Open Access Article
1 - Studying factors affecting communication skills in government organizations
Davood Kiakojouri -
Open Access Article
2 - Processing the management model of learning skills in the primary period, in the education system
Bahareh Taghidokht Maryam Safarnavadeh علیرضا عراقیه nahid shafiee Esfandiar Doshmanziari -
Open Access Article
3 - Investigating the impact of the smart skin according to the location of the user on the amount of energy consumption in cold climate office use (case example of Tabriz city)
zohre salavati majid shahbazi Zohreh Tarabi -
Open Access Article
4 - Investigating the ability to predict human resource excellence through futures study skills in ceramic tile companies of Yazd province
Amirehsan Eshaghiyeh Hossien Eslami Hadi Hematian -
Open Access Article
5 - The feasibility study of designing a smart model to identifying and prioritizing life skills for digital generation
Parisa Zamani Farahani Afsaneh Zamani Moghadam Nadergholi Ghourchian -
Open Access Article
6 - An Analysis of the Advanced Model of the Political Skills of Managers in the Public Organization
samin yousefi masoud pourkiani mehrdad goudarzvand chegini -
Open Access Article
7 - The Study of knowledge management on development of higher education system and presentation of an appropriate model
N. Gh. Ghorchian A. Ol. Lahijanian -
Open Access Article
8 - Providing a conceptual framework for institutionalize information and communication technologies (ICT) in university management systems
A. Taghipoor-Zahir A. Sharifi -
Open Access Article
9 - Multi-lump solutions to the KPI equation with a zero degree of derivation
Pierre Gaillard -
Open Access Article
10 - Time dependency of the spin-orbit interaction and magnetic field in the long-range Ising model
Mohammad Reza Soltani Maryam Mahmoudi Abolfazl Hosseini -
Open Access Article
11 - Rational solutions to the KdV equation from Riemann theta functions
Pierre Gaillard -
Open Access Article
12 - Two-parameter determinant representation of seventh order rogue wave solutions of the NLS equation
Pierre Gaillard -
Open Access Article
13 - Quantum mechanical treatment of Shannon entropy measure and energy spectra of selected diatomic molecules with the modified Kratzer plus generalized inverse quadratic Yukawa potential model
Etido P. Inyang Ituen B. Okon Fina O. Faithpraise Eddy S. William Peter O. Okoi Efiong A. Ibanga -
Open Access Article
14 - Efficient single-layer light-emitting diodes based on organic–inorganic lead halide perovskite and tuning luminescence properties
Soghra Mirershadi Asal Javad Sohrab Ahmadi-Kandjani -
Open Access Article
15 - The impact of organizational learning on the need for success through self-confidence and individual mediation
mohammad zyaadini -
Open Access Article
16 - Effect Analysis of Quantum Skills on Quantum Leadership with Mediating Role of Organizational Knowledge Management in Mega Motor Company
Ahad Norouzzadeh Soleyman Iranzadeh Nasser Feghi Farahmand -
Open Access Article
17 - Analyzing the shortcomings of the modern bureaucratic system in Iran with a periodic comparative approach and designing a comprehensive model of bureaucratic leadership
Enayat Allah Aghaei Alireza Shirvani Ali Rashidpour Farzad Karimi -
Open Access Article
18 - Cognitive Skills Critical Thinking in Social Networking Users (Case Study Social Telegram Network)
Sayyid Nosrat allah Nemati Far Seyed Ali Mohammad Razavi -
Open Access Article
19 - Analyzing Media Literacy and the Effectiveness of the Field Of Study, In Order To Improve Management and Policy-Making (Students of Medical, Engineering and Human Sciences of Razi University of Kermanshah Medical Sciences)
Farzaneh Zolfaghari fard Aliasghar kia -
Open Access Article
20 - Evaluation of Training Programs and TV Series of Channel 5 in the Citizenship Skills
Abdolreza Shahmohammadi Saeedeh-Sadat Hashemipoor -
Open Access Article
21 - Assessing Urban Planners Skills for Entering Professional Job and Measure the Total Quality Management Level (Case Study: Department of Urban Development, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch)
Seyed Moslem Seyedolhosseini Elham Sanagar Darbani -
Open Access Article
22 - Sensitivity Analysis of Constructional Specifications on Thermal Performance of Naturally Ventilated Box Window Double Skin Facade in Hot Arid Climate of Iran (Tehran)
Faryal sadat Siadati Rima Fayaz Nilofar Nikghadam -
Open Access Article
23 - An intelligent adaptive skin from a biomimetic approach for energy consumption reduction
hossein mahyari Afsaneh Zarkesh Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad -
Open Access Article
24 - A Comparative Study of Façade Samples in Residential Buildings of Tehran by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Mohammad-Hosein Shirazian Seyed-Bagher Hosseini Saeid Norouzian-Maleki -
Open Access Article
25 - Measuring The Quality of Natural Lighting in A Building with Double Skin Façade (DSF)
A. E. Manubawa LMF Purwanto A. Ardiyanto -
Open Access Article
26 - An Efficient Double Skin Façade for an Office Building in Shiraz City
Ramin movahed pour Maria Kord Jamshidi Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad -
Open Access Article
27 - Investigating the Relationship between Internal Organizational Factors and Political Behavior, Emphasizing the Moderating Role of Political Skill in the Ministry of Sports and Federations
robab mokhtari -
Open Access Article
28 - The role of conflict management strategies by mediating the psychological skills of coaches on sports performance in club teams of women's basketball leagues.
faranak Tayari ali mohammad safania Cambys Kamkari Shahre Shokarzadeh Jamshid Hemti -
Open Access Article
Samira Rahrovi H. piri -
Open Access Article
30 - The zero forcing number of Which Mycielski construction graphs are equal to their maximum nullity?
Zahra Rameh Ebrahim Vatandoost Fatemeh Ramezani -
Open Access Article
31 - An Upper Bound For The Graovac-Pisanski(G-P) Index of The Fibonacci Cubes
Open Access Article
32 - Appraisal the Ground Drivers of Creative Accounting for the Neurofinance Effectiveness in the Logic of Financial Decision Makers
Mehdi Kallantary Mohammadreza Abdoli Hasan Valiyan Maryam Shahri -
Open Access Article
33 - Examine the relationship between financial risk tolerance and investment properties (financial intelligence, skills, financial management, wealth) based on native Donald- Case Study of the Tehran Stock Exchange
Saeid Aghasi Ehsan Aghasi Sahar Biglari -
Open Access Article
34 - The Nature of Banks' Civil Liability in Skimming According to Jurisprudence
mohammadreza namjouyan seyedmohammadreza emam -
Open Access Article
35 - Soft Skills and Didactic Pathways in Nigeria University Education: Implication for Graduate Employability
Olukunle Oludeyi -
Open Access Article
36 - The Effect of Cooperative Teaching Method on Development of Social Skills in Primary School Students in Zanjan City
Mohammad Reza Oroji Manizhe Zakariyaee -
Open Access Article
37 - The Role of Media in Promoting Civic Skills in View of Hamshahri Subscribers (Case Study: Tehranin 3, 10 and 16 Districts)
Esmail Kavossi MasoumeSadat Hashemipoor -
Open Access Article
38 - The Role of Public Relations Activities of the Social Security Organization on the Satisfaction of Insured Persons (Case Study of West Tehran Branch)
Nafiseh Karami Soroush Fathi Sara Mohamadpour -
Open Access Article
39 - The Effect of Self-care Education on Self-esteem of Street Children in Tehran
Mahdi Zare Bahramabadi Mohammad Reza Heidarhaei -
Open Access Article
40 - Determination of Problematic Internet Use: Identity Styles and Social Skills
Nikou Tabaraei Mansooreh Nikoogoftar Sepideh Minoosepehr -
Open Access Article
41 - A Sociological Study on Social Trust of Social Security Organization’s Insured Population (Case Study: West Tehran Social Security Branches)
Yousef Toghani Mohammad Bagher Tajedin -
Open Access Article
42 - Review of Theory of Mind and Social Skills of Educable Mentally-retarded Boys
Soroush Fathi Hanieh Fakoury Hossein Bashiri Guivi -
Open Access Article
43 - Membership Effect in Student Council to Improve Learning Connection Skills in Guidance School Student of Garmsar City
Soudabeh Sadat Mousavi Fakhreddin Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
44 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Educational Needs of the Hospital Administrators of Baqiyatallah in Human, Perceptual, and Technical Skills
بهارک شیرزاد کبریا Akram momeni shahram hashemnia -
Open Access Article
45 - Analysis of the Effect of Quantum Leadership Dimensions on Organizational Excellence with the Intermediate Role of Knowledge Management and Quantum Skills in Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
Ahad Norouzzadeh Soleyman Iranzadeh Nasser Feghi Farahmand -
Open Access Article
46 - Relationship Bbetween Social Skills and Social health; the Aadjusting Role of Social Support for Employee’s and Nurses of Guilan Health Network
Ahad Norouzzadeh Khalil Alimohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
47 - Organizational Learning and Knowledge Spillover in Innovation Networks: Agent-Based Approach (Extending SKIN Framework)
M. Mahmoudzadeh M. Alborzi S. Ghazinoori S. Khalili Shavarini -
Open Access Article
48 - The effect of using creative thinking pattern "El Ranco Province and Chad," the skills of management accounting accounting students
Bahareh Banitalebi Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
49 - The Role of Social Factors in Production of Canola in Qazvin Province
S. J. F. Hosseini H. Haji Maleki -
Open Access Article
50 - Comparison of the efficiency of artificial neural network and regression in predicting the skidding time of steel-tracked skidder and agriculture tractor
Najibeh Gilanipoor Akbar Najafi Hamid Arya -
Open Access Article
51 - Evaluating the restoration of soil physical properties and natural regeneration in skid trails(Case study: forests of Shanderman area of Giulan province)
amir firozan mahsa hakimi seyedarmin hashemi vahid hemmati -
Open Access Article
52 - The relationship between social skills training courses of cultural and artistic organization of Tehran municipality and the citizenship culture (A case study)
Ashraf manzary Abbasali ghaiyoomi Ismail kavousy -
Open Access Article
53 - Cultural Strategies for the Empowerment of the Vulnerable Populations (Case Study: Families Covered by Vefagh Sabz Alavi Charity Foundation)
Open Access Article
54 - Investigating the Relationship between Job and Job Proportion and Its Impact on Organizational Performance Improvement (Islamic Azad University of Bojnourd)
elham firozeh Roya Afrasiabi -
Open Access Article
55 - Identify and prioritize communication skills of hotel staff in interaction with foreign tourists Using Structural Modeling (ISM)
Nader Jafari Haftkhani saeedeh derakhsh -
Open Access Article
56 - The relationship between social influence and negotiation skills with organizational success
negar mafakheri محبوبه سلیمان پورعمران -
Open Access Article
57 - Design a model for measuring the information literacy of journalists.
Abbas Daviran Keshavarzi Nosratollah Shadnoosh mojtaba Shahnoushi Froushani -
Open Access Article
58 - The Impact Rate of the Emotional Intelligence on Happiness between the Students of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch & Qazvin Islamic Azad University
علی اکبر رضایی مینا قدمی -
Open Access Article
59 - Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Managers' Performance in Iran’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance
Sousan Alaei Maryam Moazeni -
Open Access Article
60 - Evaluate the success of the University of Applied Sciences in public awareness of their work and compare The attitudes of students and teachers
شهریار مرادی دهقی -
Open Access Article
61 - Survey and comparison of knowledge, attitude and skill level of the Master students of information technology management using virtual and traditional education in Islamic Azad University
جواد مقدسی دکتر رضا نوروز زاده -
Open Access Article
62 - The explanation skills of critical thought among accounting students of the science and research department at the Islamic Azad University in Iran
فریدون رهنمای رودپشتی احمد یعقوب نژاد احمد گودرزی -
Open Access Article
63 - Comparing the Skills of Cultural & Non-Cultural Executives in Iran
فاطمه رادان -
Open Access Article
64 - The effect of institutional trust on the performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth
mahyar ghochvand majid solimani azadeh سثغی شمهدثتشی -
Open Access Article
65 - An Analysis of the relationship between Parents’ social and cultural capitals and social developmental skills in the city of Shahreza
منصور حقیقتیان zeinab motaghi reza esmaili -
Open Access Article
66 - The role of communication skills of managers in business development with emphasis on customer orientation
somayeh sadat mahdavi Seyyed Vahid Aghili norooz hashemzehi -
Open Access Article
67 - The Effect of Institutional Trust on the Performance of the Staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth
Mahyar Gouchvand Majid Soleimani Azadeh Seyed Aalinezhad -
Open Access Article
68 - The Study of the Beliefs among Literate Citizens in Ashtian City in terms of Urban Development
Mohammad Tahmasbi Ashtiani Ali Roshanaie -
Open Access Article
69 - The Evaluation of Citizenship Skills and their Effects in promoting Social Development (Case of Study: Region 3, 7 and 14 in Tehran)
Soroush Fathi Mehdi Mokhtarpour -
Open Access Article
70 - The Effect of Playing on Children’s Social Skills (Case of Study: Preschool Children in Tehran)
Tahmoures Aghajani Rashid Vakil Jabbarov Mushviq Mustafayev -
Open Access Article
71 - The Role of Communication Skills of Managers in Business Development with Emphasis on Customer Orientation
Somayeh Sadat Mahdavi Seyed Vahid Aqili Norouz Hashemzehi Aliakbar Farhangi -
Open Access Article
72 - Architecture Follows Nature(Biotechnology A smart approach to energy conservation in building skins)
saba kheradmand hassan satari sarbangholi -
Open Access Article
73 - Investigating the Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming on Sports Infrastructure and Events (Case study: Ski)
Seyed Mostafa Tayebi Sani sharareh norouzi Ali Fahiminejad Bagher Morsal -
Open Access Article
74 - The role of communication skills urban Managers of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Staff (Case Study of Karaj Municipality)
Navid Ahangari Sadegh hajinejad Nader khanmohamadi -
Open Access Article
75 - The Influence of Urban Management on Improving Children’s Social Skill (A Case Study: Toy Houses of Tehran)
سید جمال الدین طبیبی ربابه نوری قاسم آبادی فاطمه مرادی -
Open Access Article
76 - Examining the Incentive and Deterrent Factors of Agricultural Agents’ Skill Development
mansour tayouri Seyed Jamal Farajollah Hossein mohammad sadegh sabouri -
Open Access Article
77 - Examine the Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Skills of Agricultural Students in Technical and Vocational University of Tehran
Tahmineh Kashani Mehdi Rasouli Mohammadreza Soleimanpour -
Open Access Article
78 - Compare the effect red and green low level laser light accelerates the healing of the incision in the skin after the suturing in hamsters
GH. R. Abedi, احمد Asghari, S. Hesaraki, A. Nasireian, هادی Hajizadeh, نیما Toghani, -
Open Access Article
79 - Comparative study on geometric and histopathologic effects of polar, semi polar and non-polar fractions Artemisia absinthium extract in rat
Rezaei, A., Mohajeri, D., Ahmadizadeh, Ch., Jalilzadeh, M. . -
Open Access Article
80 - Study of effect of olive oil on re-epithelialization of epithelial tissue in excision wound healing model in rats
Abooei Mehrizi, M., Eidi A., Mortazavi, P. . -
Open Access Article
81 - Molecular identification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin genes isolated from human skin tissue rashes and ewes milk with subacute mastitis
Kiani salmi, A., Ebrahimi Kahrizsangi, A., Mokhtari, A. . -
Open Access Article
82 - The relationship between communication skills and personal characteristics among librarians of Mazandaran public libraries
Sakineh Khatuni Mahdavi Salma Keshavarzian Soodabehi Shapouri -
Open Access Article
83 - A Survey of Components of Communication Skills and Their Relationship with Demographic Characteristics in Librarians of Isfahan University and Isfahan University of Medical Scie
Hassan Ashrafi Rizi Morteza Amraei Ahmad Papi Sosan Bahrami Raheleh Samoei -
Open Access Article
84 - Study of clay mineralogy of soil in different parent material in the southern basin of Urmia Lake in Miandoab city.
Elham Habibi Raziyeh Lak Hossein Torabi Golsefidi Shahla Mahmodi Hamidreza Momtaz -
Open Access Article
85 - Haskalah: the Jewish Enlightenment
سیدلطف الله جلالی -
Open Access Article
86 - Preparation of Low Calorie Sour Tea Jelly Using Stevia and Gelatin of Chicken Skin- Evaluation of the Product
F. Yazdani Z. Raftani Amiri H. Shahiri Tabarestani -
Open Access Article
87 - Sequential Solvent Extraction of Red-Onion (Allium cepa L) Skin: Influence of Solvent Polarity on Antioxidant and Radical Scavenging Activity
S. Mahdian Kouchaksarayi S.M. Vahdat M. Hejazi M. Khavarpour Z. Salimi -
Open Access Article
88 - The effect of longitudinal slope, skid trail plan and passes of skidder Tof E655 on forest soil compaction (Case study: Bahramnia forestry plan)
Hossein Yazarlou Aidin Parsakhoo Hashem Habashi سلطانعلی سلطانی نژاد -
Open Access Article
89 - Evaluating Environmental Skill, Behavior and Awareness of Primary School Students, (Case Study: Andika City)
Syedeh Sedighah Salehi Forouzan Farrokhian -
Open Access Article
90 - Investigate the influence of citizenship education on social responsibility, social skills and environmental skills of Bojnord municipal employees
shima mohammadzade Mahboubeh Soleimanpouromran -
Open Access Article
91 - Assessment of the Impacts of Increasing Cavity Depth and Floor Numbers on Energy Performance of Different Types of Double Skin Facade in Office Buildings of Cold Climate in 36 Different Scenarios (Case Study: An Office Building in Tabriz)
Shirin Nourivand Lida Balilan Lida Balilan Maziar Asefi -
Open Access Article
92 - Optimization of a building equipped with double skin façade, phase change materials, green roof, and photovoltaic with evaluation of their economic and environmental aspects
sobhan izadpanah Farivar fazelpour Mohammad eftekhari yazdi -
Open Access Article
93 - The Effects of Inner and Outer layers of Double Glazed Facade on the Rate of Energy Consumption in Official and Educational Buildings (Case study: Iran University of Science and Technology)
Fatemeh MehdizadehSeraj Mohammad Mehdi Danesh Haniyeh Sanaeiyan -
Open Access Article
94 - The mediator role of higher order math thinking skills between lower order math thinking in financial affairs and empowering financial employees based on revised bloom taxonomy
Seyedeh Zahra AboalhasaniKumleh Ahmad Shahvarani F. Rahnamay Roodposhti F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi -
Open Access Article
95 - Financial management and Dungeon Kruger's (self-help)
Behzad Pahleh Seyed Mozaffar Mirbargkar Abolfazl Zolghadr -
Open Access Article
96 - فیلترهای اول و توپولوژی زاریسکی روی جبرهای تساوی
سوگل نیازیان -
Open Access Article
97 - Fixed point theorem for non-self mappings and its applications in the modular space
R. Moradi A. ‎Razani -
Open Access Article
98 - The role of social skills and social support in the mental health of the soccer referees of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hasan Akrami -
Open Access Article
99 - Analyzing the double skin facade moving in the efficiency of energy consumption in residential buildings sustainability in Tabriz city
Seyed Mehdi Ghoddosifar Mahsa Faramarzi Asl -
Open Access Article
100 - Conversion of poisonous gases for samands car with dual fuel system to innocuous gases with (La,Ce)(Pd,Co,Fe,Mn)O٣ - perovskite catalysts and its comparison to imported catalyst of Iran Khodro
Arsia Khanfekr Kaveh Arzani Ali Nemati Morteza Hossaini -
Open Access Article
101 - Triple Management Skills role in the Organization from Quran Point of View
Ali Rabiee Seyyed Mahmoud Hosseini Amiri Nahid Saravi Moqaddam -
Open Access Article
102 - Skills and academic achievement (academic) in the Qur'an
abdolali pakzad AMIR OMRANI -
Open Access Article
103 - Moses’ Mīqāt in Quran
Musa Modabber Poor Mahdi Moti’ Mohammad Reza Haji Ismaeli -
Open Access Article
104 - Beauty and eloquence in Ibn Khaldun and Ibn al-Khatib's Books
Fatemeh Alinezhad Chamazcoti Saeedeh Mirhaqjoo langaroodi -
Open Access Article
105 - Provide a model of lived experience of university faculty members of professional development based on soft educational skills
Neda Karaminezhad Alireza Ghasemizad Hamidreza Motamed -
Open Access Article
106 - Explaining the characteristics of the curriculum based on the life skills of the elementary school system in Iran
فرح عباسی حمیدرضا معتمد علیرضا قاسمی زاد -
Open Access Article
107 - Providing a human capital model in Education of Bushehr city
Negar Zaeri Faranak Omidian Sepideh Jafari -
Open Access Article
108 - A review of theoretical literature and identification of factors and criteria effective on urban, regional, global and national competitiveness with a meta-analytical approach
غلامرضا مرادی مهسا دهقانیان الهام کاظمی نژاد -
Open Access Article
109 - Molecular detection of DHA beta-lactamase gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from skin samples in Qom
Horisadat Hejazi Mohsen Zargar mehrdad mamarian -
Open Access Article
110 - Using a phenotypic method to confirm the presence of the efflux pump associated with resistance to ciprofloxacin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from skin samples
Ali Rahmati Mohammad Reza zolfaghary -
Open Access Article
111 - A comparative study of the effects of hydroalcoholic extracts of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and henna leaves (Lawsonia inermis L.) on wound healing in male Wistar rats
Fatemeh Jamallou -
Open Access Article
112 - Comparison of the educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Japan in terms of educational policy.
