitro effect of iron sulfate, zinc sulfate and copper sulfate treatments on the morphophytochemical characteristics of Chamaecostus cuspidatus Nak
hajar motamedi sharak Mohsen Sanikhani Azizollah Kheiry Nayer Mohammadkhani -
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186 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Zinc Sulfate on Quantitative and Qualitative Yield of Forage Maize under Deficit Irrigation Stress
Abdollah Gholami Abbas Maleki Mohammad Mirzaeiheydari Farzad Babaei -
Open Access Article
187 - The Effect of Drought Stress on the Biochemical and Antioxidant Activity of Wheat Genotypes under Foliar Treatments of Growth Stimulants and Zinc Nano Chelate
rita habibi Suran Sharafi Soleimaan Mohammadi Touraj MirMahmoodi Saman Yazdan seta -
Open Access Article
188 - Effect of Optimization of Chemical Fertilizers Consumption on Optimal Cropping Pattern in the Framework of Positive Mathematical Programming (Case Study of Sari Goharbaran)
Khadijeh Abdi Rokni سید علی حسینی یکانی Samaneh Abedi fatemeh kashiri kolaei -
Open Access Article
189 - اثر تنش خشكي و محلول پاشي عناصر ريز مغذي بر عملكرد گندم رقم زرين
سهيلا فرهمند محسن رشدي -
Open Access Article
190 - The Economic and Nutritional-Physiological Aspects of Dairy Cows Are Influenced by the Different Sources of Dietary Starch
A. Ahmadpour M. Zarrin