Open Access Article
1 - چالشهای حقوق حاکم بر استفاده از مین در جنگهای دریایی در پرتو فناوریها و روشهای جدید
بهزاد سیفی حسین شریفی طراز کوهی کارن روحانی رضا نصیری لاریمی -
Open Access Article
2 - بررسی تطبیقی حقوق زن در قرآن و اعلامیه جهانی حقوق بشر
مهدی مختاری علی اصغر کاظمی زند -
Open Access Article
3 - تحلیل نظری جرایم علیه بشریت در پرتو یافته های جرم شناسی
سمیرا گل خندان -
Open Access Article
4 - Internet Access as Independent Human Right: The Approach of the International Law System and the Iranian Legal System
Khadije akrami Hoda Ghaffari Vali Allah Rostami Mehdi Rezaei -
Open Access Article
5 - جستاری در باب حقوق قراردادهای عمومی در ترازوی حقوق بشر با تاکید بر اصول حقوق موضوعه
رامین خادم پور محمد شریف شاهی منوچهر توسلی نائینی -
Open Access Article
6 - Controlling the cyber space in order to protect the right to the health of individuals
Zahra sadat Hosseini alireza ansari mahyari -
Open Access Article
7 - Challenges Facing (Executive) Police Units in the New Criminal Procedure In The Light Of Human Rights and Civil Rights
akbar sabzevari mashallah karimi -
Open Access Article
8 - Crimes against humanity in Myanmar and the need to criminalize it in Iranian law and the need to criminalize it in Iranian law
sajjad rahmati Jamal Begi babak poorgahremani -
Open Access Article
9 - حقوق بشر و یکپارچگی حقوق بین المللی: دستاوردهای محاکم حقوق بشری منطقه ای
مهران محمودی علیرضا ربیعی فرادبنه -
Open Access Article
10 - Thinking about the Concept of Right to Development
Iraj Rezayi nejad -
Open Access Article
11 - WTO jurisdiction and human rights
Vahid Bozorgt Amir Houshang Fathizadeh -
Open Access Article
12 - World Peace through World Law
M.R Hakakzadeh -
Open Access Article
13 - Digital opportunities in cyber space and human right dilemma
Mehdi Khalaf Khani -
Open Access Article
14 - The Common Heritage of Mankind: The Concept and Application in International Law
Hamidreza Jamali -
Open Access Article
15 - Measures for the Development and Education of Humanitarian Law in Iran
مهدی Zakerian -
Open Access Article
16 - Doing Justice to the Political.The International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan: A Reply to Sarah Nouwen and Wouter Werner
Seyed-abbas Poorhashemi Mahmood Golestani -
Open Access Article
17 - Berlin’s Articulation of Value Pluralism and Human Rights
مسعود Rostami -
Open Access Article
18 - Fundamental Concepts in Classic and Feminist schools as Related to Change of Nationality due to Marriage
N. Almasi M. Hemmat -
Open Access Article
19 - Modern Social Movements in the Age of Globalization and their Impacts on Iran’s Political Development
(Seyed) Hosain Naghavi -
Open Access Article
20 - ارزیابی حقوقی فاجعه حلبچه و انفال و تاثیرات آن در تحول حقوق بین الملل
اسعد اردلان محمد رامبد فرهودی مقدم -
Open Access Article
21 - Position of the right to peace in the charter of UN with looking at the performance of the Security Council
عاطفه Amininia -
Open Access Article
22 - رویکرد انسان مدار به حق بر تأمین اجتماعی از منظر قواعد حقوقی معاصر
سید فخرالدین حسینی فیروز محمد شریف شاهی قدرت الله نوروزی -
Open Access Article
23 - حقوق بنیادین زندانی در پرتو اسناد فراملی اروپایی
محمد بقایی محمود مالمیر مسعود حیدری -
Open Access Article
24 - Unilateral Humanitarian Interventions and International Law
علیرضا Mohammad Khani -
Open Access Article
25 - Conceptual Thematic Framework of Corporate Governance Philanthropy and Fuzzy Todim Evaluation of Main themes in the capital market
Samira Ranjbar Mehran Matinfard Mohammad Hassani Mohammad Khodayee Velhzadehghord -
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26 - The Relationship between Corporate Philanthropy and Stock Price Crash Risk with an Emphasis on Information Asymmetry
V. Taghizadeh Khanghah Younes Badavar Nahandi -
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27 - Implications of Cause-Related Marketing in the Banking System and its Impact on Customer Loyalty to Banks
Ali Valipour Mahmoud Noraei Kamyar Kavosh -
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28 - A
Mona Ahmadloo Seyed Ahmad Moosavi -
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29 - A Comparative Study of the Refugee Admission Pattern by the Islamic Government and Western States
Esmail Ragheb Babaii Hojatollah Salimi Torkamani, Saleh Rezaii PishRobat Hossein Rostamzad -
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30 - Criminalizing by Quran and Rationality
Vahab DaneshPazhou -
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31 - The Relationship between Corporate Philanthropy and Investment Efficiency with an emphasis on the Institutional Investors Ownership
Vahid Taghizdeh Khanqah Younes Badavar Nahandi Aliasghar Mottaghi Houshang Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
32 - Cultural Contracts of Governments in International Law with Emphasis on International Criminal Court Judgments on Cultural Rights