Mehdi Askari محمدحسن الهی منش رضا پریزاد -
Open Access Article
113 - The Objectives of the Formation of Traditionalism in the Intellectual System of Nasr
seyedsajjad aleseyedghafour masoud moeinipour -
Open Access Article
114 - Humorous Article on Bahram Sadeghi s Work Based on Robert Delios Theory With Emphasis on (Empty Trench and Thermoses and Heaven)
Fereshte Moradi Navazollah Farhadi Mohammad Shafiei -
Open Access Article
115 - Effective communication, fateful skill in Shahnameh
mina nabaie reza fahimi -
Open Access Article
116 - The Commonities of Virtues in Rumi and Linda Zaksbski's Thoughts
mahsa komarejhajee Malek Mohammad Farokhzad -
Open Access Article
117 - LaCo0.5Fe0.5O3 Nanoparticles as a Highly Efficient Adsorbent for Rapid Removal of Trypan Blue Dye From Aqueous Media
Mojtaba Ershadi Haman Tavakkoli Arezoo Ghaemi Afruz Azarkish -
Open Access Article
118 - Study of Structural and Optical Properties of 2D Organic–InorganicPerovskites based on Triphenylphosphine
Soghra Mirershadi Saeid Maleki -
Open Access Article
119 - Removal of C.I. Acid red 1 (AR1) dye pollutant from contaminated waters by adsorption method using sunflower seed shells and pine cone as agro waste materials
Samira Alizadeh Kambiz Seyyedi -
Open Access Article
120 - Gel-Citrate Method for Fabrication of Nano La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 Perovskite Type Oxide and its Application in Removal of RB4 Dye
Haman Tavakkoli Farideh Sarafion -
Open Access Article
121 - The Role of Media Consumption in Life Skills (Case of Study: The Amount and Type of Using the Internet and Cyberspace)
Badie Ghorbani Somayeh Tajik Ismaeili Sarvnaz Torbati -
Open Access Article
122 - Effects of Online Training on Iraqi Hotel Management Students’ Speaking Skill
Sabah Hamad Yassin Rawa Jassim Hameed -
Open Access Article
123 - Effects of Teaching Tourism Vocabulary on Iranian Hotel Management Students’ Communication Skills
Davood Ghahramani -
Open Access Article
124 - The Effects of Watching Foreign Movies on Iranian Hotel Management Students’ Speaking Skill
Davood Ghahramani -
Open Access Article
125 - The Effect of Self-Development on Improving the Skill of Accountants with the Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital
Faezeh Arab Nezhad Ali Khozain -
Open Access Article
126 - Investigating the effect of managers' emotional intelligence on liquidity risk
Nazanin Yadegari Ali Lalbar -
Open Access Article
127 - Effectiveness of Training positive thinking skills on self-esteem and life expectancy of orphan and irresponsible teenagers 12 to 17 years old
Sajad Eskandaripilehroud Banoudokht NajafianPour Atefeh Nezhad mohammad nameqi -
Open Access Article
128 - Effectiveness of Social Skills Group Training on Strengths and Behavioral Difficulties in Daughters of Veterans and Martyrs Families
maryam esmaeili mahgol tavakoli Fatemeh Yaghobian leila Esmaeili saeideh Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
129 - Effectiveness of Training Communication Skills on Self-regulated Learning of Male High School Students in Zanjan City
Mohammad saeed Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
130 - The Investigation of Motor- free Visual Perception Skills in Educable Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder in Tehran
mona siminghalam alibakhshi hussain -
Open Access Article
131 - The Effect of Life Skills Training on Social Adjustment and Academic Performance of Adolescent Female Students
Zivar Jamali Paghale Somaye Jamali Paghale Mahnaz Jadidi Feighan Marziyeh Nazary -
Open Access Article
132 - The Comparison of the Effect of Individual and Group Parenting Skills Training on Mothersâ Life Satisfaction
himeyra alnandi aboolghasem nouri -
Open Access Article
133 - Grade of Elementary School in Isfahan City in the Academic Year
فاطمه ترکلادانی محسن گلپرور مختار ملکپور محسن گلپرور -
Open Access Article
134 - The effect of emotional intelligence and life skills training on marital adjustment among young couples
احمد یارمحمدیان نازنین بنکدار هاشمی کریم عسگری -
Open Access Article
135 - تاثÛر Ø¢Ù Ùزش Ù ÙارتÙØ§Û ÙاÙÛبا٠٠Ø٠٠ساÙ٠بر Ø®ÙØ¯Ú©Ø§Ø±Ø¢Ù Ø¯Û Ø¯Ø®ØªØ±Ø§Ù ÙÙØÙاÙ
Akram kavyani Behrooz Abdoli ali zadmohammadi -
Open Access Article
136 - The Effect of Social Capital Components on Marital Satisfaction of Married Students
آذر قلی زاده زهره اسماعیلیان اردستانی -
Open Access Article
137 - The effect of lifeskills and coping strategies with stress training on mental health of girl students
جواد خلعتبری فرشته عزیززاده حقیقی -
Open Access Article
138 - Effect of Anger Control Skills Training onIndividual-Social Adjustment of First-Grade Femal Secondary Education Students in Mahshahr
فاطمه هاشمیان عبدالله شفیعآبادی منصور سودانی -
Open Access Article
139 - The Effect of Teaching Mothers Child-Control Skills on Reduced Symptoms of Attention Deficit / Hyper-Activity Disorder (ADHD) in Children and Reduced Depression in Mothers
بهرام میرزائیان حسن احدی حسن پاشا شریفی حسین آزاد -
Open Access Article
140 - The Effect of Life Skills Training on Interpersonal Relationship, Self Esteem and Assertiveness of Blind Girls in The Fatemeh Zahra Institute of Isfahan
سهیلا ساجدی سید حمید آتش پور منوچهر کامکار محمد رضا صمصام شریعت -
Open Access Article
141 - The Effect of Anger Management Skills Training on Social Anxiety and Anger Self-regulation Skills in Social Anxious High School Boys
mahdi hasanvand amozadeh masoud hasanvand amozadeh massomeh hasanvand amozadeh -
Open Access Article
142 - Effectiveness of Combined Group Exposure Therapy and Coping with Stress Skills Training on Social Anxiety Rate of University Students
sadegh salajegheh noormohamad bakhshani -
Open Access Article
143 - Effectiveness of Teaching Problem-Solving Skills on Parental Stress and Parenting Style
Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta Akram Parand Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh -
Open Access Article
144 - تأثیر آموزش مهارتهای زندگی بر رضایت جنسی و زناشویی در زوجهای جوان
Sepideh Pourheydari Fatemeh Bagherian Javad Bahadorkhan Mohsen Doustkam -
Open Access Article
145 - Analysis of Relationship between Interpersonal Conflict at Work and Social Competencies on Experience of Incivility Behavior based on Structural Equation Modeling
محمدعلی نادی اعظم اکبری -
Open Access Article
146 - The Effect of Life Skills Training and Group counseling via Emotional-Behavioral-Rational Therapy on Academic Self-Concept, Achievement Motivation and Mental Health of Underachievers
firouzeh sepehrian azar Saead saadatmand -
Open Access Article
147 - Influence of Sexy Skills Training of Attitude of Sex in Young Couples
akram dehghani jalal unosi parvaneh mohamad khani jalal unosi -
Open Access Article
148 - A study of the Effect of Communication Skills Training Sessions on Family Function Among Self â Referred Couples of Ahvaz Well-Being Office in Spring -2008
مریم غلامزاده یوسفعلی عطاری عبداله شفیعآبادی -
Open Access Article
149 - Comparison of Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Skills and Emotional Intelligence Training on Decreasing Aggression in male High School Students
Seyed Ali Reza Ganjeh Mahdi Dehestani Ali Zadeh Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
150 - Effectiveness of Training Communicative Skills Based on Islamic Views on Married Coupleâs Satisfaction
Farzaneh Monjezi Abdollah Shafiabadi Mansour Sodani -
Open Access Article
151 - The Effecti of Life Skills Training on Improving SCL-90 Psychological Indicators and Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetes
Fatemeh Khani Mohammad Reza Samsam Shariat Ali Mehdad Fatemeh Taki Mehrdad Kourang Beheshti Roya Hekmatravan -
Open Access Article
152 - Effectiveness of emotional intelligence training on psychological well-being of mothers
Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta Negin Motamed Yeganeh -
Open Access Article
153 - The Effect of Early Family-Centered Psychological and Educational Interventions on the Cognition and Social Skills Development of Children with Autism Disorder
hassan khoshakhlagh -
Open Access Article
154 - The prediction of emotional-behavioral disorders student aged 8 to 12 years based on social skills and anxiety of mothers
salva Shamsedini Lori Farideh Dokanehi Fard Abdollah Shafiabadi -
Open Access Article
155 - The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on Perceived Competence and Happiness of Male Students in the Sixth Grade of Elementary School in Shiraz
Neda Sabzi Mahbobeh Foulad Chang -
Open Access Article
156 - The Mediating Role of Study Skills in the Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy,Epistemological Beliefs and Academic Anxiety on cademic Performance of Middle School Students
Tohid Ashrafzade Ali Issazadegan Farzane Michaeeli Manee -
Open Access Article
157 - Investigating the Impact of Personality traits and Communication Skills on Conflict Management Styles of High School Teachers in Babol
Hossein Ali Ebrahim Pour Delavar Ali Khalegh Khah Adel Zahed Babolan -
Open Access Article
158 - The effectiveness of life skills training on the psychological hardiness and spiritual well-beingof high school female students
hosein matin sedigheh ahmadi -
Open Access Article
159 - Constructing and investigating the validity, reliability and confirmatory factor analysis of the scale of information, motivation and behavioral skills in women with a body mass index above 25
Maryam Tat Hasan Rezaei Mostafa Khanzadeh Mojtaba Ansari Shahidi Mehdi Taheri -
Open Access Article
160 - The prediction of communicational skills based on personality traits and self-concept in female students
Elham Rahmatzadeh simindokht rezakhani -
Open Access Article
161 - Compilation of the Educational Package of Participatory Games and its Effectiveness on the Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
roohallah fathabadi Parviz i Sharif Daramad Saeed Rezayi -
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162 - Effect of work pressure on skill development by mediating role of public decision styles university staff
rashin abdollahi hajieh rajabi farjad -
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163 - Comparison of parenting skills in mothers with and without chronic pain
parisa moradikelardeh Vahid Sadeghi Firoozabadi mohsen dehghani mahmood heidari -
Open Access Article
164 - Investigating the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Affective Skills Training on Reduction of Violent Behaviors Tendency among Male High School Students
Arezou delfan beiranvand rasool kordnoghabi Shahriar Moradi -
Open Access Article
165 - Structural equation modeling of mindfulness skills, emotion regulation and anxiety sensitivity with social anxiety in Adolescent
marziye esmailian shahram mohamadkhani jafar Hasani -
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166 - The effect of communication skills training on flexibility, self-responsibility and professional commitment of Arak dental students in relation to patients
Atieh Hatami Khosro Ramezani Alireza Maredpour -
Open Access Article
167 - The effect of critical thinking skills training on improvement of creativity, academic self-efficacy, and psychological well-being among first-year high-school girls
Atefeh Saedi Mohammad Ali Zarei Maryam Nasiri -
Open Access Article
168 - The Role of Family Atmosphere, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Social Skills, and mothers' mental disorders in Predicting Child Abuse of High School Female Students
Nasibeh karimi Mohammad Soltanizadeh -
Open Access Article
169 - Comparing the effect of behavioral parenting training of mothers social skilled training of children on emotional regulation and behavioral symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in fourth grade male students
Farid Saeedeh hasan mirzahoseini Nader Monirpour -
Open Access Article
170 - Structural Equation Model of Academic Performance and Academic Success based on Learning Styles and Metacognitive Skills of Reading by Mediating Role of Academic Engagement in Male Students in Secondary Schools
Abbas Panahande Hossein Davoodi Davood Taghvaie sohrab abdi zarrin -
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171 - From an Appraisal of Iranian ESP Courses to Curriculum Development
Ali Khodi -
Open Access Article
172 - Error Analysis in Skill of Writing Among Undergraduate University Students in Tehran
Adnan Satariyan Ahmad Mohseni -
Open Access Article
173 - Writing Skill and Categorical Error Analysis: A Study of First Year Undergraduate University Students
Adnan Satariyan Ahmad Mohseni -
Open Access Article
174 - Iranian EFL learners at loggerheads with perceived social support
Ali Rahimi Rouhollah Askari Bigdeli -
Open Access Article
175 - Iranian EFL Learners at Loggerheads with Perceived Social Support
Ali Rahimi Rouhollah Askari Bigdeli -
Open Access Article
176 - Students’ perceptions about writing portfolios: A case of Iranian EFL students
Behrooz Ghoorchaei Mansoor Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
177 - Investigating the Impact of Genre-Based Teaching (GBT) on Intermediate EFL Learners’ Listening Improvement
Ehsan Namaziandost Sajad Shafiee Meisam Ziafar -
Open Access Article
178 - Developing EFL Learners’ Creativity in Writing Skill Through Dynamic Assessment-based Teaching
Narges Zarinkamar Reza Abdi Mehran Davaribina -
Open Access Article
179 - Exploring Contents of Peer Feedback Dynamics Using Patterns of Pair Interaction: Iranian EFL Learners' Written Discourse in Focus
Ahmadreza Jamshidipour Hamidreza Khalaji Faramarz Azizmalayeri -
Open Access Article
180 - Effects of Critical Thinking on Writing Cause and Effect Essays by Iranian EFL Learners
Mehran Memari -
Open Access Article
181 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Employing Convergent and Divergent Tasks to Improve Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill and Reading Comprehension Ability: Does Gender Matter?
Amirnader Elahi Davood Mashhadi Heidar Valeh Valipour -
Open Access Article
182 - The Potential of Using Kahoot to Empower EFL Learners : An Experience of Game-based Learning
Mohammad Bagher Khatibi Alireza Badeleh -
Open Access Article
183 - The Role of Extensive Listening Tasks in the Use of Discourse Markers by Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners in their Oral Production of Stories
Mahboobeh Abedi Abbas Bayat Hossein Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
184 - Developing and Validating a Scale for Assessing Iranian EFL Teacher Educators’ Perspectives towards Twenty-first Century Skills
Mahboobeh Khosrojerdi Khalil Motallebzadeh Hamid Ashraf Gholam Reza Zareian -
Open Access Article
185 - The Role of “Instruction” in the Development of Intercultural Communication among Iranian Language Teachers
Vahid Ghorbai Hamidreza Dowlatabadi -
Open Access Article
186 - Tackling Iranian Epileptic EFL Learners’ Foreign Language Anxiety and Vocabulary Learning via a Social, Meta-cognitive, and Problem-Solving Skills Training Package: Online and Traditional Contexts in Focus
Vale Jalali Mina Rohanizadeh Neda Fatehi Rad -
Open Access Article
187 - Identifying the strategies for implementing the cooperative learning approach in order to develop the leadership skills of elementary school students through meta- synthesis and focus group
Fahima Ansarizadeh Keramati Mohammad Reza seyfollah fazlollahi -
Open Access Article
188 - Identifying Citizenshipâs Skills losses in the Primary School Curriculum
mahmod bodaghian faezeh nateghi -
Open Access Article
189 - Success amount of training rules and skills of Islamic ( Dignity Project) for obtaining skill ability in solving problems Studentsâ
Robabeh Yousefi Parvin Samadi -
Open Access Article
190 - The Analysis of Effective Features in EducationalPrograms in the Agricultural Sector
Mohammad Ali Nadi Narges KeshtiaraY Ramezan Jahanian Mozhgani Arefi Shahin Raz Masoud Salimi Arsalan. ErajiRad. Nozhatozamani Moshfeghi AliReza Uosefi Fariba Karimi Seyed Ali t Siyadat Shahram Shahbazi Hamideh Goharan -
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191 - A Survey on the present status of the ability and competencies of the teachers from the perspective of students and the comparison with the ideal situation from the perspective of experts about physics in the fourth grade of high school
mahsa jalily hoseyn nikfarjam -
Open Access Article
192 - The Effect of Educational Science Education Method on Academic Achievement and Problem Solving Skills in the 6th Primary Students of a District in a City of Yazd
alimohamad okhovat Gholam Reza Ahmadi Ahmad Ali Foroughi Abari -
Open Access Article
193 - Evaluation of employment skills training required for labor market in undergraduate curricula of accounting, civil engineering and food industries majors
حسین مومنی مهموئی مرتضی کرمی علی مشهدی -
Open Access Article
194 - The impact of descriptive evaluation on reading and writing skills of the fourth grade students of elementary schools
Kavoos Ghobadi Hojjatollah Fani vida Fallahi -
Open Access Article
195 - Relationship between Family Emotional Climate and Development of Social Skills and Achievement of Students Primary
محمدحسین محبی نورالدین وند سعید مشتاقی مسعود شهبازی -
Open Access Article
196 - Contently analyzing the social skills in the social training book in first grade of junior high school
اسماعیل قاسمی سجاد مجیدی پرست -
Open Access Article
197 - Comparison the effect of problem- solving and discovery teaching methods on the social problem-solving skills of female students
asad adib neia yahya mohajer sakine sheikhpoor -
Open Access Article
198 - Identification and prioritization of educational needs criteria teaching skills of faculty members based on employment and employee model : A case study at Shiraz University
Jafar Torkzadeh Reza Naseri Jaromi Hadi Rahmani -
Open Access Article
199 - The study of The Effectiveness of Designed Interactive Electronic tasks on Learning English skills
سمیه مهتدی محمد آتشک -
Open Access Article
200 - The impact of leisure curriculum on leisure skills of the male secondary school students in Mashhad
Abdolhamid Kam Maghsood Amin Khandaghi Ali Mashhadi -
Open Access Article
201 - Effectiveness of the training lesson study course of knowledge and teaching skills in elementary teachers
نصراله عرفانی محمد شبیری سعید صحابت انور مصطفی مشایخی پور -
Open Access Article
202 - Skill competencies graduates of doctoral curriculum; the point of view of experts and curriculum specialists
somaye shahtalebi محمدجواد لیاقت دار فریدون شریفیان -
Open Access Article
203 - The Effect of Positive â Thinking Skills on the Pessimistic documentary Style in Primary School Boys
Mana Chamzadeh Ghanavati Asghar Aghaei Mohsen Golparvar -
Open Access Article
204 - The comparison of the effect of cooperative teaching method and E5 teaching method on academic achievement and social skills: considering the fifth grade male elementary school students in empirical science course
masoud khoftehdel assad adibnia yahya mohajer -
Open Access Article
205 - Designing of ICT-Based Curriculum Model and Its Impact in Performance of Cognitive, Affective, and Skills in High School Students
خلیل غفاری اسماعیل کاظمپور علی حسینیمهر -
Open Access Article
206 - The Role of Students' Self-regulated Learning Strategies, Computer Skills and Academic Achievement in Their Views about Synchronous and Asynchronous Interactions in Blended Combined Learning Approach
ali akbar ajam hosein jaafary suny بهروز مهرام محمد رضا آهنچیان -
Open Access Article
207 - The level of focus on religiousness and its interpersonal components in elementary school text books contents
سالار فرامرزی یاسمین عابدینی -
Open Access Article
208 - The analysis of social skills and its necessities in Curriculum: the case of students in Estern Azarbaijan
yassin tavakoli Akbar soltanie -
Open Access Article
209 - The comparison of the students' scores in high schools with extracurricular activities and no extracurricular activities in the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills
Reza Noruzi masir Jahanbakhsh Rahmani -
Open Access Article
210 - Effectivenss of Curricula in Training Courses on Promoting Mazandaran Islamic Azad Universities Student's Knowledge, Attitude and Skills
بابک حسینزاده -
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211 - Comparing the Teaching Skills of Graduate Teachers from Government, Azad and Payam-Noor University
سعید احمدی حسن خضری -
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212 - Evaluation of the required competencies and skills of the teachers of the agricultural vocational schools by using the Delphi method: A case study in Kermanshah Province
somayae rajabi A.Hamid papzan Amir Azami Adel Sulaimany -
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213 - Contently analyzing the
فرشته حاجی زاده ماهانی -
Open Access Article
214 - Surveying the Role of Post-Literacy Educations in Improving the Knowledge Level among the Rural Neo â Literate Adult Girls and Women
ناصر سراج خرمی علیرضا شیرین صحرائی -
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215 - You should know that what the challenges of teaching at the university are?!
سمیه شاه طالبی فروغ تصدیقی احمدرضا نصر -
Open Access Article
216 - The Relationship between Meta-Cognitive and Achievement in Special Texts in English Course of the University Students
فروغ تنساز محترم نعمتطاووسی -
Open Access Article
217 - Presenting a model for determining the relationship between the responded educational planning and perceived evaluation of class on the basis of Mediation of Academic involvement
farhad shafiepour Motlagh Mehdi Rasti -
Open Access Article
218 - Preschool curriculum assessment under the supervision of education organization from the viewpoints of principals and educators of Isfahan
زهره سعادتمند محمد جواد لیاقت دار زهرا صادقیان -
Open Access Article
219 - The Comparison of internet skills and professional skills of technical and theoretical science teachers in the second grade of high school
غلامعلی فخاری اشرفی محمد حاجی زاد -
Open Access Article
220 - Designing a critical thinking training model and its effectiveness on critical thinking skills of sixth grade elementary students
hadi sajedi rad jafar jahani maryam shafiee sarvestani mahdi mohammadi -
Open Access Article
221 - Content Evaluation of the Book Named (Effective Communication) in Tenth Level of Secondary Vocational School on the Basis of WHO ten Skills
Zahra Daliran Firooz Maryam Baratali -
Open Access Article
222 - Identifying the challenges and strategies for improving the reading plan with family: A case study of Hormozgan Province
mokhtar zakeri mahmoud sabahizade -
Open Access Article
223 - Living experiences of primary and secondary school teachers from teaching challenges and providing solutions to empower teachers to teach in cyberspace
marzban adibmanesh -
Open Access Article
224 - Analysis and evaluation of elementary school textbooks (Farsi, Negaresh Farsi and Olom Tajrobi) in terms of attention to communication skills training and adaptive coping
aboubakr Karimi -
Open Access Article
225 - Designing a model of the curriculum of skills training in the first year of high school
Narges Razani mohammad nourian Ali Asghar khallaghi Maryam Golbabaei -
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226 - Effects Of Formalin and Copper Sulfate on Skin Tissues Of Khazar White Fish (Rutilus kutum
Massoud Farokhroz Abbas Ali Zamini Elahe Mozafari -
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227 - Effect Of Saccharomyces cerevisiae AT-50 Cell Wall on Growth Of Isolated Coagulase-Positive Cocci from Normal Skin Toe in Diabetics
Azadeh Tofighi Asadirad Mohammad Hosein Arash -
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228 - Collagen Turnover in Healing of Cutaneous Wounds by Aloe vera Fresh Gel in Mouse: Involvement of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor
Mehran Arabi homeira Jafarzadeh -
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229 - The role of self-management skills in organizational inertia with the mediation of transformational leadership in the employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth
Mahdi Ebrahimbysalami Saeid Sedaghati Mohammad Hasan Ferdowsi vali nowzari -
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230 - Classification Sport managers through communication skills and cultural intelligence in sports organizations
Zahra Sohrabi Mehrdad Moharamzade -
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231 - تاثیر تکنولوژی و یادگیری آنلاین بر مهارت نوشتار زبان آموزان و خودپنداری آنها
Niloofar Salajeghe Samira Hasani -
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232 - Developing a Model of the Possible Selves Construction before and after Training on IELTS Writing Skills
Sanaz Farnia Neda Fatehi Rad Hassan Shahabi -
Open Access Article
233 - Relationship between Critical Thinking Ability and Listening Comprehension Strategies: Focus on Advanced EFL Learners
Azar Bagheri Masoudzade -
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234 - Calculation of Collision Speed Corresponded to Maximum Penetration Using Hydrodynamic Theory
A.R Nezamabadi -
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235 - Positive solution for boundary value problem of fractional dierential equation
Haidong Qu -
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236 - Positive Solution for Boundary Value Problem of Fractional Dierential Equation
H. Qu -
Open Access Article
237 - Investigating the Effects of Brainstorming Technique on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening and Teachers' Attitudes towards This Technique
Ali Hamideh Mustafa Zamanian -
Open Access Article
238 - Determining the Effect of Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) towards EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement and Perspectives
Welly Ardiansyah Risnawati - Zakaria - Wasitoh Meirani -
Open Access Article
239 - The Impact of Flipped Instruction on Developing Iranian EFL Speaking Skills
Marzieh Rezaei Khatouni Fatemeh Bahjat -
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240 - Financial Assessment using a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process Method
Yousef Taleby Mohammadreza Vatanparast Keyhan Azadi -
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241 - Long term impacts of ground skidding on structure of soil macrofauna associations in Hyrcanian Beech Forests
D. Kartoolinejad A. Najafi M. Shayanmehr -
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242 - Application of shrimp skin waste in green synthesis of polymer nanocomposite containing iron oxide nanoparticles to remove chemical toxins from water sources
Roya Behrooz Dadkhoda Ghazanfari nahid Rastakhiz Enayatollah Sheikhhosseini Sayed Ali Ahmadi -
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243 - Designing Optimal Banking Model Based on Customer Service
Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini Tooraj Sadeghi Ali Hosseinzadeh Mehdi Zirak -
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244 - A New Dynamic Nursing Workforce Planning Considering Skills Required at the Different Organizational Hierarchy: An Optimal Control Method
Shila Monazam Ebrahimpour Fariborz Rahimnia Alireza pooya Mohammad Mahdi Farahi Morteza Pakdaman -
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245 - The Impact of E-Satisfaction on E-Loyalty Moderated by Customer Perceived Risk and Skill (Case of Mashhad’s Mellat bank)
Seyed Mojtaba Moussavi Neghabi Yousef Ramezani Bahare JabarZade Nouri -
Open Access Article
246 - The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on Adaptation and Resiliency of young couples
Monireh Pourfarahani Najmeh Moradian Fatemeh Zamani nia Ali Kimiaee Hamidreza Aghamohammadian Sharbaf -
Open Access Article
247 - The Effect Of Communication Skills Training On Intimacy And Mental Health Among Participant Couples In The Premarital Counseling
Ali Javad Chavoshi Pagah Seidi -
Open Access Article
248 - The Effectiveness of Group Marital Skills Education Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Woman’s Mental Well-Being, Irrational Communication Beliefs and Intimacy
Hakime Kheiry Mahnaz KhosroJavid Reza Soltani Shal -
Open Access Article
249 - The Effectiveness of Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills on Communication Styles and Emotion Expression in Women with Marital Dissatisfaction
Nooshin Nabizadeh Maryam Gholamzadeh Jofreh -
Open Access Article
250 - The Effectiveness of Spiritual Skills Training on Female Student’s Aggression
Soroor Sadat Sayyah Marjan Jamali -
Open Access Article
251 - The Role of Mother's Parenting Style, Family's Cultural Capital and Social Skills in Educating the Girls
Atena Davami -
Open Access Article
252 - The effect of life skills training on the anxiety and aggression of martyr,s wives
مهناز Mehrabizadeh Honarmand لیلا Garavand سوره Arzi -
Open Access Article
253 - The Effects Of Life Skills Training On The High Schools Girl Students' Spiritual Intelligence
M. S. Asadi اصغر Aghaeie S. H. Atashpour -
Open Access Article
254 - Relationship of Social Skills and Religious Beliefs with Emotional Divorce on Client Women Referring To Ahvaz Psychological Consultant Centers
Adel Fouji Farah Naderi -
Open Access Article
255 - Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Shyness Reduction in Female Students
علی Yasinifarid مهدی Ghyasizadeh معصومه Nesarvand-Barati -
Open Access Article
256 - The Effectiveness Of Life Skills Training On Reducing Anxiety Of Divorced Women
عادله Zehtab Nagafi صفورا Salemi -
Open Access Article
257 - The Efficacy of Life Skills Training on Islamic Azad University Female Students’ Mental Health
A. A. Gatezadeh -
Open Access Article
258 - The Relationship of Psychological Empowerment and Communication Skills with Organizational Commitment in Female High School Teachers
رضوان Homaei مهناز Mehrabizadeh Honarmand پرویز Asgary A. R. Heidarie Farah Naderi -
Open Access Article
259 - The effectiveness of the psychological package of pre-marital education on the problem-solving styles of couples applying for marriage
Farshad Zhian Mohammad Hatami Mojgan Ahgah Harris -
Open Access Article
260 - One-pot synthesis of 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted Imidazoles using BiFeO3
Roya Nazarpour Behnam Amiri -
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261 - Soure orange skin as an Adsorption for Azo dyes removal from aqueous media
Parya Nasehi -
Open Access Article
262 - Synthesis, characterization and first application of perovskite LaFeO3 nano particles for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridine derivatives
Melika Eftekhar Iman Khosravi Vahid Jozari -
Open Access Article
263 - The Role of Brainstorming in Enhancing Language Skills: A Meta-analysis of EFL Learners' Speaking and Listening Performance
Ali Hamideh Mustafa Zamanian -
Open Access Article
264 - Impact and Effectiveness of Soft Skills on Critical Thinking and Innovative Behavior of School Principals (With DEMATEL Methodological Approach)
fardin teimorzadeh habibeh najafi -
Open Access Article
265 - Investigating the Level of Social and Moral Citizenship Skills of Elementary School Students
soheila hossainpour Ellahe Hajfatali -
Open Access Article
266 - Investigating the relationship between superficial and in-depth study approaches With self-centered learning skills
habibeh najafi -
Open Access Article
267 - The Effect of Collaborative Teaching Method on the Development of Social Skills in the Social Studies Course of fifth Grade Elementary School Girls
zahra zadsirjan Hamid Sina -
Open Access Article
268 - The effect of educational games in Virtual education on increasing the learning of Persian alphabet in first grade elementary school students
marzieh baghdadi Fatemeh Ahmadbeigi mohamadmehdi radan -
Open Access Article
269 - Designing and Validating a Life Skills Training Model for Elementary Students
Ali Jabbari Zahirabadi Mehdi Shariatmadari yalda delgoshaei fereshteh kordestani -
Open Access Article
270 - Rethinking the content of teaching life skills in the Islamic approach (Case study: Islamic education specialists)
farhad habibi Siros Asadian Sadegh Maleki Avarsin -
Open Access Article
271 - The Effectiveness of Training by Storytelling Method on Social Skills and Academic Performance in "Experimental Science" Subject for Second Grade Students
Seyede Zeinab Moayedi Ahmadreza ojinezhad Fereshte dehghanian -
Open Access Article
272 - The Effectiveness of Multimedia Education on Increasing the Social Skills of Students with Externalizing Psychological Disorders
Mahboobe Taher nasere shakeri Zahra Shahhosseini -
Open Access Article
273 - The effectiveness of social skills training through concept map as teachinng_learning strategy on social anxiety of high school second girl of the city of ahvaz
nasrin khabazian parviz askary -
Open Access Article
274 - The relationship of social skills, hope and spiritual intelligence with spiritual well-being of nurses
sahar Aminalsharieh Narges Khatoon Zabihi Hesari Tayyebeh Hoseini Fakhteh Adib Sara Haghighat Masoomeh Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
275 - The effect of social skills training on subjective well-being, health adjustment and family social function of students
reza Sourani -
Open Access Article
276 - Effectiveness of positive thinking skills training on marital intimacy, hope and family social function
elnaz kazemishafa Elaheh khoshnevis Parenaz Banisi -
Open Access Article
277 - Comparing the Effects of Group Training of Mindful parenting skills on stress and psychological Flexibility in Mothers with Blind Girl students
Fatemeh Sharif mohamady Maryam choramy tayebeh sharifi a hmad ghzanfari -
Open Access Article
278 - Investigating the Effect of Positive Thinking Skill on Professional Ethics and Job Satisfaction of University Staff
Abdolamir gatezadeh -
Open Access Article
279 - The effect of social skills training on mental health, life quality and social adjustment of mothers with mentally retarded boy students
Ali Reza Farhang Isfahani Mitra Farhang Isfahani Sayyedeh Elham Mokhtari Yousefabad Tayebeh Ebadi Sara Haghighat -
Open Access Article
280 - Comparison of the effectiveness of social competence training and social skills on social anxiety, social adjustment and social intimacy teenager boy
sasan bavi -
Open Access Article
281 - Modeling the relationship between the age of entering the school on academic achievement with mediating of spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity
paria jangi Afroz GholamAli hasan asadzadeh ali delavar -
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282 - The Effect of Teaching Philosophy on the Child on Self-confidence and Social Skills
Parenaz Banisi Hasan Shams Esfandabad Susan Emamipour -
Open Access Article
283 - Investigate the effectiveness of training of social skills on social security and mental health among adolescents in Ahvaz
Amir Dahanzadeh Mohammad Borna -
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284 - The effect of teaching interpersonal communication skills on improving social relationships and interpersonal conflicts resolution
Sepideh Safarpour Dehkordi Shahrbanoo Tajiki Saeed Razeghi Mohammad Mozaffari -
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285 - The effectiveness of communication skills training on responsibility, social function and problem solving among women headed households’ welfare of Ahvaz city
Zahra Teymoori Jahangir Mirzavandi -
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286 - The effect of social skills training on stress, marital adjustment and social well-being in nurses
Sara Parsaei Hossein Chenarani Asma Fooladi Khadijeh Hatamipour -
Open Access Article
287 - The Effectiveness of Display-Based Communication Skills Training on Shy Students and Social Anxiety in Shy Students
mehdi shomali ahmadabadi naser mohammadi ahmadabadi mohsen saeedmanesh atefe barkhordariahmadabadi fateme aghaeemeybodi -
Open Access Article
288 - Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion regulation training and interpersonal skills training on girls' resilience
Sahar Smaeili alinagi aghdasi amir panhah ali -
Open Access Article
289 - The effectiveness of intimate relationship skills training on marital relationship transparency and divorce tendency in divorce seeking couples
Sara Moshtaghi Aliasghar Asgharnejad Farid Ghodsi Ahghar -
Open Access Article
290 - The Relationship between Mental Well-Being, Metacognitive Skills and Ambiguity Tolerance with Creativity in Ahvaz Azad University Students
najme farhadi birgani alireza heidarie -
Open Access Article
291 - The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training with Islamic Approach on Epistemological Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being of male students
fateme sadat tabatabaeinejad -
Open Access Article
292 - The Role of Social Problem Solving Skills and Classroom Management in Predicting Job Burnout of High School Teachers in North Khorasan Province
Mahnaz Silaneh Kiumars Niazazari Negin Jabbari -
Open Access Article
293 - The effect of life skills empowerment on self-efficacy and academic motivation among adolescents Extreme use of social networks among adolescents Extreme use of social networks
Mousa Rigi Koteh Vali Mehdinezhad Mahmoud Shirazi -
Open Access Article
294 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Social skills training and self- management on Teachers and Parents of Preschool Children on Their Theory of Mind
Maryam Soleimani Hamidinejad Zohreh Musazadeh Khadijeh Abolmaali Al-Husseini Abdul Hassan Farhangi -
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295 - Analyzing the relationship between social health, communication skills and life with women's social security
Ali Asghar Asgharnejad Farid narges tamadini hassan asazadhe -
Open Access Article
296 - Comparing the effect of social skills and life skills (Assertiveness, problem solving and anger control) on preparation for addiction, aggression and substance abuse in ninth grade female students
sasan bavi Soheila Ostad Abbasi -
Open Access Article
297 - Comparison the effectiveness of applied behavior analysis and play therapy on increasing the social skills of mild intellectual disability children
Asma Fooladi Maryam Shokri Fatemeh MohammadAbadi jamal ashoori -
Open Access Article
298 - Causal explanation of children's social skills based on economic capital with regard to the mediating role of family social capital among parents of primary school students in Yazd
alireza sharifi ardani Marzieh Asnanasharieh Elham sharifi ardani Masoumeh Dashtabadi Fatemeh Abdari Tafti -
Open Access Article
299 - Study the effect of cognitive behavior skill on marital Intimacy between married students of Islamic Ahwaz Azad University
Zahra Eftekhar Saadi سوسن Soleymanian -
Open Access Article
300 - A study of the efficacy of problem solving training skills on decreasing test anxiety among freshman high school male students in fourth district of Ahvaz
Koorosh Darabi Asal Azaditalab -
Open Access Article
301 - Critique of the Type of Narrative in the Novel "Headless Palms" by Ghasem Ali Frasat based on the Theory of Jep Lint-Volt and the Model of Labau and Waltski
shahin ghasemi -
Open Access Article
302 - Using formulaic speeches in teaching Persian writing skills to non-Persian speakers
Habib Keshavarz Saeedeh Birjandi -
Open Access Article
303 - The effect of volume fraction and size of Al2O3 nanoparticle on heat transfer and flow characteristics in the heat exchanger with louvered strip inserts
Meysam Pouyanian Ashkan Ghafouri -
Open Access Article
304 - The role of school flexibility in adolescents' social skills (Secondary school for girls in Shiraz)
Kimia Sadat Tabibzadeh Maliheh Taghipour Ali Akbar Heydari -
Open Access Article
305 - The effect of managers' quantum management skills on organizational agility of Ministry of Sports and Youth staff with the mediating role of organizational intelligence
Tayebeh Jame Bozorgi Majid Soleimani Gholamreza Shabani Bahar -
Open Access Article
306 - Presenting the sustainable functional development model of Tehran Municipal Sports Organization based on green merits
Davar Khaksar Boldagi Majid Soleimani Adel Afkar -
Open Access Article
307 - The role of communication skills of wrestling coaches in Hamedan province in the success of freelance wrestlers
Reza Rezaei Javad Shahlaei Bagheri -
Open Access Article
308 - Examination of the components of Sayyid Qutb's political approach in Tafsir Fi-Zalal-e-Qur'an; based on Skinner's intentional hermeneutic method
leda madade hosain khoshdel mofrad mohamad nasehi -
Open Access Article
309 - The relationship between students' problem-solving skills and creativity mediated By self-efficacy: Modelling structural equations
Fatemeh Mahzoonzadeh Bushehri -
Open Access Article
310 - A Study of Structural Model of The Relationship between Knowledge Management Process and Managerial Skills with Mediatory Role of Creative Thinking among Isfahan High School managers and teachers
Ali Shamsi Saeid Rajaii por Reza Hoveida -
Open Access Article
311 - Examining thethe effect of individual initiative and skill variety on employees's creativity with the moderating role of knowledge specificity and creative resource
Hasan Yoosefifar Yaghoob Maharati Mohammadmahdi Farahi -
Open Access Article
312 - The effect of LEGO education on social skills and creativity among deaf children with Cochlear implants
Saeideh Akbari Mitra Rajab boloukat -
Open Access Article
313 - Effects of teaching life skills through Creativity storytelling components elementary
Nahid Karimi Dariush Mehrafzoon Alireza Jafari -
Open Access Article
314 - The comparison effect of extensively thinking skills and self-regulation learning strategies training on creativity (fluidity, initiative, flexibility, expansion) of students
Forozan Amrai Ezattolah Ghadampour Tayebe Sharifi Ahmad Ghzanfari -
Open Access Article
315 - Modeling academic achievement based on the age of entering the school by mediating spiritual intelligence, social skills and creativity in students
Paria Jangi Gholamali Afrooz Alireza Sangani Hasan Asadzadeh -
Open Access Article
316 - Analyzing Dimensions of Teacher Creativity Skills in Philosophy for Teachers from the Perspective of p4c facilitators.
Mostafa Karimi Mohammad Hassan Mirzamohammadi Akbar Rahnama -
Open Access Article
317 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Creativity Teaching Techniques on Architectural Design with emphasis on the process of idea- finding and idea-generation
Mahnaz Talebi Mir Saeed Moosavi Kambiz Poshneh -
Open Access Article
318 - Investigating the effect of life skills training on creativity increasing of primary pupils
Mahmood Azami Alireza Jafari Nahid Karimi -
Open Access Article
319 - Survey of the personality and communication skills in selection of creative veterinary surgeon assistant in Iran
Mahdi Marjani -
Open Access Article
320 - Examining Effective Factors on Mathematical Creativity from Novice Mathematics Learners’ Point of View: Mathematical Knowledge and Skills, and Personality Characteristics
Narges Yaftian -
Open Access Article
321 - The effectiveness of questioning and explaining skills training to teachers on creativity of high school students
Kamran Ganji Hassan Dinarvand Hamid Abootalebi -
Open Access Article
322 - The Effectiveness of Life Style Instruction on Students’ Creativity
Mosa Bandak Hasan Maleki Abbas Abbaspour Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam -
Open Access Article
323 - Evaluation of Business Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Skills of Innovators in the West Country
Majid Daeichini Maryam Eslampanah -
Open Access Article
324 - The Effectiveness of Conflict resolution skills in Tends to be the opposite sex in Single girls
فرشاد پهلوان زاده ژاله رفاهی -
Open Access Article
325 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Group-Based Emotional Couple Therapy (EFCT) and Intensive Communication Skills Practical Training (PAIRS) in Couples Communication Patterns
Morteza Heidari Mohammadreza Safarian Elham Fariborz Gholamreza khoeinejad -
Open Access Article
326 - The Effectiveness of Psychological capital of adolescents
Fateme Khosravi Tahmores Aghajani -
Open Access Article
327 - The Effectiveness of Social-Emotional Skills Training on Behavioral Disorders and Academic Performance of Female Students
Azar Mohamadi Garkani Fariborz Dortaj Alireza Kia manesh -
Open Access Article
328 - Comparison the Effectiveness of Autism Integrated Treatment Program with Family and Multiple Special Skills Training on Self-Concept in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sara Taremi Abdolhassan Farhangi Mohammad Bagher Hobi Zahra Abbaspour Azar -
Open Access Article
329 - The effect of Play in Education on Social Skills and Self-Efficacy of Preschool Children in the Fourth District of Tehran
Fatemeh Naeimi Fariba Hanifi -
Open Access Article
330 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of FRIENDS’s Psychological Education, Short-Term Solution-Oriented Counseling and Aerobic Exercise on Students' communication Skills
Alireza Arkian Mohsen Jadidi Zainab Mihandost -
Open Access Article
331 - Effectiveness of Training Communication Skills with an Emphasis on the Teachings of Islam on Marital Satisfaction and Emotional Divorce in Wives of Veterans in Zahedan
razieh khosravi Fatemeh Soghra Karbalai Herofteh MohammadAli Fardin -
Open Access Article
332 - Comparison of Irrational Beliefs, Communication Skills and Marital Adjustment in Three Generations of Tehrani Women
Sogol Giti Marjan Jafari Roshan -
Open Access Article
333 - The Effect of Teaching Mindfulness Skills Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Based on Depression and Communication Skills of High School Male Students
Zahra Baran Cheshmeh aboutaleb seadatee shamir -
Open Access Article
334 - The Effectiveness of Teaching Mindfulness Strategies on Increasing Failure Tolerance and Depression in Women with Adolescents
Narges Saremipour Parinaz Banisi Saeedeh Zomorodi -
Open Access Article
335 - The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies Training on Increasing the Emotional Maturity of Married Students in Masters
Ali ghorbannezhad -
Open Access Article
336 - A Path Analysis of Factors Influencing the Development of Entrepreneurship Skills and Innovation in Rural Cooperatives of Alborz Province
azita zand Masoumeh Arfaee -
Open Access Article
337 - Investigating the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills with Self-Efficacy and Social Adjustment of Kermanshah Female Students
Zohre Zeraatpishe Susan Laei Faramarz Malekian Sahar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
338 - Comparison of Psychomotor Skills and Social Adjustment in Elementary Students with and without Preschool History
Tahmineh Hosseini Parvaneh Doodman Ashraf Seyed Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
339 - Identifying Executive Challenges of Life Skills Education in Secondary School (A Phenomenological Study)
Tayebeh Ranjbar Ahmadabadi Gholam Ali Ahmadi Mehdi Davaei Alireza Asareh -
Open Access Article
340 - Designing and Validating a Model of Effective Skill Training in Scientific-Applied Center
Hedayat Kia Lashkai Abbas Khorshidi Kamran Mohammadkhani Ali Akbar Khosravi Babadi -
Open Access Article
341 - Identifying the Components of the Fourth Generation University to Improve the Quality of Education and Research in Islamic Azad Universities
Mina Ahmadian Chashemi Kiumars Niazazari Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
342 - Systematic Review of Wound Dressings: A Movement from the Past to the Present
Pouriya Norooz Kermanshahi Graça Soares -
Open Access Article
343 - Artificial intelligence in cancer diagnosis and treatment methods
javad safaei kuchaksaraei -
Open Access Article
344 - Investigating factors affecting customers' trust in the use of electronic banking of Abhar Cooperative Development Bank
Mehrdad Nasiri Parvaneh Nasiri -
Open Access Article
345 - Effectiveness of Language Skills Promotion Package Based on Cognitive Rehabilitation on Cognitive Performance of Children with Specific Language Impairment
پرستو شیرزادی سالار فرامرزی سمیرا وکیلی محمدپارسا عزیزی -
Open Access Article
346 - The Effectiveness of Educational Program Based on Theory of Mind on Social Skills of Students with Mild Intellectual-developmental disability
شادی حاتم پور پریسا تجلی -
Open Access Article
347 - The relationship between family emotional atmosphere and the development of students' social skills and academic achievement
Ashraf Alsadat Hosseini Mirsafi -
Open Access Article
348 - Face Detection with methods based on color by using Artificial Neural Network
Reza Abbasgolizadeh Habib Izadkhah Ramin Meshkabadi -
Open Access Article
349 - Planning Arm with 5 Degrees of Freedom for Moving Objects Based on Geometric Coordinates and Color
Vadoud Asadi -
Open Access Article
350 - Thermal Behavior of Double Skin Facade in Terms of Energy Consumption in the Climate of North of Iran-Rasht
Narges Rezazadeh Hossein Medi -
Open Access Article
351 - The Relationship between basic psychological needs and self-Knowledge with preferred teaching style by mediation role of critical thinking skills of primary school teachers
samira pasbar maryam sameri -
Open Access Article
352 - the effect of teaching coping skills according to CBT based on positive psychology on happiness of the students with adjustment problems.
میترا مصلحی -
Open Access Article
353 - Evaluating and Analizing the content of hadiyehay Aseman in Elementary period, on The basis of critical Thinking skils.
Open Access Article
354 - Investigating the Influence of Social Skills Effectiveness on the Improvement of Teacher-Student Relationship and Educational Performance of Tehran’s Students
عصمت رادمنش اسماعیل سعدی پور حسن اسدزاده -
Open Access Article
355 - The Effectiveness of Social Skills Training with Storytelling on Social Behavior and Loneliness of Students with Aggressive Behavior
Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh Homa Fallah Saravani Fahimeh Imankhah Mahboobe Taher -
Open Access Article
356 - Structural analysis of the relationship between Career decision self-efficacy and Career decision certainty, Mediation planned happenstance skills dimensions
Seyed Sajjad Tabatabaei Hamideh Jahangard -
Open Access Article
357 - The study effectiveness of media literacy education on the critical thinking skills of students
فاطمه کرمانشاهی فریبا عزالدین mehdi badali -
Open Access Article
358 - The effect of pre-marriage workshop of life skills training on quality of life in student couples
Javad Rokni Lemouki Reza Pasha Fariba Hafezi Jamal Shams -
Open Access Article
359 - investigating marketing knowledge and skills the contrastive study between managers, instructors and marketing students
amir rahimpour alireza roohbakhsh -
Open Access Article
360 - Title:Study and Evaluate the effectiveness of non-formal curriculum (extracurricular activities) on social skills of educators at Farhangian University –Mazandaran branch
Said AHMAD HASHEMI Seyedeh Batoul Hosseini -
Open Access Article
361 - An Analysis of Adult Education: Determining the Rate of Literacy Sustainability in Accepted Transition Course Trainees
rafigh hasani -
Open Access Article
362 - The Effect of Writing Skills Training based on “Multi-Dimensional Planning and Multimedia Learning Packages ”on Students' Intuitive Learning Style and Problem Solving
Tayebe ParAzaran Mojgan Abdollahi Fatemeh Parasteh Ghombvani -
Open Access Article
363 - The Effectiveness of Positive Thinking Skills Training on Anxiety in Female Students of Sabzevar Azad University
ali karimi hasan ahadi hassan asadzadeh -
Open Access Article
364 - A study of factors influencing teaching digital generation
parisa farahanimoghadam Afsaneh Zamani Moghadam Nadergholi Ghorurchian -
Open Access Article
365 - Effectiveness of Social-Emotional Learning Training on Academic procrastination and Communication Skills in Female Students
Narges Borzabadi Farahani susan emamipur Mozhgan Sepahmansour -
Open Access Article
366 - The Effect of Organizational Influence Skills on Decision Making Strategies in Mazandaran Province Educational Organization in order to provide a model
ali Dehghan Chachkami farshid zameni mohamad salehi -
Open Access Article
367 - The Relationship between Teaching Skills, Academic Emotion, Academic Stress and Perceived Behavioral Control in Academic Achievement Prediction:
davood mirzaei far nabi nazari fariba monazami tabar -
Open Access Article
368 - Effectiveness of sensory integration program on acceptance sense and social skills in student identified as learning disabled
Hossein Ghamari Givi Saeed Rezazadeh Dariush Azimi -
Open Access Article
369 - Conceptual framework of entrepreneurship clinic with a focus on non-formal education
ghadir fakher fereydoon azma samereh shojaee mahmood mostaghimi -
Open Access Article
370 - Evaluation model of external efficiency of management of industrial fields in the technical and professional branches of education in Fars province
Samaneh Soltani gharghani Hamid reza Motamed Alireza Ghasemi Zad pari mashayekh -
Open Access Article
371 - Identifying and Validating the Components of Teaching Metacognitive Skills based on Quantum Thinking to Student Teachers
Azam Karimi gholtash Qholtash Aliasghar Mashinchi -
Open Access Article
372 - The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on Increasing the school bonding on Secondary school male students
Mehdi sharifi -
Open Access Article
373 - An Investigation on access rate of the secondary and guidance school students with the life skills in Kurdistan province
hasan gharebi zoleikhah gholezadeh -
Open Access Article
374 - A comparison of perfectionism and uncertainty intolerance dimensions in patients with asthma, IBS, and migraine
sedighe ebrahem zadeh hasan ahadi omid rezaei norali farokhi farhad jomhuri -
Open Access Article
375 - The impact of English language skills in the development of entrepreneurial attitudes (For students of English Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University)
hojatallah moradi sanaz mtlabi -
Open Access Article
376 - The study of the relationship between entrepreneurial skills and organizational effectiveness among working martyred and gallantry students in the east of Mazandaran
ahmad valipour hamidreza taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
377 - Predicting social-problem solving based on birth rank and attachment style
khadijeh abolmaali laila kivan abutaleb saadati -
Open Access Article
378 - The study of the relation Between Emotional Intelligence and the Principal's Decision Making in Bojnord middle schools (2007-2008 School year)
batuol ghodusiyan baratali monfaredi hashem askarzadeh -
Open Access Article
379 - The relationship between management skills of managers and their efficiency in the state agencies and head offices in Bojnord in 2008
mahnaz roghani hasan ali bahramzadeh -
Open Access Article
380 - Survey in North Khorasan Province technical and vocational training action for attraction young people to national skill matches
malihe akhtari somayh bshiraan mahdi arefkhani -
Open Access Article
381 - A survey of guidance school teachers knowledge of curriculum development and principles of learning in order to in produce a practical model to increase their knowledge and skills
ahmad valipour ezatallah naderi علی Shariatmadari مریم Seifnaragi -
Open Access Article
382 - The effect of storytelling and role playing on learning social skills by teachable mentally retarded children
robabeh abaresi saeed temuri -
Open Access Article
383 - The investigation of Efficacy of assertive training skills on students attributional style and depression
hasan nozandeh jani naghmeh bagheri masoumeh hemati -
Open Access Article
384 - Effectiveness of education courses in teacher-training programs on promoting Student's knowledge, attitudes and skills at Islamic Azad University, Mazandaran Branches.
Ali Taghipoor Zahir Farshideh Zameni Babak Hosseinzadeh -
Open Access Article
385 - Construction a leadership Skills’ Self - Rating Scale for Management’ students
ali khalkhali -
Open Access Article
386 - surveying and ranking the effective factors on risk taking Entrepreneurs involved in home-based businesses with an emphasis on educating and training the risk taking managers
ebrahim halajean -
Open Access Article
387 - Evaluate the effect of teaching skills workshop on faculty self-assessment and students' evaluation of faculty's performance
ali asghar shojaei ahmad ali foroghi abari narges saadian -
Open Access Article
388 - Study of students’ required skills in information and communication technology for the effectiveness of middle school curriculum courses from teachers and experts viewpoints
زهرا Taleb علی SHariatmadari مریم Sefnaragi -
Open Access Article
389 - Evaluating and Analizing the content of hadiyehay Aseman in Elementary period, on The basis of critical Thinking skils.
hossin karimian faeze nadeghi mohamad seyfi -
Open Access Article
390 - Diplomacy in Iran and Poland During the reign of Shah Suleiman Safavid
A.H Mobayen -
Open Access Article
391 - Analyzing the Impact of Using Multimedia Visual Aids on Iranian EFL Learners’ Oral skill
Fatemeh Mohammadi Sadegh Mahla Rafsanjani Feizabad -
Open Access Article
392 - Two modes of assessment: the case of academicians' writing
Siroos Arefi Rad -
Open Access Article
393 - A Critical Look at World English Textbook Evaluation and Its Effects on EFL Pre-intermediate Iranian Learners' Speaking Skill
Ehsan Hashemi Mohammad Taghi Hasani -
Open Access Article
394 - A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Persian vs. English Subtitled Movies on Listening Comprehension Ability among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
sanaz darvishi Seyed Taghi Andi -
Open Access Article
395 - The Need to Develop Authentic Materials in Teaching Grammar Argumentatively and Communicatively for Iranian High School Students: (Theoretical perspectives)
Aliakbar Tajik Neda Hedayat Neda Gharagozloo -
Open Access Article
396 - تأثیر آواشناسی مصنوعی و روشهای آموزش ریدینگ کل زبان بر املا و تلفظ زبانآموزان انگلیسی ابتدایی ایرانی
Hadi Salehi Nasim Mirdamadian -
Open Access Article
397 - Identifying and prioritizing the dimensions and components of entrepreneurial competence of investment applicants in Iran's free zones
Saeid Rahmani Morteza Mosa khani Davod Samari -
Open Access Article
398 - Analysis of the Impact of Social Intelligence on Social Entrepreneurship
Ali Shaemi Barzaki Hadi Teimouri Maryam Abdi -
Open Access Article
399 - Identify solutions to overcome barriers to women's job improvement in governmental organizations(Case Study: Tax Qazvin)
Zohreh Maleki Mohammad Ataee -
Open Access Article
400 - The Role of Interpersonal Organizational Awareness and Job Adaptability in Developing the Effect of Quantum Management Skills on Managers' Attitudes to Organizational Change
Jafar Beikzad Ali hedayat fasandoz -
Open Access Article
401 - A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Different Skilled Workers
Parviz Fattahi Parvaneh Samouei -
Open Access Article
402 - Machine scheduling for multitask machining
Saleh Yavari Ahmed Azab Mohammed Fazle Baki Mikel Alcelay Justin Britt -
Open Access Article
403 - An Evolutionary Algorithm Based on a Hybrid Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method for the Multi-Mode Multi-Skilled Resource-constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Amir Hossein Hosseinian Vahid Baradaran -
Open Access Article
404 - Occupational competency profile for workers in mechanical industry towards sustainable development
Affero Ismail Arizza Zainal Siti Soleha Razali Norzella Bokhari Reyanhealme Rohanai -
Open Access Article
405 - The Effectiveness of Integrated Education on Communication Skills and Resilience on Mental Health of Parents of children with mental disabilities
Elaheh Sarfarazi Mahdi Nayyeri -
Open Access Article
406 - The effect of communicational skills training on parent-child conflict in boys adolescents with intellectual disability in Yazd
Mehdi Zarei Hossein Abadi kazem barzegar bafrooie morteza omidian -
Open Access Article
407 - Examining the Relationship between Teachers 'Satisfactions of Virtual In-Service Training with Professional Skills
Ghorban Doustdar Razi Sadraddin Sattari -
Open Access Article
408 - The effect of problem solving skills training on self-efficacy and resiliency of preschool teachers of Tehran city
Zahra Mahmoudi Vesali Ghodsi Ahghar Morteza Samie Zafarghandi -
Open Access Article
409 - Comparing the effectiveness of time management and behavior management skills training on reducing academic procrastination in Ahvaz Payam Noor University Students
Abbas Anasspoure Noorali Fharokho Ali Delavar Karim Sevari -
Open Access Article
410 - Predicting Virtual Networks Addiction Based on Students' Feelings of Loneliness, Communication Skills, Social Intelligence, and Emotional Intelligence
Mahdokht Roostazadeh Fatemeh Rezaei -
Open Access Article
411 - The effectiveness of SQ4R reading skills on satisfaction, enthusiasm and academic performance of elementary school students
Mehdi Shomaliahmadabadi Siros Mansoori Atefeh Barkhordari Ahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
412 - The effect of teaching problem-solving skills on self-determination and flourishing among female students of Islamic Azad University
Maryam Feyzbakhsh Vaghef Soleyman Kabini Moghadam -
Open Access Article
413 - The effect of teaching thinking skills on students' life expectancy and social adjustment
Faezanh Veisi faranak mosavi -
Open Access Article
414 - The Effect of Anger Management Training on Communication Skills and Happiness of Male Students the Sixth Grade of Elementary School in Masal City
Farzad Mohammadi Nilash Seyyed Mosa Kafie Masouleh -
Open Access Article
415 - Assessment of life skills with emphasis on the role of Mazandaran University Curriculum
Nasrin Javan Meimanat Abedini Baltork Sirus Mansoori Somayeh Yonesi Khanghahi -
Open Access Article
416 - The study of the effect of teaching of contrastive training skills originated of Quran on reducing anxiety among high school girl student in Ahwaz
Sedigheh Moarefzadeh Mansor Sodani Abdollah Shafiabadi -
Open Access Article
417 - Explaining the Indexes of Communication Skills of Managers and Their Role in Job Satisfaction of Employees
Hasan Zarei Matin Saeid Yousefzadeh -
Open Access Article
418 - Survey the effect of combination the systematic desensitization and studying skills education on students' test anxiety
Younes Fatehi Mohammad Saeed Abdkhodaee Farzad porgholami Mohsen Nazemi -
Open Access Article
419 - The study of impact of Cultural and Social and Erotic capital on body Image among the youth of ages 15 to29 years old in city of Tonkabon
yaghob karamipour Reza Esmaeili Mansour Haghighatian -
Open Access Article
420 - The study assessment life skills students of Islamic Azad University of sari branch
Kiumars Niazazari Fattane Amuei Mohammad. Taghi Maddah Abolghasem Barimani -
Open Access Article
421 - The effectiveness of self-monitoring and self-reinforcement on improving social skills and student`s educational performance with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)
Saeed Teimori Gholamreza Khoeenejad Zhaleh Hematyar Hosein Moameni Mahmouei -
Open Access Article
422 - Surveying the effect of teaching life skills on the increasing of mental health in male students of field counseling and Guidance of Islamic Azad University of Susangerd.