faranak neisi Ali Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
33 - Developing the social security rights in the context of the right to development
ahmad ketabi roodi mohammad reza vijeh -
Open Access Article
34 - Developing the Social Security Rights in the Context of the Right to Development
Mohammadreza Vijeh Ahmad Ketabi Roudi -
Open Access Article
35 - Good Governance and obligating of human rights contents; Basis of urban sustainable management
دکتر حسن اسماعی لزاده -
Open Access Article
36 - Environmental terrorism centered on armed conflict in the light of international criminal law
behrooz sepehri nourooz kargari Mohammad Ashouri ghassem ghassemi -
Open Access Article
37 - Critical Notes on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development
Payman Namamian sobhan tayebi -
Open Access Article
38 - Analysis of the Role of the Upper Documents and Laws of Development Programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Protecting of Environment
Zeinab Esmati tahmineh edalatju -
Open Access Article
39 - The Importance of Access to Clean Environmental Energy in Reducing Violence against women
Valiollah Nasiri Hossein Sorayyai Azar Hojjat Salimy -
Open Access Article
40 - Environmental Impact of Climate Change on National Security
Mohammad Jalali Maryam Afshari zeinab mazinanian -
Open Access Article
41 - Analyzing the Legal System of Environmental Pollution in the Light of the Baseline Analysis of the Principles and Concepts of Air and Space Law
Mahtab Ajdari Moghaddam Davuod Hermidas Bavand Daryoush Karimi -
Open Access Article
42 - The principle of participation in international environmental law with an approach to its components in the procedure of the European Court of Human Rights
Arham Hashempour harir mojahed -
Open Access Article
43 - Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change on Human Rights
Behnoush Khoshmanesh zadeh Abbas Poorhashemi Mohammad Soltanieh Davoud Hermidas Bavand -
Open Access Article
44 - The Human Rights-oriented Approach to Development, Providing the Connection Between the Right to Development and the Sustainable Development
seyed ghasem zamani keivan eghbali -
Open Access Article
45 - Ecological Value of Endangered Mangrove Ecosystems
maryam moslehi -
Open Access Article
46 - دراسة مقارنة وانعکاس لمکونات الحداثة فی اشعار سیمین بهبهانی وبشری البستانی
yahya marof somayeh bahktiary toraj zainivand ali salimi -
Open Access Article
47 - Comparative Analysis of Human Origin from Molana and Jean-Paul Sartre's View Point
Masoumeh Sadeqi -
Open Access Article
48 - The Qur'an's view on taqiyyah and limiting corporal punishment by looking at narrations and hadiths
Fazlullah ranjbar kazem Ghazizadeh Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh -
Open Access Article
49 - Comparison of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with Quranic teachings
Hamid Bazrpach Mohsen Bozorgi -
Open Access Article
50 - A comparative study of the International Declaration of Human Rights with Quranic teachings
moein sabahi goraghani Hamidreza Dejan -
Open Access Article
51 - Fields of Solidarity, its Factors and Formation Strategies from Quran's Point of View
Gholamreza Shahraki Fallah -
Open Access Article
52 - Physical Punishments in Islam Regarding Quranic Doctrines and Challenges of Humanistic Rights
Mahdi Salehi Mohammad Jafari Harandi -
Open Access Article
53 - AlastiTestamentfrom the perspective ofthe Holy Quranand Infallibles’ Narratives, peace be upon them
Mahdi Momtahen Akhtar Soltani Maryam Khosravani -
Open Access Article
54 - Beginning of the Universe Emergence in the Quran and Science Perspective
Abdolmajid Talebtash Javad Forooghi -
Open Access Article
55 - Human civilizations from the perspective of the Holy Quran
ali zakeri -
Open Access Article
56 - A Critic on 4 – 28 Article: Rendering Water & Sewage Junction to Complexes based on Holy Quran
Iran Soleimani -
Open Access Article
57 - Structural components of poetry Boshra Bostani Case study
Yahya Maerof Somayeh Bakhtiary -
Open Access Article
58 - A comparative study of the figurative paradox between Bushra al-Bustani and Abu al-Qasim
ZAHRA SAIDI Mohammad reza Beigi -
Open Access Article
59 - بررسی عملکرد شورای حقوق بشر در خاورمیانه تحت تاثیر رقابت های ژئوپولیتیکی
جواد عزیزی خیرالله پروین مصطفی سراجی -
Open Access Article
60 - حمایت از آزادی مذهب اقلیت روهینگیا در پرتو رویه کمیته حقوق بشر و اسناد نظام بینالملل حقوق بشر
هادی نجاری علی پورقصاب امیری حسن سیلمانی احمدرضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
61 - التزامات ناشی از حق توسعه بر سرمایهگذاری خارجی: مطالعه موردی قراردادهای نفتی (IPC دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران)
سیدماکان صداقت حسین شریفی طرازکوهی احمد شمس سعید منصوری -
Open Access Article