Mehrdad Metani Seyed Reza Mousavi Zadeh Masoud Yaghoobfar -
Open Access Article
423 - The effect of problem-based coping strategies on mothers` stress with learning disabilities children (LD).
Hossein Ebrahimi Moghadam Leila arab Yarmohammadi Maryam Zadbagher seighalani Mohammad Arab Ameri -
Open Access Article
424 - The role of extracurricular academic performance and social skills to high school students
Abbas Gholtash Ahmadreza OjiNejad Tahereh Gandomkar -
Open Access Article
425 - The impact of group discussion education on students’ social skills
esmaeil kazempour Samira Torabnezhad -
Open Access Article
426 - Investigating communicative and information competencies based on teachers’ technology in learning-teaching process
Hassan Rastgarpour Vahid Mansouri Parvin Zolghadri -
Open Access Article
427 - Evaluate the critical thinking skills of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities in the province
mohammad salehi Mohammad Hajizad -
Open Access Article
428 - Study the Situation of Components of Social Competence in Curriculum Design of Sixth Grade, From the Perspective of Teachers
Mehr Hosseini Soheila Zalbeigi -
Open Access Article
429 - Moral intelligence and social skills and academic performance nomadic high school students in Shiraz
Khodamorad Ghermezi Abbas Gholtash Ahmad Reza Ojinezhad -
Open Access Article
430 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Self-Assertiveness and Mental Health among Mentally-Retarded Students
Javad Khalatbari Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi Khadijeh ahbar Taromsari Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh -
Open Access Article
431 - Effectiveness of emotional intelligence on social skill and coping stress style on student of Rasht city
Akbar Hemati Sabet Javad Khalatbari S.Sara Mosavi -
Open Access Article
432 - Effectiveness of training problem solving skills on moral intelligence and self- perception
sariyeh azizi Parinaz Bemisi Hamid Reza Vatankhah -
Open Access Article
433 - Attachment style and social skills of children: The function of mediator emotional intelligence
Elham Ghorbanian Hadi Mohammadlo Mehdi Khanbani Fatemeh Hasanabadi -
Open Access Article
434 - The Effect of Teaching Strategies for Global Citizen on Systematic Thinking Skills in High School Curriculum
Mohammad Hadi Asgari -
Open Access Article
435 - Compare the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction program and study skills training on reducing test anxiety of female students
Sara Kalantarepour kobra kazemianmoghadam -
Open Access Article
436 - Demographic factors affecting the motivations of suicide by self-burnin (hospitalized in burn unit of zare hospital Sari-Iran)
Mansour Latifi Mehar Nader Solimani Reza Nouroz Zadeh -
Open Access Article
437 - Evaluate the critical thinking skills of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities in the province
Mohammad Salehi Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
438 - The effect of creative thinking skills training program on creativity of elementary school students
Elham Tabatabaie -
Open Access Article
439 - The Comparison of the professional skills of professors of Human sciences, Basic Science, Islamic Azad University in Mazandaran Province
Mohammad Hajizad Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
440 - The Effectiveness of Group Assertive Training on Social Anxiety, Academic Success and Social Skills among Male Students of Iranshahar High Schools
Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh -
Open Access Article
441 - Effectiveness of sexual skills education on intimacy and aggression of Married students at Tabriz Azad University
Saba Jediri Abolghasemi Amir Panah Ali -
Open Access Article
442 - Comparing the effectiveness of teaching skills based on attachment model and teaching skills based on imago therapy on hostile documents of women seeking divorce
Zahra Khansari Hassan Toozandehjani Ahmad Zendehdel -
Open Access Article
443 - Marital Satisfaction of Married Women during Coronavirus Epidemic based on Interpersonal Communication Skills and Mind Reading Ability
Shirin Shojaeifar Mahla Zarif Mohtasham Zobair Samimi -
Open Access Article
444 - The study of the effectiveness of conflict resolution skills on willingness and desire to marry and its dimensions in single girls
Farshad pahlavanzade Zahra taghiyar Zhaleh refahi -
Open Access Article
445 - Predicting the self-efficacy of female managers and deputies based on multiple intelligences and social skills
Parinaz Rahimy Amir Hoseinzade -
Open Access Article
446 - The effect of executive performance training on attention deficit and social skills of children with ADHD in Tabriz
Alireza Razmi Masome Azmodeh Akbar Rezaei Toraj Hashemi -
Open Access Article
447 - The effect of Rumi’s integrated didactic model training on parent-child relationships in female students
Fariba Farazi Masoumeh Esmaili Hossein Eskandari Mohammad Hatami -
Open Access Article
448 - Effectiveness of Communication skills training on marital satisfaction and reducing marital conflicts of female students of the University of Medical Sciences
Mina Azarnik Amin Rafiepoor Mohammad Hatami Mahsa Sadat Mousavi -
Open Access Article
449 - The effectiveness of assertiveness skills on the self-esteem and quality of life of ABUSED WOMEN in Yazd
Farzaneh Honarbakhsh Fatemeh-Sadat t Robati -
Open Access Article
450 - Comparing the effectiveness of compassion-based skills training and emotion-oriented skills training on the anxiety sensitivity of women affected by extramarital relationships
Fahime Akhoundi Hasan Tozandehjani Ahmmad Zendehdel -
Open Access Article
451 - Effectiveness of training problem solving skills with social-Cognitive approach Responsibility, Social Adjustment and Social Self-Empowerment in Secondary Girl High School Students In Tabriz
Nayer Dashti Amir Panah Ali Masoumeh Azmodeh -
Open Access Article
452 - The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Life Skills and Logo Therapy Training on Psychological Well-being and Maternal Parenting Stress of Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability
Masoumeh Sarhangi Seyyed Davood Hosseini Nasab Amir panahali -
Open Access Article
453 - The effect of life skills training on self-efficacy and social adjusted of mothers with ADHD children of Mahabad city.
Nazi Pari vahid khodaei -
Open Access Article
454 - The effectiveness training on parenting skills with emotional Self-disclosure, care stress and parental stress of mothers of Autistic children
Asma Rezaye Nasrin Mohaddes -
Open Access Article
455 - The effect of teaching positive thinking skills based on spiritual resources and religious beliefs on resilience and psychological well-being of mothers with autistic children
Abdollah rashidzadea Mansor Beyrami Toraj Touraghashemi Mirmahmod mirnasab -
Open Access Article
456 - A metacombination of aesthetics and organizational sociological analysis
HamidReza Khodadadi-Didani Alireza Sargolzaei -
Open Access Article
457 - Sociology of living styles (production – consumption culture)
Ayoub Youssef Pour Nezami -
Open Access Article
458 - Examining the relationship between social skills and marriage consistency of Tabriz working women.
Kamran Sedaghat Nazli Pour lotfolahi -
Open Access Article
459 - Study of Critical thinking skill of Students of Rehabilitation in the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (2012-13)
Hamid Sabzi Khoshnami Zeynab Abazari Golamreza Ghaed Amini Davood Ghasemzadeh -
Open Access Article
460 - The relationship between social acceptance and skill among students of Islamic Azad University of Shabestar
masoume faridi sani -
Open Access Article
461 - Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Organizational Commitment and Communication Skills of Public Relations Officers of Tabriz Public Organizations
Javad Ahangari Safar Hayati -
Open Access Article
462 - The study of the relationship between managers’ communicational skills and perceiving the organizational justice with job satisfaction among the employees of Sahand Technical University
Nahid Mostafayi Mehran Samadi -
Open Access Article
463 - Examining the relationship between social skills and self-confidence in runaway girls.
Mohammad Reza Iravani Jafar Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
464 - Position jurisprudential asking for need from the holy figures and relationship it whit monotheism in worship
Roghayeh Shamsi سعید حسن زاده دلگشا yaghoub pourjamal -
Open Access Article
465 - The Relationship Among Iranian Advanced EFL Learners’ Speaking, Writing, And Grammatical Competence
حامد ضرابی نیما یمرلی نادیا قرنی -
Open Access Article
466 - Investigating the Effects of Scaffolding Genre Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategy Use on EFL Learners’ Academic Writing Skills: A Mixed-methods Study
Masomeh Aghaalikhani Karim Nazari Bagha Shima Ahmadi Azad -
Open Access Article
467 - تاثیر درسکارهای تصمیمی و جورچین بر تقویت توانای های شنیداری و گفتاری زبان آموزان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی
Gholam-reza Abbasian فرزانه چنابی -
Open Access Article
468 - ارتباط میان توانش نگارش در زبان اول و دوم
سعیده آهنگری -
Open Access Article
469 - نقش طرح ذهنی ساز آموزش تاریخچه واژگان در تقویت مهارت خواندن
غلامرضا عباسیان سعید مسکوکیان -
Open Access Article
470 - تاثیر نظرات اصلاحی و نظرات اشاره ای معلم بر مهارت نوشتن زبان آموزان ایرانی
مهرنوش عطاآفرین وصال آیات علی اصغر یوسفی آذرفام -
Open Access Article
471 - بسوی ارائه تعریف عملیاتی از تفکر نقادانه
پرویز بیرجندی محمدباقر باقری پرویز مفتون -
Open Access Article
472 - کاربرد ابزارهای شبکه در یادگیری مهارت نگارش فراگیران زبان انگلیسی: وبلاگ، ویکی و پادکست
فاطمه بهجت مرتضی یمینی -
Open Access Article
473 - تاثیرنوشتن یاداشتهای روزانه برروی مهارت نوشتاری دانشجویان زبان انگلیسی
علی غلامی مهرداد -
Open Access Article
474 - نقش کمکی وبلاگ در دانش لغات ومهارت نوشتن زبان انگلیسی در میان زبان آموزان سطح متوسط ایرانی
پریسا قادری فاطمه بهجت محمد رستم پور -
Open Access Article
475 - مقایسه تأثیر بازخورددهی و نگارش در گروههای توأم با همکاری بر نگارش زبان آموزان
حمید مرعشی سحر حسینی -
Open Access Article
476 - تأثیر فعالیتهای کارمحور بر مهارت خواندن خردسالان ایرانی در سطح مبتدی
ارشیا کیوانفر مونا مدرسی -
Open Access Article
477 - بررسی تاثیر روش اصلاح خطاها توسط همکلاسان بر رشد مهارت نوشتاری
زهره سیفوری -
Open Access Article
478 - اثربخشی گفتمان نقادانه دانشجویان با استفاده از الگوی آموزشی باختین درکلاس مکالمه
فاطمه نیک نژاد ناییج آباد محمدرضا خدارضا داوود مشهدی حیدر -
Open Access Article
479 - ضبط کردن یادداشت های روزانه: تکنیکی برای پیشبرد مهارت گفتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی
مژگان رشتچی بابک خوشنویسان -
Open Access Article
480 - تاثیر یادگیری معکوس رو در رو در مقابل یادگیری معکوس آنلاین برمهارت گفتاری زبان آموزان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی دانشحویان ایرانی در سطح پایین تر از متوسط
مریم میرایی محمدی سید محمد علوی محمد خطیب -
Open Access Article
481 - Effect of extraction time on properties of gelatin from the skin of crucian carp (Carassius carassius)
H. Faghani Langroudi -
Open Access Article
482 - Production of functional beverage of grape juice and lemon skin distilment contained Bacillus coagulans
Z.S. Jaddi A. Ahmadi-Dastgerdi R. Sharafati-Chaloshtori -
Open Access Article
483 - Evaluation of clinical efficacy of homologous Lumpy Skin Disease vaccine against challenge with Iran's circulating virus
Amir Javadi Samad Lotfollahzadeh Gholamreza Abdollahpour Arash Ghalyanchilangeroudi Sirous Sadeghian Chaleshtori -
Open Access Article
484 - Microscopic study of differentiation of the facial skin in Ghezel sheep
سید سجاد Hejazi ایرج Pousty مسعود Taghizadeh حسین Limouii -
Open Access Article
485 - Evaluation of wound healing activity of Echinophora platyloba extract on experimental full thickness skin wound in the rat
ahmad asghari maryam Kardooni -
Open Access Article
486 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training and Interpersonal Skills Training on the Psychosocial Competence of Students of Urmia Girls' Technical and Vocational School
sahar esmaeili Ali Naghi Agdasi Amir Panahali -
Open Access Article
487 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Educational Methods of Reggio Emilia and High Scope on Creativity and Social Skills of Preschoolers in Tabriz City
mohammad soltani alinaghi aghdasi touraj hashemi -
Open Access Article
488 - Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training on Interpersonal Problems and Feelings of Loneliness in Female High School Students in Tabriz
maryam zirakpour namivar saeed najarpour ostadi -
Open Access Article
489 - The Effectiveness of Genius Baby Instructional Multimedia Software on Attitude and Learning of Language Skills in Preschool Children
Somayeh Olayaie Kiumars Taghipour Firooz Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
490 - The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on Communication Skills, Psycho-social Security and Dependence on Social Networks in Female Students with Cyberspace Addiction
saeid sharifirahnmo ayatollah fathi Farhanaz Yazdani Kalibar majid sharifi rahnemo -
Open Access Article
491 - Comparative Study of Critical Thinking Skills of Ph. D. Students in Different Fields of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch
Kobra Namvaran Germi Sadegh Maleki Avarsin Elmira Khan Galdi -
Open Access Article
492 - The Comparison of Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence and Depression in Students with Learning Disabilities and Normal in Elementary Schools at Maragheh city
Ali Naghi Agdasi leyli shokrollahpour -
Open Access Article
493 - Comparison of Social Skills and Test Anxiety in Gifted, Pseudo-Gifted and Normal Adolescent
MARYAM RANGRAZ Mostafa Khanzade -
Open Access Article
494 - Comparing the effectiveness of academic life skills training and motivational self-regulation on exam anxiety
Kobra Allahverdiani Masoomeh Azmoodeh touraj hashemi Khalil Esmaeelpour -
Open Access Article
495 - Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Soft Skills for the Work Readiness of Technical and Vocational Students
Atefeh Khayat Naseri Kobra Namvaran Germi Sadegh Maleki Avarsin Jahangir Yari Haj Atalou -
Open Access Article
496 - Determining the Effectiveness of Spiritual Skills Training On General Health and Anxiety of Female High School Students in Tabriz
Niloufar Broumandzadeh Parviz Karimi Sani -
Open Access Article
497 - Effectiveness of Working Memory Training on Improving Reading Skills in Dyslexic Primary School Students
Farideh Hamidi Marzieh Fayazbakhsh -
Open Access Article
498 - Prevalence of Bullying and Its Relation with Social-Emotional Skills, Problem Solving Skills and Depression in First High School Students
Yousef Asmari Bardezard Behrouz Dolatshahi Ehsane Taheri -
Open Access Article
499 - A study of administrative personnels’ communicative skills status and its relationship with teachers’ satisfaction in education of district one in Ardabil city in 2011
Seyyed Davoud Hosseini-nasab Khatereh Azimi Kohan -
Open Access Article
500 - The effects of the study methods on high school students’ academic achievement in Bonab
Asadallah Khadivi Ali Nagi Agdasi Mahnaz Samadian -
Open Access Article
501 - Effectiveness of Puppet Show on Preschools' Social Skills and Creativity in Maragheh City
Masoumeh Rezaee Seyyed Davoud Hosseini-nasab -
Open Access Article
502 - The statistical population was all employees in car producing factory of Tabriz out of which
Naeimeh Mohebb Somayyeh Sadat Geybi Ali Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
503 - A study of the relationship between school managers’ communicative skills with Parsabad school organizational health in 2007-2010
Davood Hosseini Nassab Kobra Moustafa Pour -
Open Access Article
504 - The Comparison the Effectiveness of Cooperative and Traditional Learning on the Student Communication Skills and Self-Efficacy
Golamreza Golmohammad Nejad Bahrami -
Open Access Article
505 - The Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Skills Training on Executive Functions in Students with Procrastination Symptoms
Nesa Moharrami Bagher Sardari -
Open Access Article
506 - A study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and the educational group managers’ transformational leadership styles in 13th region of Islamic Azad University
Sadeg Maleki Avarsin Davood Hosseini Nasab Mohammad Vafajou -
Open Access Article
507 - The Effect of the Inquiry Instructional Method on the 5th Grade Male Students' Academic Achievement in Experimental Sciences
Sadegh Maleki Avarsin Rozita Mostafa Pour -
Open Access Article
508 - Explaining the relationship between the managers` managerial skills with organizational climate of schools and teachers` job satisfaction from teachers viewpoints
Javad Imani -
Open Access Article
509 - The effect of social skills training on the self-esteem of the third grader female high school students in Tabriz
S. Davood Hosseini nasab Javad Mesrabadi Nahid Aghajanzadeh -
Open Access Article
510 - A Study of hidden curriculum dimensions in first-grade female high-school teachers' method of teaching from the students' point of view
Sahar Alizadeh Niri Yousef Adib -
Open Access Article
511 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Training on Students’Math Anxietyand Self-Regulation
Hassan Garibi Keyfsan Bahari Zar -
Open Access Article
512 - The investigating and comparison of the effectiveness of implementing qualitative descriptive evaluation and traditional evaluation on primary students’ social skills
Yousef Namvar Azam Rastghoo Abbas Abolghasemi Saied Seyf Derakhshndeh -
Open Access Article
513 - The Investigation of relationship between emotional intelligence and Social Skills with the educational progress of the second- grade light school Students in Tabriz, 2009-2010
Sholeh Livarjani Sara Gaffari -
Open Access Article
514 - The Effectiveness of Psycho-Social Training Special for Runaway Girls on Social Intimacy and Loneliness
Sahar Mirghobad Khodarahmi Asghar Aghaei Jeshvaghani Aghaei Jeshvaghani Mohsen Golparvar -
Open Access Article
515 - A study of life skills assessment among first grade high school students
Fariba Karimi Saeideh Fekri -
Open Access Article
516 - A study the Effects of life Skills Instruction on Coping Strategies
Salek Hadadi Rahim Badri -
Open Access Article
517 - Modeling Effective Teaching of Faculty Members Based on Artificial Neural Network Analysis
Maryam Sameri -
Open Access Article
518 - The effectiveness of teaching life skills during pregnancy on pregnant mothers’ mental health
Farideh Golshani Gholam Reza Gholmohammad Nejad Ali naghi Aghdasi -
Open Access Article
519 - Structural Equation Modeling in Teaching Effectiveness of Upper Secondary Level Math Teachers in East of Mazandaran during the Educational Year 2015-16
Hossein Ali Zaraei Ommo Kolsoum Golam Hosseinzadeh Mahdi Charmchian Langroudi -
Open Access Article
520 - The Effect of Metacognitive Skills Training on Improving Creativity and Academic Performance of High School Students
Mahsa Keyvani Asgar Jafari -
Open Access Article
521 - Evaluating elementary school principals` level of professional qualifications and skills and its relationship with teachers` job commitment and involvement
Fatemeh Eslamieh Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi -
Open Access Article
522 - The role of self-development of school administrators in enhancing their performances (A case study: School administrators of Ray city)
Khodayar Abili Javad Pourkarimi Ebrahim Mazari Kobra Khabare Sodabeh B adehban -
Open Access Article
523 - The Effect of Native Language vs. Official Language Feedback on Improving Reading and Writing among Bilingual Students
Ali Afshari Nahid Sadeghi Reza Hanareh -
Open Access Article
524 - Effectiveness of Problem Solving Training on Dysfunctional Attitudes and Irrational Beliefs of Third Grade-High School Students in Sanandaj
Hassan Garibi Sara Javanmardi Changiz Rostami -
Open Access Article
525 - The Effectiveness of Executive Function Training on Symptoms of Anxiety, Attention Deficit and Social Skills in Children with ADHD in Tabriz
Alireza Razmi Masoumeh Azemoudeh Akbar Rezaei Touraj Hashemi -
Open Access Article
526 - The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group training skills in reducing the fear of speaking in public
rahmkhoda javadi Rouhollah Fathi Zeynab Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
527 - A study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-esteem with social skills
Bahram Asle Fatahi Saeed Najjarpoor Ostadi -
Open Access Article
528 - Effectiveness of Teaching Communication Skills on Married Women Quality of Life
Faezeh Fouladi Javad Eghaei Masoud Golamalipour Sanaz Barzegar Kahnamoueh Raziyeh Jalvani -
Open Access Article
529 - The Comparison of gross and fine motor skills between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal students
Hassan Sepehry Ahmad Farrokhi Soghra Ebrahimi sani -
Open Access Article
530 - The Effectiveness of Social-Emotional Skills with YCDI on Behavioural Disorders and Academic Performance of female high school students of district 1 Tehran city
Azar Mohamadikarkani fariborz dortaj Alireza Kiamanesh -
Open Access Article
531 - The study of the vocational intermediate curriculum role in career empowerment of students of low intelligence
Maryam Seifnaraghi Ali Shareatti Eazatollah Naderi Masomah ulsadat Abtahi -
Open Access Article
532 - A study of investigating and comparing the effectiveness of implementing qualitative and descriptive evaluation and traditional evaluation on elementary school students’ social skills
Yousef Namvar Azam Rastgoo Abas Abolghasemi Saeid Seif Derakhshandeh -
Open Access Article
533 - Emotional Intelligence and Its Relevance to Foreign Language Students Anxiety
Saeideh Ahangari Afshin Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
534 - The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on Academic Motivation and Academic Adjustment of High School Students
jafar bahadorikhosroshahi Ramin Habibi Kaleybar -
Open Access Article
535 - Life Skills Training in Vocational Schools: An Essential and Effective Strategy to Reduce Aggression and Bullying
Mansoureh Hajhosseini Mohammad Khorsandi - Shirghan Saeid Zandi -
Open Access Article
536 - The Effect of Teaching Critical Thinking Skills on Iranian Advanced EFL Learners' Motivation
Parvaneh Rajati Nasrin Hadidi Tamjid Saeedeh Ahangari -
Open Access Article
537 - An investigation of the relationship between gifted and normal female high school students’ emotional intelligence and social skills in in Khoy Township in 1388-89
Shoaleh Livarjani Gholamreza Goolmohammad Nighad Masomah Gasem Shahanagi -
Open Access Article
538 - A Basic Model of Sustainable Development Decision-Making in Education Policy (an Approach to Improve Productivity)
Habibullah Zaman nejad Karamallah Daneshfard Seyed Alireza Azghandi Majid Tavasoli Roknabadi -
Open Access Article
539 - Human Resource Empowerment via In-service Training
Mahdy Karroubi Mehrdad Mattany -
Open Access Article
540 - A Comparison of Communication Skills and Life Quality between Physically Active and Physically Inactive Academic Staff Members of Islamic Azad Universities in East Azerbaijan Province
Shaghayegh Hashemi Motlagh Seyyed Amir Ahmad Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
541 - A study of the relationship between the heads of Imam Khomeini relief committees' personality traits (extroversion-introversion) with their professional skills throughout the country
Alireza shirvani Abolgasem Rastgar -
Open Access Article
542 - Investigating the relationship of managers’ communicational skills with employees’ organizational commitment in Tehran rahboard Software Company
kamaleddin rahmani -
Open Access Article
543 - Relationship between Employees΄ Work-life Quality and Human Power Productivity in Islamic Azad University Branches of Salmas, Khoy, and Urumia
Davvod Paydarfard Yadollah Abbaszadeh Mohsen Fanni Karim Hamdi -
Open Access Article
544 - The Effect of Managers’ Moral Intelligence on Their Communication Skills in the Social Welfare Organization
Gholamreza Esgandare Karim Esgandare Jafar Bikzad Shima Kordbache -
Open Access Article
545 - A Study of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Performance in Bahman Industrial Group
Soleyman Iranzadeh Asadollah Khadivi Maryam Mashatzadegan -
Open Access Article
546 - Effectiveness of Stress Management Training on Mental Health, Job Satisfaction and Quality of Sleep of Day Work and Shift Work Employees of Tabriz Petrochemical Company
Nader Moghadam Dizaj Herik,Bahram Bahram Asle Fattahy Houshang Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
547 - Investigate the relationship between managerial skills and group effectiveness
Sadegh Zakariaie Heresh Soltanpanah Adel fatemi -
Open Access Article
548 - Measuring chance and skill of the manager’s performance assessment in the investment companies.
Mahdi Moradi Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani Mohammad Reza Behmanesh -
Open Access Article
549 - Investigation of skin toxicity in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy
Mohammad Bayatzadeh Sharifeh Shahi -
Open Access Article
550 - بررسی تأثیر برگزاری کارگاه آموزشی مهارتهای تدریس بر عملکرد تدریس اساتید در کلاسهای درسی دانشجویان دانشگاه
علی اصغر شجاعی احمد علی فروغی نرگس سعیدیان -
Open Access Article
551 - رابطه مهارتهای فراشناختی و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
محمد صالحی فرزانه میرزاخانی -
Open Access Article
552 - مطالعه ارتباط بین مهارت زندگی و سلامت ذهنی افراد
محمدحسن شربتیان لیلا رشیدی طرقی -
Open Access Article
553 - Is there any relation between time management skills with working life quality
mahboube soleimanpouromran -
Open Access Article
554 - The effect of social and communication skills training in reducing high-risk behaviors of adolescents
Neda Fadaee Gholamreza Jafarinia Moloud Keykhosrovani -
Open Access Article
555 - The Effectiveness of Positive Thinking Skills Training on the Positive and Negative Affection and Perfectionism of High School Students in Fereydunkenar City
Leila Babaei Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
556 - The Necessity for Psychosocial and Social Perspective in Education: A Quantitative Study of Life Skills among the Young Iranian Married Clients
Elham Dindar Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
557 - Sociological Explanation of Critical Thinking as an Effective Way of Teaching English Reading Skill among Young Iranian EFL Pre-Intermediate Learners
Maryam Kaviani Davood Mashhadi Heidar -
Open Access Article
558 - The Effect of Information and Communication Technology on the Skills of the Third Grade of High-School Students
Housain Daeizadeh Vahid Fallah Babak Housainzadeh Housain Ali Housainpour -
Open Access Article
559 - Architecture Education, Development of Intellectual and Cognitive skills of Preschool Children
Anahita Eskandari Fahimeh Motazedian Ahmad Mirza Kouchak Khoshnevis -
Open Access Article
560 - Analysis of Love in Lyrical and Epic Literature based on Ferdowsi Shahnameh and Rostavoli Knight in the Panther Skin
Ayda Hayatimehr Fereydoun Tahmasbi -
Open Access Article
561 - بررسی رابطه آموزشهای ضمن خدمت با مهارتهای مدیران (مطالعه موردی: دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مناطق هشت و دوازده)
مرضیه محمدی امین نیک پور -
Open Access Article
562 - Effect of different yield functions on computations of forming limit curves for aluminum alloy sheets
Farzaneh Moosavi Mojdeh Erfanian Ramin Hashemi Reza Madoliat -
Open Access Article
563 - X-ray peak broadening analysis in LaMnO3+δ nano-particles with rhombohedral crystal structure
Ahmad Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
564 - Climatic Classification for Hormozgan Province Based on Litynski Method
صدیقه پرون صدیقه پرون غلامرضا یاوری غلامرضا یاوری مریم رضازاده مریم رضازاده -
Open Access Article
565 - Economic and technical evaluation of ground skidding in the logs exploitation system with Timber Jack and Clark Ranger
farshad keivanbehjo zeynab poorgholi -
Open Access Article
566 - Economic Evaluation LTT-100A skidding system in upward
نجیبه Gilanipour حمید Arya -
Open Access Article
567 - Evaluation of some primary and secondary metabolites of medicinal plant Proveskia abrotanoides Karel. in different phenological stages
Somaye Sabbagh Maryam Niakan Ibrahim Gholamali pour Alamdari -
Open Access Article
568 - Ethno pharmacology and investigation secondary metabolites of Perovskia abrotanoides Karel. in two natural regions, North of Iran
معصومه Mazandarani مایا بیک BeykMohammadi هومان Bayat -
Open Access Article
569 - Phytochemical Study of Ethanolic Extract of Fraxinus excelsior L. in Different Habitats of Hyrcanian Forests in Mazandaran Province
Masoomeh Soleimany Rahim abadi seyed mohammad hosseini nar hamid jalilvand seyed mohammad hojatti poriya biparva -
Open Access Article
570 - The effect of foliar application of chitosan and shrimp skin powder on photosynthetic pigments, some growth parameters and essential oil of the medicinal plant Hyssopus officinalis
Fatemeh Khosheghbal ghorabaee َAbdollah Ghasemi Pirbalouti Shekoofeh Enteshari seyed Javad Davarpanah -
Open Access Article
571 - Study on Phytochemical diversity and antioxidant properties of extracts from different populations of Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. in Eastern Alborz
Maryam Farzaneh Atefe Amirahmadi Vahid Poozesh Fatemeh Salimi -
Open Access Article
572 - Investigating the Concept of “Praxis” in Reducing the Gap between Theory and Practice: The Need to Develop “Soft / Political” Skills along with “Hard / Technical” Skills based on Modern Urban Planning Education
Farshad Noorian Mohsen Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
573 - Structural features of La0.55Ca0.45A0.50Co0.50O3 (A = Mg, Mn) nanoparticles over photo-degradation of methyl blue
Hamid Yousefi Ahmad Gholizadeh Zahra MirbeigSabzevari Azim Malekzadeh -
Open Access Article
574 - Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Lanthanum Ferrite Nano-Perovskites in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation
Zahra Ramezani Azim Malekzadeh Mahnaz ghiasi Ahmad Gholizadeh Elham Ghiasi -
Open Access Article
575 - Histopathological effects of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles on skin and muscle tissues of rats
Sepideh Arbabi-Bidgoli Parisa Saberi-Hasanabadi -
Open Access Article
576 - Histopathological study on acute toxicity of nanochelating based silver nanoparticles in mouse model
Seyedeh Mahsan Hoseinialfatemi Abdollah Karimi Fatemeh Fallah Shahnaz Armin Maryam Hafizi Somaye Kalanaki -
Open Access Article
577 - Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Lanthanum Ferrite Nano-Perovskites in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation
Zahra Ramezani Azim Malekzadeh Mahnaz Ghiasi Ahmad Gholizadeh Elham Ghiasi -
Open Access Article
578 - Histopathological study on acute toxicity of nanochelating based silver nanoparticles in mouse model
Seyedeh Mahsan Hoseini-Alfatemi Fatemeh Fallah Abdollah Karimi Maryam Hafizi Shahnaz Armin Somaye Kalanaki -
Open Access Article
579 - Histopathological effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) on skin and muscle tissues of rats
Parisa Saberi-Hasanabadi Sepideh Arbabi-Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
580 - Structural Features of La0.55Ca0.45A0.50Co0.50O3 (A=Mg, Mn) Nanoparticles Over Photo-Degradation of Methyl Blue
Hamid Yousefi Ahmad Gholizadeh Zahra Mirbeig Sabzevari Azim Malekzadeh -
Open Access Article
581 - Analyzing the Main EFL Learners' Writing Problems with Focus on Figurative Language: Metaphor and Metonymy Instruction
Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karim Amir Marzban -
Open Access Article
582 - Effects of Wiki-Mediated Collaborative Writing on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners' Written Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency
Zeinab Cheraghpour Nafiseh Hosseinpour Sajad Shafiee -
Open Access Article
583 - Writing in EFL: Exploring students' perspectives in Syrian high school and university contexts
Batoul Khoja Debasish Mohapatra Madan Sarma -
Open Access Article
584 - Content Evaluation of Iranian EFL Textbook Vision 1 Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain
Maryam Mizbani Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei -
Open Access Article
585 - Development of EFL Learners’ Referential and Expressive Writing Performance: Task-based Instruction vs. Project-based Instruction
Delaram Pourmandnia Ahmad Mohseni Hossein Rahmanpanah Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaeedi -
Open Access Article
586 - Improving EFL Learners’ Referential and Expressive Writing through Task-based Instruction in Academic Context
Delaram Pourmandnia Ahmad Mohseni Hossein Rahmanpanah Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaeedi -
Open Access Article
587 - The Impact of Teaching Corpus-based Collocation on EFL Learners' Writing Ability
Shabnam Ashouri Davood Mashhadi Heidar -
Open Access Article
588 - The Role of Critical Thinking Orientation on the Learners’ Use of Communicative Strategies
Ramin Asadi Jamnani Davood Mashhadi Heidar -
Open Access Article
589 - The Impact of Class Presentation on EFL Learners’ Speaking Development
Masoumeh Toghroli Shahram Afraz -
Open Access Article
590 - Exploring Effects and Learner Attitudes of Gadget-Based Internet Multimedia Reading
Hani Mansooji Ahmad Mohseni Alireza Ameri -
Open Access Article
591 - Exploring the Relationship between Life Quality and Speaking Ability of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
Reza Biria nikoo farhadian -
Open Access Article
592 - Using Foreign Language Learning Factors in Tourism Development in Iran
Ezat Amirbakzadeh Younos Vakil Alroaia -
Open Access Article
593 - Implementation of Hybrid and Pure Problem-based Learning in EFL Context: The case of speaking skill and self-confidence of Iranian undergraduate participants
Jamal Montafej Ahmadreza Lotfi Azizeh Chalak -
Open Access Article
594 - Effect of Storytelling Instruction on Developing Iranian EFL Learners’ Oral Proficiency within ZPD-activated Proximal Context
Maryam Mardani -
Open Access Article
595 - Effect of Awareness of Teacher Education Philosophy on EFL Teachers’ Professional Skill: A Post-method Perspectivization
Ghasemali Azadi Akbar Afghari Bahram Hadian -
Open Access Article
596 - A Study of the Role of Using E-mail in Improving High School Students’ EFL Writing Skill
Mohsen Shahrokhi Shima Taheri -
Open Access Article
597 - Impact of Wiki-based Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy of Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
Zoya Vahedipour Ehsan Rezvani -
Open Access Article
598 - Holistic Approach and Language Teaching: Listening-speaking Development and Self-efficacy in Focus
DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
Ameneh Nejabat Masoud Tajadini Neda Fatehi Rad -
Open Access Article
599 - Online Teacher Quality and TPACK Framework of Knowledge: EFL Pre-service Teachers' Views
DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
Mina Basirat Mahboubeh Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
600 - Task-Based Language Teaching Vs. Conventional Language Teaching: The Case of News Story Writing in EFL Context
Negar Nowroozzadeh Abbas Bayat Abbas Mehrpooya -
Open Access Article
601 - Impact of Computer Concept-Mapping Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: Complexity and accuracy in focus
Jamshid Mashhadi Hossein Ahmadi Payman Rajabi -
Open Access Article
602 - Elaboration on Foreign Language Anxiety in L2 Speaking: A Study of Iranian EFL Learners
malihe Safari Moghaddam Narjes Ghafournia -
Open Access Article
603 - Impact of Online Setting Collaboration through Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL Learners’ Self-efficacy and Oral Skills
Neda Ghabeli Masoud Tajadini Neda Fatehi Rad -
Open Access Article
604 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Using Multiple Intelligence-Based Activities (MIBAs) to Improve Oral-Aural Skills
Marjan Lotfi-Khajouei Roya Baharlouie Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei -
Open Access Article
605 - investigate the relationship between managers' skills and organizational participation and job retention of employees in the treatment management of Kerman Social Security Organization
somayeh bahramjerdi shahin sharafi -
Open Access Article
606 - The effect of Triz skills training on problem solving skills and creativity of the staff of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd
Reihaneh Najar Hadevi Abbas Gholtash -
Open Access Article
607 - The effectiveness of social skills on aggression and tendency to risky behaviors among students
Esmaeil Fadakarzadeh Naser Mohammadi Ahmadabadi -
Open Access Article
608 - Appropriation-Based Syllabus and Speaking Ability: Evidence from Iranian EFL Context
Seyedeh Masoomeh Asaei Ramin Rahimy -
Open Access Article
609 - The comparison of the Effect of Reciprocal Education and Direct Explanation on Problem -Solving Skills and Educational Self-Concept of Female Students
Tahereh Nekooeiyan@gmail.com Ahmad Ghazanfari Maryam Chorami Tayebeh Sharifi -
Open Access Article
610 - Identifying curriculum components based on environmental literacy in the first grade of high school in Varamin city
Afsaneh Saber garekani alireza tajik alaeddin etemad ahari -
Open Access Article
611 - Designing A Problem-Solving Skills Curriculum Model for Preschool Children and Validating It
Shahrzad Sarkhosh Alireza Sadegi Batool Faghiharam Hasan Shabani Gilchalan Rozita Zabihi -
Open Access Article
612 - Curriculum Accreditation Based on Job-Search Behavior in Technical and Vocational Schools
Sadegh Norooz Masarmi Abbas Gholtash mokhtar ranjbar -
Open Access Article
613 - Investigating and ranking effective factors and components on the implementation of Teaching Metacognitive Skills based on Quantum Thinking (quantum thinking)
Abbas Qholtash Azam Karimi Aliasghar Mashinchi -
Open Access Article
614 - Design and Production of Music Educational Assistant and its Effectiveness on the Cognitive and Skill Learning of Music Students in Comparison with Face-to-Face Training
Rashed Mohammadyan Saeid Pourroostaei Ardakani -
Open Access Article
615 - Appropriation-Based Syllabus and Speaking Ability: Evidence from Iranian EFL Context
Seyedeh Masoomeh Asaei Ramin Rahimi -
Open Access Article
616 - Accounting the Growth of in Iran Manufacturing Sector by Emphasizing on ICT
mahmood mahmoodzadeh mirhosein mousavi farzad paknahad -
Open Access Article
617 - Analyzing proverbs of Lori Boyerahmadi based on the level of attention to the components of life-skills
Somayeh Rezaee Sakine Heidari -
Open Access Article
618 - Skin lesion classification from dermoscopy images using color and shape features
hamid reza javadi Hossein Pourghasem -
Open Access Article
619 - Adaptive Neural Network Dynamic Surface Control for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems in The Strict-Feedback Form with Prandtl-Ishlinskii Hysteresis in The Actuator
Mohammad Mahdi Aghajary Mahnaz Hashemi -
Open Access Article
620 - Design and Simulation of a Novel UWB Bandpass Filter with Sharp Roll-Off, Compact Size and Wide Upper Stopband based on a Multiple-Mode Resonator
Seyyed Jamal Borhani Mohammad Amin Honarvar Abdolmehdi Dadgar Pour -
Open Access Article
621 - Modeling, Design and Analysis of a Electrodynamic Levitation System by Considering the Skin Effect
Mohammad Rajabi Sabadani Abbas Najjar Khadabakhsh Ahmad Darabi -
Open Access Article
622 - Blind Source Separation in Farsi Language by Using Hermitian Angle in Convolutive Enviroment
Atefeh Soltani Seyed Hamid Mahmoodian Seyed Ali Hashemi -
Open Access Article
623 - Recreational- Sport Ski Site Selection (case study; Isfahan Province)
امیر گندمکار Fatemeh Daneshvar Noushin Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
624 - Culture in English Language Teaching: A Comprehensive Review of Current Research
Siavash Rokhsari -
Open Access Article
625 - Study on behavior of Concrete Filled Double Skin Steel Tubular Under Torsion and Cyclic Loading
Ahmad maleki reza khalili -
Open Access Article
626 - The Relationship between Students' Assessment of Information Technology Skills and their Employability
Amir Alambeigi Shahla Aghapour -
Open Access Article
627 - The Effect of Faculty Members' Information Literacy on Universities Organizational Agility
Seyed Abdollah Khavari Hamidreza Arasteh Parivash Jafari -
Open Access Article
628 - Teaching Social Skills based on the New Educational Technologies in K12 textbooks
Rafigh Hasani zhyar refaei -
Open Access Article
629 - Effectiveness of flipped Classroom on Meta-cognitive Skills and Educational Motivation in Conservatory Students
zahra vahidi kambiz poushaneh -
Open Access Article
630 - The Impact of Internet Skills on the Professional Skills of High School Teachers in Mazandaran Province
GholamAli Fakhari -
Open Access Article
631 - The Effect of Abacus Mental Arithmetic Training on Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of the Primary School Students
Mana Bazzazi Lemraski Ramezan Jahanian Parisa Irannejad -
Open Access Article
632 - Comparison of the Effect of E-Learning with Traditional Method of Teaching on Student's English Language Learning Skills
Kamran Jabbari Ali Imanzadeh Rana Ahmadzadeh Poornaki Melika Hamrahzadeh -
Open Access Article
633 - The Efficiency of Social Studies Educational Multimedia on the Disabled Students’ Educational Achievement and Social Skills Development
Maryam Behnam Moghaddam Saeed Moosavipour -
Open Access Article
634 - The Effect of Instructional Multimedia on Social Skills Development in Mentally Disabled Grade Five Primary Students in Tehran
Rahim Moradi Parviz Sharifidaramadi Esmail Zarei Zavaraki -
Open Access Article
635 - The Effect of Conversational Teaching Style through Multimedia to enhance the Communication Skills of Impaired Hearing Female Students
Azar Khazai Mohammad Reza Nili Parviz Sharifi Daramadi -
Open Access Article
636 - The Influence of Teaching Based on Fundamentals of Modern Educational Technology on Students’ Life Skills in the Universities of Mazandaran
Ameneh Amanzadeh Boneh Mansur Nugmanov -
Open Access Article
637 - The Influence of IT on Improving Skilled-Based Training in Golestan Technical and Vocational Organizations
Kiumars Niazazari Maryam Sahafi shima sholekar Behrang Esmaeili Shad -
Open Access Article
638 - A Comparison of Information Literacy and Social Skills in Students in Distance Education and Those in Traditional Education
Leila Bakhtiari Bakhtiari Ezatollah Ghadampour Ghadampour Mansoreh Bakhtiari Bakhtiari Ali Akbar Sadin Sadin -
Open Access Article
639 - The Relationship between Information Literacy and Life Skills of Elementary School Teachers
Abolghasem Barimani Seyyed Jalal Rasooli -
Open Access Article
640 - The Effect of Internet Use on Social Skills of Elementary Students
Ebrahim Mohammadjani Maryam Safarnavadeh -
Open Access Article
641 - Identification and ranking of effective factors on technological skills of primary school teachers using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), case study: the city of Gorgan
ali badeleh Mohedeseh Khaje Shirin Pourghaz Abdoljal Tomaj -
Open Access Article
642 - The Effectiveness of Programming Training Using Virtual Environment (Scratch Software) in Improving Programming Skills
Ghazaleh Mohamamdi Keyhan Khamforoosh rafigh hasani -
Open Access Article
643 - The effect of classroom management skills training on organizational performance and behaviors with the mediation of cyber security of elementary school teachers in district 18 of Tehran.
yaser jangi hemmat mohammadnejad -
Open Access Article
644 - Study of the relationship between information literacy and entrepreneurship with the mediating role of social skills of the art students of technical art schools
yaser mohammadinejad hedayat tirgar -
Open Access Article
645 - The Impact of ICT on Entrepreneurship Skills of Educators in Mazandaran Vocational and Training Centers
Mohammad Hajizad Mohammad Salehi Maryam Ghayekhloo -
Open Access Article
646 - The Impact of Using Instructional Software in Improving Students’ Basic Abilities in Arts Curriculum
Hossein Daehzadeh Farshideh Zameni Sayed Ali Hosseini Rookesh -
Open Access Article
647 - Designing an Instrument for Assessing the Students’ Information Literacy at Payam-e-Noor University
Fereidoon Yazdani -
Open Access Article
648 - Relationship between ICT Skills with Self-Directed Components in Students’ Learning Process
Kamian Khazaei Kimia Ashurnezhad -
Open Access Article
649 - Comparing the Amount of Faculty Members and University Students Familiarity with ICDL Skills in Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran
Reza Yousefi Mojtaba Rezaee Rad -
Open Access Article
650 - E-portfolio effect on metacognitive skills students fifith grade area of sari
seyedeh neda bagheri amreh i Vahid Fallah -
Open Access Article
651 - The impact of top management’s support on the Performance of the Melli Banks of Tehran with Mediator role of technology skills and absorptive capacity
Ali Yazdizade Mehdi Namdari Mozhgan Afghanpour -
Open Access Article
652 - Developing Student-Teachers' Content Knowledge and Teaching Skill through a Model of Integrating Problem-Based Learning with Information and Communication Technology
Mehdi Karami Zohreh Karami Mohammad Attaran -
Open Access Article
653 - The survey of Computer Literacy among the Employees of Health Information Management at Birjand Hospitals: 2018
maryam shaabani yosef mehdipour Mahsa Kafash -
Open Access Article
654 - The use of peel extract of pomegranate in apple juice as a preservative against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum and Alicyclobacillus acidoterrstris
zeinab Rezvanifard mohammad reza Eshaghi Mehdi Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
655 - بررسی ترکیب شیمیایی و اجزاء فرار در گیاه برازمبل و پونه سای انبوه رشد یافته به صورت وحشی در ایران با روشهای مختلف
پرویز آبرومند آذز کامبیز لاریجانی نرجس کلانتری -
Open Access Article
656 - بررسی هیستومورفومتریک تاثیر صمغ درخت کاج بر ترمیم زخم پوستی موش صحرایی نژاد ویستار
احمد روزبهانی الهام مقتدایی مصطفی نوربخش -
Open Access Article
657 - گلهای رز ایرانی، یک ضد باکتری طبیعی علیه عامل اصلی عفونت سوختگی پوست، سودوموناس آئروژینوزا
مائده رزقی سید رضا حسینی دوست ژینوس عسگرپناه -
Open Access Article
658 - بررسی بالینی اثربخشی داروهای یونانی بر بیماری های پوستی
موشیر انصاری نسرین جهان عبید علی تنزیل احمد -
Open Access Article
659 - Cryptomnesia and Research Integrity: The Case of TEFL International Postgraduate Students at the Iranian Universities
مسعود طاهری لَرکی -
Open Access Article
660 - Investigating the Effect of Implicit and Explicit Oral Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability: The Interactive Role of Self-Regulation Strategy
نادیا قرنی حامد ضرابی نیما یمرلی -
Open Access Article
661 - One-pot synthesis of tri- and tetrasubstituted imidazoles using nano-LaMnO3 perovskite-type oxide as reusable heterogeneous catalyst in solvent-free condition
Haleh Sanaeishoar Haman Tavakkoli Mahsa Asareh Fouad Mohave -
Open Access Article
662 - Study of acetylation of benzylic alcohols over BiFeO3, Bi0.86Sm0.07Eu0.07FeO3, and Bi0.86Sm0.07Cd0.07FeO3 nano powders
Seyed Ali Hosseini Elham Paknahad Abdolali Alemi Akbar Arkak -
Open Access Article
663 - Study of catalytic performance of LaMnO3 and LaMnO3-ZSM-5 nanocatalysts toward 2-propanol conversion
Seyed Ali Hosseini -
Open Access Article
664 - Oxidation of greenhouse gases, CH4 and CO, over LaMnxNi1-xO3±δ mixed oxide
Farhad Banisharif Mohammad Reza Dehghani Golshan Mazloom Yahya Hojatpanah -
Open Access Article
665 - Effects of strontium and copper substitution on the catalytic performance of LaCoO3 in the combustion of methane: an optimization study
Hamzeh Rezaei Shadegan Sarah Maghsoodi Bijan Ghanavati Amirhossein Shahbazi Kootenaei Alireza Azimi -
Open Access Article
666 - MgO support mediated enhancement of La2BMnO6 (B = Co, Ni) perovskite oxide in catalytic combustion of propane
Hamidreza Roozbahani Sarah Maghsoodi Behrouz Raei Amirhossein Shahbazi Kootenaei Zoha Azizi -
Open Access Article
667 - The Effect of Life Expectancy on the Life Skills of Women in the City..
Mehri Ghorbanian mansor haghighatian Seyedali Hashemianfar -
Open Access Article
668 - The Effects of Hopefullness on Life skills of Urban Women
Mehri Ghorbanian Seyedali Hashemianfar -
Open Access Article
669 - Application of Exp-function method to the (2 + 1)-dimensional Calogero Bogoyavlanskii Schiff equation.