62 - Freedom and Human Rights from the perspective of Seyyed Ahmed Fardid Seyed Hossein Nasr
MohammaJjavad Sadipour Ali Darabi Ali Mortazavian -
Open Access Article
63 - Status of the Charter of Civil Rights in Iranian Laws Sources
Zahra Eftekhari vahid agah -
Open Access Article
64 - A Critical Approach to Modern Interpretations of the Relationship between Religion, Politics, Democracy, and Human Rights (Case Study: Abdolkarim Soroush and Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd)
Mohammad Jafar Ariannzhad Ali Asghar Davoodi Saeed Gazerani -
Open Access Article
65 - The Yemen Crisis from the Perspective of the International Community with Reference to the United Nations Charter
Elham Karimi Sohrab Salehi Abomohamad Asgarkhani -
Open Access Article
66 - A Study of the Mechanisms of Human Rights Treaties and their Problems
Samira Rostami Jalilian Seyed Baqer Mirabbasi -
Open Access Article
67 - Minority Rights in Islam with the Emphasis (Focus) on Traditions of the Age of Appearance
seyyed mahdi mirdadashi -
Open Access Article
68 - The study of the formation and functioning of the “Response to Protect Doctrine” in International Law
Mohammadreza hakakzadeh Arezoo Bozorg doagoo -
Open Access Article
69 - A Study and Analysis of the Components of Humanism in the Poetry of Nima Yooshij
Ali Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
70 - cash of Ode “Andalusian wounds of Iraq” Based on Lacla and Mouffe Approach
پرویز احمدزاده هوچ Ali Sayadani Abdolahad Gheibi Atefeh Rahmani -
Open Access Article
71 - Defamiliarization in the structures of BoshraBostani’spoetry; A Case study (of Synesthesia)
Ali Baqer Taherinia Hossein Elyasi -
Open Access Article
72 - An Analysis of the Foundations of Health and Exercise from the View of Islam and Sport Rights
Hossein Andalib -
Open Access Article
73 - Contently analyzing the social science textbooks: regarding the human rights concepts
hamed zeinalpoor Mohsen Talebzadeh Kurosh Fathi Vajargah -
Open Access Article
74 - مبانی اعطای حق تعیین سرنوشت در قرآن، ادیان و عرفان
Mehdi Rezaei Ali Tohidi -
Open Access Article
75 - Mystical Study of Ethics and the Four Human Relations in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah and Mantiq al-Tair
Hojjatollah Kamari Raad reza borzooiy Sharareh Elhami Roghayyeh Alavi -
Open Access Article
76 - A Study of Mystical Themes in Sustainability Literature in Tahereh Saffarzadeh’s and Bashari Al-Bustani’s Poetry
Behnam Feli Enayatolah Fatehinejhad Latifeh Salamat bavil -
Open Access Article
77 - درآمدی بر مبانی حقوق شهروندی در پرتو حقوق عمومی اسلام
مهدی قنبری -
Open Access Article
78 - بررسی مبانی حقوق بشر در اهم قواعد فقهی
محمدامین مهدوی -
Open Access Article
79 - نقش چالشهای حقوق بشری در تصویب قرارهای نظارت قضایی
حسن پیشنماز اهری مسعود بسامی -
Open Access Article
80 - حمایت از بیگانگان در پرتو تحولات حقوق بین الملل بشر در راستای امنیت ملی و بین المللی
عبادالله عباسی سید باقر میر عباسی مریم مرادی -
Open Access Article
81 - Women's Rights in the Field of Urban Rights in the Light of International Human Rights Documents
Shahram Salami Mohammad Mazhari -
Open Access Article
82 - Ranking of humanitarian supply chain improvement methods in the banking framework
Siamak Bigdeli Hasan dehghan dehnavi Mohammad taghi honari Abolfazl Sadeghian Mozhde Rabbani -
Open Access Article
83 - Sports washing as a soft power to consolidate the political governance of sports
Taha Razmara Mozafar Yektayar Saeed Abdi -
Open Access Article
84 - The potential capacity to monitor the fulfillment of the obligations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's human rights documents
Marmar Asadian Seyed Bassem Mavalizadeh Seyed Hasan Hosseini -
Open Access Article
85 - Examining the position of the right to a healthy environment in international law
farzaneh dashti Ehsan Roham -
Open Access Article
86 - The Role of Prevention in The "Responsibility to Protect" Doctrine with emphasis on the Primary Responsibility of States
Karim Mohammadi Hibatullah Nejandi Manesh Soudeh Shamlou -
Open Access Article
87 - The legitimacy of The Taliban Government : viewe point of International law
Akbar saavari Samaneh Rahmatifar Shahram Zarneshan -
Open Access Article
88 - Instrumental use of human rights and its impact on the foreign policy of the United States of America A case study of developing countries after 1990Community Verified icon
mansour barzegar ebrahim anousheh Khosrow vafaei Saadi -
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89 - Tax violations in the European Court of Human Rights
mohammad reza yosefi -
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90 - Matching examples of rights in Nahj al-Balagheh with articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dr.Ali hoseinzadeh Laila zarei -
Open Access Article