Z. Ayati J. Biazar -
Open Access Article
670 - The Influences of Adding Polyethylene Glycol and Activated Sodium Bentonite on the Performance, Blood Parameters, and Muscle Mineral Content of Saanen Goats Fed Pistachio Byproducts
M. Kordi A.A. Naserian F. Samadian -
Open Access Article
671 - Thermoregulatory Mechanisms of Jersey Adult Cattle and Calves Based on Different Body Sites Temperature
ی. بدخشان م.ر. محمدآبادی -
Open Access Article
672 - بررسی کیفیت پوست و ویژگیهای فیزیکی چرم براساس سن، جنس و محل قرار گرفتن در بدن در بزهای پرورش دادهشده در مناطق نیمهمرطوب و مرتفع
م. صالحی ا. لواف ط. فرهوش -
Open Access Article
673 - Presenting a Paradigmatic Model of Organizing the Teriphery of Kerman city
amanolah jamshidi kamal javanmard mehrdad navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
674 - .Survey of Pedagogical theories for Children in One Story of Bustan Based on Russell’s views
AbasAli Vafayi Mehrdad Akbari Gandomani MehdiReza Kamali Baniani -
Open Access Article
675 - Dual variables of government consolidation and decline from Saadi's point of view based on Skinner's hermeneutic theory
Ali Asmand junegany -
Open Access Article
676 - Content analysis of general skills in marital and familial life in Saadi's Boostan
MARYAM Fatehizade SAHAR Khanjani Fatemeh Bahrami -
Open Access Article
677 - Proposing a New Speech Enhancement Method based on Spectral Subtraction and Binary Masking With a Bank of 128 Gamma-tone Filters
Mozhgan Monjizade Saeed Ayat -
Open Access Article
678 - Study of the most important skin tumors in domestic animals
somayeh monazzah-harsini -
Open Access Article
679 - Report crustacean parasite infection Lernaea in warm water fish breeding farms, the city of Shushtar and treatment method Multiple treatment option
seyed reza mousavi Ali bagherpor Behnaz Nickafraz -
Open Access Article
680 - Traditional remedy of local application of raw garlic on the metacarpal region of horse for reduction of tissue inflammation: extensive skin injury creation
Abolfazl Barzegar Bafrouei Moosa Javdani Zahra Nikousefat Jahangir Modaresi Jamshid Kabiri -
Open Access Article
681 - The Study of skin pathological changes in goldfish (Carassius auratus) in Ahwaz, Iran
S. Peyghan نگین Salamat -
Open Access Article
682 - Explaining Effective Factors on Entrepreneurship Skills Development in Rural Family Businesses Based on Villagers Perspective (Case Study: Boukan County)
Anvar SHANGA Loghman Rashidpour Solieman Rasouliazar -
Open Access Article
683 - Keeping Quality and Vase life of Carnation cv. ‘Eskimo’ as Influenced by Different Chemicals
Malik Abid Mahmood Ahmad Sattar Khan Naveed Ahmad Misha Arshad -
Open Access Article
684 - Factor Analyses the Management Skills in Development of Organic Agriculture in West Azerbaijan Province Farms
Solieman Rasouliazar Maryam Sadeghi Nouraldin Shayesteh -
Open Access Article
685 - Analysis Mechanization Skill of Wheat Farmers in Khoramabad Township, Iran
Namdar Sayadi -
Open Access Article
686 - The Impact of Ethical Competence on Training of Human Resources from Perspective of Islamic Azad University Teachers in West Mazandaran
Samira Ehsani Farshideb Zameni Mohammad Salehi -
Open Access Article
687 - Studying the Necessities and Gaps in Teaching Skills of Students
saeid shafei -
Open Access Article
688 - A study about the Relationship between Family social status and Level of motion development in Children 3-4 Isfahan city
مجتبی شاهنوشی نعیمه قاسمی -
Open Access Article
689 - Study of the role of life skills training on the quality of social relations and behavioral health of adolescents of the Correctional Center in Tehran
Mitra Narang Mehdi Zare -
Open Access Article
690 - بررسی میزان اثربخشی دورههای آموزش کارآفرینی در استان ایلام
همایون مرادنژادی -
Open Access Article
691 - میزان سلامت اجتماعی زنان روستایی و عوامل موثر بر آن(مطالعه ی موردی: زنان روستایی بخش قلعه شاهین استان کرمانشاه)
سمیه شهبازی علی اصغر میرک زاده Amirhossein Alibaygi -
Open Access Article
692 - ارزیابی اثرات مهارتهای فراشناختی و خودراهبر بر پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان کشاورزی در ایران
مسعود بیژنی علیاکبر رئیسی ناصر ولیزاده نگین فلاححقیقی مریم نیسی -
Open Access Article
693 - تبیین عوامل موثر در اثربخشی فروش به روش کیفی«تئوری زمینهایی» (مطالعه موردی صنایع غذایی)
محمد جوان بخت ابراهیم چیرانی سید محمود شبگو منصف -
Open Access Article
694 - عوامل موثر بر مهارت های مدیریت باغداری در بین مرکبات کاران
مهدی علیخانی دادوکلایی مهدی چرمچیان لنگرودی امیر ضامنی -
Open Access Article
695 - Analysis of the effect of sustainable human resource management and industry progress on employees' employability skills (Study case: University of Sistan and Baluchistan)
abdolali keshtegar Asma Salehi abdulwasi sadat -
Open Access Article
696 - Investigating the effect of management skills on the tendency to succeed the administrators of tax affairs in Hamadan province
ameneh malmir hosein torabi -
Open Access Article
697 - Designing of the Human Resource Model of the country's banking system in1404
Alireza Sohrabi hassan givarian gholamreza memarzadeh tehran -
Open Access Article
698 - Designing an organizational excellence model with a skill-learning approach(Case of study: hospitals affiliated with medical sciences universities of Iran)
Mohamad ali Adish Hadiseh Ramzanifar -
Open Access Article
699 - Meta-Synthesis of Critical Thinking and Spiritual Intelligence of the Employees of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran
Alireza Sargolzaei Hamidreza Khodadadi Didani -
Open Access Article
700 - Modeling and solving multi-skilled resource-constrained project scheduling problem with calendars in fuzzy condition
Sama Ahmadpour Vahidreza Ghezavati -
Open Access Article
701 - Comparative study of students' information literacy level (Case study: male and female high school students in Ardabil)
Ali Asghar Kia Hosein Barzeghar shahriar gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
702 - The role of the data librarian in scientometrics and related fields
amirreza asnafi Sajedeh Abdi -
Open Access Article
703 - Investigating the Relationship between Demographic Characteristics and Communication Skills of Public Library Librarians (Case Study of Khuzestan Province)
Zohreh Mirhosseini morad dastaran Fereshteh Sepehr -
Open Access Article
704 - Investigating the Relationship between Information Literacy and Organizational Creativity: A Case Study
tooran bagheri Malihe Baviran -
Open Access Article
705 - Meta Synthesis of librarians' information and communication skills to improve public library services (Case study: Khuzestan province)
morad dastaran Zohreh Mirhoseini Fereshteh Sepeher -
Open Access Article
706 - The level of students’ information literacy based on the information literacy standards for the higher education students (ACRL)
Nayyer Taraghikhah Mahboobe Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
707 - Determining the professional and personal competences of managers of Iranian provincial Governorates’ libraries from the viewpoint of the managers and Library and Information Science professors
Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam Tooran bagheri Bahman Saeidipour -
Open Access Article
708 - A study of network skills of M.A students in Payam-e Noor University of Dezful as a factor affecting e-learning in part-time and remote education
sepeedeh ghalambaz sodabeh ghalambaz -
Open Access Article
709 - The Effect of Library Skills Instruction and Library Tours on Library Anxiety among Students
Mohammadamin Erfanmanesh Reza Basirian Jahromi -
Open Access Article
710 - Comparative study on communication skills of Bushehr academic librarians
Shohreh SeyyedHosseini Abdolrasoul Khosravi Reza BasirianJahromi -
Open Access Article
711 - A survey on Information Literacy of the bachelor senior students in Arak University of science and technology in digital environment (during 2008- 2009)
elham miri Mozaffar Cheshmeh Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
712 - A survey on the information seeking skills of the students of Amirkabir University of Technology
haniye ghavam -
Open Access Article
713 - A Survey on strategy and information seeking skills of the students of Payame Nour University- Qom branch
saeed ghaffari -
Open Access Article
714 - What kind of test is suitable for measurement of Students’ Information Literacy skills at Payame-Noor University?
Fereidoon Yazdani -
Open Access Article
715 - The impact of the on- service training on job skills of public libraries' staff of Tabriz
Mahsa Yaghmaei Sabegh -
Open Access Article
716 - Therapeutic effect of cold plasma on burnt skin in adult mice
Shadi Dorehlo simin mohamadi Gorji Nasim Hayati Rodbari -
Open Access Article
717 - Review of the photodynamic therapy with the approach of different photosensitizers
Parnia Hemmati Seyed Mehdi Tabaie Mina sadat Naderi -
Open Access Article
718 - Effecting of the hidden layers in Canadian political power
Khastoo Rastegari -
Open Access Article
719 - Barriers to human communication as one of the most influential com-ponents in organizational behavior Case study: Employees, middle managers and deputies of one of the strata of the Basij organization for the underprivileged
Hossein Ghadiani -
Open Access Article
720 - the effect of short time skill training on the behavioral Competencies of kindergarten teachers in Minoudasht
mehdi jafaryan -
Open Access Article
721 - Catalytic evaluation of ceria supported LaCu0.3Mn0.7O3 perovskites in reduction of NOx in automobile exhaust
parastoo Delir kheyrollahi Nezhad Aligholi Niaei Ali Farzi Bernhard Kloetzer Simon Penner -
Open Access Article
722 - A comprehensive review of corrosion prevention methods for perovskite solar cells
Majid Mirzaee Tayyebeh Mohebbi Alimorad rashidi -
Open Access Article
723 - Design and manufacture of electrospun wound dressing based on polyvinylpyrrolidone fibers modified with aloe vera compounds for the treatment of skin edema
seyedeh Shadi Amini Dehkordi Nargess Aghamohamadi Javad Shabani Shayeh -
Open Access Article
724 - Investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence and motivation to learn practical courses in architecture Case Study: Practical lessons. Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University - Rudehen
َAmirhosein Mostoufizadeh Azhari Gholamhossein Naseri Mouhsen Baghdadi -
Open Access Article
725 - Effects of End Sill and Step Slope on Stepped Spillway Energy Dissipation
Amirmasoud Hamedi Abbas Mansoori Abolfazl Shamsai Sepideh Amirahmadian -
Open Access Article
726 - Identify and prioritize staff stagnation factors based on EFA approach Case study; General Departments of Sports and Youth of the Northwestern Provinces of the Country
مصطفی شکاری حمید قاسمی عباس خدایاری -
Open Access Article
727 - Analyzing the Relationship between Political Skills and Pro-Social Rule Breaking Among Sports Managers with the Mediator Role of Assertiveness
Davood Nasr Esfahani somayeh rahbari Ruhollah Ramyar -
Open Access Article
728 - Investigating Emotional Intelligence Relationship and Social capital among Researchers Working in IRIB Research Center
طاهره Feizi سعید Abedini -
Open Access Article
729 - Reciprocal-Scaffolding Effects on EFL Learners' Oral Skills and Their Self-Efficacy
Marziye Sabzevari Neda Fatehi Rad Massoud Tajaddini -
Open Access Article
730 - مطالعه مقایسه ای مبتنی بر نگرش و جنسیت از تاثیرگذاری ارزیابی فعالیت محور و ارزیابی قدیمی بر درک مطلب فراگیران ایرانی
Mojtaba Aghajani حمیدرضا خلجی Abbas Bayat -
Open Access Article
731 - Computer-based Feedback through Grammarly: Impact on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Skills and Attitudes
Mohden Ashrafganjoe Mohammad Javad Rezai Seyede Elham Elhambakhsh -
Open Access Article
732 - Effect of Multiple Intelligence-based Activities on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Performance
Mozhgan Madhkhan Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei Mohammad Reza Talebinejad -
Open Access Article
733 - An investigation of the effects of prefabricated patterns or collocations upon the enhancement of Iranian EFL learners’ writing skill level
Mehdi Yaghoobi Mehdi Haseli Songhori -
Open Access Article
734 - Effect of Problem- Based Learning on Iranian EFL Learners' Argumentative Writing Performance
Somaieh Abdollahzadeh Saeideh Ahangari Mahnaz Saeidi -
Open Access Article
735 - اثرمفهوم سازی و تحلیل متن به عنوان راهکارهای تفکر انتقادی بر درک مطلب فراگیرندگان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی سطح متوسط با لحاظ جنسیت: الگوی تفکر انتقادی الدر و پل
سرور پروین نژاد Valeh Valipour رامین رحیمی -
Open Access Article
736 - Impact of Competency-based Approach on Writing Skill and Motivation of Pre-service EFL Teachers
Afshin Moradi Koochi Fariba Rahimi Esfahani Sajad Shafiee -
Open Access Article
737 - روان پویایی پیشرفت مهارت های نوشتاری زبان آموزان: آیا روشهای ارزیابی پویا اهمیت دارد؟
Seyed Hamed Etemadi Gholam-Reza Abbasian Abdollah Baradaran -
Open Access Article
738 - Impact of Collaborative Writing Through Google Docs on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners' Written Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency
Zeinab Cheraghpour Nafiseh Hosseinpour Sajad Shafie -
Open Access Article
739 - مدلی مبتنی بر ژانر برای خلاصه نویسی زبان آموزان زبان انگلیسی و نگرش زبان آموزان نسبت به آن: مطالعه روش های ترکیبی
Elnaz Shoari Nader Assadi Hanieh Davatgari Asl -
Open Access Article
740 - Systemic Functional Linguistics as a Tool of Text Analysis for Translation
Ehsan Najafi Dehkordi -
Open Access Article
741 - دیدگاه معلمین ایرانی آِیلتس و تافل آی بی تی درباره ساختار بخش های ادراکی و تولیدی این دو آزمون از منظر اصول ارزیابی پویا و ایستا
Arezoo Daneshvar Mohammad Bagheri فیروز صدیقی Lotfollah Yarmohammadi Mortaza Yamini -
Open Access Article
742 - Hypermedia in an EFL Context: The Impact on Speaking and Motivation
Seyed Jalal Abdolmanafi-Rokni Hadi Hamidi -
Open Access Article
743 - A Summary Writing Model Based on Van Dijk’s Concept of Macrostructure and its Application within the Genre-Based Approach
Elnaz shoari Nader Assadi Aidinlou Hanieh Davatgari Asl -
Open Access Article
744 - Effect of Holistic vs. Analytic Assessment on Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
Massumeh Hosseini Bahram Mowlaie -
Open Access Article
745 - رویکردی مبتنی بر مهارت برای ارزیابی عملکرد ترجمه دانشجویان زبان انگلیسی
Alireza Bonyadi -
Open Access Article
746 - آموزش نیروی کار آینده: توسعه مهارت های نرم در برنامه های کارشناسی ترجمه در ایران
Sajedeh Sadat Hosseini Gholam-Reza Tajvidi Koen Kerremans -
Open Access Article
747 - تاثیر یادگیری رو در روی پروژه محور بر مهارتهای گفتاری
Maryam Miraei Mohammadi Sayyed Mohammad Alavi Mohammad Khatib -
Open Access Article
748 - Improving Reading IELTS Scores: Completion vs. Selection Tasks
Arshya Keyvanfar Maryam Motlagh Rahmani -
Open Access Article
749 - Assessing Reading Comprehension Strategies under Three Learning Conditions
S. R. Beh-Afarin K. Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
750 - چگونه آموزش صریح و ضمنی فرانشانگرهای گفتمانی رسمی بر مهارت های نوشتاری زبان آموزان تأثیر می گذارد ؟
محمد مقدسی محمد بوالی Fatemeh Behjat -
Open Access Article
751 - Reconstruction vs. Interaction-based Output Practice: (in relation to EFL learner’s speaking skill and learning styles)
Gholam-Reza Abbasian Fatemeh Rahmani -
Open Access Article
752 - آموزش کلاسی معکوس و درسکار محور در جهت تقویت گفتاری زبان آموزان زبان خارجه: از دیدگاه زبان آموزان ایرانی
Mojdeh Shirvani Ahmad Mohseni Gholam-Reza Abbasian -
Open Access Article
753 - بررسی الگوهای تعاملی دونفره در پویایی بازخوردهای همکلاسی فراگیران زبان انگلیسی: با تاکید و تمرکز بر بحث نوشتاری
Ahmadreza Jamshidipour حمید رضا خلجی فرامرز عزیزملایری -
Open Access Article
754 - تحلیل تاثیر استفاده از استراتژیهای فراشناختی بر مهارت نوشتن فراگیران زبان انگلیسی ایرانی
محمدشریف حسینی -
Open Access Article
755 - ارائه بازخورد مبتنی بر رایانه از طریق Grammarly® در کلاسهای رایتینگ
محسن اشرف گنجویی Mohammad Javad Rezai Seyedeh Elham Elhambakhsh -
Open Access Article
756 - محمدشریف حسینی: دکتری آموزش زبان انگلیسی، بخش آموزش زبان انگلیسی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد گچساران
محمدشریف حسینی -
Open Access Article
757 - Teaching Information Structure of Non-Canonical Sentences through a Deductive Vs. an Inductive Approach: Effects on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Products
Hamidreza Sheikhi Bahram Hadian Mehdi Vaez-Dalili -
Open Access Article
758 - استفاده ازعناصر تعاملی توسط نویسندگان علمی تازه کار و ماهر
Moharram Sharifi Biook Behnam Saeideh Ahangari -
Open Access Article
759 - Touba and the Meaning of Night: A Mythical Criticism
Khadijeh Bahrāmi Rahnemā -
Open Access Article
760 - Teaching of Persian Language in Iranian Universities: Appraisal of Teacher Training Program
عبدالرضا سبحانی -
Open Access Article
761 - The relationship between emotional intelligence and communication skills in university students
Farideh Yousefi -
Open Access Article
762 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills Training on Parent-Child Interaction
Mohsen Shokoohi Yekta Ali Sharfi Negin Motamed Yegane -
Open Access Article
763 - The Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on Mental Health
Haidar Ali Hooman Kamran Ganji Ahmad Omidifar -
Open Access Article
764 - A Study of Problem-Solving Styles and Fear of Assertiveness in Adolescents with Conduct Disorder
Nurallah Mohammadi Kobra H. Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
765 - The Effect of Teaching Communication Skills to Mothers of Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder on Enhancement of Parent-Child Interaction
Hamed Maghrebi Sinaki Saeed Hassanzadeh AliAkbar Arjmandnia Mojgan Khademi -
Open Access Article
766 - The Effects of problem solving skills training on test anxiety among college students
Mehrdad Akbari Farhad Shaghaghi Maryam Behroozian -
Open Access Article
767 - The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on the Improvement of Students' Life Quality
Maryam Mahmoodi Kiyanoosh Zahrakar Hassan Shabani -
Open Access Article
768 - The Relationship between Self-Efficacy, Impulsiveness and Social Skills with Substance Abuse
Reza Mir Mahdi Narges Karimi -
Open Access Article
769 - Effectiveness of Group Training of Transactional Analysis on Distress Tolerance and Communication Skills
Reyhaneh Jabbari Mirzahosseini Hassan Samaneh Sadegh Mahboob -
Open Access Article
770 - The effectiveness of life skills training on assertiveness and social desirability of students
Vahid Sarmadi Soltan Farshad Zareei Miankali Hossein Salimi Bejestani -
Open Access Article
771 - Comparing the Efficacy of the Behavioral Therapy methods with Speech Therapy on the Development of Children’s Communicative Skills
Shima Jarahi Hamid Nejat -
Open Access Article
772 - comparing social skills and psychological problems of bully,victim,and not-involved students
Esmaeil Shiri Mostafa Valipour Mohammad Ali Mazaheri -
Open Access Article
773 - Theory of Mind Development and its Relation to Social Skills in Children and Adolescence with Visual Impairment
Ali Mashhadi Mahbobeh Hashemi Juzdani Homeira Hashemi Borzabadi -
Open Access Article
774 - Effectiveness of Music Training on Preschoolers' Learning of Basic Mathematical Skills
Seyyed Nabiollah Ghasemtabar Farkhonde Mofidi Ali Z. Mohammadi Seyyed Abdollah Ghasemtabar -
Open Access Article
775 - The Effectiveness of Group Story–Based Social Skills Training on Children Externalizing Behavior Problems
Neda Yahya Mahmoudi Ashkan Naseh Sirus Salehi Taher Tizdast -
Open Access Article
776 - The role of child rearing training skills in reducing mothers stress and children,s behavioral problems
Seyyedeh Zeinab Farzadfard Heidar A. Hooman -
Open Access Article
777 - Cognitive -behavioral family therapy for patients with musculoskeletal pain
Mohammad Khoadyarifard -
Open Access Article
778 - The Effectiveness of the Enrichment of Interpersonal Relationship Skills Program on Causal Attributions, Interpersonal Conflict Solution Strategies, Cognitive Coping Skills and Perceived Positive Relations with Others
Omid shokri Hosien Pourshahriar -
Open Access Article
779 - Parenting Attitude to Literacy and Cognitive Skills in Preschool Children
Seyedeh Marjan Mazloom Sousan Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
780 - Training life skills for desreasing depression
Ali Amiri Baramkoohi -
Open Access Article
781 - Treating depression :combining group cognitive-behavior therapy(CBT),parent skill training(PST),and joint parent-adolescent sessions(JPAS)
Ashkan Nasseh -
Open Access Article
782 - Social skills and behavior problems of iranian preschoolers
Beheshteh Abdi -
Open Access Article
783 - ,-%
Farideh Torabi Milani -
Open Access Article
784 - Designing a Program for the Generalization of Social Skills in Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism: Application of Cognitive Model of Social Information Processing
Seddighe Sadat Mirzaei Shahla Pakdaman Ebrahim Alizade -
Open Access Article
785 - The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Teaching Metacognitive Skills and Positive Adolescent Development on Academic Resilience and Well-Being of Female Students with Behavioral Problems
Zahra Movahedian Amir Ghamrani Ilnaz Sajadian -
Open Access Article
786 - effectiveness of social skills training on adaotive functioning and emotional-behavioral disorders in students
Taiebeh Yeganeh -
Open Access Article
787 - The effect of walnut''s green skin on coloration of Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus)
M. Abbasi Oghda A. Vosooghi A. Matinfar -
Open Access Article
788 - Histological study of the Flower horn fish gills (Flower horn) fed different levels of hydrolyzed cow skin
A. Veisi A. Vosoughi A. Dadgar -
Open Access Article
789 - The effect of walnut’s green skin on growth of Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus)
M. Abbasi Oghda A. Vosooghi A. Matinfar -
Open Access Article
790 - The Effect of walnut shell on coloration of Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio)
H. Ghazvini A. Vosoughi A. Matinfar -
Open Access Article
791 - The Minimum Wage Effects on Employment in Manufacturing Industry
Safura Javadi Hassan Taee -
Open Access Article
792 - The Analysis of factor affecting the household and commercial demand for gas (A case study of Gilan Province)
Abbas Ali Abounoori Teymoor Mohammadi Hadi Parhizi Gashti -
Open Access Article
793 - Epistemology of virtue, recursion to the past and mutation towards the future
Jalal Peykani Mohamad masoudi nia -
Open Access Article
794 - Immigration Politics and Its Impact on Foreign Relations of European Union
Mansoor Rahmani3 Milad AdibSereshki -
Open Access Article
795 - Comparing the effectiveness of parent-child interaction training, attachment-based therapy and self-regulation skill training on emotional control of preschool children
Shahla Shaukatpour Lotfi -
Open Access Article
796 - The efficiency of Memory Specificity Training intervention on improving problem solving skills and autobiographical memory in patients with Bipolar disorder with psychotic traits
Raman Sadrsharif Somaieh Robatmili Afshin Salahian -
Open Access Article
797 - The Study effect of problem solving skills training on self-efficacy and resiliency of preschool teachers of Tehran city
Zahra Mahmoudi Vesali ghodsi ahghar Morteza Samii Zafarqandi -
Open Access Article
798 - Provide a model for improving the mental health of elementary students based on life skills training and triangular factors
Ali Jabbari Zahirabadi Mehdi Shariatmadari Yalda Delgoshaei Fereshteh Kordestani -
Open Access Article
799 - The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Happiness Students
shahram vahedi amir yekanizad Somayeh Aalizadeh Nadiyeh Arjmandi -
Open Access Article
800 - Effectiveness of Cerebellum Based Method on Improving Reading and Motor Skills of Students with dyslexic
Farshad Behmard Mahnaz Esteki Mansure Shahriari ahmadi -
Open Access Article
801 - Prediction of job stress based on quality of work life and communication skills in nurses of hospitals accepting corona patients
Mohammad Mohammadipour Afsaneh Azhdari -
Open Access Article
802 - Comparing the effectiveness of Schema Therapy and interpersonal skills training on reducing inefficient attitudes of adolescent girls
elaheh ghorbani -
Open Access Article
803 - Title Comparing the effectiveness of an intervention on healthy lifestyle and metacognitive skills training on students' intelligence beliefs
vida amirdavar Mojgan Sepahmansour -
Open Access Article
804 - effectiveness of treatment with narrative therapy approach on the dimensions of metacognitive beliefs and dimensions of social competence of sexually abused adolescent girls aged 9 to 13
Monir Sadat Mir Khan -
Open Access Article
805 - Neural Network Performance Analysis for Real Time Hand Gesture Tracking Based on Hu Moment and Hybrid Features
Fardad Farrokhi Mehdi Heydarian Kaveh Kangarloo -
Open Access Article
806 - Diagnosing skin disease using deep features based on artificial intelligence
Hassan Masoumi Fatemeh Mosalanejad Mehdi Taghizadeh Mohammad Ghanbarian -
Open Access Article
807 - Social Skills and its role on the Prevention and Reduction of Social Damages among the Spouses of Yasuj City
Marziyeh Elahi SeyyedSina Hejazi mohammadali chitsaz -
Open Access Article
808 - Principles and components of democracy in the thoughts of Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari; Emphasizing on the methodology of Quentin Skinner
Zekrollah Manafi Ehsan Shakeri Alireza Esmailzad -
Open Access Article
809 - Expanding the Ground Drivers of Financial Physics for the Neurofinance Effectiveness in the Logic of Financial Decision Makers: A Research on DOPS Skill Evaluation
Vahid Mirzayee Mohammadreza Abdoli Nasrin Salehi hasan valiyan -
Open Access Article
810 - The Effect of Monetary Policies on the Performance of Business Firms Using the Pyotroxic Index and Using the GMM Dynamic Data Panel
azam Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
811 - Determining the Burnout of Real Estate Consultants based on Communication Skills and Stress Management Strategies
فرشاد علی اکبری فریبا حسنی -
Open Access Article
812 - Examining the Skills Required by Future Educational Administrators
Barat Salimi Yousef Namvar Azam Rastgoo Tooran Soleimani -
Open Access Article
813 - Providing a model of teaching life skills to elementary students based on structural, contextual and process factors
ali jabbari zahirabadi Mehdi Shariatmadari yalda delgoshaei fereshteh kordestani -
Open Access Article
814 - m-Projections involving Minkowski inverse and range symmetric property in Minkowski space
M. Saleem Lone D. Krishnaswamy -
Open Access Article
815 - Characterization of matrices using m-projectors and singular value decomposition in Minkowski space
M. S. Lone T. H. Khan -
Open Access Article