91 - A look at what the concepts of "Human Dignity", "Social Justice" and "Freedom" mean In Hafez's lyric poems and the UN Declaration of Human Rights
ezzat khalighi Saeid Roozbahani Abolghasem Amirahmadi -
Open Access Article
92 - Right on healthy environment as a part of human rights third generation
Leila Hemmatzadeh -
Open Access Article
93 - Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges of the Joint Foreign Policy and the Security of European Union vis-a-vis Iran(1991-2021)
Faranak Khodnegah Davood Kiani -
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94 - Pathology of Human Rights Council Policies in the Middle East and Iran
Javad Azizi Khairullah Parvin Mostafa Seraji -
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95 - Explaining women's suffrage from the perspective of Islam and international human rights instruments
Zohreh Daraei Mohammad Hossein Nazemi Taher Alimohammadi -
Open Access Article
96 - The rights of Religious Minorities in Human Rights in Struments
Ali Forouzandeh Tayyebeh Aref nia Abbas Samavati, -
Open Access Article
97 - Justice as Social quality
Ali asghar mosapasandi Kamal Pouladi -
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98 - The Study of Human Rights in Social Studies Textbooks in middle school
Abbas Gholtash Moslem Salehi Parisa Farrokhinezhad -
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99 - The Relationship between social satisfaction and high school teachers’ social responsibility in Ajabshir
Khadija Sadeghian Mahmood Elmi -
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100 - Sociology of online life style and the legal foundations of children's ethical security in an interpretation of human rights and the child rights
Ayyub Yussefpour Nezami -
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101 - Conditions of time and place on execution of the punishment of punishment
Mina Akbariasl Mortaza Rahimi -
Open Access Article
102 - Jurisprudential challenges of the right to health with an emphasis on the World Health Organization
siavash aslani میر سجاد سید موسوی علی حاجی پور کندرود -
Open Access Article
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Rasoul Hamidpour Razian رحیم وکیل زاده حسن موثقی -
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mokhtar bidarvand babak pourghahramani jamal beigi -
Open Access Article
105 - مطالعه تطبیقی آزادی رفت و آمد در اسناد بینالمللی و نظام حقوقی ایران با تاکید بر مقررات صدور ویزا
محمد رضوانی راد ابوالفضل رنجبری ناصر رهبر فرش پیرا -
Open Access Article
106 - A Comparative Analysis of the Approaches of the International Human Rights System and the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Cultural Diversity
Shabnam bashirtash Masoumeh Mohebi Saber Niavarani -
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107 - Investigating the right to employment of natural children and the restrictions against it based on jurisprudence and the constitution
Maryam Saadatduorabi Seyedasgari Hoseini moghadam Abbas Mogaddari amiri -
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108 - aa
Habibollah abolhasan shirazi abbasali talebi -
Open Access Article
109 - Globalization and the Process of Generalism and Particularism in the Political Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Seyyed Javad Emamjomehzade Seyyed Saeed Moosavi -
Open Access Article
110 - بررسی منابع انگیزه معلمان زبان خارجی در ایران
سید محمد علوی زهره مهماندوست -
Open Access Article
111 - Diya for Women and the Legal Policy of Iran: From Commitment to the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) to Human Rights Standards
Ghader Ahmadi Ahmad Moradkhani Sayyad Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadi Aliraza Asghari -
Open Access Article
112 - Analysis of the Requirements of Progressive Principles of Human Rights in the Performance of Bailiffs with a Look at the Islamic Jurisprudential Principles
Mohammad Ali Ezzati ali reza saybani Mohammad Mehdi Saghian -
Open Access Article
113 - بررسی و تحلیل ارتباطهای چهارگانه بشری در ترجمۀ رساله قشیریه (ارتباط انسان با خدا، خود، دیگران و طبیعت)
مصطفی گرجی حسین یزدانی فاطمه کوپا مهدی محمدی -
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114 - Evaluation of Geotouristic Capabilities of Mud Volcanoes Based on Pralong Model for sustainable development (Case Study: Southeast Caspian Sea)
sadroddin motevalli -
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115 - A historical look at the dimensions of the Syrian crisis in the light of the English school
Hassan Larti Hamed MohagheghNia Rohollah Shahabi Lena Abdolkhani -
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116 - Challenges of the Application of International Humanitarian Law in Cyber Warfare
Hasan movassaghi -
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117 - Investigation of the Ways to Reduce Cyberattacks from the Perspective of the International Humanitarian Law