816 - Grothendieck topologies and applications
K. Azi H. Hamraoui N. Haddar -
Open Access Article
817 - The Minkowski's and Young type determinantal inequalities for certain accretive-dissipative matrices
H. Qasemi H. Larki M. Dehghani-Madiseh -
Open Access Article
818 - Topological number for locally convex topological spaces with continuous semi-norms
M. Rahimi S. M. Vaezpour -
Open Access Article
819 - Identify Experienced Skills and the Role of Students in the Sixth Grade Elementary Art Curriculum from the Perspective of Teachers and Students
fereshte farhadzade marjan kian gholomreza hajinezhad -
Open Access Article
820 - The Effect of Computer Educational Software on Life Skills in Preschool Children
M. M. Pouralibaba H. H. Shahrakipour -
Open Access Article
821 - The relationship between teacher's information literacy and teaching quality and problem solving skills of elementary school teachers in district 12 of Tehran
Zeinab sadat Mokabberi amir hossein mohammad davoudi Maryam Safarnavadeh -
Open Access Article
822 - Application of Dematel Technique in Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting the Quality of Education in Technical-Vocational Centers in the West of Mazandaran province)
MohammadMahdi Pourpasha Mona Aliakbari -
Open Access Article
823 - Investigating the Relationship between the Level of Teachers' Self-awareness and the Academic Achievement Motivation of First Secondary Students in Chalous
Zeynab Azimi farzaneh farzei -
Open Access Article
824 - The Effect of Communication Skills Training on COVID-19 Stress in Medical Students of Islamic Azad University
Parenaz Banisi -
Open Access Article
825 - A Comparative Study of Students’ Academic Progress based on the Type of Educational levels and Admitted Quota
mojtaba moazzami Majid Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
826 - Designing a Model of Life Skills in Planning the Lesson of the First Year of Secondary School (Case Study of Khuzestan Province)
Mojtaba Moazami Khadijeh Hossini -
Open Access Article
827 - The Investigation and Evaluation of Some Important Mechanical Tests for the Consumed Varieties of Persian Walnut
A.R. Makarichian G.R. Chegini -
Open Access Article
828 - Investigating the effect of perceived political atmosphere on emotional commitment with the transformative role of teamwork and political skill
Faramarz Tahmasebi Alireza tamizi sheida Orafaye Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
829 - Investigating the Effect of Perceived Political Atmosphere on Emotional Commitment with the Transformative Role of Teamwork and Political Skill
Faramarz tahmasebi Alireza tamizi sheida Orafaye Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
830 - The role of Personnel Capabilities on Supply Chain Agility (Case Study: West Azerbaijan Tobacco Company)
rostam amini reza rostamzadeh -
Open Access Article
831 - Efficacy of topical application of carvacrol, amitraz, and combination of carvacrol-amitraz for the treatment of dogs with generalized demodicosis
Sina Fereydooni Farnoosh Arfaee Mohammad Reza Youssefi Fatemeh Zahra Gharib Mohaddeseh Abouhosseini-Tabari -
Open Access Article
832 - The Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Berberis vulgaris on Wound Healing of Diabetic Wistar Rats
Mansoureh Pashaee Abdolhossein Shiravi Vida Hojati -
Open Access Article
833 - The Study of the Effect of Alcoholic Extract of Triticum sativum, on the Skin Wound Healing in Diabetic Male Wistar Rats
Asma Movaghar Vida Hojati Abdolhossein Shiravi -
Open Access Article
834 - Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties of Colorant Extracted from Red Onion Skin
Sara Moosazad Peyman Ghajarbeigi Razzagh Mahmoudi Saeed Shahsavari Roghayeh Vahidi Ali Soltani -
Open Access Article
835 - Investigating and Providing Solutions to the Problems and Shortcomings of Human Resource Management in Sports Facilities in the 10th Region of Mashhad
Seyed Sohrab Mirjavadi Hemmatollah Bastami -
Open Access Article
836 - Effect of WO3 on the sintering behavior, microstructure, and dielectric loss of Ba(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3 Ceramics
Negin Mazrooei Ahmad Sayyadi-Shahraki -
Open Access Article
837 - Fabrication and evaluation of (chitosan / poly-vinyl-pyrrolidone) scaffold properties containing gum tragacanth by freeze-drying method
hamed ghomi Azadeh Sepyani Marjan Mirhaj -
Open Access Article
838 - Characterization of Electro Synthesized Perovskites Structured Ybmno3 Nanoparticles
hamid mohmmad shiri Saab Sadeghi Reza Safari Ali Ehsani Hamid Reza Ebrahimi hamid hadi -
Open Access Article
839 - Evaluation of the Effect of Sedar (Ziziphus spina-christi) Extract on Biochemical Parameters of Skin Lesion in NMRI Mice
Shokooh Sharbatdar Nasim Hayati Roodbari Parichehr Yaghmaee -
Open Access Article
840 - Cytotoxicity Effects of Citrus Skin Extract On Cancer Cell Line MCF-7
عباسعلی دهپور جویباری زهرا حسن پور -
Open Access Article
841 - Effects of Lactobacillus casei Bacteria Killed by Chloroform on Cutaneous Wound Healing in Rats on Days 3 and 7
سیما مشایخ میترا حیدری نصرآبادی ویدا حجتی مریم تاج آبادی ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
842 - The Effect of Extract of Henna Leaves (Lawsonia inermis) on Skin Wound Healing in Wistar Rats
عبدالحسین شیروی مهدی آل بویه ویدا حجتی حسن اکبری -
Open Access Article
843 - The First Report of Keeled Rock Green-Bellied Lizard Darevskia chlorogaster (Reptilia: Sauria: Lacertidae) in Ardabil Province
رامین محمدی آلوچه حاجی قلی کمی -
Open Access Article
844 - The Effect of Gelatin-aloevera Nanofibers on Collagen I Gene Expression in the Skin of Male Mice after Microneedling
Asadolah Shahrani Maryam Bananej Parvin Mansouri Henghameh Alibeik Nahid Nickhah -
Open Access Article
845 - The Effect of Injection of Fibroblast Cells Isolated from Foreskin on Histological Improvement of Diabetic Wound in Animal Model
Abbas Zabihi Rahim Ahmadi Atefe Dehghani -
Open Access Article
846 - Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula gummosa Extract on Biochemical Parameters of a Skin Wound in NMRI Mice
Parisa Seifali Parichehreh Yaghmaei Nasim Hayati Roodbari -
Open Access Article
847 - Evaluation of Changes in miR-20a Expression Changes in War Wounded Exposed to Mustard Gas
Mohadese Valizadeh Masoud Soleimani Shiva Irani Mahmood Tavallaei -
Open Access Article
848 - Assessment of Human In-vitro Full Thickness Skin Graft Viability and the Use of Gentamicin Antibiotic on This Process
Marjan Mohamadali Ali Ghiaseddin Shiva Irani Mohammad Amir Amirkhani Mostafa Dahmardehei -
Open Access Article
849 - Investigating the Changes of miR-21 Expression in the Skin Sample of Veterans Exposed to Mustard Gas during Iran-Iraq War
Mohadese Valizadeh Masoud Soleimani Shiva Irani Mohammad Reza Nourani Mahmood Tavallaei -
Open Access Article
850 - The Effect of Cornus mas Extract on the Wound Healing of the Diabetic Male Wistar Rats
S. Alhooei-Nazari A. Shiravi Vida Hojati -
Open Access Article
851 - Effects of Alcoholic Extract of Artemisia inflorescence on Wound Healing of Diabetic Wistar Rats
F. Harasani Gh. Vaezi Vida Hojati -
Open Access Article
852 - Detoxification of aflatoxin M1 by Bifidobacterium lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus in skimmed milk
Masoud Atashpanjeh Seyed Amirali Anvar Amireghbal Khajehrahimi Maryam Tala N Sohrabi Haghdoost -
Open Access Article
853 - Explaining a Model Based on Providing a Model of Indicators of Competencies and Skills of Media Managers
maryam vasheghani farahani aliakbar farhangi mohammadreza rasouli -
Open Access Article
854 - Investigating the Interconnection of Intercultural Competence With the Approach of Structural Equations
vali mohammad darini ehsan namdar joyami -
Open Access Article
855 - Active and Practical Approach in Students' Cultural Literacy, Recreating Cultural Perception
Fatemeh Mohaghegh Farhad Emamjome Seyed Morteza Mousavian Faezeh Darman -
Open Access Article
856 - A Novel Method for Skin Lesion Segmentation
Fatima Rashid Sheykhahmad Navid Razmjooy Mehdi Ramezani -
Open Access Article
857 - The effect of information technology on the life concepts and individual skills
Nesa Mohebi Ali Mohebi Neda Mohebi -
Open Access Article
858 - The Relationship between Fundamental Movement Skills with Response Inhibition Ability in 7- to 9-year-old boys
morteza beglary eslam tavasolimehran mojtaba mohagheghi -
Open Access Article
859 - Analysis and Prioritize the Evaluation Attributes in Iranian Taekwondo National Team Coaches in view of National Athletes (Male)
mehdi baghri hadi tiran najaf aghaei -
Open Access Article
860 - Histopathological evaluation of the effects of Intrapretoneal Isotretinoin on skin, kidney and Liver of the NMRI mouse fetus
اعظم Kalantari, رمضان Khanbabaee, B. Eslami -
Open Access Article
861 - Histopathological effects of flowering shoot hydroethanol extracts of Hypericumperforatum on experimental full-thickness skin wound healing in rats
, M AsghariehAhary M.R Farahpour, -
Open Access Article
862 - Presenting Architectural Solutions to Improve Social Skills of Working Children
Sara Soleimani Babak Khorshidi Shiva Emami -
Open Access Article
863 - The Effect of Quantum Management Skills on Organizational Agility in the Agricultural Jihad Organization of Hamadan county
حشمت اله سعدی mahbobeh ataei -
Open Access Article
864 - Designing and Validating a Self-Assessment Tool for Improving the Speaking Skill of Iranian EFL Learners
Ali Fathi Karizak Shahram Afraz Fazlolah Samimi -
Open Access Article
865 - The Impact of Computerized Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Pronunciation: The Moderating Role of Digitalized Feedback
Hossein Kargar Behbahani Ehsan Namaziandost Malihe YarAhmadi -
Open Access Article
866 - Evaluation of environmental effectiveness of educational programs on the Environmental skills of employees in an Iranian offshore oil company (Case Study: staff of Sirri Island)
Farabi Mohammad mahboubeh fadavi Zahra Johari -
Open Access Article
867 - Revisiting Mental Translation: A Potential to Promote Reading Comprehension in English for Specific and Academic Purposes Contexts
Zahra Akbari -
Open Access Article
868 - Effects of Explicit Vocabulary Instruction on Improving L2 Learners' Writing Skill and Their Short and Long-term Retention
Nahid Kazemi Kheirabadi -
Open Access Article
869 - Task-centered instruction, an effective approach in developing teaching skills (design, implementation, assessment)
somaye ghazi morteza karami Samad Izadi -
Open Access Article
870 - Modeling the competencies of the labor force in the manufacturing industries of the fourth industrial revolution
Ali Mirzaei eslamlou Majid Bagherzadeh khajeh Morteza Mahmoudzadeh Mojtaba Ramazani -
Open Access Article
871 - Designing and validating the social skills training model for primary school students
foroogh hashemie احمد هاشمی Abbas Gholtash -
Open Access Article
872 - Identifying the dimensions, components and indicators of improving management skills of Metro Company managers and providing an appropriate model
Hamidreza Asad amirhosain mahmoodi baharak shirzad fatemeh hamidifar -
Open Access Article
873 - The Effect of Transitional Leadership Justice on Improving Metacognitive Skills of Kamyaran City Students
HAMED SAGHAFI rahim rahmani -
Open Access Article
874 - Investigating the relationship between educational components and skill components required for accounting in Islamic Azad University
Fatemeh Rasouli Habibollah Nakhaei Ghodratollah Talebnia Mohammad Hassan Ghanifar -
Open Access Article
875 - Identify and prioritize the skrills of school leaders
Hamed Ranjbar nader ُSoleimani Hamid Shafizadeh -
Open Access Article
876 - The most important components of an effective model for secondary school principals in Lorestan province
Mehrdad AliPanah Ebrahim Poorhoseini Hosein Mehrdad -
Open Access Article
877 - Presenting the management model of teaching life skills to elementary school students Based on triangulation factors
Ali Jabbari Zahirabadi Mehdi Shariatmadari Yalda Delgoshaei Fereshteh Kordestani -
Open Access Article
878 - The new organizational skills model of Azad University employees with emphasis on dimensions (information knowledge management, professional intelligence, environmental scanning)
fereshte pourmzaherian Badri Shah Talebi mahbobe sadat fadavi -
Open Access Article
879 - Presenting the management model of entrepreneurial education in technical and vocational schools with emphasis on the curriculum
Fatemeh Ganji seyed rasul Hosseini Masumeh Oladian -
Open Access Article
880 - Investigating the effectiveness of group-based life skills management on self-efficacy and academic optimism of 11th grade students in the second year of high school in Ilam city
Massoud Nazarzadeh Tahereh Nakoyan Subhan Momeni -
Open Access Article
881 - The Role of Classroom Tasks in Improving Reading Comprehension Ability in EFL Students
Mahpareh Pourahmadi -
Open Access Article
882 - Prediction of social capital upon emotional intelligence factors
Hasan GHaribi Zoliykha KHolizadeh -
Open Access Article
883 - an analysis of simple and multiple relationships between thinking skills with entrepreneurship and problem solving capabilities in students at Universities of Kashan and Medical Sciences
Hamid Rahimi -
Open Access Article
884 - The Impact of Organizational Wisdom on Effectiveness among staff of education in Markazi Province
Farzaneh Shahrokhi Amir Navidi Bahzad Shoghi -
Open Access Article
885 - The Interactive Effectiveness of Spiritual Intelligence and Life Skills Training on Improving Attitudes of Students to Life Skills
Kourosh Goodarzi Faramarz Sohrabi Nourali Farrokhi -
Open Access Article
886 - The Relationship between Time Management and the Effectiveness of the Secondary School Managers in Bustan and Golestan
Alireza Araghieh Kianoush Zahrakar Mohammad Akbari -
Open Access Article
887 - The Effect of Electronic Instruction on Promoting ICT Skills among Employees in the Ministry of Education
Kioumars Niazazari Mohammad Salehi Abolghasem Barimani Mitra Shabani -
Open Access Article
888 - The Effect of Different Assessment Tasks on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Islamic Azad University
Akram Hashemi -
Open Access Article
889 - The Effect of Training Life Skills on the Mental Health and Self-Esteem of Female Students in the Fifth Grade of Primary School
Hossein Momeni Mahmouie Saeed Teimouri Mohammad Rahmanpour -
Open Access Article
890 - Quality and pathology of youth (12-17 years old) Leisurs in Lorestan province
Hossin Mehrdad -
Open Access Article
891 - The Relationship between Self-Regulation Learning and Educational Skills and Academic Achievement among Students of IAU Khomeinishahr Branch
Fahimeh Namdarpour -
Open Access Article
892 - The Effect of Philosophy Education on Social Skills in secondary school students
Parinaz Banici Hasan Shams sfandiyari Souzan Amami pour -
Open Access Article
893 - The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Social Skills of Tenth Year Students in Salem Boys' School in Tehran
Hamid naderi Sayyedmahmud hashemi mojtaba moazzami -
Open Access Article
894 - The present study was carried out as the study of social factors on the educational decline of first, second and third grade high school students in Garmsar.
Shiva Tayebiyan Habiboulah Karimiyan -
Open Access Article
895 - Models and skills-based strategies of the virtual education system in the comprehensive scientific-applied university
مریم ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
896 - The effect of life skills on social health of female students of Roudehen university in 1392
Manijheh Paknejhad Mohammad javad Ghaedmohammadi -
Open Access Article
897 - Evaluating School and Family Factors Effective on Second Grade Highschool Adolescents’ Life Skills in Tehran
soheila saraee Hasanpasha Sharifi malek mir hashemi -
Open Access Article
898 - Validity and Validity of Shame Questionnaire (MSRI-21)
Faranak ahmadi parvari zahra bordan -
Open Access Article
899 - Defining Prediction Model of Academic Progress Based on Personality Traits Mediated by Academic Skills for Students of Medicine in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science
somayeh Shabani hasan pasha sharifi malek mirhashemi soghra ebrahimi ghavam -
Open Access Article
900 - Determine Of Standard Infrastructure For The presentation of the faculty members' professional skills promotion model based on the fourth generation higher education mission
alireza mohammadi nezhad ganji amineh ahmadi bahram alishiri zahra taleb -
Open Access Article
901 - Identification of Internal and External Factors Affecting Professional Competence of High School Vice-Presidents of Bushehr Province
Behroz Ghasmi Ali Akbar Khosravi Hamideh Reshadatjoo Abbas Khorshidi Fattah Nazem -
Open Access Article
902 - The Effectiveness of life skills training on self-regulation and self-efficacy of students
sona esmaeili MOHAMMADJAVAD ezatinia -
Open Access Article
903 - Providing educational model to promote entrepreneurship at the University of Applied Science (about Azarbaijan)
Ahad Mehrmand Mohamadnaghi imanigalepardsari -
Open Access Article
904 - identifying the dimensions and components of skill-building educational policies in primary schools
zahra al sadat hosseini zavareie fatemeh hamidifar abbas khorshidi lotfollah abbasi -
Open Access Article
905 - Provide a practical model for improving the health quality of primary school children through life skills training
Farah Abbasi Hamidreza Motamed Alireza Ghasemi Zad -
Open Access Article
906 - Investigating the impact of descriptive evaluation on social skills and academic progress in elementary school students of Damavand city in the academic year 1401-1402
amir seifi mina mozaiini -
Open Access Article
907 - The presentation of educational policy pattern of skill learning for high school students (sample study: Markazi province )
Samane Keshmiri abbas khorshidi alireza erghieh Nader Barzegar Esfandyar Doshman Zyari -
Open Access Article
908 - Conceptual Framework for Designing Skill-Based Educational Spaces
Fateme Ebrahimi badashtiani avide talaei فرح حبیب -
Open Access Article
909 - A comparison of psychological adjustment and type D personality between ulcerative colitis patients and normal in Isfahan city
Reza Bagherian-Sararoudi Adibi Peyman Karim Askari Hasan Molavi Marzieh Sadat Sajadinajad Fatemeh Zargar -
Open Access Article
910 - The Effectiveness of the returning to society program in improving the social skills of schizophrenic patients
Elmira Shahmir Meghdad Talebizadeh Soleiman Jafarifard -
Open Access Article
911 - Studying the Effect of Communication Skills Training Program on Parental Self-Efficacy of Mothers, Who Have Children Suffering from Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Hamed Maghrebi Senaki Saeid Hassan zadeh Mozhghan KHademi Ali Akbar Arjmandnia -
Open Access Article
912 - Effectiveness of Children’s Management Skills Training in Decrease of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Hadi Pordel Majid Mahmood Lilo Azar Tajvar Maryam Hejazipor -
Open Access Article
913 - The effectiveness of group cognitive - behavioral therapy with problem solving training on anger self-regulation and feeling of loneliness
Azim Ghasemzadeh Setare Jani -
Open Access Article
914 - IELTS Writing Skills Training and EFL Learners’ Identity Construction: Link to Selves-theory
Sanaz Farnia Neda Fatehi Rad Hassan Shahabi -
Open Access Article
915 - The Effect of Collaborative, Online Augmented Reality Games on EFL Learners’ Speaking Performance and Communication Apprehension
Fariba Yousefi Masoomeh ُSalehi Laleh Fakhraee Faruji -
Open Access Article
916 - Investigating the Nexus of TBLT and Automatic Corrective Feedback: Implications for Second Language Writing
Nafis Hosseinpour Fateme Raeesi Fariba Rahimi Esfehani -
Open Access Article
917 - Comparing the effectiveness of teaching skills based on attachment model and teaching skills based on imago therapy on hostile documents of women seeking divorce
zahra khansari Hassan toozandehjani ahmad zendehdel -
Open Access Article
918 - The Effect of 4/3/2 Technique on Iranian EFL Learners’ Speaking Fluency: The Moderating Role of Working Memory
Hossein Kargar Behbahani Ehsan Namaziandost Malihe YarAhmadi -
Open Access Article
919 - Dynamic Assessment and Iranian EFL Learners’ Knowledge of Passive Voice in Speaking Tasks
Bahar Babaei Iraj Montashery -
Open Access Article
920 - Presenting a Model for Designing the Electronic Content of Skill Courses for Middle Managers in the Public Management Training Center
ramsis eftekhari mogjadam kourosh parsa moeen Sighra Afkaneh -
Open Access Article
921 - An investigation into the Impact of Project-based Learning on Improving Writing and Speaking as Productive Skills
Mohammad Iman Askari Mehrdad Rezaee -
Open Access Article
922 - The mediating role of teachers' perfectionism in the relationship between the comprehensive management system of dynamic schools and the improvement of their professional skills
Sirous Haddadnia -
Open Access Article
923 - The Impact of Speak English Fluently ® Mobile Application on the Speaking of Iranian Young Pre-intermediate EFL Learners
Neda Karbalaei Esmaeili Hassan Soleimani Abbas Saeedipour -
Open Access Article
924 - L1 and L2 Peer-scaffolding Techniques Affecting on EFL Learners' Writing Skill: Link to Cognitive Learning Theory
Mousa Ghonchepour Azar Bagheri Masoudzade Akram Shekarian Behzadi -
Open Access Article
925 - study Entrepreneurial behavior on Employee competence With mediator role of Individual skills in General Administration of Fars province Airports
Mehrzad Sarfarazi -
Open Access Article
926 - Predicting Academic Achievement of Middle School Students Based on Resilience, Social Skills, and Perfectionism
Ali akbar Khoshgoftar Mohammad Ali Moghisi -
Open Access Article
927 - Comparing the effectiveness of forgiveness training and mindfulness training on communication skills in persons with drug abuse disorder
Alireza Nakhaee ali arab Masoud Rostam -
Open Access Article
928 - The effectiveness of teaching drug calculation skills on the way of drug performance (change in awareness) of nurses working in special departments
Somayyeh Talebi Sakineh Poorhosein Fookolaie Hadi DarvishKhezri Kolsom Akbarnataj Bisheh Homeyra Akbarzadeh Homeyra Tahmasebi -
Open Access Article
929 - The transformation of the approach of intellectual cinema on the eve of the Islamic Revolution (42-57) using Skinner's intentional hermeneutic method
sajjad mahmoodi akbar ashrafi عبدالحسین الله کرم علی اکبر امینی -
Open Access Article
930 - An Investigation on the Suitable Features of Double-Skin Façade in Lines with Reducing Energy Consumption in Cold and Arid Climate: A Case Study of Mashhad City
Faranak Farhadi Nasab Fatemeh Mozaffari Ghadikolaei Leila Mirsaeedi -
Open Access Article
931 - Second Language Reading Comprehension: A Reading Issue or a Language Problem--A Partial Least Square Modeling Analysis
Roshanak Rezaei Faramarz Aziz Malayeri Abbas Bayat Hossein Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
932 - Examining the Implementation of a Systemic Genre-Based Rubric for Assessing Expository Writing by EFL Teachers
Samineh Poorsoti Nader Assadi Haniyeh Davatgari Asl -
Open Access Article
933 - Comparison of conventional sowing date with late sowing dates on yield and yield components of sunflower cultivars (Helianthus annus L.) in Hamedan climate
Mohsen Rajabi Mohammad Hadi Faraji Arman Moslem Fetri -
Open Access Article
934 - Designing pattern of Performance Skills Assessment native and non-native managers in Hormozgan Province Key Posts
طیب دهقانی serajaldin mohebbi mehdi bagheri -
Open Access Article
935 - Investigating the Relationship Between Social Media Presence And Academic Achievement of Undergraduate Students in Azad University of Qom after the COVID-19 pandemy
فاطمه مهاجرنیا -
Open Access Article
936 - A Survey on the Impact of Human Resource Retention Policies on Job Satisfaction with the Mediating Role of Political Behavior Skills: A Case Study of Pasargad Oil Company
Mohammad Mohammadi Mahjubeh Saeedi -
Open Access Article
937 - Interventionist Face-to-Face versus Web-Based Group Dynamic Assessment and Speaking Ability: A Case on Introverted/Extroverted Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
Samaneh Safarpour Davood Mashhadi Heidar Ramin Rahimy -
Open Access Article
938 - Effectiveness of Language Skills Promotion Package Based on Cognitive Rehabilitation on Cognitive Performance of Children with Specific Language Impairment
پرستو شیرزادی Salar Faramarzi Samira Vakili Mohammad Parsa Azizi -
Open Access Article
939 - The effect of life skills training on self-efficacy and social adjusted of mothers with ADHD children of Mahabad city.
Nazi Pari -
Open Access Article
940 - The Effect of Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning (CAALL) on Iranian EFL Learners’ Self-Efficacy and Reading Skill Development
Mohammad Taghi Farvardin Mohammad Javad Tandiseh Seyed Foad Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
941 - A Corpus-based Investigation of Lexical Bundles in Iranian Advanced Learners’ Discussion of English and Natives
Ashraf Vaziri Hamed Barjesteh Atefeh Nasrollahi Mouziraji -
Open Access Article
942 - The effect of educational approaches on cognitive complexity and social problem solving skills of students
Sirous Haddadnia -
Open Access Article
943 - Investigating the Effect of the Distance between the Two-shell facades on the Thermal Load in an Office Building in the Hot and Dry Climate of Isfahan City
Niloofar Adhamian Maryam ّFarhadian Afrooz Rahimi Ariyae -
Open Access Article
944 - An Investigation of English Language Needs of Iraqi Non-English Major Students: A Case of EAP Students
Karrar Malik Dhkhinh Al Hantooshe -
Open Access Article
945 - The comparative study of teacher vs. peer scaffolding on improving Iranian EFL learners’ speaking skill
Saeed Sayyad Chamani -
Open Access Article
946 - Comparing the effectiveness of forgiveness training and mindfulness on courage skills in persons with drug abuse disorder
Alireza Nakhaee ali arab Masoud Rostami -
Open Access Article
947 - Planting Seeds of Understanding: Nurturing Listening Comprehension through Formative Assessment and AI-Powered Feedback
Mohamad Ali Saeedirad Masoud Khalili Sabet -
Open Access Article
948 - Two new meroterpenoids from the gum resin of Ferula ammoniacum (D.Don) Spalik, M.Panahi, Piwczyński & Puchałka
Maryam Kharatha Mahdi Moridi Farimani Mostafa Alilou -
Open Access Article
949 - A Mixed Methods Study of Interchange 2 and Four Corners 2 in Terms of Learner-Centeredness
Narjes Ashari Tabar Farideh Kasehgari -
Open Access Article
950 - The Effect of Decision Making and Problem Solving Skills Training on Inattention and Social Deviance in Male Students with ADHD.