hadi mahmoodi Alireza Ansari mahyari -
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118 - Phenomenology of Violations of Fundamental Human Rights by the Actions of Authoritarian States in Cyberspace
akbar shoja Ali SabernejadAlavian Hatam Soltani -
Open Access Article
119 - The impact of women's rights in the foreign policy of the united states towards the Islamic Republic of Iran
Elham satari Gholam Hossein Bolandian -
Open Access Article
120 - Climate Change, Human Rights and the need to Establish the International Court of the Environmet
Azade Rastegar Ali Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
121 - The Impact of the Characteristics of the Procedure of Periodic Evaluation of Human Rights Council on Promotion of Respect for Human Rights by Governments
Ahmadreza Habibi Ardakani Masoud Hemat -
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122 - The roots of the Iraq geopolitical crisis and the persistence of anti-geopolitical resistance
zohre heidari beni ezatollah ezati mohammadreza hafeznia haydar lotfi -
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123 - Studying the status of combatants' rights protection in jurisprudence and humanitarian law
Kiamarth Mansouri ESmat savadi hormoz asadikoohbad -
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124 - The Bases of Mirza Yousef Khan Mostashar-ul-Dowleh's Idea of Legalism
Alireza Azghandi Hamed Ameri Golestani -
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125 - The Impact of Globalization of Human Rights on the Principle of non-intervention: with Emphasis on Syrian Crisis
Leila Raisi Dazki Mohammad Kaffash Nayyeri -
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126 - The Decline of the Concept of Nation-state in the Era of Globalization
shohreh Jalalpur Keanosh Payfard Mohammad Fallah -
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127 - The Private Military and Security Firms and Humanitarian Law: The Place and Responsibility
Leila Raisi Abdolnaeim Shahriary -
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128 - Evaluating of US Anti-Iranian Sanctions Under the context of Defending Human Rights
Mahmood Jalali Setareh Sadeghi Mohammadi Mojtaba Babaei -
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129 - The International Environment and Common Heritage of Mankind
Hmaidreza Jamali -
Open Access Article
130 - Components of Responsible Governance and the Role of the UN Human Rights Rapporteur in Promoting them
Mahdi Zakerian Behrooz Mokhtari -
Open Access Article
131 - The Possible Crises in the United States Relations with China
Hamed Mohagheghnia Jahanbakhsh Moradi -
Open Access Article
132 - بررسی عملکرد شورای حقوق بشر در خاورمیانه تحت تاثیر رقابت های ژئوپولیتیکی
جواد عزیزی خیرالله پروین مصطفی سراجی -
Open Access Article
133 - حمایت از آزادی مذهب اقلیت روهینگیا در پرتو رویه کمیته حقوق بشر و اسناد نظام بینالملل حقوق بشر
هادی نجاری علی پورقصاب امیری حسن سیلمانی احمدرضا بهنیافر -
Open Access Article
134 - التزامات ناشی از حق توسعه بر سرمایهگذاری خارجی: مطالعه موردی قراردادهای نفتی (IPC دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران)
سیدماکان صداقت حسین شریفی طرازکوهی احمد شمس سعید منصوری -
Open Access Article
135 - Sociological analysis of collective rights on the environment
اکبر مهدوی iran soleimani -
Open Access Article
136 - The problem of covering location of relief centers in behavior of humanitarian logistic management with UAV-based rescue operations under conditions of uncertainty
amin foroughi Babak Farhang Moghaddam Mohammad Hassan Behzadi Farzad Movahedi Sobhani -
Open Access Article
137 - مقایسه فرهنگ حمایت حقوقی قضایی از معلولین در ایران و کنواسیونهای بینالمللی
زهرا پروانه زیور جلیلیان مجید رستمی بشمنی -
Open Access Article
138 - Identification and Prioritization of Factors Affecting Humanitarian Supply Chain Resilience in Corona Pandemic in Iran with Fuzzy Swara Approach
Nazanin Pilevari Mohamad Hossein Darvish Motevali Hadiseh Safa -
Open Access Article
139 - f
Sayyid Muhammad Musawi Bujnurdi Nastaran Pur -
Open Access Article
140 - Human Desires in Abhar al-Ashiqin and Sarh al-shathiyyat; An Analysis with Regard to Abstract and Concrete Propositions
Zohreh Fahami Hasan por alashti Maseod Rohani Mosafa Gorji -
Open Access Article
141 - The Genealogical Values of Vegetative Reason and the Growth of "Kin Plant" in Shānāmeh Based on Archetypal Criticism; The Case Study: The Myth of Siavash and Kei-Khosrow
pegah mahmoudi Nedā Mounzavi -
Open Access Article
142 - اسطوره و ادبیات مدرن
محمود طاووسی آمنه درودگر -
Open Access Article
143 - The globalization of human rights standards and its effects in Iran's legal system
shabodin qasemi zeinab poor Khaghan Shah Rezaei leila raisi -
Open Access Article
144 - پیشنهادهای گروه ویژه اقدام مالی و جایگاه نهاد مذکور در مبارزه بین المللی با جرایم اقتصادی
امیر سماواتی پیروز سینا نجفی -
Open Access Article
145 - سازوکار نظارت بر نقض اصول مربوط به حقوق ملت در ساختار حقوق اساسی ایران
محمد حسینی داود قاسمی -
Open Access Article
146 - Investigating barriers and challenges to freedom of information
Seyedeh Zahra Jafari Farsi Moin Sabahi Graghani Mostafa Seraji -
Open Access Article
147 - بررسی مبانی حقوقی و نظری تعهدات گروههای مسلح معارض در مخاصمات داخلی
فرنگیس منصوری -
Open Access Article
148 - نظام حقوقی حاکم بر حقوق و تکالیف پناهندگان در ایران و استرالیا مطابق با اسناد بین المللی
فهیمه توانگر مروستی حمید رضا جمالی علیرضا آرش پور -
Open Access Article
149 - تعامل دولت ها و سازمان ملل در گسترش الزامات حقوق بشری
جزا ولدبیگی ولی رستمی منوچهر توسلی نائینی -
Open Access Article
150 - بررسی امکان شناخت حق دسترسی به اینترنت به عنوان یک حق بشری
مهشید یراقی اصفهانی -
Open Access Article
151 - جایگاه وموقعیت قاضی درتحقق اصول دادرسی عادلانه
میرناصر قرشی زاده علیرضا جمشیدی منصور رحمدل -
Open Access Article
152 - نگاهی به وضعیت یمن از منظر دادگاه کیفری بین المللی
Mohsen Hamidipour -
Open Access Article
153 - مسئولیت رعایت قواعد حقوق بشر توسط شرکت های چند ملیتی در سرمایه گذاری های بین المللی
امیر زرودی -
Open Access Article
154 - التزام به مقررات زدایی در تدوین سیاستهای توسعه محور با تاکید بر اسناد بین المللی
جلال تیموری محمد صادقی ابو محمد عسگرخانی -
Open Access Article
155 - تحلیلی بر نقش الگوی ارتقای تاب آوری اجتماعی بر ابعاد حقوقی تحریمهای سیاسی و اقتصادی
ghasem saedi abdolreza edhami ahmad saeidi -
Open Access Article
156 - Cyber attacks and the need to respect the basic principles of humanitarian law in them
Azar Givkey Mohammad Ali Kafaeifar Mohammad Taghi Rezaei -
Open Access Article
157 - H
محمدعلی نصرالهی علی مزیدی شرفآبادی سیدمهدی منصوری -
Open Access Article
158 - محدودیت حق آزادی بیان در منشور آفریقایی حقوق بشر و مردم
رضا کرمی محمد gh -
Open Access Article
159 - برسی جنایت وارده در منظقه دارفور و وضعیت حقوقی حاکم بر آن
امین امیریان فارسانی -
Open Access Article
160 - مناسبات اصل لزوم رعایت تشریفات قانونی، عادلانه و حقوق بشر در حقوق بین الملل
Mohsen yosefi حسن soleimani علی پورقصاب امیری -
Open Access Article
161 - بایسته های حمایت کیفری از زنان و چالش های آن در قلمرو حقوق کیفری ایران و در پرتو حقوق بشردوستانه
seyed milad javaheri عباس شیخ الاسلامی jafar kusha -
Open Access Article
162 - The impact of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights On how to restrict fundamental rights and freedoms in the Iranian constitution
mohsen marhoni leila raisi -
Open Access Article
163 - The Security Council's approach to the rule of law in the field of human rights, with an emphasis on the rights of women and children
Hossein Malekshahi Farid Azadbakht هنگامه gh -
Open Access Article
164 - Challenges and obstacles of criminalization and punishment of crimes that violate humanitarian rights
seyed milad javaheri abbs shekholeslami jafar kusha -
Open Access Article
165 - The right to health and the legal system of social security pensions in Iran from the perspective of fundamental human rights
Farid Noor Mohammadan Emran Naemi Mohsen Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
166 - The basis of human rights of exceptions to the protection of literary and artistic works
Sara Hajizadeh Aboutaleb Koosha Hosein Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
167 - ارتباط میان حقوق بشر و حاکمیت قانون
hossein malekshahi farid azadbakht -
Open Access Article
168 - Effectively dealing with international crimes in the light of expansionInternational Criminal Court and Interpol cooperation
Ataallah Salehi Omid Mohammadi Nia -
Open Access Article
169 - چگونگی حمایت از محیط زیست در فقه اسلامی
مصطفی تقی زاده انصاری -
Open Access Article
170 - تناقضات حاکمیت، منافع ملی و اصل مداخله بشردوستانه در تحولات لیبی، بحرین و سوریه
میرابراهیم صدیق سید عبدالمحمد موسوی -
Open Access Article
171 - تحلیل مدل نهادی- حمایتی حقوق زنان در کنوانسیون رفع کلیه
بابک درویشی اعظم عدالت جو -
Open Access Article
172 - بررسی انطباق اقدامات رژیم اسراییل بر مصادیق جنایت علیه بشریت در سرزمینهای اشغالی
صادق سلیمی حبیب کاشانی -
Open Access Article
173 - بررسی تغییرات آب و هوایی در نظام بین المللی حقوق بشر
زینب پورخاقان شاهرضایی -
Open Access Article
174 - نقش دیوان عدالت اداری در توسعه و حمایت از حقوق بشر
قدرت اله نوروزی -
Open Access Article
175 - حقوق بشر انسانهای دوگانه درجمهوری اسلامیایران
مهدی عباسی سرمدی سید رضا هاشمی -
Open Access Article
176 - گستره حقوق بشر در رویه محاکم سرمایه گذاری بین المللی (مطالعه موردی مرکز داوری ایکسید)
محمدرضا سبحانی مهدی شهبازی جلال جعفری -
Open Access Article
177 - مبانی و تضمینات اصل قانونمندی دادرسی در نظام کیفری ایران و کنوانسیون اروپایی حقوق بشر
محمد ربانی مهدی هوشیار امیرحسین راهگشای -
Open Access Article
178 - معاصرسازی اسطورۀ آرش، مبتنی بر فیزیک مدرن
فردوس حاجیان -
Open Access Article