Zahra Sharif Kazemi Tahere Mahmoodian Dastnaei -
Open Access Article
951 - Comparing Forecasting Ability of Artificial Neural Networks and ARIMA Methods in Forecasting of Iran’s Leather and Skin Exports
F. سیف الحسینی A. محمدی نژاد R. مقدسی -
Open Access Article
952 - The mediating role of loneliness in the relationship between social skills and social adjustment among adolescents
معصومه Behamin مریم Kouroshnia -
Open Access Article
953 - The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy for Personality Traits and Social Skills
فاطمه Shamsi مژگان Amirianzadeh -
Open Access Article
954 - Types of Motivational Forces and their Roles in Building Fluency in Speaking English as a Foreign Language
Gholamhossein Shahini Fatemeh Shahamirian -
Open Access Article
955 - Effectiveness of narrative therapy on decreasing aggression and increasing social skills among preschool children
Parsa Bahmani Majid Barzegar -
Open Access Article
956 - Effectiveness of social skills training on reducing symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in children
leila shirjang Amir Hoshang Mehryar Hojatoallah Javidi Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini -
Open Access Article
957 - The effect of life skills training on self-believe and risk taking of first high school male students
najmeh hamid mohammad almasi mahnaz mehrabi zadeh honarmand -
Open Access Article
958 - The effect of teaching socio-communicative skills on accountability and adaptation with school in students
Mohammadmahdi Shariat bagheri -
Open Access Article
959 - Effect comparison of two instruction models on learning of Basketball skills in competition condition
rezvan rezvaniasl Mehdi namazizadeh Mohammad kazem vaezmosavi -
Open Access Article
960 - The effectiveness of social skills training on improving social Well-being Bullying Students
nasser sobhi-gharamasleki saeed pourabdol seyed hamed sjjadpour -
Open Access Article
961 - The causal relationship between mental health, lifestyle, life skills and quality of marital life with mediation of communication beliefs, forgiveness and expectations before marriage
Moosa Javdan -
Open Access Article
962 - Effectiveness of communication skills training on self-esteem, perfectionism and marital burnout in women referring to Isfahan counseling centers
Fershteh Korahng Behshti Somaye Torkaman -
Open Access Article
963 - The Mediation Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship Between the Dimensions of Mind Theory and Social Skills in Students With Learnin Disabilities
Mohamad sadegh Arjmandi oliya azarmidokht rezaei Soltanali Kazemei Nadere Shorabi -
Open Access Article
964 - Pattern of Structural Equations in the Relationship Between Divorce Tendency With Communication Skills and Main Family Health With the Mediating Role of Marital Intimacy
anahita nabiei saeedeh sadat hosseini keyvan kakabaraie hasan amiri -
Open Access Article
965 - Effectiveness of Cognitive Emotional Regulation Training on The Improvement of social skills in High school Students
Marzieh Javadpour Mohammad khayyer hojatalah javidi Amirhoshang Mehryar -
Open Access Article
966 - Developing the Prediction Model of Self-Concept Prediction based on Behavioral-Emotional Problems Mediated by Life Skills in Elementary School Students
Fatemeh Rashidi Moosa Javdan -
Open Access Article
967 - Multilevel analysis of the relationship between perception of teachers' diagnostic skills, challenging level of class, quality of teacher teaching and positive achievement emotions with math performance in ninth-grade students
Arash akhash askar atashafrouz Manijeh Shehni Yailagh Morteza Omidian -
Open Access Article
968 - The effectiveness of life skills training on marital adjustment and mental health in couples applying for divorce in Amol city
Mohammad Muslimi Arslan Khan Mohammadi Ataqsara -
Open Access Article
969 - Efficacy of Training Coping Skills With Negative Mood on Anxiety and Stress among Students
M.E مداحی L. مداح -
Open Access Article
970 - The effectiveness of parental skills training on preschool’s children behavior problems fro 4 -6 yers old
A. Yar Mohammadian Z. Ghaderi N. Chavoshi Far -
Open Access Article
971 - Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skill Training on Happiness & Beliefs Abuse
سعیده Qobadpoor بیوک Tajeri علی Moqaddamzadeh -
Open Access Article
972 - Developing and Validating of Couples Communication Skills Inventory in Married Couples in Tehran
N. Dastan GH. Rajabi A. Khoshkonesh R. Khojasteh Mehr -
Open Access Article
973 - Investigation of the effect of emotional intelligence training on communication skills of university students
M. Mahmoudi F. Najafi -
Open Access Article
974 - Effects of teaching problem solving on parenting style and aggressive behavior towards children
M. Shokohi Yekta A. Parand A. Shahaeian S. Akbari -
Open Access Article
975 - The Effectiveness of Cognitive Interpersonal Problem-Solving on Reducing Challenging Behaviors of Slow-Learner Students: Single-Subject Study
M. Shokohi Yekta N. Zamani -
Open Access Article
976 - Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Decreasing Aloneness and Increasing Peer Acceptance
M. علی چشمه علایی J. فتح آبادی K. طهماسیان H. دهقان فر -
Open Access Article
977 - Family Psychological Characteristics of Popular and Unpopular Children
v. ایزدی n. sh.s m. kh -
Open Access Article
978 - The Effect of Social Story Telling on Motor Skills and Verbal Communication among the Children and Adolescents (5-17 Years Old) with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder
Farzaneh Manzari-Tavakoli Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini Leyla Karimi -
Open Access Article
979 - Effect of Chlorine in Perovskite Layers Morphology and Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells in One step & Spin-Dip Deposition Methods
Hamaneh Zarenezhad Mohammad Halali Masoud Askari -
Open Access Article
980 - Synthesis, Characterization and investigation of removal process of methylene blue dye by perovskite-type oxides nanoparticles La0.9Sr0.1FeO3
fatemeh payami Haman Tavakkoli -
Open Access Article
981 - Application of Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots in Planar Perovskite Solar Cell
Zahra Hosseini Azin Babaei -
Open Access Article
982 - Synthesis of strontium titanate from celestite concentrate
Leila Ehrambaf Nader Setoudeh Mohammad Ali Askari Zamani raziye hayati -
Open Access Article
983 - Comparison of different objective function on estimation of linear and non-linear Muskingum model optimum parameters
sh. محمودی نیا m. جوان a. اقبال زاده -
Open Access Article
984 - Comparison of the Artificial Intelligence Techniques and the Muskingum Methods in Flood Routing Estimation
f. حسن پور z. sh -
Open Access Article
985 - The Impact of Life Skills Training on Social Skills and Performance of Secondary School Girl Students
فاطمه Besharati مژگان Amirian zade -
Open Access Article
986 - The Survey of Relationship between Life Skills and Emotional Divorce (Case study: Married people Shiraz city in 2016-2017)
Elham Dindar Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
987 - Identify most Effective Factors on promotion of work Culture for Women Heads of Households Using Technique DEMATEL
Vahid Aghasi Broojeni Azar Gholizadeh Akbar Etebariyan -
Open Access Article
988 - From the vacuum Individual and Couples Life Skills and quality of individual, Couples and Families life Until the vacuum Marital quality and life: Qualitative research From the Challenges of Marital Well-Being
mohammad baghban -
Open Access Article
989 - The most important success Factors of female managers in Educatoin of Shiraz City
Elham Bachehsagha Mehrdad Ahmadi Mohammadhassein Kamani -
Open Access Article
990 - The causal model predicting academic engagement based on problem-solving skills, mediated by academic self-concept, in female high school students.
Hossein Aflakifard mohammad ghalehnooei Zakiyeh Fatahi -
Open Access Article
991 - the Relationship Between Resilience and Life Skills of Women Heads of Households in Isfahan City
mehri ghorbaniyan Seyedali Hashemianfar mansor haghighatian -
Open Access Article
992 - The relationship between social skills and resilience with the mental health of female students Elementary school in District 20 of Tehran
kamal javanmard azadeh mosavi Mahmoud i Qorani -
Open Access Article
993 - The Impact of Life Skills Training on Marital Satisfaction, Marital Dissatisfaction and Mental Health of Veteran’s Wife
فاطمه Dehghan مرضیه Piri Kamrani رحیم Goli هادی Rahmani -
Open Access Article
994 - Effectiveness of Vocational Counseling based on Shafiabady’s Multi-Axial Pattern on Entrepreneurship Skills and Social Skills of Girl Students
پریسا Hariri کاترین Fekri حجت الله Fani -
Open Access Article
995 - An investigation of Training Needs of Household Women in Isfahan Cultural Education
A. SH Z. سعادتمند M. فاتحی زاده SH. محققیان -
Open Access Article
996 - Investigating the relationship between communicative skills, communicative patterns, conflict management styles and marital intimacy in Isfahanian women
O. اعتمادی S. جابری R. جزایری S.A احمدی -
Open Access Article
997 - The Effectiveness of Life Skills Intervention on Quality of Life of Women Headed-Household
Yasser Rezapour Mirsaleh Mohse Fallah Mostafa Saberi -
Open Access Article
998 - Coping Skills with Mental Health of Women's Teacher's
ناصر Amini Mohammad SHikhiyaei زهرا Fakori -
Open Access Article
999 - The Effectiveness of Self-Encouragement on Promotion of Assertiveness Skills and General Self-Efficacy of Household- Headed Females
m. صفاری نیا a. مهمان نوازن -
Open Access Article
1000 - An Investigation in to the Detection of Rate Citizenship Skills in Third Grade student Girls Secondary School
A. GH M. صالحی S. M.J -
Open Access Article
1001 - Comparing Social Health, Decision-Making, Communication Skills and Self-Esteem between Working Women and Housewives in Yazd
mahnaz Farahmand khadijeh Khatami Sarvi raziye Mohammadhasani -
Open Access Article
1002 - Presentation a model for standard education in Tehran's vocational schools in terms of skills training
eisa darvishpour afsaneh saber garekani Maryam Mosleh Leila Sharifian -
Open Access Article
1003 - Designing and validation of critical thinking model and its effectiveness on cooperative learning in Students of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
فاطمه Ahmadbeigi GH Ahghar Mohsen Iimani naeini -
Open Access Article
1004 - The Weighted Impact of Impression Management Dimensions to Organizational Influence and Political Skills: Evidence from Islamic Azad University Branches in Ardabil Province.
محمد feizi -
Open Access Article
1005 - Extraction the components of administrators soft skills by exploratory mixed method (Design of measurement tool)
ali khaleghkhah habibeh najafi -
Open Access Article
1006 - Comparing Correlation between Various Educational Branches & Internet Skills & teachers' Professional Components
Gh.A Fakhari Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
1007 - Assessment of Predictability level of teachers Job stress based on Organizational health and communication skills compenents
حمدالله Habibi امین Homayeni Damirchi مصطفی Bagherianfar سمیه Nouri -
Open Access Article
1008 - Compare social and self-learning skills between traditional and smart schools in high school students
مریم Ghanaatpishe مسلم Salehi -
Open Access Article
1009 - Identifying curriculum components based on increasing environmental literacy of first grade high school students in Varamin city
afsaneh saber karegani ALIREZA TAJIK alaeddin etemad ahari -
Open Access Article
1010 - Comparision Of Communication Skills And Teachers Sense Of Efficacy Among Mentally Retarded And Regular Schools
مریم Shahpar مجید Barzegar عباداله Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
1011 - Presenting a Conceptual Framework for instituting a manager merit selection of Bank Melli Iran
Majid ghobadi Rashid Zolfaghari Zaafarani Mahdi Kalantari -
Open Access Article
1012 - Designing and validating the optimal curriculum model of Farhangian University on instructional skills based on Akker’s curriculum model
hojjat eftekhari saiyed abdolvahab samavi hossin zinalipour -
Open Access Article
1013 - The effect of anthem and music art class on academic achievement and social skills of female elementary school students in Tehran
Fateme Naseri Morteza Samiei Zafarghandi Maryam Safarnavadeh -
Open Access Article
1014 - Presenting the educational policy model of skill enhancement in elementary schools (case study: elementary schools inTehran
zahra alsadat hosseini zavarei Fatemeh Hamidifar abbas khorshidi LOTFOLLAH ABBASI -
Open Access Article
1015 - investigating the effect of self-directed on personal knowledge management of school managers
مختار Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
1016 - The Compare of Educational Democracy, Citizenship Skills and Academic Burnout among public and private schools of Shiraz City
Abbas Gholtash رسول قانونی -
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1017 - Mediating role of using information and communication technology in teaching in relation to problem solving skills and academic performance
somayeh samimi Batool Rahimi mahdi namdari pzhman -
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1018 - The Synthesis of the Components of the Fourth-Generation University
Nasrin Eidi Mohammad Nourian Jamshid Moghadasi -
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1019 - The Relationship between Emotional Management and Communication Skills with Academic Procrastination among High school students
Narges Borzabadi Farahani Susan Emamipur Mozhgan Sepahmansour -
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1020 - Developing and Presenting a Model for Social Skills Teaching Sixth Elementary Students by Scenario Writing Method
jafar jahani mohammadsadegh besharat nia Ramatallah marzooghi Maryam Shafiei Sarvestani Maasoumeh Mohtaram -
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1021 - Effectiveness of life skills training in workplace on job burnout & happiness
aida etemadi alireza heidari gholamreza pasha saeed bakhtiarpoor behnam makvandi -
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1022 - The Role of Scientific-Technology Literacy of Educational Leaders in Increasing the Components of Soft Skill
Ali Khalegkhah habibeh najafi -
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1023 - Providing a Model for Promoting Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) in Teachers: an Applied Research, Grounded Theory Approach
parivash mohammadighshlagh Mir Mohammad Seyed Abbaszadeh -
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1024 - Relationship between managerial skills, job attitude, and basic knowledge and information with Principals Performance Based on the accountability to Environmental Needs with the Mediating Role of Ethical Commitment and Collective Effectiveness
akbar kazemi maryam sameri javad kayhan -
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1025 - Identifying the Dimensions of Instructional Leadership Skills: A Mixed methode study
Hamed Ranjbar Nader Soleimani Hamid Shafizadeh -
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1026 - Designing the Effectiveness Model of Education Managers in Lorestan Province (Case Study: Secondary School Managers)
Mehrdad Alipanah ebrahem pourhosseni Hossein Mehrdad -
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1027 - Developing and Validating of the Time management Skills in the First Secondary School
Ramatallah marzooghi zahra Firoozi Jafar Jahani Abdual aziz aflak sair -
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1028 - Provide a model for managing the implementation of life skills training for elementary students
ali Jabbari Mehdi Shariatmadari yalda delgoshaei Fereshteh Kordestani -
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1029 - The mediating role of social skills in the relationship between the development of moral judgement and responsibility of secondary high school students in Shiraz
Masoud Moazeni hojjatollah fani -
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1030 - Meta-analysis of factors affecting soft skills Human resources in the organization
habibeh najafi Mehran Rahmanabadi seyed Abbas seyed Alavi zarrintaj dashtban fardin teimorzadeh -
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1031 - The Effect of Train with Tactical Game Model on Cognitive and Motor skills
Rezvan Rezvaniasl Mehdi Namazizadeh Mohammad Kazem Vaez Mousavi -
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1032 - Explaining the Relationship between Managers Quantum Skills and Policy with Improvement of Decision - making System at the University of Mazandaran Province
mohammad tabarniarami farshideh zameni Saeid Safarian Hamedani -
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1033 - Designing the Model of Communicative Language Teaching Approach in Teaching English for improving English skills
Shahrzad Khosravinezhad Effat Piri -
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1034 - Integrating Critical Thinking Skills in Teaching Reading Comprehension to Iranian Medical Students
Zahra Shahsavar Sepideh Nourinezhad -
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1035 - An Investigation into Female and Male Students' LifeSkills Rates in three Branches of Secondary Education
ناصر Abaszadeh Fatemeh Yurdkhani -
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1036 - The Impact of Internet Information Literacy Training on University Student’s Problem Solving Skills
اعظم Rastgo عزت الله Naderi علی Shariatmadari مریم Sifnaraghi -
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1037 - Comparing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills Use and Priority from the Viewpoint of Middle School Teachers of Science, Mathematics, Arabic and Literature
A. Shariatmadari مریم Sif Naraghi E. Naderi زهرا Taleb -
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1038 - A Study of Metacognitive Strategies Use in Students’ Experience and its Relationship with Academic Achievement
یحیی Safari صدیقه Mohamad jani -
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1039 - Relationship between Communication Skills and Conflict Resolution Management Strategies among Secondary School Principals
F. واصفیان M. KH -
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1040 - Studying the Role of Students' Academic Motivation and Computer Skills in Their Attitudes toward Blended Learning Approach
A.K عجم H. جعفری ثانی B. مهرام M. آهنچیان -
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1041 - The Effect of Communication Skills Training on Job-related Stress of the Experts
S.A Kazemi حجت اله Javidi محبوبه Aram -
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1042 - An Investigation into the Impact of Cooperative Learningon the Development of Social skills of Elementary School
ریحانه Fahami محسن Ezati -
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1043 - The Relation between Managers’ Skills and Human Resources Performance Assessment in Different Management Levels
صغری Nikaein M. Taabodi مهدی Vare -
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1044 - An Evaluation of the Efficiency of the In-service TrainingOffered by the Human Resources Study Department in
حسین Hatami -
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1045 - The Relationship between Social Intelligence with Entrepreneurship Skills and Creativity among Technical High School Students in Shiraz
z. طباطبایی a. اوجی نژاد a. gh -
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1046 - Investigating students' experiences from teaching based on developing critical thinking
علی محمد Seiahi Atabaki نرگس Keshtiaray M,H Yarmohammadian -
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1047 - A Study of the Relationship of Skills and Abilities to Managerial Roles
B. Esmaeili H. Hosseini -
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1048 - A Study of the Effect of Communication Skills Training on the Female Students’ Self-efficacy and Achievement
M.S احمدی H. حاتمی H. احدی H. اسدزاده -
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1049 - Effect of Group Career Counseling Based Kromboltz's Learning Model on Self -Efficacy, Career Dysfunctional Beliefs and Skills Confidence among High School First Graders
D. Jalali A. Aghaei f. Nazari -
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1050 - A Study of the Relationship between the Managers’ TriadSkills (Technical, Human and Cognitive) and Effectiveness
عباداله Ahmadi حکیمه Dostmohamadlo -
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1051 - The impact of Reflective Thinking Education on Students’ Metacognitive Skills
E. کاظم پور M. باباپور واجاری S.M عصایی -
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1052 - On the status of Job Empowerment Skills in the High School Vocational Curriculum for the Trainable Mentally-retarded Students in Iran
معصومه السادات Abtahi -
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1053 - An Investigation into the Performance Evaluation Indicators of School Principals from the Point of View of Principals and Teachers in Esfahan
A. بهرامی GH. احمدی Z. سعادتمند Z. عباسی -
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1054 - On the Relationship between the Main Components oLearning and Study Strategies (LASS) and Academic
محمد Salehi ترانه Enayati -
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1055 - A Survey of comparative and performance of educational groups managers in the view point of (Technical, Humanity, Perceptional) Shiraz azad university in the year 1390-91
N. KH A. طاهری M. جمال زاده -
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1056 - An Evaluation of the Creativity-oriented Learning Activities Model
A.H. Mohammad Davodi M. Moghemi -
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1057 - The Mediating Self-Efficacy Role in the Relationship between Students' Problem-Solving Skill and Cultural Intelligence
fatemeh Mahzoonzadeh Boushehri -
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1058 - Assessment of Mixed Tin-Lead Perovskite as the Absorber Material for Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Broadband Photodetector
Kosar Jafarizade Zahra Hosseini Hossein Amanati Manbar -
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1059 - Investigation of the Effect of Band Offset and Mobility of Organic/Inorganic HTM Layers on the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
davood jalalian Abbas Ghadimi Azadeh Kiani Sarkaleh -
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1060 - Performance Investigation of a Perovskite Solar Cell with TiO2 and One Dimensional ZnO Nanorods as Electron Transport Layers
Shahram Rafiee Rafat Zahra Ahangari Mohammad Mahdi Ahadian -
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1061 - Light management in Perovskite Solar Cells using multiple Gratings
Masood Jabbari Seyed Mohsen Mohebbi Nodez Ghahraman Solookinejad -
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1062 - Ab-initio LSDA Study of the Electronic States of Nano Scale Layered LaCoO3/Mn Compound: Hubbard Parameter Optimization
S. Javad Mousavi -
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1063 - A simulation study around investigating the effect of polymers on the structure and performance of a perovskite solar cell
Seyyed Reza Hosseini Mahsa Bahramgour Nagihan Delibas Aligholi Niaei -
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1064 - On the Relationship between Digital Literacy and Dynamic Assessment of Educational strategies
Mohammad Raza Raeisi Davood Mashhadi Heidar Mohammad Reza khodareza -
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1065 - Prediction of Professional Skills of Primary School Teachers Based on Social Responsibility and Creativity
Elahe Tayer -
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1066 - Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching prerequisite math skills on physics scores of 11th grade female students
Reza Toushmalani Jafar Asadpour -
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1067 - Exploring Digital Empowerment of Teachers in Virtual Education: A Systematic Review
s m soghra afkaneh mehdi kalantari -
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1068 - Effects of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Through the Listen English Daily Practice App on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension and Self-Efficacy
Fatemeh Sadat Zohouri Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi Seyyed Morteza Hashemi Toroujeni -
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1069 - The effectiveness of courage skill training on social competence and psychological well-being of abused women
Fatemeh Pooragha rodbadeh seyed omid sotodeh navrodi farideh Dokanehi Fard -
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1070 - Presenting the model of the relationship between managers' communication skills and productivity in football boards of Kerman province with the mediating role of cultural intelligence
reza tafazoli seyed rahman farizani gohari -
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1071 - The Effect of Teacher Scaffolding on EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability: Moderated by the Behavioral Inhibition/Activation Systems
Zhila Balegh Shima Ahmadi-Azad Mohammad Hossein Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1072 - Introduction: Education is a fundamental pillar in national systems. In developed countries, schools vary in diversity and educational objectives, but what stands out in our beloved country is the reliance on traditional education systems that, given the country's progress and people's demands, no longer hold the same educational appeal. Skill-based schools are those that focus on educating students based on their abilities and skills. The main purpose of the research is to explain the principles and conceptual framework of the design of skill-oriented educational and training spaces. The research method is considered in terms of purpose, application, and mixed research method, from the nature of exploratory-survey-correlation data and from the perspective of inductive reasoning. which has been done with two qualitative statistical communities using the foundation data method and a quantitative community using the structural equation method. The sample size was 15 experts who were selected with a purposeful method and according to the principle of theoretical saturation. The data collection tool is a semi-structured interview. After open and central coding, it was determined that the dimensions and categories of the arena are organization and diversity, social space, comfort and culture according to the theoretical and practical bases, the relationships between the drawn identification categories and the native skill-based model have finally been drawn in 4 main axes, 9 sub-categories and 56 measures have been determined based on statistical analysis for a quantitative . Methodology: This study is applied in terms of purpose, utilizing a mixed research method. The nature of the data is exploratory, correlational, and deductive in the category of inductive research. The qualitative aspect of the research was conducted using grounded theory, while the quantitative aspect employed structural equation modeling. The statistical population consisted of 15 experts selected purposively following theoretical saturation principles. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews. Results: After coding and thematic analysis, the main dimensions and topics discussed in this research include the field, organization and diversity, social environment, security and culture. Analytical software such as LIRZAL and SPSS will be used. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the skill-based school model can be a suitable solution for improving the quality of the educational system.
fatemeh ebrahimi avide talaei Farah Habib -
Open Access Article
1073 - Portfolio Assessment-Led Engagement, Study and Activation (ESA) Mechanism in Writing Class: Focus on Emotive Dimensions
Fatemeh Ranjbarvahed Gholam-Reza Abbasian Bahram Mowlaie -
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1074 - Investigating EFL Teachers' Fulfillment of Interactional Requirements of L2 Classroom Modes and EFL Learners’ Interaction
Meraj Talebi Amir Marzban Babak Mahdavi -
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1075 - The Relationship Between Changes in UV Levels and the Incidence of Skin Cancer from 2005 to 2014 (Case Study : Different Cities of East Azerbaijan Province)
Dr. Maryam Bayati Khatibi ِDr. Hassan Taghipour Hajar Amirpour -
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1076 - Investigating the relationship between socialization and social development with the mediating role of communication skills in high school students
صادق حکمتیان فرد -
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1077 - Modeling Skin Tissue Scattering using the Henyey-Greenstein Method: A Study of Skin Conditions
Maliheh Ranjbaran Shadi Zokab Zahra Farsi -
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1078 - Investigating the effect of using specialized software on promotion of modeling skills and creativity of students in the course of preliminary architectural design (3)
babak motiei abbas Sedaghati Arash Mohammadi Fallah -
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1079 - The Effect of Collaborative Learning Through a Social Network to Enhance the Writing Skills of Iranian EFL Learners
Hossein Isaee حامد برجسته -
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1080 - Designing and Validating a Model of Reflective Skills of Iranian Effective Teachers
Elham Kargar Jahromie Shahram Afraz farhad fahandezh -
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1081 - Investigating the effective methods of teaching physical education skills-workshops in the era of Corona
Hamidreza Jalili Ali Ghanbari Hamid khaje bayati -
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1082 - The effectiveness of metacognitive skills training on Students' cognitive and emotional flexibility
بهزاد رسول زاده Shafieh Aghaeidoust -
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1083 - Identifying the components of organizational hypocrisy in government organizations studied by the General Directorate of Education of Khorasan Razavi
soheil pourabas khader vahid mirzaei Hamed Khorasani Toroghi -
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1084 - Examining and Comparing the Ability of School-based Curriculum Planning of Managers, Deputies and Elementary Teachers in Bardsir City (A case study)
Zahra Zeinaddiny Meymand -
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1085 - Examining The Impact Of Educational Space Design On The Development Of Cognitive And Communication Skills Of Primary School Boys In Shiraz City With An Emphasis On Culture And Social Issues
Hakim Sandar Hesamaddin Sotoudeh Bagher Karimi Emad Yousefi -
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1086 - The effect of using specialized software and manual drawing on the improvement of modeling skills and creativity of students in the course of preliminary architectural design (3)
Babak Motiei abbas Sedaghati Arash Mohammadi Fallah -
Open Access Article
1087 - The Effect of Well-developed Communication Skills between Supervisors and Teachers on English Teachers' Job Satisfaction
Davood Sepahi Shiva Marzoughi معصومه حسنی -
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1088 - The Impact of the Use of Social Networks, Source Control, and Academic Skills on the Academic Achievement of Students After COVID-19
Ali akbar Khoshgoftar Fatemeh Mohajernia -
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1089 - Position jurisprudential asking for need from the holy figures and relationship with monotheism in worship
Roghayeh Shamsi yaghoub pourjamal -
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1090 - The Relationship Between Theory of Mind and Social Skills: The Mediated Role of Empathy and Emotion Regulation in Primary School Children
Mina Sangnour pour zeynab khanjani تورج هاشمی