179 - The ambiguities of International Humanitarian Law application on World War against Terrorism
Mahdi Heydarifard Ali Pour Ghassab Amiri -
Open Access Article
180 - Breach of U.S Extraterritorial Obligations through Unilateral Economic Sanctions against Iran and Competence of International Human Rights Bodies
Amir Maghami Ali Akbar Jafari Nadoushan -
Open Access Article
181 - Fundamentals and legal-political solutions to the accusation of violating conventions International by the Islamic Republic of Iran
masoumeh ramezani Tahereh Abrahamifar Ardeshir Sanaei -
Open Access Article
182 - The reflection of generations of human rights on north-southrelations
Hadi nasiri mehdi zakerian abdolali ghavam aliasghar kazemizand -
Open Access Article
183 - Analyzing the Humanitarian Consequences of US Sanctions against Iran with an Emphasis on Food Security and Nutrition
Gholamhosein Kordi Mohammad Ali Khosravi Reza Jalali Sousan Safaverdi -
Open Access Article
184 - Feminist foreign policy in France, Canada, and Sweden; With an emphasis on the Swedish experience (2014 to 2022)
Seyedeh Haleh Mehdizadeh Seyed amir Niakoee -
Open Access Article
185 - Position of UAV in International Law
Hadi Ajili Seyyed Mohsen Sajjadi Monireh Karami -
Open Access Article
186 - Promoting the Concept of Humanitarian Intervention in the Context of International Relations Theory (with Emphasis on English School)
Seyyed Abdolali Qvam Rahman Najafi Sayyar -
Open Access Article
187 - The European Union’s Human Rights Policy towards Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia
زهرا الوندی داود کیانی -
Open Access Article
188 - Investigating the Legitimacy and Legality of Unilateral Sanctions of the United States from the Perspective of Universal Human Rights
Ali Ilkhanipour Naderi Negin Shafiei Usofe Moslemi Mehni -
Open Access Article
189 - The Change in the Definition of the Principle of "Non-intervention" in International Law
Dydokht Sadeghi-Haghighi -
Open Access Article
190 - Reviewing Saudi Interactions with the Human Rights Council
Abbasali Talebi Reza Jalali Amir Sajedi -
Open Access Article
191 - International Responsibility to Protect and Sovereignty of States
Didukht Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
192 - Violation of Humanitarian’s Law in the 33 days war according to International Regulations
Bijan Nayeri Alireza Motevalli -
Open Access Article
193 - The Role of Human Rights as a Soft power in America's Foreign Policy
Leila Reisi Maryam Derakhshandeh -
Open Access Article
194 - Armed attack of Saudi Arabia to Yemen according to International Criminal Law
Mohammad Javad Heidarian Dolatabadi Rasool Mazaheri Koohestani -
Open Access Article
195 - The Impact of Investing in Philanthropic Activities on the Firm's Cost of Equity
مهدی صفری گرایلی یاسر رضائی پیته نوئی -
Open Access Article
196 - The Contexts of Human Conflicts in the Holy Qur'an
Mohammad Amin Moayedi Banan -
Open Access Article
197 - Investigating Monetary-Banking Sanctions and Related Social Changes in Human Rights Enforcement
Mohammad Hossain Khademeyan Ali Pour Ghassab Amiri Hassan Soleimani -
Open Access Article
198 - Practitioners of human rights based on the constitution in private law
Mohammad Shamei Neda Mojahed -
Open Access Article
199 - A Comparative Study of Crimes Against Humanity in the Laws of Iran and Myanmar (Relying on its Criminalization in Jurisprudence Rules)
جمال Beigi Sajad Rahmati torkashvand babak poorgahremani -
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200 - Manifestation of Human Rights in Jaami's Works
Somayyeh Abbasi Nasab Maryam Ja'fary Enayatollah Sharifpour -
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201 - Searching the governing principles of humanitarian law in the 2023 Israeli attacks on Gaza
pooneh tabibzadeh mehdi zeinaldini -
Open Access Article
202 - access and cultural participation, Citizenship right in Cultural utilization
Mahdi Nourian rohollah adineh -
Open Access Article
203 - Study of Anthropological Origins of Human Cultural Rights
Ehsan Taheri Hajivand Hamid Reza Jamali -
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204 - Cultural Diversity, Human Rights and Approach of Human Security
hosain sartipi azin kiani -
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205 - The impact of China's historical principles and foundations and Historical backgrounds on its foreign policy
Jamil Hassanpour -
Open Access Article
206 - Influence of good governance in respect of human rights
seyed zeinalabedin mousavi Housein aghaei jannat makan nourmohammad nowruzi -
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207 - The position of women's political rights in the Charter of Citizenship Rights
mohsen emami qashlaq arezo hoseinie -
Open Access Article
208 - View on human right evolution and its effects on national sovereignty of countries
meysam اسلام پناه seyed baqer Mirabbasi ابومحمد عسگرخانی مریم مرادی -
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209 - Investigating the dimensions and components of the rule of law in inclusive development and its political consequences
ali akbar Nasiri Khalili Ahmad Reza behniafar Ali پورقصاب امیری -
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210 - The situation of children in armed conflict
ebrahim mashhadi masoud bitaneh musa musavi zenuz -
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211 - Reflections on the position of the right to sustainable development with an approach to the role of governments
hamze abdollahipour faramarz atrian gholam hosein masuod -
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212 - Coordinates of freedom in the opinions of Mohammad Taghi Misbah Yazdi and Daud Firhi
saeed alizadah hasan shamsini ghiasvand Mohamad Porghorban -
Open Access Article
213 - Human Rights and Citizen Rights on the Opinion of the Middle Eastern Islamic States with Emphasis on the Iranian Constitution
Amir Sajedi -
Open Access Article
214 - The position of human rights in the foreign policy of the United States of America (with an emphasis on the Palestinian issue)
sahar akhond خسرو وفائی سعدی -
Open Access Article
215 - The impact of the Human Rights Council in promoting the Right to Development
Zohre Bagheri Khorramdashti حسین شریفی طرازکوهی Fatemeh Fathpour -
Open Access Article
216 - The Right to Peace in Iran and Lebanon Law with a Focus on Western and Islamic Human Rights Precedent
حیدر مطلب فائد احمد رضا سلیمان زاده حسین رستم زاد -
Open Access Article
217 - Basics of defense rights of the accused in access to a lawyer In international documents, the European Union and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Vali Shirpour -
Open Access Article
218 - Greenwashing and Human Rights Issues in Palestine
Hadi Salehi Elham Heidari -
Open Access Article
219 - Identifying fundamental labor rights in the global and Islamic declaration of human rights
Abdullatif Amiri روح اله رحیمی ali faghih habibi -
Open Access Article
220 - The principle of Proportionality in Light of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Armed Conflicts
sepideh alayee fard masoud rae Alireza Ansari Mahyari -
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221 - The evidence of the right to life of the fetus and the legal basis of its preservation according to the cultural changes of the society
Azadeh Abdi Abyaneh younes vahed yarijan مریم ابن تراب -
Open Access Article
222 - Examining the role of philanthropic behavior and working capital management on the relationship between corporate governance factors and sales growth
MohammadAli Razi Mohsen Amini Khozani mohammad norouzi -
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223 - Legal issues of Metavers perspective from the public international law
mohadeseh ghavamipour sereshkeh Amirreza Mahmoudi -
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224 - Investigating how the United Nations General Assembly plays a role in the development of human rights
Mohammad Taghi Ghasemzadeh Mashallah Heidarpour Mohammad Reza Hakakzadeh -
Open Access Article
225 - Abortion as a Human Right in the Criminal Laws of Iran and Iraq
Heidar Motaleb Ahmadreza SoleimanZadeh حسین رستم زاد -
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226 - Countering terrorism and its strategies in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a look at its legal dimensions
seyed shamsodin shahidi علی شیرخانی mohammad hasan elahi manesh -
Open Access Article
227 - Explaining the mechanism of the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights
Arsalan Kamaei Abdolmohammad Afrough Abbas Basiri -
Open Access Article
228 - Emerging technologies, military field, human rights
Tahereh Roozegar Abdolmohammad Afrough Abbas Barzegarzadeh -
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229 - The Concepts of International Law in the Context of Kant's Sustainable Peace, Examined Through a Comparative Lens with Islamic Law
mahsa khajeh Amir Mahmoodi Mahdi Abdolmaleki -
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230 - Analyzing the dimensions and jurisprudential components of the challenges of human rights rules in the face of new and emerging technologies in the military field
Tahereh Roozegar Abdolmohammad Afrough Abbas Barzegarzadeh -
Open Access Article
231 - Examining the manifestations of human rights in the works of Kazeo Ishiguro and Shahriar Mandanipour
Sepide Yusefi Burburi Parvaneh AdelZadeh Kamran Pashaei Fakhri -
Open Access Article
232 - Jurisprudential analysis of the current state of multilateralism based on justice and international law in the global system
سجاد قاسمی Abdolmohammad Afrough Abbas Barzegarzadeh